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Secret Liaisons

Page 17

by Shelia M. Goss

  Mona let go of Justin. “Justin this is Terrance. Terrance this is my older brother.”

  “Her only brother.” Justin shook Terrance’s hand.

  “Come on. Everybody’s waiting on you.” Justin held the door wide open.

  They were greeted by Justin’s family first. “This is Demetria, my wife.”

  Terrance shook her hand.

  Terrance followed Mona as she greeted each family member. She introduced him while they walked through the house. He spoke to Mona’s father. Mona grabbed his hand. “I want you to meet my sister. She’s in the kitchen with mom.”

  “Danielle, this is Terrance. The new love of my life,” Mona said, after they hugged each other.

  Danielle looked at Terrance. “Not bad. Not bad at all. Welcome to the family. You are marrying my sister aren’t you?”

  “Danielle. Our plans are none of your business,” Mona said.

  “I’m only trying to find out his intentions. It’s the job of the older sister.”

  Mona looked at Terrance. “You don’t have to answer her question. My dad’s in the living room. Give me a little time to talk with Danielle and I’ll meet you in there shortly.”

  Terrance could sense the tension between the sisters and exited the kitchen as quickly as he could.

  He went to the living room and took a seat on the opposite end of the couch from Justin.

  “I knew you would be back,” Mona’s dad said from his recliner next to the couch.

  Justin laughed. “I did too. You see where I am. Right here with pops, chilling. But let me warn you. Since they’re doing the cooking, we will have kitchen duty. I got them this time. I bought some paper plates.”

  They all laughed.

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  Mona waited for their mother to leave the room before confronting Danielle.

  “I glanced at your phone when you left and saw you’d been texting Garrett.”

  “How dare you invade my privacy?” Danielle frowned.

  “You left your phone on the counter. It was vibrating. If I hadn’t caught it, it would have fallen on the floor and broke,” Mona snapped.

  “Just because things didn’t work out with you and Garrett doesn’t mean him and I can’t be friends.” Danielle placed her phone on the table.

  “I could care less about your friendship. But when it comes to me and what I got going on, you have no business discussing it. Why are you telling him I’m in Dallas?”

  “He’s been whining. I wanted him to know you’re serious about this guy so he can move on with his life.”

  Mona crossed her arms. “Instead of being all in my business, I suggest you handle your own. Where’s your husband?”

  Danielle stuttered. “He’s somewhere. I don’t know. He’ll be here.”

  “It’s after six and he’s not here.” Mona didn’t mean to go there with her but she was tired of Danielle interfering. Her life was fine without Garrett.

  “Look. Like I told you over the phone. Once Garrett shared with me what happened nine years ago, I felt you deserved to know. I remember how depressed you were. I just wanted to give you the closure I never got when Scotty broke my heart.”

  Danielle started crying. Mona remembered how Scotty left Danielle at the altar without an explanation. Mona walked around the counter dividing them and placed her arm around Danielle. “Scotty was a jerk. But the man you got now is a good one. You have to stop being verbally abusive to him. If you don’t, he’s going to find solace somewhere else and you don’t want that do you?”

  “No. I don’t. I love Kevin. He’s been good to me and he’s a great father,” Danielle confessed. She wiped the tears from her face with a paper towel.

  “And please stop telling Garrett my business. Because what I’m sure he hasn’t told you is that until recently, he’s been a borderline stalker.”

  Mona shared with Danielle everything that occurred since being back in contact with Garrett. “So as you can see, I’ve been clear to him about how I feel. I hate our relationship ended based on a lie created by his mom, but I’m happy.”

  “I know you. You’ve always wanted to be married but from what I read about Terrance, he’s not the commitment type.”

  “I want you to get to know Terrance while we’re here. You’ll see for yourself. He’s nothing like you read about online. In Hollywood you have to put out an image.”

  “Be careful. I don’t want to see you get hurt again.”

  “I have to thank an online friend because if it hadn’t been for him I wouldn’t be able to see that my perfect match wasn’t on the computer, but I’d been working with the perfect man for me all along.”

  Their mother entered the kitchen interrupting their conversation. “Can you ladies help me take these dishes to the table?”

  “Sure,” they said in unison.

  “Glad to see you both can agree to something. You’re sisters. I don’t want to ever hear of you going more than a day being angry with one another.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Mona carried a casserole dish of homemade macaroni and cheese and followed behind her to the dining room.

  After they filled the table with the food, Danielle gathered everyone into the dining room. Mona’s dad said grace and they were seated. Danielle and Demetria fixed the children’s plates first. A smaller table stood nearby. Once the kids were seated and began to eat, the adults sat around the larger dining room table.

  Mona and Terrance sat next to each other. Mona smiled. She noticed Terrance was getting along with her father and brother. She could tell from the friendly conversation they were having.

  Everyone filled their plates with food. Terrance made himself at home. Her mom smiled when she saw Terrance go for seconds.

  The doorbell rang.

  Justin stopped eating. “I’ll get it.”

  A few minutes later, he returned. Danielle jumped out of her seat. “Baby, you made it.”

  Kevin said, “I told you I was coming as soon as I got off work.”

  “I thought. Never mind. Go wash your hands and I’ll make you a plate.”

  “I can fix my own plate,” Kevin said.

  “No. You’ve been working hard. I got this.”

  Kevin smiled. “I’ll be back. You know what I like. Pile it on.”

  Mona caught Danielle’s eye. Mona winked at her and gave her the thumbs up signal.

  When Kevin returned, Danielle introduced him to Terrance. The rest of the dinner went by with casual conversation. Afterwards, the men cleaned and the women went to the living room to relax. Mona sat back in the recliner and closed her eyes. Life right now was good.

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  Terrance gently shook Mona. They’d arrived back in Los Angeles on the red-eye. She was still sleepy and slept for the hour and half it took to get from the airport back to his place. He smiled remembering the nice weekend he enjoyed with her family. He adored her dad and bonded with her brother. He wished their trip could have been longer.

  Mona yawned and stretched when she woke. “Baby, I’m sorry I fell asleep on you.”

  “I would have let you sleep but I don’t think I have the energy to carry you and the bags inside.”

  Mona looked at the clock dashboard. “It’s only four in the morning here. I’m going back to sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.”

  Less than fifteen minutes later, Mona had done just that. She’d discarded her clothes, got under the covers and Terrance heard her snoring. Terrance placed their bags in the closet, undressed and got in the bed beside her.

  The alarm clock woke them both out of their sound sleep. Neither moved to hit the snooze so the buzz got louder and louder.

  Terrance reached over Mona and hit the snooze button.

  “Can’t we play hooky today?” Mona asked.

  “I wish. I go
t a meeting with the executives. Correction, we got a meeting.”

  Mona blinked her eyes a few times. “I’m awake. I didn’t know I needed to be in this meeting.”

  “You’re my head writer and my co-producer. Your role has officially changed so get ready.” Terrance sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m going to take my shower first and that’ll give you a little time to get yourself together.”

  Two hours later, Terrance and Mona were seated in a conference room at the network with some of the supporting team members Terrance had hired. After the network representative finished welcoming them to the company, Terrance stood in front and officially introduced everyone.

  People cheered when Terrance introduced Mona as the head writer. “Without her idea, we wouldn’t all be sitting here,” Terrance said.

  Mona smiled in appreciation while getting his laptop connected to the projector so he could go over the timelines with the team.

  “It’s ready,” Mona said.

  Terrance hit the button on the screen and his presentation began to show. He went over everyone’s responsibilities and expectations for the new series. “Please make sure I have all of your updated contact information. Mona will be emailing the schedule out by the end of this week. Are there any questions or comments?”

  Terrance scanned the room and made sure to make eye contact with each person. No one had anything else to add. People with information changes filled out the form and passed it to Mona. The meeting adjourned. Some lingered around to talk with one another. Charles, one of the network executives, walked to Terrance and Mona. “I’m excited. You two make a great team.”

  Terrance looked at Mona. “We do, don’t we?”

  Charles shook Terrance’s hand and walked out of the room. Mona turned off the laptop and placed it in the carrying case. “I’m ready when you are. I have a lot of work to do,” Mona stated.

  “I got the bag.” Terrance took the handle from Mona. Their hands touched. He wanted to kiss her but knew it would be unprofessional to do so.

  The moment they were in the car, Terrance said, “I need an energy booster.”

  “We can stop at the convenience store that’s about two blocks from here.”

  “No, you don’t understand.” Without saying another word Terrance unbuckled his seatbelt, leaned over and kissed Mona.

  The kiss was so intense Mona seemed in a daze when he stopped and fell back in his seat.

  “Ooh. Now that was a kiss.” Mona licked her lips and smiled.

  Terrance drove towards the office. He tuned in to a jazz station and used the same hand to hold Mona’s. They rode in silence just enjoying each other’s company.

  Jerricka, the new assistant, met them in the parking lot.

  “I hope you got my text before driving over,” Mona said.

  “I was already on the way so I just went to the coffee shop and did some work on my thesis until I got your last text informing me you were on your way,” Jerricka responded.

  “Good. Mona will get you a copy of the office key so if one of us is not here, you’ll be able to open the doors,” Terrance assured her, as they all walked inside.

  “And for your safety, I would suggest if you’re by yourself to keep the door locked,” Mona added.

  Terrance headed to his office and left Mona alone with Jerricka to show her what all she needed to do.

  The office phone rang. Jerricka’s voice came over the intercom. “Mr. Beckham, your mom is on the line.”

  Terrance lifted the receiver. “Hi, mom. I was going to call you.”

  “It’s Mona isn’t it? She’s keeping you so busy that you don’t have time for me,” his mother blurted out.

  “Mom, I’m getting tired of you taking jabs at Mona. If I don’t call you, it’s because I didn’t have time to call,” Terrance said, sounding annoyed.

  “I’m sorry, you don’t have to be so harsh.”

  “I’m not trying to sound harsh. I just want you to ease up off Mona.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “We shall see. Look, I got to go. Was there anything else?” Terrance leaned back in his chair.

  “No. Just wanted to hear my baby’s voice.”

  “Your baby is fine. I promise. I’ll call you later.” Terrance ended the call.

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  Mona’s new protégé seemed to be working out well. Mona felt comfortable enough for Jerricka to handle things on her own. Mona moved the last of her stuff to her new office.

  “I have a special delivery.” Terrance walked in the room and handed Mona an envelope.

  Mona opened it and saw a check written out for five figures. Her eyes blinked. “Oh my. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Baby, there will be plenty more of those.”

  Mona wrapped her arm around Terrance’s neck. “Thank you for making my dream come true. Because of you, I can add screenwriter to my résumé.”

  “I’m glad you trusted me with your baby. “ Terrance kissed her lightly and then used his tongue to gain entry into her mouth.

  The sound of Jerricka clearing her throat behind them broke their embrace.

  Mona bit her bottom lip. Terrance wiped the lipstick off his lips.

  Jerricka said, “Sorry to interrupt. Mr. Beckham, the person you’ve been waiting on to call is on the phone.”

  “Thank you Jerricka. And for the umpteenth time, call me Terrance. Mr. Beckham was my father.”

  Terrance left Mona and Jerricka to go answer his call.

  Mona faced Jerricka. “I’m sure catching Terrance and me kissing isn’t a big surprise.”

  Jerricka smiled. “I knew something was going on. Especially when I saw all of the flowers with the notes laying around with his name signed to them.”

  Mona blushed. “He’s such a romantic.”

  “I want what you two have one day.” Jerricka looked starry-eyed.

  “Being with Terrance isn’t all easy and I’ll bet you he’ll say the same about me.” Mona laughed. “Come. I need you to do something for me.”

  Mona led Jerricka out of her office. She got the stack of papers off the printer and handed it to Jerricka. “I’ll print the envelopes for you. Match the name on the letter with the name on the envelope. When you finish, drop them off to the mailroom down the hall.”

  “I remember where it is,” Jerricka said.

  “Great. Give me a minute and you should be able to get the envelopes off the printer. I need to run to the bank. If Terrance asks you where I am, that’s where I’ll be,” Mona said.

  Mona printed off the envelopes for Jerricka right before leaving the office. Mona usually used the drive-thru window when handling her bank business but today, with the size of her check, she decided to park and go inside.

  The palms of her hands were sweaty as she filled out the deposit slip. She double-checked the account number she’d written down to make sure she hadn’t made a mistake. She didn’t want all of her money going into the wrong account.

  She handed the bank teller the check. The bank teller’s eyes widened when she saw the amount. “Ms. Johnson, if there’s anything else you need me to do, let me know.”

  “Depositing the check is all I need right now.”

  “Any special plans?” the teller asked as she handled the transaction.

  “None at the moment.” Mona tapped her foot. She didn’t have time for small talk. She needed to revise a script so she could email it to her new writing team.

  The teller handed Mona the deposit slip. Mona’s smile widened when she noticed her healthy bank account.

  “When will the funds be available?” Mona asked.

  “We released a thousand to you today but the rest should clear within the next two to three business days.”

  “Thank you. Have a good day,” Mona told the teller as she practica
lly skipped out of the bank with joy.

  Before pulling out of the parking lot, Mona sent Charlotte and Kem a text message asking them both to meet her at the bar to treat them for a few drinks. She wanted to celebrate with her two best friends.

  Jerricka wasn’t in the office. She saw the note where she’d left to go take the mail. Mona smiled and went to Terrence’s office.

  Terrance stared at her. “Jerricka told me you’d gone to the bank.”

  “Yes. Next stop will be me looking for a bigger place. I’m just waiting on the check to clear.”

  “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your living situation. Why don’t you move in with me?”

  Mona thought about it. She did spend a lot of time with Terrance at his place. “Let me think about it.”

  Terrance batted his eyes. “Pleaseee. I’ll make space for you in my closet. You can redecorate if you want. Tell me what I need to do to convince you to move in and I’ll do it.”

  Mona raised her hand and twisted it from side to side and sang the chorus of Beyonce’s popular song, “Put a Ring On It.”

  “I have no problems doing that. Just give me a little time.”

  Mona stopped doing her little hand dance. She was kidding but Terrance wasn’t.

  Chapter Fifty-Five

  Terrance left the office and went straight to a local jeweler his family liked to use. Mona didn’t think he was serious about marriage but he needed her to realize the depths of his love for her. He loved her more than any other woman he’d ever met. She completed him. She complimented him in all areas. He would be a fool to let her slip through his hands. He wanted to hold her every night, not just random nights. He wanted to make sure she was safe and secure and would do whatever it took to get her to understand that by his side is where she belonged. If putting a ring on it would convince her to move in with him, then so be it.

  Terrance described to the jeweler his idea of a perfect ring. The jeweler returned and showed him several. Terrance wasn’t expecting to hear two recognizable voices walk in.


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