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Crazy Love

Page 11

by Rachael Tamayo

  I look up into his eyes with heaviness in my chest. “Thanks.”

  He considers me for a moment, and then joins me on the bed. Taking my hand, our fingers lace together. His hands are hot.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  His thumb caresses the back of my hand. “I don’t know. Just thinking about everything. I do not want to sell my house. I don’t want to be scared.”

  “It’s okay to be scared, and no one said you have to sell your house.”

  I inhale, exhale.

  “How can I walk around in that house after seeing what’s on that camera?”

  “The same way I’m sitting here instead of driving to Noah’s house and shooting him on sight. We do what we must. You can just rent the house until you are ready to move on.”

  I glance up at him. Kind eyes, inviting lips. “You think so? Rent it out?”

  “Yeah, why not? We can store your stuff. That way it’s not permanent. I don’t want you to make a big decision like that based on pure emotion. There is too much going on right now for you to make a choice like that. This way you have some time to breathe.”

  “I’ve been looking over my shoulder all afternoon. I feel like I’m being watched now. Do you think that will fade?”

  Leaning in, he kisses my forehead and then touches his forehead to the place he kissed.

  “Someday it will. You know I love you.”

  His words still my heart and calm by breathing. I love him too, so much, so fast. I never knew that it could hit me this way. He’s like a tidal wave that engulfed me, and I’m floating on the currents of his sweet kisses.

  “I love you, too.”

  After a moment, he speaks again. “I’m going to make it a point to be around when you get off work for a while. Sitting close by when you head home. Make sure you are checking your car before you get into it. Under, front seat, back seat. Storage, all that stuff. It’s okay to be overly cautious and a little paranoid in a situation like this.”

  “I will. Have you talked to anyone at work about all this?”

  “Just the patrol officer that took the initial report. I showed him the tapes and he said he’d make sure it gets assigned to a detective ASAP. They will be calling you. I never did talk to my sergeant and ask her how she knows him. It’s best that we let the evidence do the talking and not push them towards him. It just makes us look bad when we do that. Unfortunately, he is excessively smart and resourceful and isn’t leaving behind much. I can’t believe that he left that camera.”

  Standing up, he grabs both my hands and pulls me to my feet.

  “Come on, baby. Let’s go have pizza and beer and watch some TV.”

  I smile at him. He grins back, tugging me along as I drag my feet



  Pacing my living room, the bamboo floor is cold under my bare feet as I chew on my nails. I can’t believe I screwed up. The camera was gone. I went back for it today, and it was gone. Someone found it. I have copies of the footage, so I know that I’m not recognizable, but damn it.

  I wonder if it was Emily or that stupid cop. And the flowers I sent to her today, they were sent back. The company told me that there was an officer in uniform that turned the delivery away. She never got the check that I stashed in the bouquet, to replace all her things and pay for the damage to her house.

  I’ll have to resort to something else. I walk down the hallway and open my bedroom door. The picture I have of Emily smiles at me from the frame beside my bed, I walk past it. Opening my closet, I walk inside and look at the side of the closet where I’ve hung up all the clothes I bought her. The drawers of lacey under things, boxes and boxes of shoes.

  Time to pack all this up. I can’t wait anymore; things are spiraling out of my control. It’s time to either get the cop out of the way, or push forward with my plan. The house I’ve prepared is ready, I’ve just been dealing with all these obstacles. No more waiting.

  I run my hand over dress after dress as it hangs, knowing that soon they will be as close to her skin as I will be. I’ll have these packed up. I pause on my favorite. White silk backless, with thin straps and a plunging neckline. I set it aside. Opening a drawer, I choose a barely there pair of white, lace panties to go with it, shoes and accessories are next.

  My pulse rate picks up, my breathing quickens as I imagine her slipping into this dress. The way it would hug her hips, reveal just enough of her breasts for me to admire. She’s going to look so sexy.

  I place these on my bed. This is the one I want her to wear for me when I move her to the place I have prepared for us. I’ll handle this dress myself. I message my assistant about the rest. She will take care of them for me.

  We are going to be so happy together.

  After I place my favorite in a white dress box, along with the panties and jewelry, I take it and the shoes and put them back in the closet, away from the rest.

  Glancing at my watch, I get into my black Corvette and pull out of my garage, careful to close the gate behind me. It’s close to eleven.

  The drive from my house to Isaiah’s isn’t long, but finding a place to park my car out of sight proves more difficult. I need to be able to sit in it to watch for him to leave, but be out of sight at the same time. I’ve been here every night since I found out where he lives, hoping that he will get called away so that I can go in and see my Emily.

  I find a spot around the corner, pulling in backwards. Grateful for my heavily tinted windows, I watch the cop’s car, hoping that he is called out to work tonight. It’s a shame that the window to his apartment is closed, I miss her.

  She must miss me too. I wonder why she didn’t call me today.

  Picking up my phone, I dial her for the tenth time today. Still straight to voice mail.

  “Hi Emily, I’m getting worried about you. I haven’t heard from you, or seen you, in a while. Please call me so I know that you are okay.”

  I leave the message, one of many. She hasn’t responded. I know she’s home, with him. My gut churns. He’s looking at her, touching her. Kissing lips that are mine. Emily is using his shower and sharing his bed, laughing at him.

  I grit my teeth as the light in the window of their apartment goes out, the bedroom light goes on. She can’t want this, him. This isn’t her.

  There must be a reason she’s here with him. Maybe she’s afraid. Maybe she needs me to save her. My heart starts to pound as I realize that she might be there against her will.

  This explains everything. The reason she won’t answer my calls, the reason she moved out. Maybe he told her to tell me that I scared her. He already threatened me.

  Maybe it’s not a test at all. What if she needs me to rescue her?

  I look at my watch, it’s already midnight. Too late for a call to Julie. I’ll speak to her first thing in the morning.

  Emily will be so grateful when we are finally together. I slip into one of my fantasies as I sit, watching the window until the light blinks out. I imagine Emily smiling at me, gushing over the white dress, teasing me with sultry glances as I tell her how she looks. She would invite me to dance with her, slipping the dress off her shoulders after a while. I can hear her voice in my ear, asking me to take her.

  I sit in the parking lot until I can’t hold my eyes open for another moment before I finally give in and go home.

  I slip into my bed, my eyes on her picture as my lids close. Tomorrow I’ll talk to the police and give Emily the chance she needs to get away, so she can be with me.

  I know she wants me. When she said my name on the phone, I felt it in her voice. She’s just too shy to tell me.



  Looking into her eyes is what keeps me sane. I really do want to load my gun and drive over to that bastard’s house and end this right this minute. I haven’t ever felt anger like this before.

  I’m damn near helpless. All I can do is try to keep this all within the confines of the law, and hope that it’s enough
to stop it, eventually. There are stalking laws on the books now, but they are damn near impossible to prove. And good luck getting the District Attorney to press charges even if you do think you have enough evidence to move forward.

  Emily sits cross legged on the couch sipping on a cup of coffee when I tell her that I’m going to take a shower. She smiles at me, telling me that she will meet me in bed when the show is over.

  In the bathroom, I step into the steaming hot shower. Images of the video on that camera roll through my head for the millionth time today. I sure as hell didn’t want to show it to that patrol officer, one of my co-workers. She’s my girl. I don’t want anyone to see her like this, ever. Now if this ends up in court, those tapes might be played in front of a court full of people.

  I didn’t mention this to her. She wouldn’t have let me submit the camera into evidence if I did. She doesn’t need that little tidbit of information to stress her out now.

  I rinse off, grabbing the towel hanging over the door and running it through my hair before I dry my skin.

  All this bullshit, it’s pulling my head away from where I really want to be. I waited for so long to find someone like her. She captured me with one look that day we met, and I can’t even enjoy it the way I want to because of this lunatic.

  I wrap the towel around my hips and walk out of the bathroom, flipping off the light. The living room is dark, but I check the lock on the front door. I look out the window for anything that doesn’t belong. I check the front closets, hall closet and every other place I can think of before I open my bedroom door.

  Emily is sitting on my bed wearing one of my police t shirts, cross legged, frowning at her phone. It’s the first time I’ve seen her help herself to one of my shirts, and it stops me cold. I smile, frozen in the doorway for a long moment before I move again.

  When I bounce down on the bed in front of her, she looks up at me with a smirk.

  “I have to change my phone number. I blocked him, but he keeps leaving me messages.”

  She shows me the phone. I scroll through about a dozen voicemail to text messages, scanning them.

  “I’ll take this with me to work tomorrow, they can pull all these off the phone. I’ll get you another one.” I toss the phone aside. I’m tired of talking about him.

  She must see it in my face, because she gives me a slow, knowing smile.

  “I know that look.”

  “I sure hope so. By now you should be pretty used to it.” I grin, leaning close to her.

  She giggles, a sound that I haven’t heard all day. I didn’t realize I was missing it until it touches my ears, sending my heart slamming against my ribcage.

  “You look hot in this shirt.” I pull her earlobe in between my teeth.

  She laughs, leaning into me as I fall on top of her. “Then why are you pulling it off of me.”

  I laugh, pushing the shirt up, trailing kisses around the waistband of red panties. Emily wiggles, threading her fingers into my hair as I drag my lips up her belly, lingering at breast exposed by the pushed up shirt. “You are so beautiful.” I growl the words and I trace my tongue around the curve of a plump breast arched into my face as her breathing hitches.

  The sounds she makes, the touch of her hand, the way she opens herself to me and looks at me. It all makes me dizzy. I could have her in my bed every moment of every day and never tire of her. Her red hair falls around my face when she shoves me onto my back, her legs wide around my hips.

  I grab her face in both hands, pushing my hips up into hers until she groans my name. Her back arches when I slide my hands down her body, her head falls back in a beautiful moan. I can’t take my eyes off her for a second, she has me mesmerized.

  Eventually, we fall apart in the bed, breathing heavy and smiling. Our eyes meet and she grins at me. I crawl over to her, and she welcomes me with open arms as I nestle myself into her shoulder. Her pulse beats against me, slowing down until I hear her yawn.

  “Isaiah, I love you.”

  I grin in the dark. “I love you back.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  The next morning I dress with precision. A new fire lit inside me at the thought of helping Emily escape the bounds of Detective Penrose. Surely, she’s there against her will.

  This is the only reasonable explanation.

  Standing in my closet, I smooth the black jacket before I button it over the crisp, black shirt and tie. My reflection smiles back at me, my black eyes alight with anticipation. Emily will be so grateful when she finds out that I did this for her.

  I open a bureau drawer and select one of a dozen watches. Carefully, I secure it to my wrist. It matches the cufflinks and the tie clip.

  I want to look my best, in case I see her later today.

  Satisfied with my appearance, I grab my wallet and my phone, and head out.

  The clerk at the desk smiles at me broadly when I approach her. Her eyes drift over my expensive suit and back up to my face with curiosity looming behind bright blue eyes.

  Once again, I have no trouble gaining access. I find Sergeant Julie Barton just outside her office, smiling. Her shiny brown hair is down, just long enough to graze her shoulders. She grins at me and invites me in with a wave of her arm.

  “Noah, what are you doing here today? I wasn’t expecting you.” She flops down in a worn, leather chair behind her cluttered desk.

  I struggle to keep the smile on my face as the clutter everywhere makes me twitchy. I want to shove it all off onto the floor and explain to her that this is unacceptable. Instead, I relax my face and focus my gaze on her brown eyes.

  “Are you ever expecting me? I like to keep you guessing.” I tease.

  She laughs. “True that, you do.”

  I drum my fingers on the arm of the chair. “I’m afraid this isn’t a social visit. I need to speak to you about one of your detectives.”

  Her brow furrows as she leans forward. Elbows on the desk, fingers clasped together.

  “Sounds serious. What’s going on?”

  “I have a friend, her name is Emily Bronte. I think she’s in some trouble. I believe she’s been seeing your detective, Isaiah Penrose and I think he’s abusing her.”

  Her face wrinkles and she cocks her head at me, pulling a legal pad out of the top drawer in her desk. She scratches down Emily’s name.

  “That’s a serious allegation, Noah. What has you thinking that? Has she said something to you? Did you see something?”

  I glance behind me to make sure the door is shut. “She won’t return my calls, she refuses to accept my gifts. I think she’s avoiding me because he’s threatened her. She has lived alone for years and all of a sudden she moves out of her house and no one can reach her? Her friend Caroline works for me and she can’t get hold of her either.”

  Julie scratches notes as I speak. She asks me for contact info on Emily and Caroline, I provide it. I see no hint of disbelief in her as she continues to ask me questions, and I answer them the best I can.

  I need to do this, to help Emily.

  “Is this the same one that you said was your girlfriend that day you locked your keys in your car?” She taps the pen on the notepad.

  I smile. “Yes, that’s her.”

  “You said she was your girlfriend that day.”

  I adjust my tie. “We have a complicated relationship. I know her, and I know that something is wrong. She wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t serious. Someone recently broke into her house and I offered to help her pay for the damage, but the money was turned away. Penrose has someone there guarding her, no one can get to her. Does that sound normal to you?”

  She stares down at her notes. No hint of her thoughts on her face. Her eyes as if made of stone, reflect nothing of what she’s thinking about what I’ve told her.

  “I’ve seen that report, on her house. Someone has been stalking her, filming her for weeks. Did you know about that?” She doesn’t look up at me when she speaks.

haven’t been able to reach her to check on her. He seems to have her locked up pretty tight.”

  Of course, except for the days when I visit their apartment.

  She nods. Looking up at me, she meets my gaze with a serious face.

  “These are some pretty serious things you are accusing him of. I am going to talk to Emily and get her side of the story, and go from there. I have your info, so if I need anything more from you I’ll be sure to call you.”

  Her tone tells me that the conversation is over. I smile. “Of course you do. You can stop by anytime you like.”

  A smile creeps onto her face as my flirtatious tone sinks into her ears. Julie and I have a history. It used to be one of those friends with benefits situations, until I met Emily. Julie got a long term boyfriend and we stopped the sexual part of our relationship about a while ago. It gave me an easy out without having to tell her about Emily.

  “I’ll remember that. Have you had lunch yet?” She stands up.

  Lunch? My brow furrows. I have to bite my tongue to ask her why she isn’t shoving me out the door and running to Emily’s workplace to ask her about the allegations. Emily needs the opportunity to tell the truth without that damn detective on her ass, scaring her into hiding from me.

  Bad idea to tell her how to do her investigation.

  “I wish I could, but I have to get going. Can I take a rain check?”

  I linger after standing up. Julie walks around the desk and smiles into my eyes, her hand brushing mine. I bristle, trying not to let it show.

  “Of course. Can I meet up with you after work, perhaps?” Seduction drips from her words.

  I need Julie, so I have to play along. “You know where I am. What happened to your boyfriend?”

  She rolls her eyes, leaning into me, touching my tie. Her hand rests on my chest. “I kicked him out. That’s over. So,” she turns her eyes up to mine. “Is there still room for me in your bed?”


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