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Enraptured: Immortal Chronicles Book IV

Page 15

by Britt, Samantha

  Des continued to observe Darcie, fearing her resentment. He had spent so long trying to keep her from knowing the truth of his world. His actions turned to protection once she was immersed in their association, but his efforts fell short. Now, Darcie had an eternity to dwell on his failure.

  As did he.

  Despair clogged his throat. He had to work to speak, “I am sorry.”

  Her head snapped up, away from Argos. “What?”

  “You have lost your mortality, something infinitely precious,” Des moved his eyes to the ground. “And I am very sorry for your loss.”

  She took a sharp breath, but he wasn’t brave enough to look up at her face. Des felt ashamed for the part he played in her troubles. He could only pray for her forgiveness.

  Sudden movement caught the edge of his vision. He glanced up just in time to see Darcie fling herself at him. He caught her on instinct. He cherished the feel of her against him.

  Darcie’s thin arms held him tightly. “N-no one has said that to me,” she managed to say. She sniffed. “I don’t think anyone understands.” Moisture seeped into his shirt. Des strengthened his hold.

  Darcie continued to weep softly, mourning the loss of her mortality while secured in his embrace. Des’ soul cried out for its mate, mourning right along with her.

  It had been weeks since Des stopped denying his desire for Darcie. She was intelligent, yet infuriating. Independent, while also proud and stubborn to a fault. He couldn’t resist her despite his best efforts to do just that. Darcie was everything he could have ever wanted in a companion. He wanted her forever, but Des would have given anything to take away her pain. Even if that meant he would one day lose her to a mortal’s death.

  “It was not supposed to happen this way,” he said into her soft hair. “I am so sorry.”

  Des pulled back. With his finger, he lifted her chin so that her watery gaze met his determined one. “I make this vow to you, I will make Adir pay for this crime and for all those he has committed in his quest for power.”

  Darcie met his stare, uncertainty swimming in her blue depths. She looked so lost, yet so determined. With a few blinks, her eyes cleared.

  Her nose sniffled, then she said, “Adir will pay, but we will do it together.”



  Seeing Des was her undoing. Her emotions were so tightly wound, they were just waiting for the opportunity to be released. Unfortunately, that opportunity came when she saw Des for the first time since her change. His ability to see her immortality and offer a sincere apology was what her soul had been craving. Alex had looked at her immortality as an asset, and her mother had viewed it as a tragedy. No one had taken a moment to look past their own thoughts to see that Darcie was struggling.

  No one… except Des.

  Stealing a peak at him, she watched Des walk purposefully through the small forest. After she had finished crying, he suggested they visit the ruins. It was the site of their last meeting before she left with the search party, and Darcie thought it was fitting to resume their conversation there.

  He caught her look. A corner of his mouth lifted. “Yes?” His eyes gleamed in the sparse daylight.

  She returned the smile, but that did not stop her responding blush. “Nothing.”

  He reached out and grabbed her hand. Her fingers twitched as the sparks flew between their skin. The feeling was much stronger than she remembered, but it felt… right.

  Without saying another word, Des continued leading them to the ruins.

  When they arrived, Darcie marveled at the extra detail she was able to detect. The ruins were still stunning. Again, she could not believe the Grecian government was unaware of such a well-preserved landmark. A landmark, she recalled, built by Des’ two hands.

  “I think this may be my favorite place at the mansion,” she said aloud.

  Des beamed. “I am glad you like it.” Settling on one of the less-worn down steps, he patted the spot beside him.

  Darcie obliged but made sure to allow a sliver of space to remain between them. She knew she was being silly. After all, they had both declared their desire to be together before she left.

  But things had changed, and it made her a tad bit insecure. She was not entirely sure where their relationship stood.

  “I am glad to see you unharmed,” his voice was low. “I was afraid.”

  She wanted to relieve his worry. “Some might say I am actually better off than when I left.” She aimed for a light tone. The attempt fell flat.

  Regardless, Des gave a small smile. “You have always been perfect. I find you no better or worse.”

  His words warmed her. Darcie couldn’t believe the charming immortal beside her was the same she met at the club in Maine. He’d been so cold–so distant. It took weeks for her to realize it had all been an act.

  An act, she acknowledged, intended to protect me.

  “Thank you,” she said, staring off into the trees.

  “For what?”

  Swinging her gaze to him, she said, “For treating me like normal. It’s nice to not be discussing what happened to me all the time.”

  “Though,” she tilted her head. “I bet you are resisting the urge to ask.”

  He nodded, confirming her suspicions. “I confess, I am curious. But it can wait. For now, I want to enjoy being around you, knowing you are safe.”

  The lines on her face softened. “But we don’t have that luxury, do we?” Images of Adir overpowering innocent humans consumed her. She saw her father and friends cowering under the merciless tyrant. After seeing him murder Bella, Darcie knew the rebel leader was capable of anything. “Adir must be stopped.”

  “I won’t let him hurt you again.”

  Darcie let herself feel comforted by the statement. “I never suspected his plan,” she revealed. “I knew Adir was obsessed with keeping me from you. I thought he might try and kill me, but I never even contemplated he might alter my mortality.” Or attempt to force a bond.

  Darcie could not bring herself to utter the last thought. The topic felt too personal. Especially since she sat next to the man she was supposed to bond with.

  “I’m afraid Adir’s motives have expanded beyond wishing for my brothers and me to be overthrown. He has grown obsessed with power. By possessing you, his advantage would have been great.”

  “But why?” Darcie still could not understand it. “I know I’m a witch and your soulmate, but I don’t understand how that makes me more formidable than any other Original immortal.”

  Des understood her confusion. “Most of us have traits of the half-breeds. After all, we are their source. But you have all the skills and abilities of a witch. In addition to that, your soul has a natural link to my powers. Even without the bond, you and I are connected that way.”

  “Would Adir have been able to access your power through a bond?”

  “I suspect he believed so.”

  “Great.” Darcie kicked a loose rock off of the step. “Just great.” The Alliance and all those they strived to protect wouldn’t have a chance if Adir got his hands on her.

  She looked at Des. “How can so much potential rest within me? I haven’t even been able tap into my powers yet.”

  “You’ve been training?”

  “With Eshe. But don’t get your hopes up, I’m still as hopeless as before. Paige thinks I am holding back.” She thought about omitting the last sentence, but a part of her wanted to disclose everything to Des.

  “Are you holding back?”

  “I don’t know. In the moment, I believe I truly try to master my abilities.”


  “But I am terrified of them. My abilities, I mean.” Now that she started, she could not stop. “From the moment I entered this mansion, all anyone talked about is my potential and how I am destined for great things. It’s honestly terrifying. I might have immense powers, but what if I am unable to control them. Or worse, someone else uses me and my powers to do something horrible?”

  Des listened attentively. He reached out to touch her but dropped his hand before making contact. “You are stronger than you realize.”

  “But how do you know that?” She didn’t know it, but her eyes pleaded for reassurance.

  “Because I’ve known you for centuries. You are a remarkable woman, Darcie. Doubt is normal, but you must not allow it to debilitate you.”

  Her voice was barely above a whisper. “How do I do that?”

  He reached out again, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. It seemed to be a habit for him.

  Cupping her face with the same hand, he said, “Believe in yourself like I believe in you.”

  Her skin warmed from his touch. Being under Des’ admiring gaze was like being caught up in a storm, only to have the seas calm to a peaceful lull. He thought so highly of her, she hoped she did not let him down.

  “You will never let me down,” Des breathed. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips against hers.

  Her heart melted.

  Lifting his other hand, Des held both sides of her face. He did not release her from the kiss. His lips continued to move against her, almost desperate with their force. She’d been shocked by the surprise kiss, unable to process what had just happened.

  Did Des read my mind?

  With his continued kiss, the question was pushed to the back of her mind. Darcie reached out and placed one hand on his chest while the other curved around the back of his neck. Pressing forward, she managed to deepen the already heated exchange.

  Fire thrashed in her stomach. Electric sparks flew across her entire body. Kissing Des had always been an otherworldly experience, but nothing could have compared to that moment. Both of them unleashed their longing, fear, and insecurity into the kiss.

  Darcie had been so afraid that things would have changed between them. She worried Adir forcing her change would have messed up whatever chemistry their souls shared. She was happy to be wrong.

  They remained that way for a while. Slowly, Darcie’s hands began exploring his wide chest, marveling at the muscles she felt beneath the fine fabric. She felt lost in the moment, allowing her body to respond however it wanted.

  When her hands drifted to rest on his waistband, Des pulled away. His breaths were ragged as he rested his forehead against hers. “Time out.”

  Darcie couldn’t help but grin. It was nice to know she affected him so strongly. She moved her fingers up to run them through his thick, brown hair. He leaned into her touch before he jerked back, dropping his hand from either side of her face.

  “You are going to be the end of me,” he half-laughed, followed by a groan.

  “I’m sorry.” Though, she really wasn’t sorry.

  “No, you are not,” he replied as if he could read her mind. Des pushed himself off the stone steps and held out a hand. “We should get back before we are missed.”

  She accepted the offer, letting him pull her to her feet. They stood inches apart, neither one willing to step back from the other. Desire floated thickly between them.

  Most of the time, Darcie admired Des’ natural composure. The ability to hide his true thoughts and feelings was an asset for anyone in a position of power. At that moment, however, Darcie wished the immortal was a little more readable. Obviously, he enjoyed their kiss. She only wished she knew what he was thinking behind his careful mask.

  She had some ideas.

  Balancing on her toes, Darcie lifted herself up to give Des a quick peck on the cheek. She landed back on her heels with a grin. He could not hide his sharp intake of breath, or the flash of desire as it crossed his deep green eyes.

  Turning on her heel, she walked down the ruin’s steps. Glancing over her shoulder, she said innocently, “Alright, let’s go.”

  She looked forward before she saw his reaction. But she had to bite her lip to conceal her amusement when she heard Des’ muttered response. “The end of me… I swear it.”


  The halls were livelier when Des and Darcie returned to the mansion. Apparently, news of his arrival had spread. The immortals who worked for the family came out from wherever they were hiding to greet them as the couple neared the terrace.

  Seeing the welcome committee, Darcie quickly dropped Des’ hand. She didn’t really know why. It was just instinct.

  Des shot her a questioning look before he turned to speak to an approaching immortal.

  “Lord Des,” the man grinned. “It is good to see you back.”

  The enthusiastic greeting gave Darcie pause. How long had Des been gone? Counting back the days in her head, she determined it couldn’t have been that long.

  “Kendrick,” her companion returned. “I take it my brother has not been out of his rooms?”

  The immortal’s lightness dimmed. “Correct, sir. Lord Lome has done his best to assist us, but we are glad you have returned.”

  “Let me speak with my family, and then I will visit you to discuss the search parties’ needs.”

  Kendrick bowed. “Thank you, sir.”

  Des reached back and grabbed Darcie’s hand as they passed by the crowd. Numerous immortals called out greetings, and several pairs of eyes focused on their joined hands. Not-so-subtle whispers and snickers traveled around them. Darcie cursed her heated cheeks.

  They were not free from scrutiny until they reached the third floor. Even then, Darcie refused to utter a word until they were safely concealed in Des’ study. She dropped his hand as he closed the door behind them.

  Off-kilter from their public display, she crossed her shaking arms and walked to the window facing the gardens.

  “You’re upset with me for holding your hand?”

  “No.” She continued to gaze out of the thick glass. “Just… embarrassed.”

  “You are embarrassed to be with me?”

  “Of course not!” Darcie whirled around, dropping her arms. That was the last thing she wanted him to think. Nothing could be further from the truth.

  Des leaned against the wall, a smirk pulling at his lips.

  Realization dawned. “Are you messing with me?”

  His eyes gleamed. “Perhaps.”

  “That is not funny, Des.” She tried to sound reproachful.

  He shrugged. “I found it amusing.”

  She shook her head. It would take time to get used to Des’ joking side. “Everyone was staring,” she said on an exhale. Darcie didn’t think she had ever seen half of the mansion’s servants. But, now, they’d all seen her.

  “People will do that,” Des said as fact. “We can expect to be the center of attention for the foreseeable future.”

  That did not sound appealing.

  Des pushed off the wall and moved towards her. Taking her hands, he folded them so they rested beneath his chin. Leaning down, he kissed her knuckles. “It will get better. With time, we will be old news.”

  A tiny voice nagged her, doubting his words.

  Her lips formed a shaky smile. “I hope so.”

  He kissed her fingers again. “I must go speak with Kendrick.”

  “Yeah, what was that about? They acted like you’d been gone forever.”

  “The servants have been providing supplies for the search parties and The Alliance’s missions. I left without warning to follow the lead on Adir’s location, and I forgot to set up a chain-of-command regarding the supply lines.”

  “And Thane did not help?”

  Des shook his head. “Kendrick and the others are probably working with next to nothing. I need to go ensure they receive the necessary funds to keep the supplies going.”

  Darcie had been unaware of the details of Des’ leadership. She suspected there were many, but she did not anticipate they extended to such tasks as organizing supplies for the groups working in the field.

  “That’s okay,” she aimed for a light tone. “I was going to try and find Paige anyway.” Darcie still wasn’t one-hundred percent convinced she was subconsciously sabotaging her training. But after admitting her powers te
rrified her, she decided to give Paige the chance to prove her wrong.

  Des’ smile conveyed his approval. “I wish you luck,” he said. “Let’s plan to have dinner together?”

  “I’d like that.” Feeling bold, Darcie leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. “See you later.” She left before he could make a remark.

  As she crossed the threshold, however, her superior hearing picked up his soft mutter, “Creator, help me.”

  She grinned the whole way to down the hall.

  * * *

  Darcie found Paige lounging in the media room, watching a popular spy movie. Her brown hair was piled high into a messy bun, and she snacked on buttery popcorn. The smell had trailed out into the hallway; it was the only reason she decided to check the room after searching the entire first floor.

  “Hey,” she greeted from the doorway. “Are you busy?”

  Paige faced her and lowered the fistful of popcorn she was about to shove into her mouth. “Not really.” Grabbing the remote, she hit the pause button. “What’s up?”

  Darcie’s reply was interrupted by an annoyed outcry.

  “Excuse me,” voice called from the dark corner in the row of reclining theatre seats. “I was watching that.”

  She squinted. “Gregory?” She hadn’t thought to look to see if anyone else was there. “You’re here?”

  “As you see.” His intense clear blue eyes took her in. “Are you alright?”

  Always the protector.

  “Yes. I just wanted to talk to Paige, but I can come back later.” Darcie remembered how tense the werebeast and vampire had once been around each other. It was nice to see them hanging out. She did not want to intrude.

  “Don’t be silly.” Paige turned off the television. Gregory howled in protest.

  Looking over her shoulder, Paige rolled her eyes at the vampire. “Alright, alright. Keep your cape on.” She turned back and winked at Darcie. Then, she resumed the movie and patted the cushioned chair beside her.

  Darcie sat down and observed the decades-old film. Even if she tried to focus, the movie held little appeal. She liked action as much as the next person, but the genre held little appeal for her at the moment. After all, her life had basically become an action film. She settled into the comfortable leather and closed her eyes, content to sit in the dark room and relax.


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