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Douluo Dalu - Volume 01-48

Page 12

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Chapter 007: Xiao Wu, You Still Want To?

  Part 1

  “So to speak, when in the future obtaining spirit rings, as far as possible obtain spirit rings with similar abilities. Not necessarily completely the same, but a similar general direction, in order to avoid spirit rings conflicting with each other and instead restricting its power situation.”

  Speaking of this, on Grandmaster’s face appeared a trace of a grim smile,

  “Very many people all think blue silver grass is a useless spirit, but as a result of my many years of research, blue silver grass similarly has its own purpose. If blue silver grass were not at the time of awakening spirit power too small and weak, even becoming a battle spirit is definitely is not impossible.”

  Tang San nodded, saying:

  “Teacher, you are the spirit research Grandmaster, since you have researched like this regarding blue silver grass, then please give me some pointers.”

  Grandmaster also did not stand on ceremony, after all, in his eyes Tang San was only a child, consulting his opinion was also only symbolic.

  When speaking of spirits, Grandmaster's mood clearly became excited, slowly nodding, he said:

  “On the basis of my analysis of the concept and the blue silver grass research, I suggest you in the future grow your spirit in the control system direction. Control system can be said to be a battle spirit master, it can also be said to be a tool spirit master, itself wavering between two categories.”

  “Control system?”

  Tang San asked:

  “Teacher, what are the control system capabilities?

  Grandmaster said:

  “What is called control system spirit master, refers to relying on one’s own spirit to restrict the opponent, with the goal of assisting an attack. For example, taking your blue silver grass. Although blue silver grass is inherently small and weak, it is not without advantages.”

  “Blue silver grass also has advantages?”

  After awakening his blue silver grass, Tang San had also especially observed the natural form of this kind of grass. Resulting in discovering nothing. It just had a comparatively vigorous life-force, it was ubiquitous, and that’s all.

  Grandmaster raised his right hand, extending one finger, and said:

  “First of all, the spirit power consumption of using blue silver grass is considerably small, compared to food system spirits the consumption will still be smaller. This determines you can depend on its great quantity of spirit power to use it.”

  Tang San nodded, Grandmaster’s words were not wrong, when using blue silver grass the spirit power consumption could practically be neglected. If pouring into the spirit, this blue silver grass growing beyond ten metres could let him slightly feel some spirit power drain.

  Grandmaster also extended a second finger,

  “Next, blue silver grass is most common, therefore, its confusing nature will be much greater when compared to other spirits, especially those low intelligence common spirit beasts are like that. Even if you call out your spirit next to them, they may not be able to notice.”

  Extending a third finger,

  “Third, blue silver grass can grow in boundless ways. Because it’s in itself low-end, it can conduct growth in many directions, and since blue silver grass in itself small and weak, it cannot reject any spirit ring attribute evolution.”

  “Spirits can still reject spirit ring evolution?”

  Tang San asked, astonished.

  Grandmaster said:

  “Of course. If the spirit itself conflicts with the spirit ring attribute, when looking to add spirit rings to the spirit, it can cause a rejection phenomenon. For example, for spirit beasts it is very difficult to add spirit rings that possess poison. Although the spirit can have a body, speaking in a sense, while also is a living body, it is another kind of manifestation of the host’s life. If forcing a poison spirit ring on it, they probably will be poisoned first. Among beast spirits few have the ability to assimilate poison and not transfer it to the host. But blue silver grass is different, it is in itself a plant, and small and weak. Things like absorbing poison is not the least bit difficult.”

  Speaking, he again raised a fourth finger,

  “In your body, there still is a fourth advantage, precisely that innate full spirit power. On our Douluo Continent the reason why not one formidable blue silver grass spirit master has appeared, the chief cause is just that after awakening blue silver grass spirit the spirit power attached to the host is truly too small. And innate spirit power is a direct ratio to acquired spirit power cultivation speed. When innate spirit power is too small and weak, it’s very difficult to cultivate to even higher levels, and at the later stage of cultivation, hunting and killing a spirit beast is also an even more difficult task. But you are different, you have innate full spirit power. Regardless of whether this spirit power was granted by blue silver grass or your other hammer spirit, neither influences your bringing it to use on blue silver grass. Therefore, cultivating blue silver grass, from your point of view there are absolutely no disadvantages.”

  Tang San in his heart was secretly full of praise, truly deserving of calling himself Grandmaster, opting to recognize him as master had not been incorrect at all. A common blue silver grass like this could at his analysis reveal this many advantages. This showed the thoroughness of his spirit research. Those teachers speaking about a like this profound spirit researcher as only a theory circulating eccentric, was simply comical.

  Grandmaster’s mood was clearly somewhat agitated, continuing speaking:

  “After my careful research, growing blue silver grass spirit in the control system direction is most advantageous, grass is lithe, and it can at will grow into various kinds of forms, at its simplest it can be used as rope, tangling the opponent.”

  Tang San said:

  “But blue silver grass is so fragile, it will split in struggle. How can it pin the opponent?”

  Grandmaster said:

  “This is exactly growth direction. With respect to growth in the control system direction, your spirit ring can be chosen to focus in two aspects, first is toughness. The other is poison. Following spirit power promotion, the spirit will also become stronger and stronger. When you have poured even more spirit power into blue silver grass, it will be much tougher compared to natural blue silver grass. After you again have obtained the effect of a spirit ring, pinning your opponent will not be difficult. And speaking of if blue silver grass obtains a poison effect, it will naturally also be able to evolve attack uses.”

  This time Tang San at last thoroughly understood, restricting the opponent, supplementing poison. If blue silver grass truly could achieve this, then, after his hidden weapons did not hit a moving target, just stop the target.

  Of course, to possess all this he must first clearly establish understanding of spirit power, spirit ring and his Mysterious Heaven skill interrelationship. After all, what is called his innate full spirit power could be produced by his Mysterious Heaven skill cultivation. And not come from his spirit awakening.

  Part 2

  Actually, Tang San was not aware that of the two spirits he had, that hammer should give him spirit power. It was only because of blue silver grass, between the two spirits produced some negative variation, in addition on his cultivating Mysterious Heaven skill with its spirit power had a merging process, therefore, at the time of the spirit awakening ceremony it seemed like spirit power did not appear.

  Even if it had, it still could not manifest appearance, because he already reached the level of innate full spirit power, so without first adding a spirit ring, his spirit power already could not continue rising.

  Grandmaster drank a mouthful of water,

  “For the moment decide like this, you go back first. Early tomorrow morning I will come look for you at the dormitory.”


  Departing Grandmaster’s room, Tang San could not be calm for a long time, Grandmaster’s explanation about spirit
s made him understand more clearly than before. This afternoon, by way of Grandmaster’s explanation, he also at last had a proper understanding regarding this spirit master vocation.

  Spirit masters were divided into the two main categories battle spirit masters and tool spirit masters, and under these two main categories, they were also divided into smaller categories of food system, control system, battle system, healing system and so on. A spirit master’s actual strength was closely related with spirit rings and spirit power, themselves supplementing and complementing each other in the growth process.

  Tang San at present understood this completely, he knew, if he wanted to get even more spirit master lore, he must follow Grandmaster to continue to study. And Grandmaster deciding to quickly bring him to go obtain a spirit ring made Tang San most happy. Waiting until after having his first spirit ring, regardless of how he said he felt, he could confirm what connection there was between his Mysterious Heaven skill and this world’s spirits.

  Returning to the dormitory, the other people were not there, not knowing where on earth they could have gone. Tang San had two midday meals, so although the colour of the sky was gradually growing late, he was not a bit hungry.

  Lying on the bed closing his eyes to rest, he carefully recalled the things Grandmaster had said today, letting his impression deepen even more.

  As the day hurried to its end he was also somewhat tired, unconsciously, he already passed into sleep.


  Not knowing how long, a voice out of nowhere brought Tang San out of his light sleep. Although right now his rest was not much, his alert nature still was not small. Subconsciously opening his eyes, looking straight at her lovable pretty face.

  Xiao Wu looked at Tang San,

  “It still isn’t late enough to sleep, will you still be able to sleep at night?”

  Tang San hurriedly somewhat awkwardly clambered up. Right now, Xiao Wu bent over the boundary in the middle of their two beds, looking at him with a winsome smile.

  Tang San discovered that all the working students had already returned. Sitting up on the bed, pointing to the dividing boundary, he said:

  “You’re crossing the border.”

  Xiao Wu happily laughed, and said:

  “What crossing the border? I’m a girl, you should invite me, isn’t that right. Of course, you absolutely cannot cross the boundary.”

  Looking at her flushed little face, Tang San truly wanted to pinch it, but in the end he didn’t have the heart to.

  “You wanton. Xiao Wu, tomorrow I probably have to go out for a while, I also do not know just how late I can return. I’m telling you in advance.”

  “Go out? Go where?”

  Xiao Wu asked, full of curiosity.

  Tang San did not hold back,

  “Teacher said my spirit power is already full, and should as soon as possible obtain the first spirit ring, so in order to continue cultivation, he intends to bring me to look for an appropriate one.”

  Xiao Wu was considered room seven’s room senior, and he did not know how many days he must be gone, so making it clear to her was naturally necessary. Of course, this also related to today’s clash with Wang Sheng at lunch. Right now he still did not have the mood to understand Wang Sheng.

  Listening to Tang San speaking of going to obtain a spirit ring, other than Xiao Wu the other students’ faces suddenly all revealed envious expressions. Regarding the spirit master topic, there was no matter as significant in comparison. Tenth rank spirit scholars only differed one rank from eleventh rank spirit masters, but regarding positions of strength they were both worlds apart. And when going up to this kind of seniority was also distinct.

  Xiao Wu frowned and said:

  “Still not having started attending school you are about to leave. Is a spirit ring really so important?”

  Before Tang San had started to speak, Xiao Wu discovered the atmosphere around them was peculiar; the other working students were all looking at her with a monstrous expression in their eyes, was spirit ring important? Having to ask. Regarding the spirit master topic, there was practically no matter more important than spirit ring.

  “Get going then. However, what’s to be done about our working student work? If you leave, I’m the only person doing that work.”

  Xiao Wu angrily looked at Tang San.

  Tang San had no alternative but to say:

  “Can’t have that, so these days I will trouble you to work hard for a bit, and when I return later, count the remainder of this term’s work as mine. Half the wages are yours as usual, how’s that?”

  With his physical strength, sweeping the flower garden simply did not count for anything, and Xiao Wu’s Soft Skill astonished him greatly, so afterwards he still wanted to find an opportunity to continue exchanging pointers. He also was not a person fond of profiting at other people’s expense.

  Xiao Wu then showed a trace of a smile,

  “Fine, then it’s settled like this.”

  Tang San’s dinner as before was coarse flat cake. Just after the sky had darkened, all the working students already sat on their beds starting spirit power cultivation.

  Different from ordinary students, working student’s cultivation was much more painstaking, even though their aptitude was probably the same, cultivating spirits could be said to be their only future way out.

  By observing Tang San discovered, that these working students’ posture for cultivating spirits was about the same as his, on the body faint pale spirit power waves appeared, only he did not know how they truly carried out cultivation.

  Only Xiao Wu was a person refusing to stay idle, she also was not cultivating. When Tang San just finished eating his rations, she pulled on him insisting to go out for a stroll.

  If it was before, Tang San certainly also would have cultivated Mysterious Heaven skill. But right now he had long since reached the bottleneck, and Purple Demon Eye also could only be practiced in early morning. Unable to bear Xiao Wu’s repeated urging, he had no choice but to follow her out from the dormitory.

  At this time of the season the weather was the most comfortable, the air was pleasantly cool but not chilly. By now, the sky had already darkened, stars hung above in the sky. Cool and bright.

  Part 3

  “Little San, look, heaven has so many stars.”

  Xiao Wu was jumping for joy bouncing and vivacious, she was not in any way short on the liveliness of children this age.

  She called Tang San by little San, and not little Third, in addition to that she also was a girl, so Tang San could not protest. He could not help but say:

  “You pulled me out for the sake of looking at stars?”

  By now, outside the dormitory building already very few students and teachers could be seen. Not until later Tang San knew, dusk cultivation was a spirit master tradition.

  Xiao Wu smiling said:

  “No, of course not. I want to spar with you again. During the day I anticipated the opening move, and with an effort managed a surprise attack. Defeating you was a one-sided fight. Seeing your appearance was also somewhat unconvinced, I’ll again give you a good opportunity.”

  A girl as warlike as Xiao Wu definitely could not often be seen, but this was to Tang San’s liking. Immediately rousing his spirit,

  “Good, then come on.”

  Xiao Wu smiling used a finger to scratch her face,

  “If in a moment I have you on your stomach don’t be sniveling, oh? Are you ready or not?”

  Seeing her lovable appearance, Tang San couldn’t help but pause a moment, but still very quickly recovered his balance,

  “Come on.”

  “Good, I’m coming.”

  While speaking, Xiao Wu’s face revealed a slightly wicked smile, and walked in the direction of Tang San. Indeed coming, but certainly not attacking.

  Tang San frowning said:

  “What on earth are you doing? Weren’t we exchanging pointers?”

  By now, Xiao Wu had already
walked up to him so the distance was less than one metre. Even though they both still were children, and their arms and legs not long, Xiao Wu still walked as before, having already lost leg attack distance.

  From the perspective of spirits, Tang San knew, since Xiao Wu’s spirit was a rabbit, and the rabbit’s strongest place was the leg, her legs should also be the fiercest, this bit he could see from when they fought during the day. By now, she had lost the position to employ the legs, what could she actually be thinking?

  Xiao WU nodded, smiling said:

  “Right! Have I not come to exchange pointers with you?”

  Just as Tang San in his heart felt uncertain, Xiao Wu abruptly flung back her head, the scorpion braid on the back of her head becoming a black shadow winding in the direction of Tang San’s neck.

  Was this way also alright? A method using hair to attack was the first time Tang San had seen anything like it. But he was all along on alert for Xiao Wu’s attack, and watching her scorpion braid whip at him, he immediately retreated a step, simultaneously lifting the left hand, twisting towards Xiao Wu’s hair. Shortly the braid would be caught, then Xiao Wu could not again have combat effectiveness.

  Xiao Wu’s hands came together to lift her braid, so when Tang San raised his hand, suddenly realizing Xiao Wu’s hands already had lifted up, just as his hand still did not meet Xiao Wu’s long hair, Xiao Wu abruptly raised her head, scorpion braid already crossing Tang San’s palm, and her own hand closely going up.

  Xiao Wu’s hand lithe and brilliant, soft, meeting it was like being hit with a bundle of cotton, but Tang San right now was not in the mood to be affected by beauty, because he gaping with astonishment discovered that Xiao Wu’s arm unexpectedly twisted bizarrely a moment, not only twining his palm, but even in a flash extended, twining around his arm. At this same time, her other hand lifted, and that up overhead scorpion braid fell from overhead, as if it was her third hand, winding in the direction of Tang San’s neck.


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