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Douluo Dalu - Volume 01-48

Page 306

by Tang Jia San Shao

  After directly retreating more than ten steps, Tang San managed to stand firm. But he wasn’t as easy going as before, his complexion seeming somewhat pale, his chest also heaving slightly. However, he still didn’t fall. Under the seventy percent strike of a Spirit Douluo, he could still stand. This already proved a great many things.

  While striking Tang San, Niu Gao regretted it a little. If Tang San really had an accident, there would be a great deal of trouble. Even if he didn’t use spirit abilities, he still had complete faith in his strength and spirit power. However, Tang San still stood after retreating more than ten steps.

  Simply moving his body, that blue and gold light slowly fading, Tang San’s pale face unexpectedly turned healthy again, spreading a smile at Niu Gao,

  “Senior, such powerful spirit power.”

  Niu Gao stupidly looked at him,

  “Kid, isn’t your spirit a cockroach? Even among my Defense Clan’s disciple, there’s none under the age of forty that can block my punch to this degree.”

  Tang San’s smile didn’t change. In terms of defensive strength, how could he be lacking? He knew clearly from experience what kind of painful upgrades his defensive strength had undergone.

  First of all were his six spirit rings, skipping levels to absorb already from his third spirit ring. Enduring the tremendous pain at that time was a feat of heroism. With the circumstances of skipping a level to absorb it, at the same time as his strength rose, the attributes transformed by his spirit rings were far more powerful than those of Spirit Masters of equal level.

  Next, taking the two great Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot immortal herbs, forging his body in the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, further adding the transformation of the Blue Silver Emperor’s second awakening, Xiao Wu’s sacrificed hundred thousand year spirit ring transforming his body, as well as the amplified attributes of those four heavenly blessed spirit bones. All these elements superimposed over each other, producing the terrifying defensive power Tang San now possessed. Among equally leveled Spirit Masters, his defense could absolutely be regarded as the strongest. Perhaps one might say that, of Spirit Masters under the seventieth rank, three wasn’t anyone who could compete with him in defensive power, not even the Defense Clan.

  When he still didn’t possess Xiao Wu’s spirit ring and spirit bone, he could already endure the attacks of Spirit Sages without dying, finally when his right leg broke it was due to him taking the initiative to reduce his defense, deliberately sacrificing himself to save Xiao Wu.

  Tang San shook his head to Niu Gao with a smile,

  “Junior comes from the Clear Sky School. How could I possess a cockroach spirit?”

  When Tai Tan saw Tang San was alright, he also loosed a long breath, laughing out loud:

  “I think like this. Two punches each, if it goes on like this, friendliness will be injured. I don’t want either of you to suffer any injuries. Old rhino, you’re already so old, can’t you calm down a bit? It’s better than being that competitive.”

  Niu Gao snapped:

  “Bullshit. Can he injure me? I admit that this kid really is pretty good, your evaluation of him isn’t any exaggeration. However, with his present strength it’s still impossible for him to injure me.”

  Tai Tan pursed his lips,

  “Impossible? Before his second attack just now, could you imagine he’d push you back three steps? Didn’t you still retreat? How do you know he doesn’t have some unique skill for the third blow? To let you old brat suffer a major loss.”

  Niu Gao grew angrier,

  “No matter what’s said this old man is still a Spirit Douluo, if that happens, there’s no need for me to go out in public any more. Old orangutan, you still underestimate me too much. Fine, Tang San, as long as your third punch can make me retreat further than you just did, not only can you stay, but hereafter my Defense Clan won’t be your enemy any longer, the matters from those days struck.”

  Tang San exulted, he had finally found a way to resolve this hatred. Hastily he said:

  “Then it’s settled.”

  Niu Gao spread his feet, both hands behind his back, proudly saying:


  To the side, Tai Tan snickered inwardly,

  “Niu Gao, ah, Niu Gao. For so many years, you’re still so easy to rile up. Not as steady as me. Perhaps this time you really will suffer a loss. You’ve separated from the Clear Sky School for too long, you’ve even forgotten about the Clear Sky School’s formidable ability. Tang San could make you retreat three steps just now, then, now he can just have you retreat further than he did.”

  Tang San was an intelligent person, and absolutely wouldn’t let Tai Tan down. Taking a stance five steps away from Niu Gao, he drew a deep breath, spirit power swelling all over his body. Mysterious Heaven Skill accelerating made him seem to immediately flourish with imposing manner.

  Niu Gao was closest to him, and naturally felt it the deepest. The spirit power Tang San released shocked him, that was spirit power over the sixtieth rank! Could it be that this youth in front of him actually already possessed strength exceeding the sixtieth rank? No, that was impossible. Absolutely impossible.

  However, even if he didn’t believe it, the facts were already before his eyes.

  Tang San slowly raised his right arm. This time, he didn’t use Deathgod Domain, his right fist slowly turning a lustrous jade color under the effect of Mysterious Heaven Skill. In order not to injure himself from the countershock of striking the opponent, he was already using Mysterious Jade Hand to the limit.

  “Kid, what are you stalling for? Come.”

  Niu Gao shouted. This time, he wasn’t the slightest bit careless. His face concerned, spirit power covered his whole body, his defensive strength reaching a peak. This was already the most powerful defense he could muster without using his spirit and spirit abilities.

  Tang San moved, toes pointing to the ground, using his calfs to generate force, he suddenly half turned, his right arm swinging out. Only, this punch of his didn’t strike Niu Gao, but rather hit empty air.

  Tang San’s movements were very fast, a second punch immediately following behind the first, the imposing manner instantly superimposing over each other. Amidst the compressed spirit power, white light could already be glimpsed.

  Seeing this second punch, Niu Gao’s expression had changed. In his mind he also finally thought of that name. Yes, this kid came from the Clear Sky SChool, how couldn’t he know this ability? Only, right now he didn’t use the hammer, but rather his hand, how much of its power could he display?

  That’s right, what Tang San was using was the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method. Using his fist as hammer was originally seen very rarely. Since the Clear Sky Hammer was a spirit, it could be used at any time. But even though he lost the amplification of the Clear Sky Hammer when using his fist, the efficacy of the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method didn’t decrease.

  Tang San’s hard training under the waterfall wasn’t in vain. How many years did a person have in their lives? That was at least one percent of his lifetime he had spent completely immersed in uncomplicated hammer method. Using it again now was like driving a cart on a familiar road, without the least delay.

  Tang San quickly rotated with his left foot as axis. Nobody had stated you couldn’t store strength before the attack, just that the method Tang San used to store strength made Niu Gao’s complete confidence start to show cracks.

  The Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method was split into several levels, the simplest was nine swings, followed by eighteen swings, thirty six swings, sixty four swings and, most powerful, eighty one swings.

  In a fight against ordinary Spirit Masters, it would be very difficult for this hammer method to show its effect, only when meeting abilities like Feng Xiaotian’s Stormwind Demon Wolf Thirty Six Successive Chops last time could it collide.

  But now he had ample time to store strength. Niu Gao only prayed to himself, hoping
Tang San’s Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method wasn’t trained higher than the sixty fourth swing level. Even if his defensive power was strong, if he truly faced the superimposed blast of those eighty one swings, he wouldn’t have any certainty either. Let alone when Tang San’s spirit power was so much stronger than he had anticipated.

  Spinning like a top, each of Tang San’s punches blasted out very rhythmically. In the center of his fast rotation, his left foot never left that spot. Making Niu Gao most nervous was that the spirit power Tang San released didn’t give him any pressure, but was rather completely contained within that circle of rotation.

  The white light gradually grew richer, wrapping up Tang San’s swiftly spinning body, making people unable to see his figure. As Spirit Douluo, whether Tai Tan or Niu Gao, both could feel the constantly rising terrifying force within that white ball of light.

  Chapter 173: Broken Guard, Disorder Splitting Wind Power

  When Tang San practiced under the waterfall, he had stood on a smooth round rock, an extreme tempering of his balance, now was the first time he had fully used it outside, spirit power surged within him, giving him a kind of carefree and uninhibited feeling.

  Finally, nine by nine, the last of eighty one hammer blows swung out. Rich white light instantly grew, not only Tang San’s attack power, but at the same time also the Deathgod Domain he released. In order to force this Defense Clan to submit, he could spare no effort.

  Tai Tan shouted:

  “Old rhino, use your spirit!”

  Right now Niu Gao didn’t care about face either. After all, compared to face, life was more important. His originally broad body swiftly expanded, his skin instantly turning black, an extremely thick keratin layer abruptly emerging, his first, second, and third, the three spirit rings that required least spirit power and released the fastest instantly flaring with radiance. It truly made Niu Gao’s imposing build turn into a defensive rampart.


  After fully storing force, the Disorder Splitting WInd Hammer Method was terrifying. Even though it lacked the backing of the Clear Sky hammer, the spirit power of the final of these overlapping eighty one strikes, instantly erupted with attack power that left people speechless.

  The force erupting from that punch was just as overbearing as the roar of a dragon or tiger. The frightening force that once made a two hundred meters tall waterfall reverse its current emerged once again. The vast spirit power suddenly engulfed that imposing figure, tyrannical burst strength instantly exploding.

  Amidst an explosion, Niu Gao’s huge body shot out like an artillery shell. With the influence of the Deathgod Domain, Tang San’s attack power had risen somewhat further, and Niu Gao’s defense dropped a bit. With one lowering and one rising, the result of the attack grew even more frightening.

  That mountain like body instantly flew out, blasting the wall of the great hall perfectly straight, leaving a human shaped hole.

  It had to be said, the Defense Clan’s constructions was quite sturdy. Even though the entire hall shook, in the end nothing collapsed.

  Tang San’s rotation had already halted, his chest constantly heaving. Without the support of the Clear Sky Hammer, the might of this Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method had weakened a lot, and it furthermore greatly increased his exhaustion. The full eighty one swings unexpectedly reduced his spirit power by more than fifty percent.

  Tai Tan stepped up behind Tang San with large strides, one hand falling on his shoulder, infusing his spirit power. Even though the profound spirit power couldn’t restore him, it could help him control his breathing.

  Urgent footsteps echoed from outside. Previously Niu Gao was just happily engrossed in chatting with Tai Tan, to the extent he had even forgotten to serve tea. But when such a loud disturbance occurred here, the entire Defense Clan was alarmed.

  With flapping sounds, more than twenty people rushed in from outside, each and everyone imposing. The person in the lead looked eight parts similar to Niu Gao, just that he was a lot younger. On entering the hall he looked at Tai Tan.

  “So uncle Tai is here. Yi, you’re here, then why isn’t my dad here? What was that noise just now?”

  While the big guy deferentially saluted Tai Tan, he asked somewhat puzzled.

  Tai Tan glanced at Tang San, his expression turning extremely odd. They had come as guests, but had blasted the host through the wall. Of course he wasn’t concerned for Niu Gao. If Tang San had used the Clear Sky Hammer, perhaps he really could have injured him, but with an empty fist, even the eighty one swing Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method couldn’t cause any true harm to Niu Gao with his spirit released.

  Tai Long said in a low voice next to Tang San’s ear:

  “He’s called Niu Ben[1], he’s grandpa Niu Gao’s eldest son, a good friend of my dad. His talent is a lot better than my dad’s, his spirit power cultivation should be about the same as young master.”

  Before Tai Tan could reply, the host returned. At the hole, Niu Gao crawled inside with his head and face filthy. His jacket was already torn, his spirit withdrawn, but his dusty figure and that monstrous expression had people holding their sides from laughter.

  Niu Ben and the Defense Clan clansmen looked dumbstruck a old Niu Gao, each and everyone staring blankly. Niu Ben even rubbed his eyes hard, making sure he wasn’t hallucinating.

  “Uncle Tai Tan, this is your fault. How could you bully my dad!”

  Niu Ben forced back a smile, speaking to Tai Tan. Because of his relationship with Tai Nuo, and further how Tai Tan had seen him grow up, they were always very close. That’s why he wasn’t too worried.

  Tai Tan laughed heartily, saying:

  “Who asked your dad to insist on competing? Wasn’t this sorted out by me? Never mind, never mind, us two old fellows casually exchanged pointers a bit. You didn’t see when your uncle was losing. You can’t be partial towards your dad!”

  Niu Gao shot Tai Tan a glare. Tai Tan was clearly covering for him. In a rage from humiliation, this rage was vented on his son,

  “Bastards, who asked you to come in here? Didn’t you see me and Tai Tan were talking about old times? Get lost, fuck off from here.”

  Niu Ben was still a man in his fifties, but there was no anger from being cursed at by Niu Gao. In the Defense Clan, Niu Gao was an absolute authority. This was also why Niu Ben wanted to laugh when he saw his father in such a sorry state.

  “Fine, fine, don’t get angry dad. I’m fucking off. You old brothers go on….. talking. I’ll prepare you food and drink.” Finished speaking, Niu Ben hastily waved his hand, leading the Defense Clan members in a kind of retreat.

  Tai Tan sighed:

  “Niu Ben that kid is a lot stronger than my Tai Nuo. Dealing with more and more business. And still without inheriting your stinking personality. Pretty good, pretty good.”

  “Pretty good my farts.”

  Niu Gao’s expression was now unwilling. Furiously walking over, he patted the dust from himself. Even if he was unwilling, he still had to face Tang San.

  “Kid, you won. Just now I used my spirit, no need to punch you a third time. This old man keeps his promises. From here on, our Defense Clan won’t have any enmity towards your father and you.”

  Seeing Niu Gao gnashing his teeth, Tang San couldn’t help smiling. He of course noticed that there was no intention of easing the tension with the Clear Sky School in Niu Gao’s words. But he didn’t mind. Even if the Clear Sky School was his sect, they really owed these subsidiary clans too much. That wasn’t something that could be resolved in a little while or by a simple contest. It could only be slowly worked out.

  “It was senior who was careless, allowing junior to pull a trick. In an ordinary battle, how could junior have the time to store so much force.”

  Niu Gao snorted,

  “Fine, a loss is a loss. Don’t tell me this old man is a person who still wouldn’t admit defeat? You can stay this time.”

  Tai Tan grinned:

y the way you look, it doesn’t look like you’re admitting it. Are you ending it like this? Your most powerful defense lost to a youngster. Won’t you show it?”

  Niu Gao said angrily:

  “Show what? Don’t tell me you want to have me bring the Defense Clan to serve him?”

  Tai Tan smiled:

  “No need for that. However, recently me and young master have been preparing to establish a sect called Tang Sect, are you interested in joining? Since the contradiction between you and master and young master is resolved, there shouldn’t be any obstacles.”

  Niu Gao pulled out a chair and sat down,

  “Give me a break. I knew you didn’t have any good intentions with bringing this kid. Old orangutan, I think you’re an old fool. Haven’t you had enough of the Clear Sky School? Are you planning on letting us experience another calamity?”

  Tai Tan helplessly shook his head,

  “Let it be. It can’t be explained in a short time. I say, Niu Gao, Niu Gao, you’re still too neglectful of this old brother. Shouldn’t tea be served first? Also, what does your appearance look like to your clansmen? Go change clothes quickly.”

  Niu Gao somewhat resentfully shot Tai Tan a glare,

  “This isn’t because of your provocations. I’ll go change clothes.”

  Finished speaking, he then left in large strides.

  Watching Niu Gao’s disappearing back, Tai Tan said to Tang San:

  “Young master, you really shock me! That’s really like you, hitting the old rhino in the area he’s most skilled. No wonder you wanted to come with me, it seems you’ve thought up countermeasures well in advance. But the old rhino is a stubborn one, he won’t compromise so easily.”

  Tang San sighed lightly, saying:

  “Actually, I don’t want to compromise with senior Niu Gao about anything. I just wanted to dissolve the hatred from back then. We were once one family after all, the present appearance of the four single attribute clans were all caused by the Clear Sky School being closed. I only want to do something for the four clans. There’s no need for you to pressure senior Niu Gao into joining our Tang Sect. As long as they no longer hold grudges against my father, I’m content.”


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