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Douluo Dalu - Volume 01-48

Page 395

by Tang Jia San Shao

  As Tang San set one foot on the two hundred twenty second step, he suddenly felt the pressure around him undergo an unprecedented transformation. If the previous pressure could be said to squeeze a person into a ball, constantly enduring the ball’s elasticity, then what he faced right now was an iron ball, and the tangible pressure had to be shattered to forge forward.

  What was going on? The sudden magnification in consumption made Tang San’s body tighten. Not only did his speed drop visibly, his spirit power consumption also multiplied exponentially. The golden mist rising around him had already turned into a barrier of light enveloping him and Xiao Wu.

  From the foot of Seagod Mountain to the Seagod’s Hall were altogether one thousand one steps. Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi stood quietly before the Seagod’s Hall, looking quietly into the horizon.

  A soft sigh echoed around her,

  “It’s definitely very painful. This is the test I faced back then. The condition to pass the peak level eight tests is two hundred twenty eight steps. And starting from two hundred twenty two steps, those last six steps were like a trial of hell for me, I can’t forget it even today. Tang San, the road you have to climb is still extremely difficult. However, since the lord Seagod chose you, I believe. You can definitely succeed.”

  Tang San naturally didn’t hear Seagod Douluo’s voice. The sudden spike in difficulty made his spirit power start to quickly drain away. But he didn’t pause, he didn’t dare pause. He knew that to him, this Seagod nine tests first trial, started now.

  Walking forward with difficulty, two hundred thirty, two hundred forty, two hundred fifty. Thirty steps were conquered in succession under Tang San’s feet. But now, a dense mist rose from his body. Strangely, just as that water mist emerged from within him, it immediately transformed into bright crystalline droplets and finally shattered into dust.

  Reaching the two hundred sixtieth step, Tang San paused for the first time. The considerable spirit power consumption made his meridians and bones issue pained sounds that only he could hear.

  Oscar timely handed over a few large recovery sausages, and Ning Rongrong’s boost also grew stronger, improving the halted Tang San’s mind somewhat. At this moment, he still had two more sausages in his hand. One of them was pink, radiating a charming tint. And the other was completely deep green. This deep green sausage was the only one Oscar couldn’t use himself, and also the fifth spirit ability he had never revealed in front of the others.

  Setting out again, the climb became increasingly difficult. Even Tang San’s Blue Silver Domain with the support of his Blue Silver Avatar began to tremble violently, and the pressure that could originally be kept outside began to infiltrate the sphere in traces. Not only did it constrict Tang San, it also began to cause pressure to Xiao Wu.

  Xiao Wu quietly leaned on Tang San’s back. Even though the outside pressure invaded, she was still wrapped up in the Blue Silver Emperor, helping her block the overwhelming majority. The remaining fractions were resisted by the Eight Treasure Wishful Soft Armor. Under Tang San’s strict protection, the pressure Xiao Wu’s body endured was still actually insignificant.

  At two hundred seventy steps, Tang San stopped for a second time. Sparkling and translucent sweat drops constantly shattered around him. His spirit power consumption had already reached a frightening level, and supporting his Spirit Avatar was also growing more and more difficult.

  There were still sixty three steps to go! For Xiao Wu, suddenly shouting in his heart, Tang San started walking once again, the obsession in his heart starting to show its effect. For a split second, his speed was even a bit faster than before, going from two hundred seventy to two hundred eighty steps in one breath.

  Switch over to Deathgod Domain? No, it still wasn’t time, Tang San didn’t do that. The Deathgod Domain would make it a bit easier for Tang San to split open the pressure in front of him, but at the same time it had no ability to help Tang San recover spirit power. In other words, if he switched over to the Deathgod Domain, he had to climb to the goal in one go. Otherwise, as long as he paused for a single step, he would immediately collapse.

  Setting foot on the two hundred eighty first step, Tang San nodded forcefully to Oscar next to him. Even though making this motion was very difficult, he had to give Oscar a clear signal.

  Oscar handed over two long since prepared sausages long since prepared in his hand. One red, one dark green, simultaneously fell into Tang San’s mouth. Practically without chewing, Tang San swallowed them.

  These two sausages Tang San ate were precisely Oscar’s fourth spirit ability, Stimulating Pink Sausage, as well as Tang San’s fifth spirit ability, Limit Surpassing Dark Green Sausage.

  The effect of the limit surpassing dark green sausage: instantly increasing spirit power thirty percent, duration three minutes. The price is being weak for three days after using it, injuring vitality. At the same time, it can be used at most once in a month. Can’t be used by sausage maker Oscar.

  The effect of strengthening spirit power by thirty percent was extremely overbearing, but this limit surpassing dark green sausage was for last ditch use, it absolutely couldn’t be eaten lightly. If it was eaten to many times, the body would be in danger of collapsing. Consequently, in the previous climbing process, nobody ate Oscar’s fifth sausage while they felt sure of passing.

  But Tang San right now had no choice but to erupt ahead of plan. Otherwise, if his spirit power was further consumed, he would certainly be unable to pass the trial.

  If it was just him alone, Tang San could still risk it. But he also carried Xiao Wu. In order to protect Xiao Wu, he couldn’t consider anything else. As long as he could endure, he wouldn’t let Xiao Wu feel pressure.

  Under the effect of the two great sausages, a surging heat instantly rose in his dantian. His originally swiftly draining spirit power swelled up like a volcanic eruption, not only making Tang San feel lighter, but also making him feel excited.

  Without directly starting to climb, two rays of golden purple light shot out from Tang San’s eyes. The next moment, the originally only one meter or so diameter Blue Silver Domain under his feet abruptly erupted. In practically just an instant, it had covered the entire Seagod Mountain.

  Even though Seagod Mountain was bathed in the Seagod’s Light, besides this stairway to the mountaintop, the whole mountain was practically covered in plants. All softs of plants made the whole Seagod mountain seem especially beautiful. And right now Tang San’s abrupt eruption used the Blue Silver Domain’s Boundless Nature to cover the entire Seagod Mountain.

  Even though the Seagod’s Light was formidable, it was still unable to block domain and support type abilities. In an instant, the Seagod Mountain’s faint golden light turned completely golden blue.

  The others didn’t have the terrifying pressure of the Seagod’s Light. The surroundings suddenly turned golden blue, but they could still clearly see the circumstances around Tang San. A palpitating feeling spread through their bodies. They discovered that Tang San’s Blue Silver Domain’s Boundless Nature really wasn’t aimed at him or the Seagod’s Light, but rather targeted all the plants on Seagod Mountain.

  Even though Seagod Mountain wasn’t considered very tall, there was still a considerable amount of plants covering the mountain. To be able to cover all of it in the power of the domain clearly showed how frightening Tang San’s eruption of spirit power was.

  Tang San’s original strength wasn’t enough to make Boundless Nature cover this kind of range, but under the effect of Ning Rongrong’s Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda and Oscar’s two great amplifying sausages, his instantly erupting domain ability had reached its target of enveloping Seagod Mountain.

  Without stepping forward, this moment, the golden blue light covering Tang San grew unprecedentedly intense, one golden blue string after another rushed out from all directions, towards Tang San, converging on him.

  That came from the plants of Seagod Mountain. Each plant seemed to have practiced with Tang San
, under the formidable influence of the Blue Silver Domain, they not only declared their allegiance to Tang San, but at the same time the Blue Silver Domain’s Boundless Nature also roused their potential, and Tang San absorbed this energy through the domain.

  The plants of Seagod Mountain were covered in the Seagod’s Light all year round, and they contained more energy than ordinary plants. Of course, any one of these plants wasn’t much before the Shrek Seven Devils, even more when Tang San only extracted a tenth of their energy. A tenth of their energy wouldn’t influence their growth and reproduction, and with the excitement of the Blue Silver Domain, they would instead grow even more healthily. Some might even have a chance to become plant type spirit beasts.

  However, Tang San wasn’t absorbing just one plant, but rather all the plants on the mountain. As one tenth of the energy of countless plants converged on Tang San through the Blue Silver Domain, this energy was terrifying.

  Tang San swelled up as if inflated, his whole body brimming with frightening power. If it was any other energy, the chaos might have already caused his body to directly explode. But such pure plant energy only had the intent to kneel before the Blue Silver Emperor, there basically wouldn’t be any backlash. Led by the aura at the heart of the Blue Silver Emperor, not only did it swiftly replenish Tang San’s consumed spirit power, at the same time it also restored the Mysterious Heaven Skill consumed under the pressure of the Seagod’s Light.

  This was the special effect of different domains in different places.

  The effect of Qian Renxue’s Angelic Domain was clearer the higher in the sky it was, the Seagod Douluo’s Seagod Domain was unparallelled in the great seas. And in places with large quantities of plants, Tang San’s Blue Silver Domain was undoubtedly the most tyrannical.

  Of course, Tang San’s present circumstances were still extremely dangerous. Due to his body inflating, his defensive power had shrunk to a dangerous degree. And the spirit power converging on him from the plants already surpassed his own spirit power by far, if he couldn’t control it, he would immediately capsize.

  Moving forward once again, Tang San began extremely carefully. He knew that his condition couldn’t last. Even disregarding the duration of Oscar’s two sausages, if the external and internal pressure of his body was maintained for long, he would also suffer incurable harm.

  Two hundred ninety, three hundred. Supported by the Blue Silver Domain’s Boundless Nature, Tang San finally climbed past three hundred steps. It was also the instant he set foot on the three hundredth step that Tang San opened his mouth wide, spitting out a golden blue mist.

  That wasn’t anything he wanted to do himself, but rather because the pressure brought by the Seagod’s Light after three hundred steps wasn’t as simple as just tangibility, but rather rose to an incomparably terrifying pressure. The gravity in his surroundings also tripled in an instant. Under such enormous squeezing, Tang San had no choice but to open his mouth and spit out a mouthful of the plant energy within his body. Otherwise, he would have imploded.

  Within that golden blue mist was still a rich blood reeking aura. The seven apertures of Tang San’s head was also simultaneously touched by a bloody mist. The condition of his body fell in a straight line.

  However, Tang San’s feet still didn’t stop, but on the contrary accelerated. He swiftly advanced five steps.

  The final moment approached. Tang San knew that if he couldn’t get there in one move, then he would never have another chance to climb up. And the Blue Silver Domain he released was now also swiftly contracting. The energy already wasn’t enough to support releasing it over a wide area. The consumption of the energy from the plants also rose in a sharp line. Even Tang San himself didn’t know how long he could hold out.

  “You can do it, little San (third brother).”

  Everyone accompanying Tang San to climb the whole way shouted practically as one voice. They of course also saw how terrifying the pressure Tang San now endured was, and also knew even more that this was his only chance.

  Ning Rongrong fiercely spit out a mouthful of blood that fell on her Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. Instantly, the originally four rays of amplifying light suddenly intensified. What she spit out was a mouthful of her heart's blood, the effect of which could increase her boost by ten percent. But it would be followed by severely injuring her strength. But at this moment, Ning Rongrong couldn’t mind anything else.

  It was as if the whole Seagod Mountain shuddered with each heavy step forward, three hundred six, three hundred seven …… three hundred twenty one, three hundred twenty two, three hundred twenty three…...

  Only ten steps remained to the goal.

  The scenery before Tang San’s eyes had already grown hazy, the Blue Silver Domain was also already once again back to a one meter diameter range around him. There were ten steps in front of him, but they had turned into a heavenly moat. The weight of his body, within that solidified pressure, it was already extremely difficult for Tang San to even breathe. One red strand after another constantly seeped out from his skin, turning into red solid forms like specks of stars in the air, then being crushed to dust.

  Having climbed to here, Tang San’s body was already completely lacking. Confronting the last ten steps, his raised left foot was raised motionless in the air, no matter what was said he couldn’t place it on the stone step in front of him.

  Just at this moment, warm energy flowed from behind Tang San, the power of a soul quietly awakening. Xiao Wu who had always been quietly leaning against Tang San’s back once again regained the life in her eyes, with the brilliance of a star.

  Chapter 227: Tang San’s Trump Card, Evolved Deathgod Domain Ability

  When Tang San reached the last ten steps he had to climb in the Seagod’s Light, spent as a dried up lamp, Xiao Wu on his back recovered her vigor.

  Even if Tang San wanted to suppress Xiao Wu’s soul, it was basically impossible right now. Just maintaining his Mysterious Heaven Skill was already a problem, he had no strength left to consider Xiao Wu. Moreover, Xiao Wu’s soul returned to her body with speed like a thunderbolt, refusing to listen.

  Vigor reappearing in her eyes, Xiao Wu’s expression still seemed quite calm. Her body slid quietly, actually slipping free of the Blue Silver Emperor binding her body like a fish swimming. In fact, even if Tang San was currently completely deficient of spirit power, accomplishing this bit was still extremely difficult. But Xiao Wu separated from it and stuck close to Tang San as if she wasn’t obstructed at all.

  She was now still within the range of the Blue Silver Domain. Under the immense pressure from the outside world, the Blue Silver Domain was no longer able to completely block the pressure on Xiao Wu’s behalf. A rich rosy red flush appearing on her skin, Xiao Wu’s both palms twisted around Tang San’s neck from behind.

  Invincible Golden Body launched, Xiao Wu’s fourth spirit ability. As her soul returned to her body, her original spirit abilities could be used temporarily, to the extent that she could even use Tang San’s spirit ring’s hundred thousand year abilities. Golden light covered not only her, but at the same time also washed over Tang San, making it questionable whether it was Xiao Wu or Tang San who launched this spirit ability.

  At the same time as the Invincible Golden Body launched, Xiao Wu’s body abruptly grew illusory, once again using spirit abilities. Moreover, this time she directly used two. Nothingness, Instant Kill Eigth Stage Drop.

  Both hands twisted around Tang San’s neck, Xiao Wu bent her right knee, sticking it to Tang San’s waist, then directly flipped him up. Even though the influence of the Invincible Golden Body couldn’t ignore the pressure, it was at least enough to survive unharmed within the pressure for three seconds.

  Hong—— Under the others’ dumbstruck gazes, Xiao Wu forcibly smashed Tang San’s body down between the three hundred twenty fourth and three hundred twenty fifth steps. And Xiao Wu herself also exploited this instant Waist Bow force to abruptly shoot forward, still staying wit
hin the range of Tang San’s Blue Silver Domain.

  The tips of her toes hooked. Intense red light spread across both of them, and the Instant Kill Eight Stage Drop attack unfolded.

  Hong, hong, hong, hong, hong, hong——

  In less than three seconds of work, Tang San had been thrown to the ground by Xiao Wu several times in succession, and with each throw, the two of them would be carried forward at least one step by that frightful shock force. As the seventh attack finished, Xiao Wu and Tang San had already reached the three hundred thirty first step.

  If the other Shrek Seven Devils didn’t understand what Xiao Wu wanted to do at the start, then now they saw it in absolute clarity. Under the effect of Invincible Golden Body, Tang San naturally wouldn’t be harmed. And Xiao Wu always launched the attacks within the range of the Blue Silver Domain, and while she herself was in a Nothingness state the influence of the outside pressure on her would be a lot smaller than Tang San’s. This let her complete this spirit ability.

  By the rules of the Seagod’s Light, any attack spirit abilities would be reflected. But Xiao Wu’s attacks weren’t aimed at the Seagod’s Light, and was moreover a throwing ability. Acting on Tang San, they naturally wouldn’t suffer that frightening Seagod’s Light rebound. It was relying on such a peculiar method that Xiao Wu delivered Tang San and herself to the three hundred thirty first step. The distance to the final goal was only two steps.

  But it was also at this time that Tang San’s Blue Silver Domain effect disappeared…...

  The frightful pressure seeming to hide the sky and cover the earth squeezed the two of them simultaneously. Let alone Xiao Wu, when confronted with such pressure, without the protection of the domain, even Tang San would be shot out into the ring sea by the Seagod’s Light.

  But the instant the Blue Silver Domain appeared, the last stage of Xiao Wu’s Instant Kill Eight Stage Drop was already launching. It was as if she basically hadn’t even noticed that Tang San’s Blue Silver Domain had disappeared. Her whole body erupted with red light, her imposing manner promoting to the peak, grabbing Tang San with both her hands at his chest and waist, then forcefully throwing him towards the three hundred thirty third step.


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