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Douluo Dalu - Volume 01-48

Page 484

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Perhaps it was because of the countless splashes from Sword Douluo’s thirteen cuts that made the moat seem to boil, but just at this moment an extremely towering stillness fell. Freezing like a mirror. Bizarre ripples spread out, not ripples of water, but ripples of light, waves of golden light.

  And the next moment, as Hu Liena gazed down from the wall, shockingly, she saw the entire Jialing Pass mote had actually turned completely golden.

  Tang San mocked in a voice only his comrades could hear:

  “Even if I’m still not the Seagod, isn’t it insane to try and stop my army with water?”

  As his words fell, he pulled up with his right arm, a ray of golden light breaking out of the water. The Seagod Trident that fell into the water before radiated its divine golden color as it rose straight into the air.

  The Seagod Light erupting from Tang San’s forehead suddenly changed, from the previous straight line into circular ripples, quietly spreading out. The Seagod’s Heart below the Seagod Trident’s blades blossomed with a blindingly intense light. Tang San pointed forward with his right hand, directly at the top of the Jialing Pass walls, and the blades of the trident equally pointed towards the top of the walls.


  Under everyones’ dumbstruck gazes, the golden water in the moat actually instantly surged under the influence of that light, instantly rising high up, climbing into the air.

  Back on the Seagod Island, the Seagod Seven Sacred Pillar Guardian Douluo had once relied on the power of the sacred pillars to control all the water in the sea within a sea. What Tang San controlled now was the true Seagod Trident, and his own strength also surpassed those guardians. Even though he controlled a moat so wide, but actually not that large in area, it really wasn’t all that difficult for him as a Seagod candidate.

  The Seagod was a god with the power to control the energy of all water, and the water in the moat was still water. Compared to the vastness of the sea, it was actually insignificant. This was also the reason why Tang San was so mocking when he saw the Spirit Empire try to defend with a moat. Trying to use water to block a Seagod candidate, wasn’t that just ridiculous?

  All the water in the moat fully rose into the air, so much that even most of the moisture in the silt at the bottom was extracted. The Seagod Trident suddenly pointed forward, and the moat water in the air instantly turned into a raging wave that surged towards the walls.

  What Tang San used was the Seagod Trident’s water control ability, as well as the Seagod’s Heart’s Vast Sea Raging Wave ability. A group attack ability. Even though the river it now controlled was rather large, and scattered the attack power of this ability, without a doubt, it still displayed quite considerable force.

  All the water in the moat flooded Jialing Pass in almost an instant. Even though there were a lot of higher level spirit masters on top of the walls, they were already scared of Tang San, and with that terrifying golden wave in front of them, each person could only manage their own defense, basically not even thinking of sparing the strength to block the entire wave. All this was too sudden.

  The giant wave overflowed the sky. Large numbers of common soldiers were directly washed off the Jialing Pass walls, flung into the pass. In fact, the walls were close to a hundred meters high, and falling from such a height, plus the impact from the water, instantly caused disastrous losses for those common soldiers. And with Tang San focusing all his strength on controlling the water to strike those menacing ballistae, after the wave passed, more than a third were ruined.

  As Hu Linea used spirit abilities to resist the surging water, her brain was completely blank. It was the first time she had ever seen something like it. The first time she commanded such a large scale battle. Confronting the terrifying strength Tang San revealed, as well as the millions of soldiers charging, the moat suddenly rising into the air and attacking. All this, everything brought her close to collapse.

  The Blue Silver Emperor right leg bone flight ability burst forth, and Tang San soared into the air. Catching the Seagod Trident, he directly pointed into Jialing Pass, shouting,


  The charging Heaven Dou Imperial Army accelerated once again. Looking down from above, the army threw itself at Jialing Pass even more straightforwardly than the moat water just did. On the walls right now, there wasn’t even the people to control the ballistae.

  “Meet—— the—— enemy——!”

  Hu Liena shouted. This was also the only order she could give. Compared to Tang San’s shout filled with murderous killing intent, her voice seemed so weak.

  Tang San was in no hurry to charge Jialing Pass. There was after all still large numbers of Spirit Empire powers there, he only coldly looked down on the chaos within from the air. He couldn’t keep his heart from growing burning hot, the battle for vengeance had already begun. The Spirit Empire would finally pay the price for all that they had done.

  Very soon, the Heaven Dou Imperial Army’s charge arrived. The boards carried on the backs of the soldiers charging furthest ahead finally showed their use. One board after another was thrown into the empty moat, and they rushed down along the cuts Sword Douluo had created, and then climbed up the opposite bank, madly dashing towards Jialing Pass. With that godlike king Lan Hao in midair, each soldier’s eyes brimmed with a fanatic mood. The red and white colored Deathgod Domain descended from above, covering an enormous range. It had no effect on spirit masters, but it the influence on common soldiers was enormous.

  The originally already panicked Spirit Empire soldiers turned even more panicked in the Deathgod Domain, and the Heaven Dou Empire soldiers that originally already held the advantage in morale grew even stronger. Within the Deathgod Domain, they even forgot about death and pain, only endless slaughter remained.

  The five Title Douluo behind Hu Liena had already released their spirits, but as they saw Tang San floating in the air, not one had any thoughts of attacking. They only watched silently, their eyes bewildered.

  “If you don’t act, Jialing Pass is finished. Even if you die, you have to stop Tang San. With him here, our defenses will collapse.”

  Hu Liena was now almost hysterical, shouting at the Title Douluo as if insane.

  The five Title Douluo looked at each other, for a moment also at a loss what to do. That day they couldn’t win when they had even more people, and then they were even led by Bibi Dong. Now they were only five, would they really risk their lives? Cultivating to the Title Douluo level was so difficult, who would want to risk it?”

  “She is right, this is an order. Get out there.”

  A hoarse voice echoed. The five Title Douluo’s expression changed as they turned around to look, only to find a pale Bibi Dong arriving on the walls.

  But, before the Title Douluo could go carry out Bibi Dong’s order, their opponents were already landing on the walls. The powers that had accompanied Tang San all pounced at the walls of Jialing Pass. Those with their own flight abilities used them, and those without relied on Oscar’s flying mushroom sausage to crest the walls, more than ten powers charging at once.

  At this moment, those Title Douluo finally also understood that if they still didn’t act, then the ending might be even more miserable. The five roared at the same time, releasing their spirit abilities and charging.

  When hated enemies meet, they will be even more furious. One side only had five peak level powers, but possessed large numbers of rank seventy and eighty spirit masters as support, the other side’s ten something people were practically all peak level powers, and even Tang San with the strength to contend with peak Douluo. As both sides had just collided, sparks flew all over.

  Poison Douluo once again found his old enemy, the Blowfish Douluo that countered him. He didn’t believe he couldn’t defeat this fellow.

  Sword Douluo’s Seven Kill Sword swept in a circle, directly confining two of the enemy Title Douluo. Bone Douluo laughed out loud, also finding two. With Ning Fengzhi’s full support, even though t
hey were both one versus two, they still weren’t at a disadvantage. The enemy’s five Title Douluo were directly blocked.

  Ning Rongrong’s support abilities were unleashed, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Flender, and Liu Erlong blocked those rank seventy and eight spirit masters with her support. Dazzling spirit abilities rendered the top of Jialing Pass in beautiful light.

  Tang San and Grandmaster confronted Bibi Dong and Hu Liena guarding in front of her, both a pair of master and disciple. Tang San held the Seagod Trident and stood ahead and to the side of Grandmaster, glowering at Bibi Dong. Seeing Bibi Dong, he couldn’t help recalling his parents, recalling the dead Da Ming and Er Ming.

  Hu Liena blocked in front of Bibi Dong without showing the slightest intention of retreat. Her gaze was fixed on Tang San, her mood complex, but even more steady.

  Bibi Dong’s face was pale, the eyes that usually radiated power were somewhat lost as she looked at Grandmaster. The injuries to her soul made all of her seem somewhat weak.


  Grandmaster’s eyes were tinged with red, his fists tightly clenched, his expression even more complex than Hu Liena’s as he asked Bibi Dong. He had wanted to ask Bibi Dong this one question for a very, very long time. But only now could he ask it to her face.

  Bibi Dong smiled a smile that made people’s hair stand,

  “Of course it’s for you. Did you forget how your family bullied you? They despised you, even pushed you out of the clan. You should thank me, I helped you kill all those people who mistreated you. Liu Erlong should thank me too. Without your family blocking it, can’t you be together without anyone stopping it?”

  “Bullshit. No matter how I was treated, it was the clan that gave me life. I will always be a son of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan.”

  Grandmaster’s eyes shot flame, speaking angrily.

  Bibi Dong was still smiling, the smile growing increasingly mournful, and even some strange ridicule,

  “Then so what? Anyway, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan has already gone up in smoke. What use is there in talking about it? Ridiculous, truly ridiculous! Haha, hahahaha.”

  “You’re insane.”

  Grandmaster roared.

  Bibi Dong’s face was cold. Looking at Grandmaster, her eyes suddenly turned a bit strange, even a bit crazy,

  “Yes, I’m insane, I’m insane. Why? I want revenge, revenge on everyone in this world. I will become the most wicked person on the Douluo Continent. Every life in this world is evil, each one. It doesn’t matter how you see me, I’ve already done what I’ve done, all evil was done by me. But so what? I hear you’re the Heaven Dou Empire State Preceptor now. Xiao Gang, don’t worry, once I’ve destroyed the Heaven Dou Empire, how about I let you be king? Come! Don’t you want to kill me? Then come and kill me!”

  Hu Liena fiercely guarded Bibi Dong, using her body to block in front of her,

  “Teacher, don’t. I’ll definitely protect you. Tang San, if you want to kill my teacher, you’ll have to pass my corpse first.”

  Bibi Dong stared blankly,

  “Idiot girl, you really are foolish. Don’t tell me you think I can’t see you like this boy?”

  Hearing Bibi Dong say this, Tang San and Hu Liena shook simultaneously, looking eye to eye. Tang San frowning, Hu Liena somewhat astonished and fearful. Grandmaster stared blankly.

  “Teacher, I, I don’t……”

  Hu Liena rushed to explain.

  Bibi Dong smiled. This time her smile was very gentle. The large mood swings made people feel frightened,

  “Idiot girl, your teacher is experienced. I can see a lot from how you look at him. Back then I looked at a man with exactly such eyes, only one man. How could I not know? Yes, Tang San really is very remarkable. I pose as a genius, but he is even more talented than me. You have good eyes. Unfortunately, you are my disciple, is there any difference for you and him as for me and Xiao Gang? Even if you agree, would he want you? We are both women without anyone.”


  Two clear teardrops rolled fell from Hu Liena’s beautiful eyes, no longer able to forcefully restrain the emotions in her heart. But she still unflinchingly guarded in front of Bibi Dong.

  Tang San sighed deeply, slowly raising the Seagod Trident, facing Hu Liena,

  “Get out of the way, I don’t want to fight you. You should now how much Bibi Dong has done. She must die. With her death, this world can be at peace.”

  “No—— No matter what, she is my teacher.”

  Hu Liena looked distressed at Tang San. From Tang San’s eyes she could also see that this man at most pitied her, there was no love. When he listened to her teacher speak just now he had even turned his head to look at Xiao Wu, and his expression in that instant was all that she head yearned for, but could never have. She understood that Tang San’s heart only had room for Xiao Wu.

  Her beautiful eyes were filled with distress,

  “Kill me if you want. But please, let my master go. I beg of you, ok?”

  Tang San suddenly closed his eyes, then quickly opened them again. Hu Liena’s plaintive expression actually swayed his heart a bit. In fact, Hu Liena’s spirit possessed enormous natural charm, and now being expressed with true emotions, it was even more convincing.

  With a cold snort, Tang San forcefully hardened his heart. Instantly stepping forward with his right foot, his left hand swatted towards Hu Liena light as a feather, his palm instantly turning the color of jade.

  Facing Tang San’s attack, Hu Liena actually neither dodged nor retreated. Her beautiful eyes filled with poignant sorrow, as well as a sense of release. Straightening her tall chest, she directly went to meet it.

  Chapter 282: Tang Sect Supreme, Buddha Fury Tang Lotus

  Tang San moved very quickly. The instant he moved, he seemed to completely stick to the ground in front of him. Adding that Hu Liena stepped forward to meet him, Bibi Dong basically didn’t even clearly see this sudden change. Her mental strength was severely injured, and still far from recovered, making her unable to control the situation as in the past. Bibi Dong noticed Tang San’s attack only once he was right by Hu Linea, too late to help.

  With Hu Liena’s strength, even though she was still a well known figure of her generation, she couldn’t compare to Tang San. Let alone like this when she basically didn’t even resist. Just as she almost disappeared from this world by Tang San’s hand, suddenly, Tang San’s seemingly incomparably fast left hand abruptly rose, changing from a strike to a grab. Hu Liena only felt her shoulder sting, and her entire right shoulder was grabbed by Tang San’s scorching hot hand. The stinging feeling instantly spread through her whole body, making her feel paralysed as she was flung aside like a soaring cloud. Under the control of Tang San’s Controlling Crane Catching Dragon, she was thrown several dozen meters away.

  Tang San’s movements were completely fluent. At the same time as he flung aside Hu Liena with his left hand, his right hand swing the Seagod Trident, shooting a semicircular golden light straight at Bibi Dong. The giant trident blades this instant turned translucent as if carved from crystal, and with only a flash, it had reached Bibi Dong’s head.

  Bibi Dong of course wouldn’t wait helplessly. No matter what was said, she was still a peak level Title Douluo. That spiderweb pattern on her forehead abruptly brightened, at the same time as she retreated explosively. Her Death Domain was already started, not only enveloping Tang San, but all the Heaven Dou Empire powers on top of the walls.

  Tang San naturally wouldn’t let her easily get her way. It would of course have been extremely difficult for him to answer Bibi Dong under ordinary circumstances, but right now Bibi Dong’s mind was injured, her abilities reduced overall. He naturally didn’t need to worry. The Blue Silver Domain instantly spread out, the power of the domain colliding head on with Bibi Dong’s.

  Only the two parties themselves could truly feel the circumstances of the collision. Even if this wasn’t a mental en
ergy collision, it was still a mutual collision of spirits, and would equally involve a portion of mental strength.

  Tang San’s Seagod Trident stretched forward. At the same time as it chased Bibi Dong, the domain collision was already finished. Tang San slowed slightly, while Bibi Dong gave a muffled grunt, her brows knitting in pain, her whole body leaning back slightly. With a shake, she had released the Death Spider Emperor’s eighth spirit ability Spirit Clone. The main body and clone simultaneously dodged to either side, just avoiding Tang San’s Seagod Trident. At the same time she advanced rather than retreat, using the Spirit Avatar that was released at the same time as the eighth spirit ability to stab towards Tang San with sharp spider legs.

  Tang San knew that the reason why Bibi Dong spared neither spirit power or mental strength and even released the spirit avatar just at the start of the battle was to deny him the chance to launch a mental attack on her. Her clone and main body were identical, and even with his level of mental strength it was very difficult to tell them apart. If he rashly used the Purple Demon Eye attack and hit the clone, Bibi Dong would immediately seize the opportunity.

  Tang San would never underestimate the enemy, even if they were still convalescent. The battle wasn’t over until the enemy was truly finished.

  Countless Blue Silver Emperor burst from the ground beneath Tang San’s feet like blooming flowers, instantly spreading over to Bibi Dong. More than a hundred Blue Silver Emperor enveloped her like a giant net, this was Tang San’s reacquired first spirit ability, Binding. Even though it was still a first spirit ability, after being updated to a fifty thousand year spirit ring, the power of this ability had already reached a frightening level, not in any way inferior to common spirit masters’ eighth spirit ability. That giant Blue Silver Emperor not only enveloped a large area, but was also extremely tough. Even Sword Douluo’s Seven Kill Sword would have a hard time destroying it. Especially when it was melded together with the domain like this.

  Tang San’s Blue Silver Domain and Bibi Dong’s Death Domain collided with and offset each other. Neither could use their domain to resist the opponent. Just this bit revealed Bibi Dong’s present weakness, otherwise Tang San absolutely wouldn’t be her match in domains.


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