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Ricochet's Rogue (Agent of Mercy, Book Three)

Page 8

by Miller, Robin Leigh

  “Training. Is that what you call humiliating young men when they make mistakes? Barking at them like they’re dogs. I think you get off on the power trip. Walking around like you’re some kind of God,” she fumed.

  “Now you listen here, Miss Holter,” he snarled at her. “I don’t need to explain myself or my actions to anyone especially you. You don’t like the way I do it then walk.”

  “Oh you’d like that wouldn’t you? You’d love to see me turn tail and run. Well it isn’t going to happen so you can growl at me, put me through the most grueling exercise you can think up but I’m not going anywhere.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  “Oh yes we will,” she said walking up and standing nose to nose with him.

  Her hot, sweet breath blew across his face. Her nostrils flared as she took each bosom-heaving breath. Her silky lips were pursed and mere inches away from his. He steeled himself against her sensuality and stared back into her hard brown eyes.

  “Like I said, I was on my way out,” he said with smirk.

  “I came here to make peace but I guess I was mistaken about the kind of man you are.”

  “I’ll show you the kind of man I am.” He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her close to him until her supple breasts pressed against his hard chest.

  Her quick intake of breath was pure satisfaction for him. His gaze drifted from her eyes to her lips and smiled when they slightly parted. In one quick movement he turned shoving her toward the door and with his free hand opened it.

  “I’ll even open the door for you,” he said pushing her into the hallway and shutting it in her face.

  Chapter Six

  When Ricochet arrived at the base the next morning he was in a particularly good mood. His date last night was exactly what he needed after Veronica paid her surprise visit. He and his lady friend danced the night away then ended up at his apartment. A hot sexual interlude topped off the night.

  He had to admit though for a moment when he was holding Veronica’s supple body next to his and her lips were so close, he nearly took a taste. If he hadn’t shoved her out the door when he did things could have gotten out of hand fast. But that was last night. Today he felt renewed and back in control.

  “Hey, Ricochet.”

  He turned to see Hannah coming toward him holding a foil covered pan. “Hey hon, whatcha got there?”

  “Left over lasagna. I thought I’d drop it off for Walt.”

  “How’d he get so lucky?” he said peeking under the foil.

  “I feel bad for him. He’s always alone and working.”

  “You guys underestimate him,” he said poking his finger into the cold food.

  When Hannah smacked his hand he jerked it back. “Where’s your old man at?”

  “He’s here somewhere. He left about an hour ago, said he had some things he wanted to get set up. I’m headed into work.”

  “How’s our little princess doin’?”

  “She’s doing great,” she replied with a smile. “Ben’s been good for her.”

  “And you.” He said putting his arm around her and giving her a hug.

  “And me.”

  “I turn my back and you’re putting the moves on my woman,” Boomer’s voice rumbled from behind him.

  “Oh no,” he said in an over-dramatic voice. “We’ve been found out.”

  “Stop it,” Hannah giggled pushing him away.

  “I’m going to give this to Walt. You guys behave yourselves,” she said walking away.

  “And ta think, ya almost gave that up,” he said nudging Boomer in the arm.

  “I know. It scares me to think about it now. Hey, come check out what I did this morning.”

  He followed Boomer to the side of the weapons barracks where he had a table set up, covered with a tarp. Boomer whipped the tarp back revealing a table full of explosives. Ricochet whistled as he walked the length.

  “What’s all this?”

  “Gonna see who knows what about what,” Boomer said with a satisfied smile.

  “A test?”


  “So is this my first exercise?”

  Hearing Ronnie’s voice Boomer snapped the tarp back over the table as Ricochet groaned out loud. They shared an exasperated glance and turned toward her.

  “Hello, Boomer.”


  “Ricochet,” she snapped.

  “Miss Holter,” he growled.

  “So what’s all this?”

  “Contrary to your thinkin’,” he snipped, “it isn’t for you. Believe it or not the world doesn’t revolve around you. There are other trainees on this base.”

  “Ricochet,” Boomer grumbled.

  “It’s okay, Boomer. I’ve had the pleasure of his hospitality before.”

  “Apparently it didn’t make an impression. You should be with the other newbies not nosin’ around.”

  Ronnie fisted her hands and took a step toward him. Boomer stepped in between them.

  “You should be with the others, waiting for instructions,” he said almost apologizing.

  “Okay, fine. I’ll be patiently waiting for my instructions.”

  She turned and stomped away, her ponytail swaying back and forth across her back. Ricochet allowed himself the pleasure of watching her leave. Today she was wearing camo pants, military style boots, and a tight kaki T-shirt.

  “She makes a nice picture,” Boomer snickered.

  “Yeah, to bad she has to open her mouth and ruin it.”

  “That’s cold, man. I don’t remember you ever being so harsh,” Boomer said scratching his head.

  “Never had reason ta be before now. Did I tell ya she showed up at my apartment last night?”

  A slow lazy smile spread across Boomer’s face. “No way.”

  “Hell yeah. She comes ta my door wearin’ this sexy sundress, exposin’ all this flesh and lookin’ all tasty.”

  “Tasty?” Boomer chuckled.

  “Tasty. Ya know, like a sweet lollipop ya just can’t help but lick.”

  “If you say so buddy. What’d she want?”

  “Beats the hell out of me. She said she wanted ta start things off on the right foot.”

  “How exactly?” he snickered.

  “You’re havin’ fun with this aren’t ya? I’m bein’ harassed and you think it’s funny.”

  “You aren’t being harassed, Rico. She knows you don’t like her and she was trying to make things better.”

  “Says you.”

  “Okay, okay. Come on, let’s go find Sam and Kong and see what’s up.”

  Yeah, he wanted to see Sam. He hadn’t forgotten what Pearson had told him.

  They walked back toward Cannon’s office, Boomer smiling and giving him strange looks the whole way. He was willing to bet it wouldn’t take two seconds for the big-mouth Boomer to tell Kong and Sam Veronica was at his place last night. He looked around up in time to see the Lowes coming around the corner.

  Sam was smiling, Kong was laughing and things looked as they should. She didn’t look ill, in fact she looked good. Maybe she was right, yesterday was just one of those days and she pushed herself too hard without the proper nutrition.

  “Hey, guys,” she shouted.

  “Hey, yourself,” Boomer replied.

  “Morinin’, folks.”

  “What’s up, Boomer? You look like you’re about to burst,” Kong said.

  Ricochet folded his arms and scowled. One, two.

  “Rico just told me Veronica showed up at his place last night wearing some sexy dress and how did you put it?” he asked looking at Ricochet. “Oh yeah, looking tasty.”

  “Tasty?” Sam laughed. “What the hell does that mean?”

  “Like a lollipop waiting to be licked,” Boomer laughed answering for him.

  Laughter filled the cool morning air.

  “My God, Ricochet, your descriptions never cease to amuse me,” Kong said slapping him on the back. “So did ya have a lick?”
r />   “Come on, Mark,” Sam snickered. “He doesn’t taste and tell.”

  All three howled as he stood there watching. “Ya finished?” he grumbled.

  “Sorry, Rico.” Kong said wiping the tears from his eyes.

  “No ya aren’t. I’m glad y’all are havin’ such a good laugh at my expense. How would you like it if she followed you home?” he asked pointing at Kong.

  “That depends, would she look tasty?”

  Rico had his own laugh when Sam punched Kong hard in the arm.

  “I’m just kidding, babe,” he said rubbing it.

  “Did she say what she wanted?” Sam asked still glaring at Kong.

  “Somethin’ about startin’ out on the right foot. I wasn’t payin’ very close attention.”

  “That’s because your tongue was hanging out wanting a taste,” Boomer teased.

  “Okay that’s enough. Remind me not to tell you anythin’ anymore,” he snarled at Boomer. “You’ve got a big mouth.”

  “I thinks she has the hots for ya, man,” Boomer said trying to stop snickering.

  “Oh that’s a load a crap. She’s up ta somethin’ with all her sneakin’ around.”

  “Rico, she hasn’t snuck up on me, has she done it to you guys?” Sam asked Kong and Boomer.

  Both men shook their heads.

  “So she’s just doing it to you. Add that in with showing up at your place last night all dressed up and I think you can put two and two together.”

  “Told ya she’s got the hots for ya,” Boomer said nudging him with his elbow.

  “Not buyin’ it.”

  “Come on guys, Cannon wants us to start the one-on-one training today. Let’s get into the office and work out a schedule,” Kong said sliding his arm around Sam.

  “Yeah, let’s get back to work. You guys have had enough fun today,” Ricochet said turning and walking away.

  They hammered out a tight, disciplined schedule for the few who Cannon thought showed particular skills. They would start out the morning with Kong doing some heavy workouts. Then they would move on to Boomer for explosives training then to Sam for special tactics. Ricochet would end the day with firearms and sniper training.

  The rest of the recruits would continue with their basic training with Boomer and Ricochet when they weren’t working one-on-one. Sam voiced that she wanted a more active roll in basic training, feeling it would help keep her skills honed.

  Once they were finished, Kong handed the schedule to Beth for her to type up and give to Cannon, who hadn’t shown up yet, which was unusual. The other three worried that he might be ill. Kong, on the other hand, wasn’t as worried. Cannon had a lady friend and he was the only one who knew it and he was willing to bet that’s where he was.

  “Okay, people, let’s get to work. Sam, you wanna work out with us this morning?”

  Ricochet glanced at her. She looked to be thinking about her answer.

  “Not this morning, Mark. I’m gonna go get some chow.”

  “You ate before we left the house.”

  “I know,” she said and stood. “I’m still hungry.”

  Okay, that was weird but not really alarming he thought. Maybe he’d follow her to the mess hall and have a cup of coffee with her.

  Everyone bugged off to do their thing and so the day started. He had a friendly chat with Sam while she ate a full plate of eggs and bacon then they took off to do their daily tasks. Nothing seemed to be wrong with her other than her appetite was growing.

  He put the remaining recruits through their paces and managed to get a glimpse of Kong with the three he was working with. Veronica seemed to be keeping up, which didn’t really surprise him. She was in good shape and her moves on the field the other day were quick and strong. But physical conditioning was different from performance in an actual mission.

  By the time the three made it to him they were dragging. He stood in front of them and looked them over. Pearson was ragged but still looked to be ready for more. This was the one he wanted to work with. The kid showed great promise to be a class-A operative. The next recruit, Nelson, surprised him. He hadn’t actually stood out during basic training but there had to be something there for Cannon to notice. And then there was Veronica.

  Her ponytail wasn’t as perfect as it had been this morning. She had dirt smudges on her face and her shoulders were sagging. She was tired but still standing.

  “Your time with me will be spent workin’ with firearms. You will get to know your weapons inside and out until you can tear them down and reassemble blindfolded. Then you’ll learn how to fire them. I’m not talkin’ about just pullin’ the trigger, but calculatin’ your shot. Taking into consideration wind, humidity, air temperature and the weapon you’re usin’. Any questions?”

  “No, sir,” the three replied with gusto.

  “First thing I want to see is how well you can shoot. Double time it to the weapons barracks, pick your firearm and double time it back here. Move.”

  When they returned each one held a different weapon. He set them up to fire at different distances. Each one hit the target but only Veronica bulls-eyed it each time. Of course she’d had training at Quantico, Pearson and Nelson only had basic.

  The session went well. Veronica did everything he instructed her to do without hassle. In fact, the two barely spoke at all. This could work he thought. As long as she continued like this he might make it through her presence here.

  “Any questions about what we covered today?” he asked his trainees.

  “No, sir.”

  “Good, clean your weapons and stow them. You are done for the day. Dismissed. Pearson, I’d like a word with you.”

  Veronica gave him a quick glance and then left with Nelson.

  “How’d your session go with Smoke?”

  “Well, sir.”

  “Any problems?”

  “None, sir. She seemed fine today.”

  “Good. Learn anything from her?”

  “More than I expected for the first day, sir.”

  “How about Boomer, you get anything from him?”

  “Yes, sir. If you don’t mind me saying, sir, he scares me a little.”

  He had to laugh at that. “Why’s that?”

  “The way he tosses those explosive around like they were toys, and talks about them like they were people, it’s just different.”

  “You know why he can do that?”

  “Because he knows his shit, sir. That’s what he told us.”

  Ricochet tipped his head back and laughed from his gut. “That’s right. You pay attention to him and if you have any questions you speak up. There are no dumb questions.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Okay, recruit, you’re dismissed.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  When the kid was gone he made his way back to base. His mind was already moving ahead to tonight. Last night was fun, maybe he’d call another of his friends and see if he could repeat it.

  When he got home he made a few calls, lined up a date and showered. Since he didn’t talk with his moms last night he’d try again tonight. Three times he called her number but got no answer. He thought about calling his sister to see if everything was okay, but decided that if there was a problem she would have contacted him.

  The club was hopping. A new band had the stage and the audience’s attention. The mixture of pop, hip-hop and classic fifties made sure the dance floor was packed all night. His lady friend never let him off the floor. Finally he decided to let her find another partner for a few songs so he could hydrate himself.

  He walked to the bar, ordered a bottled water and glanced around. Down at the end of the bar in the shadows was a gorgeous woman. Her long black hair cascaded down over her shoulders in thick waves, hiding most of her face. The simple turquoise dress she wore was cut low between her breasts, revealing two nicely rounded mounds. Her arms were thin but muscular.

  When she lifted her hand to brush back her hair from her face his breath lodged
in his lungs. She was stunning. Not much makeup, just eye liner and mascara and her lips were painted a pale pink. Her skin was light brown, a smooth and creamy brown that reminded him of the richest, sweetest chocolate he’d ever tasted.

  He took a sip of water as she looked down the bar toward him and he choked. It was Veronica. The goddess at the end of the bar was his pain in the ass. He looked away hoping she hadn’t noticed him. A few seconds passed and he risked another glance. She had repositioned herself so she could watch the dancers on the floor.

  She looked a bit down, somewhat melancholy. Was she here with someone, or had she been stood up? He couldn’t imagine anyone standing up such a beauty. Then a young man approached, smiled and began speaking. Veronica smiled sweetly and shook her head. The man didn’t back away, but wedged himself between her and the guy sitting next to her.

  He didn’t like that. Men who couldn’t take no for an answer the first time usually meant trouble. He slid around to the other end of the bar so he could get a better view. Her smile was still in place but her eyes were warning him. Still the man persisted. He reached out to touch her hair and she backed away.

  Alarm bells sounded in his head. She was FBI trained, surely she could handle this little pest. He stiffened his spine, shoved his shoulders back and prepared to make his way over to her. Then she leaned in toward the man, smile still in place and said something. Whatever it was it did the trick. The guy made a hasty retreat and never looked back.

  He found himself feeling a bit of pride in her. She vanquished an intruder without making a scene. Now he was intrigued. Did she have a date? If she didn’t, was she here trolling for a man? He looked out on the dance floor and found his lady friend joyfully grinding her hips against another man. Surprisingly, it didn’t bother him. Now he could sit and observe the lovely Miss Holter.

  Throughout the evening several men made attempts to pick her up only to walk away disappointed. It seemed she was here alone after all. She couldn’t possibly be looking for a man or she would have accepted an invitation from one of the many by now. Was she that picky? Maybe she didn’t like men. That was always a possibility.

  “Hey, Carl, are you gonna come back out and dance with me?”


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