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Ricochet's Rogue (Agent of Mercy, Book Three)

Page 13

by Miller, Robin Leigh

  * * * * *

  Ricochet walked toward the barracks whistling. He felt good this morning. Every muscle in his body was stretched, relaxed and ready for the day.

  “You’re in a good mood today,” Boomer said walking up behind him.

  “Hey, mornin’, buddy.”

  “So I take it you got lucky last night.”

  “That I did,” he replied with a big smile.

  “Got any plans for the team today?”

  “Hadn’t thought about it.” Instead he was busy making it with a member of the team. He chuckled and smiled even more.

  “I’m worried Pearson and Nelson won’t be eager to work with Ronnie again.”

  “Probably won’t be. Don’t matter. She won’t be around much longer anyway. Once she gets her trainin’ she’ll hit the road. They won’t need to worry about it.” A hole opened up in his stomach when he finished speaking. Loss poured through it and filled the rest of his body. He tried to shake it off.

  “Yeah, you’re right. We should have listened to ya, man. That woman is nothing but bad news. Not only will she get herself killed but she’ll get someone else killed.”

  “That’s what I told her.” His good mood slipped away. Turmoil ran amuck inside his head.

  The thought of her leaving bothered him. Why? It shouldn’t. It was what he wanted as soon as he found out she was here. Concern for her safety soon slithered its way into his brain. When she left she’d run right out, pick up a job and barrel headfirst into a bad situation and get her lovely ass blown off.

  “Shit,” he muttered.


  “Nothin’.” He should feel some sort of concern for her but not this bone-chilling fear. What the hell was going on? Did he want her to leave or not? Yes? No? Each side of his brain battled for victory until his head ached.

  “I’ll catch ya later Rico. I’ve got some things to check on before we get started today.”

  “Yeah,” he growled stomping off. All this chaos inside his head was a product of the amazing sex he had with her last night. That was all, he tried to convince himself. If she hadn’t approached him last night he would have gone home, gone to bed and not had one damn worry today.

  Once she got here and he saw her again he’d have pleasant memories but everything would be normal. Unless it meant more to her. How many women had sex like that without it meaning anything?

  “Oh damn.” She’d show up today smiling like a fool because she thought it meant something to him. Well he’d just have to let her know it didn’t. “You stepped in it this time, dumb ass,” he scolded himself.

  He stormed off to the mess hall, grabbed a cup of coffee and some toast and planted himself far away from the recruits. He didn’t need to take out his frustrations over his asinine decisions on them. He sipped his coffee, picked at his toast and scowled at the wall.

  “Pearson, Nelson, I’d like to talk to you.”

  When he heard her voice his stomach took flight. He hadn’t seen her walk in and didn’t want to look, but his ears were tuned in.

  “I just wanted to apologize for yesterday,” she said to her teammates. “I fucked up bad and ruined your training exercise. I’ve never worked well, or taken orders in the field well, from others. I was hoping coming here would change that but I guess it didn’t.”

  Oh hell, he thought pressing his thumb and forefinger into his eyes. She had to do that didn’t she? She had to apologize and he had to hear it.

  “It’s cool, Ronnie. We all make mistakes. Maybe we can help you out with that.” Pearson said.

  “Yeah, we are supposed to work closer together. You help me with my shootin’ and I’ll help you learn how to bite your tongue and take one up the ass when you need to,” Nelson said in a Boomer voice, slow and deep.

  They all laughed.

  “Why don’t you grab some breakfast and join us?” Pearson invited her.

  “Thanks, I think I will.”

  Ricochet drew up enough courage to glance at her when she walked up to the chow line. The hope that he wouldn’t feel anything for her today blew right out the window. She looked just as sexy as she did last night. His heartbeat quickened and his stomach took a flying leap.

  She was moving slowly and her legs looked stiff. Did he hurt her last night? Oh man, he walked out on her after he brutalized her, that wasn’t good. Things just kept getting better and better.

  Unable to stand it any longer, he pushed his chair back and headed toward the chow line. When he stood next to her she didn’t even look at him.

  “You okay?” he asked in a hushed voice.

  “I’m fine, sir, why do you ask?” she replied, filling her tray with food.

  “You, ah, well, you’re walkin’ funny.”

  “That’s because I used muscles I haven’t used in a very long time. I’m just fine. Thanks for asking.” She flashed him a friendly smile and walked away.

  Muscles she hadn’t used in a long time? Was she telling him he was her first after a long stretch of celibacy? He knew she wasn’t active, he could tell by her tightness, but did that mean something? What the hell was with thanks for asking? And why was it she was always leaving him standing?

  He made his way back to his table and sat where he had a clear view of her. She was sitting there with Pearson and Nelson laughing as she ate. Why did that bother him so much? What was with the cute smiles and the frequent touches to their arms? Was she planning on propositioning one of them next? Had he been suckered?

  That was it, he couldn’t take it anymore. He had to get out of here and away from her. She had him all tied up in knots and he didn’t like it one bit. No woman ever made him crazy like this before. Not even Sam and she was the queen of hard heads.

  Kong and Sam were coming through the door of the mess hall as he was leaving. He spared them a look and breezed right past them.

  “What’s his problem?” he heard Sam ask.

  “My guess, that,” Kong replied.

  He imagined he was pointing to Veronica. Kong always was observant. It was time he got his head out of his ass and got to work. The first task on the agenda was a long run. It was the only way he could think of to clear this mess out his mind.

  While he panted and pumped his legs he thought. Everything was cool. There was no reason to be so worked up. Didn’t he want her to come in acting like everything was normal? She didn’t send him any cutesy glances, wasn’t hanging at his elbow and didn’t ask him if he wanted to keep a toothbrush in her room.

  Hell, no one would know anything happened between them. So why was he so upset? He had the fun without having to pay the price.

  “Hey, Rico. Let’s get to work,” Boomer called across the field to him.

  Work, that was what he needed. He made it through his training exercises with the young team without any difficulty. Twice his mind wandered back to last night when he looked at her, but he quickly pulled himself back to the present.

  When they were finished for the day he saw her pulling out of the parking lot and didn’t think twice. So the day turned out well after all. His initial worries were for nothing.

  When he got home he was restless. If he sat in his quiet apartment too long, his mind took him back to that hotel bed. To keep from torturing himself, he picked up the phone and called one of his standby dates.

  After he hung up he changed his clothes and headed out to the club. Another woman would wipe the remnants of Veronica from his mind. He ignored the niggling feeling in the back of his mind that said this wasn’t what he wanted. He knew what he wanted, damn it, and it wasn’t her.

  The bar was busy. Young and middle-aged alike were out fraternizing. The large room hummed with voices and laughter. He looked around for his date and spotted her sitting at a table in the middle of the room.

  “Hey, babe,” he said walking up to her.

  “Hi, Carl. Busy tonight isn’t it?”

  “Seems so,” he said pulling out his chair and sitting. “So how’ve ya been?”

  “Good. I got a promotion last month. You’re looking at Vice President of Marketing,” she said with a smile.

  “Good for you. We should celebrate.”

  “I can’t stay out long. I have an early meeting in the morning.”

  “That’s okay. We’ll celebrate fast.”

  The waitress set down a bottle of beer in front of him and smiled. “I figured you’d want your usual.”

  “Thanks.” He lifted his beer. “To the new Vice President. It won’t be long before you oust the pres and have his job.”

  She giggled, lifted her glass of bourbon and clinked it to his bottle. “All in good time.”

  They sat talking for a while. She filled him in on her new responsibilities, gossiped about those who worked under her and monopolized the conversation. While she talked endlessly, he looked her over. She was pretty enough. She wore her hair in a simple short style, suitable for an office environment. She wore heavy makeup, which didn’t bother him. It just made him wonder what she looked like underneath it. She did have pretty brown eyes but they were somewhat small. Not like Veronica’s large round, warm eyes.

  “So I told him…” she continued, leaning back in her chair.

  The blouse she wore was open down to the middle of her chest. Unfortunately, she didn’t have much up top to display. That was okay. The size of a woman’s breasts never played into his decision to date her or not. Besides, they fit the rest of her long, thin body. Basically, she was beautiful woman, so why was he sitting here picking her apart?

  “If I get this account…” she went on.

  He glanced around the room, bored. He had a successful beautiful woman sitting across from him, any man’s dream, and he couldn’t pay attention to her. Cripes, he was messed up.

  He slowly scanned the bar. His eyes stopped dead when he saw the back of a woman with straight black hair that hung to the middle of her back. His pulse stuttered. It was Veronica. How long had she been here?

  Surrounding her were two men, their heads close to hers and laughing. His hands involuntarily fisted. She too was laughing. Bile rose in his throat, souring his beer. They had shared a perfect night last night and here she was tonight drumming up the next player. Didn’t she have any respect for herself? What kind of woman bedded a man one night and then went looking for another the next?

  Disgust and anger simmered below the surface of his skin. He watched her flirt, batting her long, thick eyelashes at the two morons hoping to get into her pants. Was she intentionally doing this or was she actually that stupid. Hadn’t she learned her lesson with the guy who attacked her in the alley?

  He couldn’t take it. It was disgraceful. Images of her wrapping those long, silky legs around another man flickered in his brain. He stood abruptly, pushing his chair back. He was going to tell her exactly what he thought about her careless, flirtatious behavior.

  “Carl, what’s wrong?” his date asked.

  “I’ll be back,” he growled and marched over to the bar.

  When he reached her he tapped her on the shoulder. “I realize you’re busy, but could I have a word with you?”

  She turned abruptly, a shocked look on her face. “Hey, Ricochet. I didn’t realize you were here.”

  “Yeah, I bet. Come on, I want ta talk to ya.”

  “Save my seat, guys,” she said as he pulled her across the floor to a dark spot by the arm.

  “You’re hurting me,” she snapped yanking her arm from his grip.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doin’?”

  “I’m having a drink. Is that suddenly a crime?”

  “I mean with those two guys,” he hissed between his teeth.

  “Not that it’s any of your business but we’re talking. What’s wrong with you?”

  “I knew you were careless in your trainin’ but I thought you had more brains than offerin’ yourself up like a slab of meat to people ya don’t know,” he snarled.

  “A slab of meat?” she said crossing her arms over her chest. “How dare you talk to me like that? You have no idea what’s going on over there.”

  “I certainly do. What, you troll every night for a quick lay? I didn’t realize you were that kind of woman,” he snapped, mimicking her posture.

  Her head snapped to attention and the fury in her eyes mixed with hurt. Had he gone too far? Maybe his choice of words was poor but she needed to be told what was what.

  She leaned forward and in a soft, venomous voice spoke. “I’m going to assume this has something to do with last night. You stand here all but calling me a slut when you yourself are here with another woman and I’m sure you’re hoping to nail her tonight. From where I stand that doesn’t make you much better. We both got what we wanted last night, no strings attached. That’s the way you like it isn’t it? Fuck ’em and leave ’em? Well that’s what I gave you. I don’t recall asking for anything more, no matter how much I wanted to.”

  His mouth was hanging open. Feeling foolish he slammed it closed. The emotional hurt in her eyes twisted into deeper pain. God he had a big mouth. She blinked several times fighting back the tears that threatened to spill over. He could see it sitting there in the corner of her glassy eyes.

  “Your date is looking for you and I have some unfinished business to take care of.”

  She walked back to the bar and hugged two women who had joined the two men she was sitting with. Were they with the guys? His question was answered when their arms slid around them in an intimate gesture. Oh yeah, he blew it.

  He slowly walked toward them hoping to hear the conversation.

  “Oh come on, Ronnie, stick around. We just got here,” one said to her.

  “I’m sorry guys. I suddenly don’t feel too well. I’ll catch up with you another night before I leave,” she told them draping her purse over her shoulder.

  “You’d better not leave town without saying goodbye. I don’t want it to be another five years before we see each other again,” the other woman said hugging her.

  “I won’t. I’m really sorry but I have to go. I just don’t feel well.” She turned and practically ran from the bar.

  “What was that all about?”

  “I don’t know,” the girl’s boyfriend said. “She was fine a few minutes ago.”

  His stomach churned until he thought he’d throw up. They were friends. She knew these people and he accused her of awful things. God, what a dope.

  He briskly walked to the door hoping to catch up with her. When he got outside she was in the parking lot unlocking her car door. As a movement in the shadows caught his eye, the hair on his arms raised.

  “Veronica,” he shouted as he ran toward her.

  The person in the shadows stepped out of the darkness and moved toward her. Ricochet instantly recognized the guy. No way was the attacker going to get away with this again. As soon as the man’s hand gripped her arm she swung around and jammed the palm of her hand into his nose. The creep stumbled backward, blood spewing all over his face.

  She wasn’t finished. She pulled back her fist and landed a blow to his mouth and then kneed him in the groin. The guy dropped like a rock to the pavement screeching like an injured bird. It seemed Sam had taught her some handy moves. Ricochet reached into his pocket, pulled out his cell phone and dialed 9-1-1. In seconds he heard sirens.

  When he reached her she was seething with anger. Tears rolled down her cheeks, her body trembled with pent up hostility that vibrated through her tightly coiled muscles. With one look she stopped him in his tracks.

  “Are you okay?” he asked gently lifting his arm wanting to touch her.

  “I was hoping it was you,” she said half crying and half growling.

  “The cops are on their way. He gets charged this time,” Ricochet told her ignoring her comment.

  “Mind your own damn business, Ricochet. The slut can handle her own problems.” She stumbled, leaned against the car and wiped the tears from her face.

  Out of nowhere her friends came run
ning from the club. Apparently someone had seen the ruckus and announced it inside.

  “Ronnie, oh Ronnie, are you okay?” the woman said hugging her.

  “I’m fine, Blair.”

  He was shoved aside as the two men and their women surrounded her. The police pulled in and quickly cuffed the bleeding creep and jammed him in the back of the cruiser. Statements were taken, information was exchanged and everything calmed down.

  “Let us take you back to your hotel,” her friend said smoothing Veronica’s hair.

  “That isn’t necessary, Blair. I just want to be alone for a while.”

  He stood to the side and listened as her friends tried to talk her into staying with them. Persuasive as usual, she convinced them she was fine so they left. When all the hoverers were gone he strolled up to her.

  “You sure you’re gonna be okay?”

  “I’m great. I’m so great maybe I’ll find some lowlife on the way home I can take back to my room and…”

  “Stop it,” he barked. “Just stop. I was wrong, I admit it. I was a fuckin’ idiot. Is that what you wanna hear?”

  She opened her car door and slid into the seat. “I don’t want to hear anything from you.” She slammed the door, started the car and peeled out of the parking lot.

  Once again he was left standing looking after her feeling like the biggest son of a bitch who walked the face of the earth. Everything inside him said to follow her back to her hotel room.


  He turned and looked at his date he’d abandoned inside about an hour ago.

  “You should go after her,” she said touching his arm. “She’s in a bad way and could use a friend.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t think I’m her friend.”

  Chapter Ten

  He didn’t sleep a wink all night. Every time he closed his eyes he saw the pain he put in her eyes and felt again the fear that overtook his body when he saw that guy grab her. Then of course there was the guilt that gnawed away at his gut.

  He spent the wee hours of the morning trying to figure out why he felt the need to confront her about the men. He didn’t like the answer he kept coming up with so he pushed it out of his mind and spent the rest of the morning playing video games.


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