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Page 2

by Laura Greenwood

  He slipped into the room to the far left, checking each way on the off chance that a guard or attendant had appeared. In fact, he found it kind of odd that there weren’t any. But then again, the world had been at peace since Xavier’s fall. If fall was the right word. Annihilation was probably more accurate.

  Which was another odd thing about Ennardo’s Kingdom. No one knew who Stefan was. Not in a big headed way, but he was the son of two of the people responsible for possibly the biggest political shake up of the world, ever. He may not be as well known as Sierra or Yasmine, but most people knew who he was. He was the spitting image of his father after all.

  The room was dim, only lit by the soft glow of the moon as it entered the room from two windows set high above him. The moon called to him somewhat, despite the fact he wasn’t actually a werewolf. He didn’t even know if true werewolves existed. He was just a shifter, born that way because his Father had been cursed into wolf form for over a hundred years. Even his Mother hadn’t known if her children would manifest in the same way, and was probably cursing her husband to this day when she realised they could shift and cause havoc. Stefan smiled to himself, remembering the trouble he and Sierra had got into as children. Or as cubs more like. Their Mother had pretended to hate it, but he’d seen her secretly amused smile far too often for him to truly believe it.

  He glanced around, trying to focus in on the shadows around the room. From what he could tell, it was almost like a museum or showcase in here. Except that he doubted anyone saw any of it. At least, not if the thick layer of dust he’d just dragged his hand through was anything to go by.

  Oh what he wouldn’t do for his sister’s ability to conjure light right now. At least then he’d know where to actually start in this room.

  Stefan closed his eyes, trying to focus on where his gut was telling him he needed to go. A large chest stood off to the side, and he made his way to it, easily following his nose. He examined the setting, wondering how easy it would be to undo the lock, yet another thing his sister would likely be able to do with barely a thought. Having Sierra’s powers would certainly make his life easier, though he didn’t envy her some of the responsibilities she needed to fulfil. She was their mother’s heir, she couldn’t just disappear if she needed some space.

  He studied the lock again, and leaned forward to press the slightly latch that seemed to be there. To his surprise, the lid lifted easily, and he looked inside, taking a deep breath as he realised he’d found exactly what he needed to.


  Odette paced back and forth, worry twisting in her gut. But not worry for herself, nor for her children. No. This was worry for the handsome stranger who’d kissed her. As much as she wanted her feathers back, she knew he was risking a lot to go get them for her, and if he was harmed in the process...well she didn’t think she’d ever be able to forgive herself.

  A small scuffle came from outside the door, and Stefan strode in, a self-satisfied grin on his face. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight. Whether because it was him returning, or whether it was because it meant he’d found the cloak she needed to get home with, she wasn’t sure. But whichever it was, his chiseled features were welcome.

  She rushed forward, only just refraining from throwing herself into his arms. She might not be as welcome there as she was earlier, and then they’d be in an awkward situation to say the least. She teetered on her small heels as she came to a stop next to him. He grasped her arm to steady her, the warmth of his hand seeping through the sleeve of her dress and she shivered, maybe even a little in anticipation.

  “I found it,” he said, his voice low and husky. Maybe he was as affected by her as she was by him. She could hope at the very least. Though she’d likely have to fly home after donning her feathers once more, which would make exploring whatever this was kind of difficult.

  “You did?” She swore she felt her eyes lighting up for the first time in years. Likely the first time since she’d arrived in this stupid Kingdom and discovered what her fate was. She glanced away, unwilling to let Stefan see the darkness that no doubt lurked in her eyes. If only it was him that’d found her by the river. Then he’d have known the innocent maiden she’d been, rather than the more jaded woman she’d become.

  “In the King’s treasure room,” he said softly, lifting his hand so that it was very nearly touching her cheek. It hovered there, his uncertainty plain in his hesitation. She appreciated that, whether he was aware of it or not.


  “Would you like it now?”

  “Not quite yet.”

  “Why not? Haven’t you been looking for it for years?” He was genuinely curious, she could hear it in her voice, and when she broke and finally looked back at him, it was visible in his eyes too.

  “It can wait a little longer. But if I put it on now, then I’ll have to fly home, and I’m not sure I’m quite ready for that.” She looked up into his eyes, seeing something there that she never imagined she would. Something akin to admiration and respect, maybe even a little bit of affection. She’d say it was far too soon for that, but her people were known for making their connections quickly. Maybe Stefan’s were too?

  No longer caring to think, Odette reached up on tiptoes and pressed a kiss against his lips. The moment they touched his, she began to panic, thinking she’d over stepped the mark, and he was no longer interested. But Stefan seemed to have other ideas, and his arm slipped around her waist. He dropped the bag that’d been hanging over his shoulder to the floor, and tangled his other hand in her hair, all while deepening the kiss between them. Something stirred in Odette. Something she’d never experienced before. It was terrifying, and addictive, and oh how she wanted more of it. She pushed her body more firmly against his, feeling him push back, the evidence of how she was affecting him clear. She didn’t know if she could go through with what she wanted to. It was different from how things had been with Ennardo, but then, could she overcome that in order to truly enjoy herself? She wasn’t quite so sure.

  After what seemed like an age, but not nearly long enough for her, Stefan pulled back, causing a soft whimper from Odette.

  “We can’t.” His voice was rough with promise and desire. “Not until you’re free of here.”

  “But then I’ll need to go home.”

  “I’ll find you,” he promised, and for once, she found herself believing another person.

  “Promise?” She hated being so needy, but he was bringing it out in her in a way she hadn’t expected.

  “I promise.” He pulled away completely, before pulling the bag back into his arms, and pulling out a luxurious coat of inky black feathers. Odette stared at it in horror. Either that wasn’t her cloak, or it had changed somewhat during her time married to the King.

  “Are you sure that’s mine?”

  “Your cloak is what I was looking for, so yes.”

  “For sure?”

  “Yes for sure. If I need to find something, then I’ll find it, and it’ll be exactly what I was after.” He seemed so sure of himself that it confused her.


  “I’m the son of one of the most powerful witches in the world, and a wolf shifter, it has to have had some effect.”

  “You’re what?!”

  “The son of Alventia’s Seer? Gretel?”

  She looked at him blankly, completely confused by what he was on about. It made no sense in her head. “Alventia? Gretel?”

  “You seriously don’t know?” He looked perplexed, like he wasn’t used to people not knowing who he was.

  “No. I’m a trapped Princess from a cursed Kingdom. I know this castle, and that’s it.”

  “Oh.” He looked away, an ashamed look crossing his face. “I’m sorry, I hadn’t realised.”

  “No need to be sorry, no one really knows. I just popped up one day and have been here ever since. That’s the way it is, and they just accept that.”

  “Is it really so blind in this country?” He cocked his head to the si
de, in a gesture that was surprisingly adorable for a grown man. Particularly if he was part wolf like he claimed.

  “Yes, very much so. Is it not the same in the rest of the world?” She hadn’t expected him to be so surprised. It just didn’t make sense. If Ennardo was like he was, then surely the rest of the Kings and Queens would be the same.

  “Not at all. My Mother, and her friends, fought to make this world better than it was. Things burned so that a King couldn’t control his people anymore. If they realised that another had sprung up in his place who was just as evil, and just as manipulative, then I’m not sure what they’d do. But the Queen would not be happy.”

  “The Queen?” she asked. The only Queen she knew was herself, and he certainly didn’t know her well enough to be claiming that she could stand up for herself. She’d never done that. Ever.

  “Sorry. My Queen. Keira, Queen of Alventia. Well, and the consort of Demetra. Their daughter is going to hold a lot of power when Keira and Philip pass their crowns to her.” He said the names with affection, which confused her all the more. No one here ever talked about royalty that way. They weren’t to be friends with anyone, never mind exhibiting the affection that Stefan clearly was.

  “You sound like you care for them,” she tried carefully.

  “I do. Keira and Philip are like second parents to me. I grew up with their daughter, Yasmine, as did my sister and cousins.”

  “Cousins? How many do you have? And just one sister? And one Princess?” Her questions came thick and fast. It’d been so long since she’d allowed herself to think of her own sisters, that she longed to live vicariously through someone else. A contented smile crossed Stefan’s face.

  “Yes, one sister. She’s my Mother’s heir. One Princess too. I have seven cousins, all close together in age. They’re a troublesome lot. Particularly the younger ones.” He laughed, probably thinking of some antics that they’d had as children. She smiled. An actual, genuine smile. Something about the way he smoke filled her with happiness. It didn’t make any sense, but she was going to go with it regardless.

  “Seven is a good number,” she muttered despite itself.

  “Oh, are you one of seven?” he asked, smiling.

  “Yes, how did you—”

  “They way you said it. And the way your mouth lifted ever so slightly.” He tipped her chin back with a gentle, but firm, finger, and leaned down to press his lips against hers. She kissed back instantly, melting into the pure sweetness of whatever it was between them.

  They broke apart, both breathing a little heavier than they should be, especially seeing as the kiss had been so sweet. But he’d awakened something in her that she hadn’t even realised existed.

  “You need to go,” he whispered, his breath fanning against her lips and sending tingles through her.

  “My children...”

  “I promise, Odette. I will save your children, and I will find you.”

  “Okay,” she responded. Maybe she shouldn’t believe him. She had barely known him long enough for that, but she did. It could all come back to her people’s ability to see true connections. In which case, she was connected to Stefan already, and very little could change that. Hence the trust.

  “What are their names?” he asked, and the faith she had in him solidified. He cared. He must do if he was taking this time.

  “Lincoln and Lena,” she responded, looking up at him with pleading eyes. She hoped he’d save them. She needed him to. The last thing she wanted was for her beautiful twins to end up in the clutches of a monster like their father.

  “Lincoln and Lena,” Stefan repeated. She liked the way he said their names. It was almost in the way that a father should say it. “Are you ready?” he asked.

  “For what?”

  “To fly home, Odette. To fly free.” With his words, he swung the cloak around her shoulders, and she felt it’s old familiar weight settle there. She knew she’d missed the feeling of feathers on her back, but she was still taken aback by exactly how it felt.

  She felt the transformation take hold, and before Stefan’s startled eyes, she transformed into the beautiful and elegant swan that she knew she was. Odette stretched out her wings, disappointed, but not surprised to see that her once crisp snow white feathers had turned the colour of ash. It was rumoured to happen any time a swan spent too much time away from their cloak. Or suffered severe distress. But she couldn’t let that deter her, now she was a swan again, she needed to fly home. She could feel the tug in her gut calling her the way that she needed to go.

  “You’re beautiful,” Stefan muttered in awe. She bowed her long neck, unable to speak in this form, but hoping that conveyed her acceptance of his compliment. He held out his hand, before changing his mind and pulling it back. She wished he hadn’t. She wished he’d touched the softness of her feathers and given her the strength to make the flight she knew she had to. “Now fly home, I’ll see you soon.” He gave her a sad smile, and she turned away, looking towards the open window.

  Odette stretched her wings once more, flapping them a few times to get the sensation of flight back into her. Taking a few unsteady steps, she lifted into the air and flew into the night.


  Stefan watched as the beautiful creature took flight, a pang of longing travelling through his gut. He longed to be with her. Not in the sky, that’d be no fun. But as a wolf running down below her, heading in the same direction. He loved to run, to feel the wind ruffling through his fur and howling slightly in his ears. There was just something about it that made him feel freer than he ever felt in a castle, no matter what he did there.

  Staring into the darkness outside, he suddenly snapped back to it. With Odette gone, it was only a matter of time before someone noticed, even if it was evening. And the last thing he wanted was for someone to realise and move the children before he could get to them. He had to get them out. It was the one thing she’d asked him to do. And then he’d go find her. Even as he’d been promising her, he had very little doubt that he’d actually go through with it. There was something about her that drew him in. A brightness to her face, even behind the slightly jaded eyes. She wasn’t broken, even though she had every reason to be, and he respected that in a way that many people might not. But then, most people probably wouldn’t notice that the Queen’s eyes held a hidden pain, or that she didn’t enjoy the things she should. He’d noticed that about her while he’d been staking out the castle.

  He spun on his heels, heading back towards the doorway he seemed to have only just come through. He glanced around, ensuring that no one else was about, before honing in on his finding senses and thinking about Odette’s children. Lincoln and Lena. The names filled him with an odd feeling, almost like the affection he felt for his sister, but more protective. Which said a lot. When he was younger, he’d been so protective of Sierra that he’d threatened someone with castration. Luckily, the cur had believed his threat and left his little sister alone. Not so luckily, Sierra had been furious. So had their Mother. He’d ended up with extra chores for the week and a ban on midnight runs. Hadn’t stopped him doing it again though. He’d just been more subtle about it.

  He followed his instincts, sneaking down hallways, and narrowly avoiding being discovered by a man he thought was a Duke. It was hard to tell, they were all dressed so opulently. The hall seemed to last forever, but eventually he came to a large wooden door that felt like the right one. Slowly, he pushed it open and stepped inside. The room was cold. Not just cold temperature wise, but cold in a somewhat clinical way. it reminded him of the hospital wing in Alventia. And it certainly didn’t remind him of the nursery that he’d grown up in. There was nothing child friendly, no warm colours, there wasn’t even a nurse maid. All of which made him truly wonder what kind of man King Ennardo really was. As if the fact he’d kept his wife essentially hostage for four years by stealing something that was so integral to her being.

  For a moment, Stefan imagined being without his wolf, and a violent sh
udder passed through him. He didn’t like the thought in the slightest, and anger rose within him at the thought of what Odette had truly endured by being parted from her swan.

  He pushed the thoughts aside. He had to if he was going to focus on the task at hand and not get completely sidetracked by things. He concentrated on his gut feeling, slipping into a side chamber, and his stomach sank. Two pairs of startling blue eyes looked up at him from cherubic faces. The children were probably only three years old or so. Maybe not even that. But they were wide awake and not making a sound. More than that, they looked scared. Like the reason they were so quiet was more ominous than he cared to truly imagine.

  “Hello, little ones,” he said softly, being very careful not to startle them. “I’m Stefan. I’m here to take you to your Mother.” He looked between the two children, pleased, but still saddened, when the little boy nodded his head a couple of times, but said nothing else. It was that moment when Stefan decided that King Ennardo would pay. Maybe not now, and probably with the help of his family, but the man would be brought down.


  Odette watched nervously as her sisters all paraded onto the dance floor. It felt wrong. All too happy. The entire Court was nothing but smiles and laughter. No one had even commented on her return. They’d just smiled and accepted that she was back. Which was wrong. It had to be. Except, it wasn’t. They were cursed, and this was the norm.

  But, what hurt the most, was that even her father hadn’t questioned what had happened to her. He’d opened his arms to her and embraced her, but that was all. No asking where she’d been for the past four years, or how she was doing, or anything. She almost wished she’d refused the cloak, and just not returned.

  Except that living without her swan just wasn’t doable any more. And being unable to ignore the call home once she’d donned the feathers, here she was. The only reason she’d be able to leave now, was if she got married. And that seemed...unlikely.


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