Book Read Free

Time Flies

Page 5

by Larry Buenafe

  “Yeah, dude, she’s hot. I’ll keep both eyes on her until then.”

  I stared at him, shaking my head. “Really, what is wrong with you?”

  “Oh, nothing that a little ghost lovin’ wouldn’t fix. Get out of here, I got it covered. It’ll also give me a little more time to figure out what these other things in here are.”

  “You mentioned that before, what is it?”

  “I’m still not sure. I’ll let you know when I get it sussed.”

  “Alright, see you later.”

  I faded out of the in-between and back into the bathroom stall. I think I’ll walk home… feeling pretty good about things at the moment… Unfortunately, my good feelings lasted about as long as it took me to walk home.

  Chapter 7

  I arrived at the apartment at about six p.m., and I was feeling hungry. Man, Marsh-dog was always starving… I wonder if he gets that way anymore… I wonder how Ariel is doing… it’s been months since we had any contact… she must know I disappeared, went “off grid”… she might think I’m dead or something… I wonder if I could chance sneaking over there to Kansas and check on her… it’s probably too risky, but still…

  I walked through the door, and for once all three of our group were there, seated around the little kitchen table. “Ferdie, tell us how went your trip to university!” Ling called. I told them everything, including my concerns about Denise, and the plan to meet up with her the following day.

  Rafael said, “I do not know this young lady, Ms. Denise. I agree that it would be important for Ms. Gabriella and me to meet her. We should be able to tell very quickly if she is who she purports to be, and then to provide any protection necessary if she is not.”

  I hesitated on the next part, because I didn’t want to hurt any feelings. “Ah, also, I think it would be best if… if Ling waited here while we meet with Denise. If all of us are out in one place in public, it would be too easy for us to get ambushed by The Others. I need Ling and Marsh-dog to be watching for any activity in the in-between so that we can protect ourselves if we need to.”

  I thought that Ling would argue, but she took it in stride. “Yes, this is best course of action. I may need help with traveling to in-between, though. Ferdie, do you think it is time to try again our experiment?”

  “Yeah, you know what? I was thinking about that. I bet if Rafael and Gabriella aided you in getting to the right point, guided you, and helped you stay there, we might be able to do it. What do you guys think?”

  Gabriella spoke first: “Well, it is very difficult to stop once the in-between starts to pull you in. I do think we may be able to hold ourselves in the middle of the two states, but we won’t be able to do it for long.”

  Rafael added, “Yes, I think this is possible, but I agree with Ms. Gabriella. We will not be able to hold it there for very long, I’m afraid. Do you think that would be sufficient?”

  “Well, I’ve never done this before either, so the best we can do is to try it and see what happens. Are you ready, Ling?”

  Ling bolted out of her chair, and exclaimed, “Yes! We must try now. Please, I am ready.”

  Her enthusiasm was impressive and contagious. We stood with her, and I asked, “So should each of you take her hand and guide her, or is it better to make contact with her when she’s at the right point? I’m not sure which way to go.”

  Gabriella said, “My intuition tells me it would be best to allow her to get to the right point on her own, and if we make contact with her when she is there, that may be enough to freeze her in place for a short time so that you can make your attempt.”

  “Yeah, ok, that seems right. Are you guys ready?”

  “Yes!” they all said at once.

  “Ok, Ling. Here we go.”

  “Yes, Ferdie, but what about high-five?”

  “Sure, let’s high-five it.” We both raised our hands and pressed our palms together. Ling began shaking, and I went down the corridor in my brain and peeked in her door. Come on, Ling, you can do it… about half-way there… I still can’t believe this works… a human MRI machine… alright, don’t get distracted… getting clearer… just a little more… that’s it! I see it super-clear… there’s the ocular nerve, coming off the back of her eye… hey, I see where it… it’s completely cut in two! “Ok, Raffy, Gabriella… NOW!”

  The angels both put their hands on Ling’s shoulders, and for a moment it looked like some kind of church activity, like laying hands on her or something. I felt a really solid jolt of energy that almost knocked me down as the angels attempted to hold Ling steady. Ok, a little wavery… I can actually feel her being pulled forward as they try to hold her back… she’s shaking and sweating like crazy… yeah, I can see the cut… almost like it was cut with scissors or something… how is this possible? Ok, concentrate… can I move the pieces together? I can destroy a brain, but putting one together is a much harder job… I said I would stop and talk before going any further but I’m already here, and the nerves are right there, and Ling looks like she’s going to collapse, and the angels are struggling to hold her still… this might be the best chance we get… got to get in closer, push forward a little more…

  I could somehow see the bundle of nerves, and how the pieces fit together, much like a jigsaw puzzle; seeing isn’t really the right word, though, it somehow went beyond that; more like seeing and feeling the inside and outside of the nerves at the same time; understanding them, as if tapping into some sense outside of myself that knew intimately what I was doing and was feeding the information to me, injecting it into me in a way that I automatically understood.

  Look, if I just twist this end a tiny bit, push the ends together, apply some energy… this is way different than tearing something apart… the energy has to be applied in just the right way, in just the right amount, different amounts in different spots… it’s too complicated, I’m not smart enough for this… ohhh, I feel like I’m going to pass out… come on, Ferdie, hang on… just a little more…

  When I came to I was lying on the floor of the kitchen. Ling and the angels were gathered around me, their faces too close. It was all I could see, and I was confused. “Oh, crap, how many times can a person pass out or get knocked out before they have permanent brain damage? I think this makes… six times? Oh, my aching head.” Their expressions went from extreme concern to relief as I spoke. “You see? He is alive; I told you he was not yet dead,” Ling cried.

  “What do you mean not yet?” I moaned.

  Rafael’s deep, melodious voice rang in my ears: “So sorry, Mr. Ferdie. When you fell and hit your head I was concerned that you might have died, you seemed so… dead, I suppose. But look, you are not deceased at all, you are alive!”

  My vision was a little fuzzy. That’s what happens when you fall on your noggin too many times… I shook my head to try to clear it; BIG mistake. “Ohh, crap,” I gulped, “I think I need to lie down. Well, I’m already lying down, but like in a bed or something.” They helped me up, led me into the bedroom, and flopped me down on the mattress. “Ohh, man, I ache everywhere. What happened? Oh, Ling, are you ok?”

  She brought her face near, closed her right eye, and whispered, “I see you, Ferdie.” Then I couldn’t help it, I cried like a baby. “Oh, thank you Ferdie. I don’t know how it is possible, but you did it.”

  I responded, my voice shaky: “Yeah, but that was hard. The most difficult thing I ever did. I feel like it almost killed me. I felt something while I was in there, though… using the energy like a tool instead of a weapon is a much different experience. It made me think of some other ways I might be able to use it, maybe for protection instead of damage. I don’t have it all clear in my mind but I have some ideas.”

  They were all patting me on the head and face, like they couldn’t believe I was there, and I didn’t have the energy to ask them to stop. “You know, it felt a lot like the first time I went to the in-between, only worse if that’s possible. I think I’ll just lie here for a while, if that’s
ok with you guys.”

  Gabriella replied, “Of course, Ferdie. If you don’t mind, I’ll send the rest out and talk with you for a moment. Would that be ok?”

  “Well, sure, ok with me.”

  Ling and Rafael exited, and Gabriella eased the door closed; she seemed deep in thought for a moment. “Well, Ferdie, you have certainly come a long way, and in such a short time. None of the rest of The Seven ever attempted to heal another person with their powers, much less succeeded. But Ferdie, you have proven yourself. We know you are a good person, but if you kill yourself in the process of being good, well, that jeopardizes everyone. As you have found, it takes a great deal more energy to create than to destroy. You must save that creative power; we will surely need it in the coming war.”

  “Do you really think it’ll be a war? Shooting, people dying left and right, things exploding, stuff like that?”

  “Oh, I fear that it may be much worse than that. We will need to be ready for anything, I’m afraid.”

  Whoa, I’ll need some time to think about that… I don’t belong in this position… I’m too weak, too emotional… As I considered, an old friend came to mind. “Hey, Gabriella, what about Arnie? What really happened when he got up there to the Good Line?”

  Gabriella flashed her Mona Lisa smile, and I thought for a moment that she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I guess being an angel will do that to you. “Well, Ferdie, the Good Line is called that for a reason. There is only good there. If one makes it to that line, the inhabitants will assume that you belong there and will welcome you with all they have. Wouldn’t it be interesting though… suppose Arnie Hayward were to decide that he would like to return to Earth as an angel. Now, that would be a first.” Once again, I couldn’t help it; a few drops came down from my eyes. Then I didn’t have any strength left, and I fell asleep or passed out, I’m not sure which.

  Chapter 8

  I bolted upright from my sleep; oh, crap, not that dream again… Angels with wings and monstrous teeth flying around, grabbing people, sweeping them up into the sky, and biting off huge chunks of flesh, causing body parts to fall left and right. Denise was now one of the flying angels chomping down on all my friends and relatives, and she seemed to be having an especially good time. I ran with all my might, dodging falling body parts, and suddenly found a cave to hide in. As I ran down into it I was confronted by an enormous man with the head of a bull. His long, sharp horns curled down from each temple. I came face to face with it, and I was frozen with fear; it pivoted its horns from side to side, leaning forward so as to tear me to pieces. I looked closely before being ripped to shreds, and I still couldn’t tell whose face it was, but… ok, it looked kind of like me.

  Come on, dude, got to snap out of it… Day 780 and counting. Man, yesterday was an eventful day… I wonder if today will be just as crazy… Feeling sore, but got to keep pushing…

  I looked at the clock: eleven-thirty. We’ve got to get over to the college to meet with Denise! I dashed from my room and found the rest of the group lounging casually around the little kitchen table. “Hey, why didn’t you guys wake me up? We’ve got to get going!”

  They all looked at me with big smiles, and Ling said, “Hey, Ferdie, watch this.” Pop! She disappeared, and pop! instantly reappeared on the other side of the room.

  “Whoa, you couldn’t do that before; what happened?”

  Ling’s smile was bright as the sun. “Somehow my fixed eye is better than before, both eyes better. Although still a little sick, I can get to in-between quite easily!”

  “Ling, that’s a big deal; it’s amazing!”

  “Yes, I still do not have as much of your power to look into minds of others, but this could help, do you think?”

  “Well, yeah, for sure.”

  Both of the angels sat back, enjoying the moment, and Rafael said, “Just wonderful, Ms. Ling. However, we should be leaving, yes? And Mr. Ferdie, you will need to change before we leave; you look a little worse for wear, I am afraid.”

  “What? I… oh no.” I had barfed a little in my sleep, and it was all over my shirt. Man, I really am out of it… I ran into the bathroom, cleaned myself up, changed my shirt, attempted to brush my mop of hair, gave up, and trudged back out of the bathroom. “I think all of us going there through the in-between might cause us to get noticed, so we’re going to have to take Ling’s car. Does either of you angels know how to drive?”

  Rafael bowed and said, “Well of course Mr. Ferdie; Chauffeur Rafael Johnson, at your service.”

  We exited the apartment, jumped in Ling’s little car, and hustled over to the university. “Hey, Raffy, you’re a good driver, you don’t miss a bump,” I snickered.

  “Ha ha, that is a funny joke, Mr. Ferdie. Perhaps when all this has concluded, you could have a career as a comedian.”

  “Nah, that’s Marsh-dog’s joke, I just copied him.”

  “Yes, Mr. Ferdie, but what great comedian has not copied his peers at some point?”

  The conversation continued in that vein until we arrived at the university. We parked, and I led the angels on a winding path through the campus and to the student lounge on the first floor of the Mathematics Building. It was now about twelve-fifteen, and there was Denise, seated by herself against the glass wall looking out onto the common area of the campus. She had her long dark hair pulled up and was wearing what looked like workout clothes, with the ubiquitous (I just learned that word and I was hoping for a chance to use it) yoga pants that accented her powerfully muscled body. She’s really attractive but intimidating… I bet she would kick your butt if you did something she didn’t like…

  She noticed us as we got near and quickly stood up, knocking over her paper coffee cup. “Oh, oh dear! Sorry, please have a seat, I’ll get some napkins and clean this up.” Whoa, she seems nervous… I don’t know if that’s a good sign or a bad sign… ok, hypervigilance, calm down…

  After the table was wiped clean, we all sat and I introduced everyone. The angels all seemed a little reserved and stand-offish, as if sizing one another up. “So, Ms. Denise, it is of course wonderful to meet you. Where did you say you were from?” Rafael queried.

  “Well, originally I was from New Mexico, from a little town called Artesia, not too far from Roswell. You know, where the aliens landed.”

  “Ah, yes, those were some friends of mine. Well, more like acquaintances, really.”

  I was getting a little annoyed by the small talk, so I interjected: “Look, this is nice, getting to know one another and all, but we’re here for a reason. Gabriella, Rafael, are either of you getting anything yet?”

  Gabriella looked around the table appraisingly, and said, “Well, honestly, Ferdie, I don’t know. I think we need a little test to give us the answers we seek, but obviously we cannot do that here. We will need a more private location.”

  “Yeah, I think that’s right. Denise, are you ok with that?”

  Her face brightened, and she said, “I thought you’d never ask. We can go to the computer lab back room, where you were yesterday. It’s always locked, and only a couple of people have the key, including Dr. Reyes, which he has given to me. Shall we go?”

  She rose and we joined her as she led the way up to the second floor computer lab. We slunk through the door, looking around anxiously, which probably would have seemed suspicious if anyone had been there to see us, and went through and into the back room. We stood there looking at one another, and finally Denise broke the ice. “Ok, no time like the present. How do you want to do this?”

  “Well, since Gabriella and Rafael don’t seem sure about you, the only thing we can do is go to the in-between so that I can check you out. I know you’re not crazy about that, but I don’t see what else we could do.”

  “Ferdie, I hate to admit it, but I’m totally concerned about those others finding me if I go to the in-between. I think they probably have some special hate and anger toward me because I got away from them, don’t you think?”

; Rafael then offered: “Ms. Denise, your concerns are understandable. I think, however, that they have a special, oh, let’s call it animosity, toward everyone. Our good friend Mr. Ferdie is the only one that they have a, shall we say, extra-special animosity toward. I don’t believe that they would spend any additional energy seeking you out any more than any of the rest of us. Don’t you agree, Ms. Gabriella, Mr. Ferdie?”

  Then it was Gabriella’s turn: “Yes, I absolutely agree. I believe you will be safe, and of course we are here to provide assistance if needed.”

  Denise still seemed unsure and a little scared, but said, “Ok, I’ll do it. If you’re going to trust me, I have to trust you too, right? Ferdie, do you want to take my hand?”

  “No, I don’t need to. I can get there on my own.”

  Denise’s eyes bugged out, and her mouth formed a big O. She grabbed me by the arms and exclaimed, “Then it’s true! You really can do it? I thought it was just exaggerating. I had heard you could, but I didn’t believe it. How old are you, anyway?”

  I couldn’t help beaming as I answered: “I’m fifteen. I’ve been able to get there by myself for a while now, though.”

  She looked completely dumbfounded, as Rafael interjected: “Oh, Ms. Denise, our Mr. Ferdie is very special indeed. He is the zenith, the pinnacle you might say. He can do that and many other things.”

  Denise was a bundle of enthusiasm, saying, “Well alright then; let’s get this over with!”

  “Wait, who told you about me and what I can do?”

  She hesitated before answering: “It was my one of The Seven. Her name was, well, is, Aida Fernandez. She was such a wonderful person, and was just learning about her potential when The Others got hold of her. I heard her speaking of you; I assume she learned of you through them. I know what you’re going to ask me next, and no, I never saw any of them. I don’t even know how many of them there are, or whether they’re from The Seven, or demons, or what. It all happened too fast for me to do anything about it.”


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