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Blood Oaths

Page 5

by Stein Willard

  “Holy …!” she gasped as she slowly backpedalled, throwing a quick look at the steel door leading to the back entrance of the bar. “You’re…you’re a vampire. Oh man, are you going to bite my head off now?” She gingerly touched her neck as she eyed the woman warily.

  The vampire coughed again and shook her head. “No. You would most probably smell and taste of these vile… things.” The vampire tossed the cigarette away and again made her way towards the exit of the alley.

  She did not know where she got the courage from… probably from the whiskey or the fact that her neck was still intact.

  “That’s it?” She called after the woman. “You gonna show me your fangs and then slink off into the night?”

  The vampire came to a stop once again. This time she did not turn around when she spoke.

  “Go inside. Stubborn people like you give me indigestion.” This time when she turned her eyes were blazing red. “And you better stop smoking. You’re too young for that.”

  Remembering her cigarette, she took a drag. “Well, make me.” She kept her eyes on the vampire who stood looking at her with an almost comical expression of disbelief on her face. “Your kind is portrayed as either sickeningly romantic or dreadfully dangerous on TV. Can’t help but wonder if it’s like that in real life.”

  Then the vampire did something totally unexpected. The blonde head slightly cocked to the side as the red eyes transformed to a bright blue. A stupendously lovely smile lit up the vampire’s face.

  “Whatever you’ve been drinking surely made you suicidal, human.” The vampire swaggered over to where she stood and reached out her hand. “My name is Iramis.”

  The name sounded vaguely familiar, but too lazy to think at that moment she promised herself that she would definitely think about it later. “Sandra Ducane.”

  A loud bang, followed by loud laughter, drew her from her thoughts. Sandra’s eyes sought out Iramis. Her head was bent slightly as she listened to something an animated Oscar was saying to her. Sandra swallowed when the blond head was thrown back and Iramis’ distinctive throaty laugh reached her ear. She watched spellbound as her wife and their youngest leaned closer again. It was so unbelievably beautiful to see how the two of them fell deeper and deeper in love with each other. At that moment she missed her wife deeply. She had to fix this and quickly. The kids were not aware of the strain yet, but they were extremely perceptive.

  Taking a deep breath, she leaned forward and almost swooned at the familiar musky scent of Iramis. She cleared her throat softly and saw Iramis stiffen slightly.

  “Find me after ten minutes, vampire. I need to talk to you.” She slowly got to the feet and made her way through the dark movie theatre to the exit, not once looking back.


  Iramis chuckled as she watched Oscar squirm in his seat. The boy seemed to be too excited to sit still. On the other side from her, Brandon was trying his hardest to appear cool and unaffected by the presence of the beautiful Imogene.

  What a pretty name! Iramis sat back and watched the screen with unseeing eyes. Who would have thought she would find herself here, especially after having spent such a long lonely and brutal existence? As if sensing her pensive mood, Oscar leaned over and took her hand. She smiled at him and pressed a kiss to his temple.

  “Are you okay, Mom?”

  “Of course, little man.” She glanced at Brandon. “Are you going to be okay with Brandon and Jenny? I need to go look for your mom.” Her smile grew wider. “You know how terrible she is with directions.”

  Oscar giggled and nodded. “Will you tuck me in later?”

  “I would not miss it for the world.”

  She mentally reached out to Killian, ordering him to watch over the kids. She waved at Adata and Imogene and left the theatre. There was still about an hour of the movie left and hopefully by then the talk might be over and everything would be back to normal. Outside the theatre she spotted some of her elite guards loitering around and smiled. She was completely safe in the compound, but after centuries of trailing her, she could understand that it could be difficult for them to relax their guard.

  She walked over to them grinning at the sheepish looks on their faces. Ermine was one of the few women that served on her detail.

  “Expecting anything to happen here?” she asked quietly and watched the woman shift from one foot to the other. Ermine almost tripped, the discomfort clear on her face.

  “No, milady. We were simply hoping to catch a movie later on,” the brunette said looking at her partner. “Gregori wanted to see a movie.”

  Looking at the quiet, stocky man standing next to Ermine, Iramis could not help but laugh. Not only was Gregori the most old fashioned of all her fighters, but it was known that the man despised modern society. He still preferred the old ways, such as reading thick, dusty old tomes.

  “Well, there’s a nice Disney movie running now. I’m sure Gregori would love it.” With a soft chuckle she left the couple staring after her. When she exited the theatre, she stood for a moment and closed her eyes. Her senses raced through the compound; the image of Sandra imprinted on them. She frowned after a while and turned slowly as her eyes followed the hallway to where the nightclubs were located. That part of the compound was the rowdiest and very few ancients ventured to that part of the compound.


  Sandra slammed the glass down on the bar and smiled at the bartender. The man blinked as he looked from her to the glass.

  “Another, milady?” he asked carefully.

  Sandra shook her head and slid off the barstool. “Thank you, but I need to use the bathroom.” She walked away on steady legs until she was out of sight before she slumped against the wall next to the ladies room. It had been too long since she had anything stronger than a glass of red wine with her meals. She pulled a face at the sharp tinge of whiskey still coating her tongue. A quick glance at her watch made her push from the wall and walk further down the hallway. She reached the backdoor and slipped out. She hoped she was not going to get in trouble for being here. The idea was to make up with Iramis, not cause more trouble.

  Looking around her she wrinkled her nose. A row of garbage bins were lined up against the wall and except for that, there was nothing much to see but a narrow walkway that was boxed in by a dull grey concrete wall. She turned back to look at the door and gasped, her hand clutching her throat.

  Standing silently and with her hands locked behind her back, was Iramis. The ‘alley’ was well-lit, allowing Sandra to make out the puzzled look in her wife’s eyes. She offered a shaky smile and was rewarded with a frown.

  “You’ve been drinking…whiskey,” Iramis said slowly, her face showing her disapproval. “You haven’t drank whiskey in almost twenty years.” Now, Iramis looked downright confounded.

  Shrugging, Sandra sauntered over to her tall wife. She held the blue eyes as she began to circle Iramis; her eyes raking over the vampire. Iramis was dressed casually in fitted black trousers and a loose white cotton shirt. As she moved behind Iramis, her eyes zoomed in on the tight butt of her wife and she smiled at the warm glow that settled in her stomach. She adored Iramis’ butt. For a moment she was tempted to slap the tempting piece of anatomy, but stopped herself at the last minute. She rounded Iramis and stood before the frowning vampire. The blue eyes were intense as Iramis tried to read her thoughts. She tsked as she wagged a finger at her wife. Very early on in their relationship, Iramis taught her how to block her mind from mental intrusions. A trick that Sandra had used to her advantage many times over the years. It sometimes drove Iramis mad when she could not read her mind, as was the case now.

  “You’re acting strange, Sandra. What’s wrong?” Iramis sounded stern.

  Feeling the double shot of whiskey kicking in, Sandra placed her hand on Iramis’ hip. “And you sound like a stuck-up old lady.”

  Iramis blinked. “I am over four thousand years old,” she stated matter-of-factly.

  Sandra threw her head back and
laughed. She laughed even harder as Iramis’ surprised look morphed into one of offense. She stepped closer, moving her hand around Iramis’ hip to her butt. She grabbed a handful and grinned when the vampire almost squeaked in surprise.

  “You’re scaring me,” Iramis said as she pulled away, out of Sandra’s reach.

  “Why?” Sandra asked as she closed the distance between them, rubbing her breasts against Iramis’ chest. She smiled inwardly when she heard the vampire gasp. Oooh, she was definitely interested. “I was once young, unpredictable and fun.” She leaned back so she could look into Iramis’ eyes. “You liked me then. Craved me.” She licked her lips. “You called me naughty and insatiable.” She pressed the rest of her body against the blonde’s. “I miss that girl.”


  Iramis felt apprehensive, confused and shamelessly aroused.

  Tracking Sandra down here, to a place where no one would dream of looking for the Master Vampire’s wife, was worrying. Finding that her wife had indulged in cheap whiskey and was more than a little tipsy was concerning. Having said tipsy wife sizing her up with lustful eyes and rubbing her gorgeous breasts against her chest, was making Iramis think of unspeakable things.

  But hearing Sandra words, even in her tipsy state, rang melancholic. She reached out and pulled the brunette to her. She had reason to be worried, for there was definitely more to this strange behaviour

  “I love you,” she said urgently as she looked down into the dark eyes. “You are as exciting to me as the first time we met.” Her arms tightened around her wife. Sandra drew away from her and she loosened her grip quickly.

  “Then tell me why I’m hurting you.” Sandra smiled sadly. “Why don’t I trust you as you trust me?”

  The words so soft, echoed loudly in Iramis’ ears. “Because it was simply a misunderstanding, my love. You didn’t know what was happening.”

  “I do now and it hurts me that I said all those hurtful things to you. It hurt me…” Sandra reached into her pocket and pulled out a packet of cigarettes. Iramis’ brows shot up. “…that I acted like some hypocritical asshole, expecting you to be something you aren’t.”

  She knew immediately what Sandra was referring to. Their wordless argument about why Iramis had threatened the boy’s parents, came to mind. She had hoped to make amends when they got home, but finding Adomini’s personal assistant waiting for them when they got home, brought about a sudden change in plans.

  Yes, she had felt at times that she had wanted to just act on her instincts and rip into whoever hurt her family and her clan, but having made the promise to Sandra had always stopped her at the last minute. So many times, she had hoped to talk to her wife about that promise and maybe now was the chance to broach the subject. She touched Sandra’s cheek.

  “That promise was made before we had children, Sandra. When it was only the two of us, I knew…the world…knew not to mess with you. I felt safe and sure that I never would have to renege on my promise.” She smiled gently. “But it’s different now. We have three other people we have to protect. I love them so much and with everything that I am that the mere thought of them being hurt, makes me see red…literally.” Her attempt at humour was returned with a small grin. “You didn’t know about my feelings and I didn’t tell you. That means that it’s not your fault.”

  Sandra shook her head. “I’m also to blame and I wouldn’t have known it if Jenny hadn’t told me last night.”

  “Jenny?” Iramis frowned, worried. Jenny wasn’t one to mince her words. “What did she say?”

  Sandra shook a cigarette out of the pack. “She said that you allowed us to act true to our natures without putting any limitations on how we react to situations.”

  Surprised at her daughter’s insight, Iramis swallowed. “She did?”

  “Yes, she did. She also said that we should learn to take care of ourselves so you don’t always feel the need to step in. That when it came to us, there was no way you could not act true to your nature.” Sandra fiddled with the lighter. Iramis took it from her and lit the cigarette for her. Sandra took a deep drag and blew out the smoke. “She was right and that was why I came here. I wanted to tell you that I’m letting you out of the promise.” The dark eyes met hers. “I love you and I knew who and what you were before we got married.”

  Not sure how to feel about all this, Iramis combed her fingers through her hair. “I don’t know what to say.”


  Sandra studied the glowing tip of her cigarette. “Then don’t say anything.” She looked up at Iramis and smiled. “My intention tonight was to bring you here and re-enact the first night we met. Everything went according to plan, the venue, the cheap whiskey and the cigarette. The only difference was that I was going to get you to smoke a cigarette with me and then I was going to press you up against the wall and…you know.” She saw Iramis’ eyes widen at that. “The talking was going to come later so as not to spoil the mood.”

  Iramis’ eyes moved to the wall and then back to Sandra. “Is the mood completely spoiled?”

  Hearing the slight plea in her wife’s voice, Sandra grinned. “I don’t know. What do you think?”

  Iramis shrugged. “It depends on you. Are you still going to offer me a cigarette?”

  “You hate them?”

  The blonde shrugged. “You should know that I’ll do anything to get in your pants.”

  Sandra tossed her head back and laughed. She had hoped that by re-enacting the night they had met that she would find and restore the link with the woman she had fallen in love with so long ago. Instead, after all this, she had found the woman she simply could not live without. When her introspection concluded, she found Iramis looking at her with those gorgeous, intense eyes. She shook another cigarette out of the pack and slipped it between her lips. Just like that night many years ago, Iramis leaned closer to light the cigarette.

  “Now remember, suck it in slowly. Don’t gasp,” she repeated her instructions. Her heart swelling with love as the vampire reached for the cigarette even though her face was pulled into a mask of pure disgust.


  Iramis accepted the cigarette and warily brought it to her lips. Before she could take her first draw Sandra held up her hand.

  “There’s no need for that.” She took the cigarette from Iramis’ hand. “We’ve talked, I’ve had my whiskey and cigarette.” Sandra took a long drag on her cigarette. “Now we need to make new memories.”

  Iramis felt her pulse jump at the suggestive tone of her wife. “New memories? What do you mean?”

  Sandra crushed the cigarette under her heel as she quietly studied Iramis. It was the way that Sandra looked at her that made Iramis rejoice silently. Oh, she was getting lucky tonight. Without a word, she hooked her hand behind Sandra’s head and pulled the brunette in for a long, hungry kiss. As her tongue slid over Sandra’s, she felt her passion flare up even brighter. She was not going to take her wife against a wall with the smell of garbage hanging heavy in the air, but she needed a little more right now. She pulled away and grinned when she found Sandra still with her eyes closed – her face a study of intense bliss.

  “Lift your blouse and feed me.”

  Her order sounded rough even to her own ears, but Sandra’s eyes flickered open and the excitement in them made Iramis lick her lips in anticipation. Without second thought, Sandra lifted her blouse and slipped her left breast out of her bra. Iramis watched, absorbed, as Sandra brushed a fingertip over her erect nipple.

  “It’s yours for the taking,” Sandra said huskily.

  Hunger and lust pounded through Iramis as she pulled Sandra closer and slowly bent over until her nipple jutted proudly into the cool air. She flattened her tongue pressing it against the hard nipple, causing Sandra to moan softly. Adjusting her pose a little, Iramis slipped her leg between Sandra’s while Sandra’s leg moved between hers. The pressure of her wife’s leg against her sex was exquisite. She lifted her mouth from Sandra’s nipple to look down into Sandra’s ey
es. She waited until she saw the slight nod before she extended her fangs and bit into the soft warm breast of her wife. As Sandra’s essence poured into her, her lust grew stronger. With a soft growl she began riding Sandra’s slender thigh.


  Sandra was still dazed from their encounter in the alley when she entered their suite. She smiled when she was immediately accosted by the children. They all spoke at the same time as they told her about the movie and their plans for the next day. Without missing a beat, she switched effortlessly from wife to doting mother as she listened intently to their exited chatter. As she helped them complete their evening rituals, she prided herself on her ability to hold herself together considering the need pounding through her.

  Damn Iramis!

  She wished she could blame the vampire for them having to cut their delightful liaison short, but she could not. It came with dating the Senate’s most influential vampires. There was always a crisis somewhere and it was worse now that they were here. She relived that painful moment when Iramis’ head snapped up, her eyes instantaneously shading from red to blue.

  “What is wrong? Why did you stop?”

  Iramis’ voice was heavy with regret when she spoke. “Adomini calls for me. I need to go.”

  Her knees almost gave out at hearing that. “What…? You… you need to go? But I…” Seeing the pained look on her wife’s face, Sandra took a deep breath and tried to get the pounding in her nether regions under control. It was evident from the rigid way Iramis stood, that the vampire too was still highly aroused. They were in the same boat and nagging the poor woman was not going to get them both off miraculously.


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