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Blood Oaths

Page 12

by Stein Willard

  “Then I’ll see you tonight. I love you.”

  “I love you too. Please be careful.”


  Hitero looked at the man sitting before him, sipping bourbon. If not for his plans to expand his organization, he would have been happy not having to deal with the man. He had his spies do a background check on the American. This was not the first time that this man had approached him.

  Bradley Purcell was as corrupt as they came. If something was rotting somewhere in the world, the man had something to do with it. He was born to be corrupt.

  “So, Hitero-san, have you thought over my proposal?”

  The Yakuza boss gave the man an unblinking look. For a man who had many business ties to Japanese firms, the man’s understanding of Japanese etiquette was appalling.

  “We will find time to discuss that soon. I hope you plan on enjoying the hospitality of my country some more. I have a few meetings I must attend. I apologize for that.”

  Bradley shrugged and laughed. “Making money is hard work and attending meetings is part and parcel of that. I will keep myself entertained in the meantime.”


  The warm water did wonders for her aching muscles. Lulu let out a sigh as she laid her head back and allowed her muscles to relax. Her clash with those thugs had been a quick workout. Two of them were good at martial arts and she had quite a few bruises to show for it.

  She had hoped she could get some information from them. In the end, it became evident that they knew nothing more than she did. What was helpful was the name of their Shateigashira. As the local gang leader, the Shateigashira Akihiro Sato, was the one who authorised activities within the area. She was running out of time. Wednesday was but three days away and she needed to sort out this mess before then.

  Lulu heaved herself out of the bath and shook her head at the sight of the large bruises on her abdomen. Choko was going to freak when she saw them. Maybe she should have told her about her run-in with the street thugs, but that was over now. All she had to do was survive the confrontation with her wife. Choko would want answers and reassurances. Making sure that she was free on Wednesday was the best assurance she could give her wife.

  She wrapped a towel around her and reached for the hairdryer. As she dried her hair, she mentally fleshed out her plan on how to get close to Akihiro Sato. A name flashed through her mind and she smiled. She was always keen to hand out favours as long as they were repaid in any way she wanted.

  Ten minutes later she stretched out on the king size bed and closed her eyes. She turned her head to the side and sniffed. Was it possible that Choko’s scent still clung to her bed a month later? A languid smile lifted the corners of her lips. She pulled the pillow close, grimacing at the cold touch of her gun. All amorous thoughts disappeared as she rolled onto her back. She was going to Choko later, but for now she would rest for a few hours and afterwards call in a favour.


  Hitero strode into the guesthouse, his cell phone still in his hand. He threw up his hand when he found both his wife and daughter sitting on the patio.

  “Why am I always the last one to find out?” Two startled set of eyes turned to him as he shook his head. “When were you going to tell me?”

  When both mother and daughter looked at him with confused expression, he pointed at Choko. “Why haven’t you told me about the mess Lulu finds herself in? I had to hear it from a business associate.”

  Choko quickly averted her eyes. “She didn’t want you involved in this. She said that if you took sides in this, it might have an effect on your standing within the family.”

  Hitero’s eyes narrowed. “How?” He slowly made his way over to the only unoccupied chair. He was vaguely aware of Keiko getting up to pour him a cup of tea.

  “She doesn’t know yet who was trying to set her up. It might very well be someone in this family.”

  “Nonsense,” he thundered. “No one in my family would be so stupid to go up against any of you, including Lulu.”

  Choko lifted her eyes and the fear he saw in them, made him look away. “I know, father, but we can never be too sure. People driven by greed have no loyalty except to money.”

  His daughter was right. They may not know about it but six years ago he was the target of an assassination attempt by one of the Triads. One of his men was their informant and they were almost successful, had the plan not been sabotaged by none other than the very woman he had accepted into his family. Now it was his turn to return the favour.

  “Have you spoken to Lulu lately?”

  “Yes, she called me earlier today. She will come here tonight.”

  Hitero smiled his thanks when Keiko placed the tea before him. “Good. I want to talk to her when she gets here. In the meantime, I will call in more men to patrol the grounds.” At Choko’s worried look, he shook his head. “I don’t know what she’s done, but as part of my family, it is my right to offer my protection. She deserves it because I owe her for saving my life once.”



  He took a sip from his tea. “It was a long time ago and I didn’t want to worry you? Nor did I ever want you to find out.”

  Choko came to her feet. “She never said anything.”

  “Because it is not something to talk about. Only a handful of people knew and they were sworn to secrecy.” He took another sip. “Now come sit with me and tell me everything so I can see what needs to be done.”


  The restaurant was full, but Lulu managed to claim a table. She read the menu with genuine interest realizing that she was actually hungry. All she had after her nap was an energy drink. The steamed dumplings made her mouth water. She placed the order as soon as the waitress came over to the table.

  She poured herself a glass of water from the carafe on the table and sat back to watch the people around her. She had her hair slicked back tonight as opposed to her trademark Mohawk. She did not want to draw any unnecessary attention to herself. She glanced at her watch. For his own safety she hoped her informant was right and that her target would come right through that door any minute. He knew her well enough to know that she would skin him alive if he lied to her. She pulled out her phone and opened one of the games to while away the time as well as to seem less suspect. Her glass of water was almost empty when her food arrived. Still there was no Akihiro. She smiled up at the waitress.

  “Could you tell me if there’s a backdoor entrance. You see, my friend Dan, is scared of getting mobbed by fans. I was wondering if there is a way of smuggling him in without anyone noticing.”

  The girl blinked at her. “Are you talking about Dan Doi, the rock star?”

  Lulu smiled as she looked around as if wanting to make sure they were not overheard. “Yes.”

  “Oh my—Oh my—,” the girl exclaimed as she began to fan herself.

  Holding up her hand, Lulu shook her head, giving the girl a disappointed look. “Look let’s leave it. I was hoping this place would give us some privacy, but…ˮ

  “No, please. I can show you. I also promise not to tell anyone as long as you promise to introduce him to me,” the girl gushed. “No one will take your table while your plate’s still there.”

  For effect, Lulu appeared as if she was reconsidering her request. “Okay.” She followed the girl through the kitchen and down a short hallway. They came to a stop and the girl pointed to a door. “Thank you, miss. Uh…what’s your name so I can remember to call for you when Dan gets here?”

  “It’s Abe. I am here until ten tonight. Ah, where’s my head? Maybe I can even arrange a private seating for you. Just let me know.”

  “Thank you again, Abe. Would it be okay if I waited for him out here? He promised to be here in a short while.” She gave the girl a charming smile.

  “Yes, please. We’re very busy tonight so I need to get back.” With a small wave she rushed back the way they had come. As soon as she was out of sight, Lulu reached into her inside pocket an
d took out her gun. She screwed the silencer on and doubled back. She had spotted a door leading to the right off of the kitchen. Usually restaurants have private rooms for their most valued clients. She was sure to find Akihiro in there.

  She hid the gun under her arm and slid the door open. She could immediately make out a number of male voices. There were four private partitions. She moved to the first one and peered in with an apologetic smile, only to see a group of teenage girls spending more time on their cell phones than on their food—rich socialites.

  Lulu moved on to the next room. It was empty. She fingered the grip of her gun as she cocked her head listening. There were only two more rooms left and both were occupied by boisterous masculine voices. Laughter sounded from them. She crept closer, keeping the cocked gun behind her back. She peeked into the first room and found what seemed to be a group of male relatives dining together. It would seem that it was some sort of a family meeting. Giving them a curt nod, she moved on to the next room. She knew she had the right place because it was the only room left. She could make out the shapes of two men through the semi-transparent walls. Just as her contact had warned, Sato was always guarded. She took a moment to focus her thoughts. Lulu stepped into the room, sweeping it quickly to do a quick headcount. She lifted her gun and aimed it at a middle-aged man who sat at the head of the low table.

  “If your men try anything, I will put a bullet in your head, Sato.” She said calmly as she watched the man’s eyes widen in surprise, before a small smile crossed over his face.

  “What is this?” Sato looked at his entourage of eight. “Who planned this?”

  Lulu adjusted her aim and squeezed off a round. The man yelped as the bullet slammed into his shoulder. “Now tell all your men to get up and face the wall. They can keep their guns, because I want them to know that if any of them tries to shoot at me, I will kill you.”

  The man was cradling his wounded shoulder. Lulu could see the hatred in his eyes. When the man still did not issue the order, she shifted her aim again and shot him through the other shoulder. Sato groaned as he closed his eyes. His face was pulled into a mask of agony.

  “You decide where the next bullet goes. I only need some information and then I’ll be off.”

  Sato opened his eyes and barked an order in Japanese. Reluctantly, the men moved over to the wall.

  “Now to make sure you don’t get tempted, put your hands behind your heads.” When they did not obey immediately, she shifted her aim again. This time the leader barked out a panicked order. The men quickly complied. “Good. Now we can talk. Depending on how quickly you answer my questions, the faster you will get medical help,” Lulu said to the injured man. “Who instructed you to have me followed?”

  The man licked his lips and shook his. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Lulu came to stand next to him and put her gun against his head. “You have five seconds to remember? One…Two…Three…Four….”

  “I don’t know. A messenger was sent over with a parcel for me. I simply pulled a few of my men to follow you as the message instructed.”

  Lulu threw a glance at the men who stood with their backs to them. “If I find out you’ve lied to me, I will be back.” She pressed her gun against his forehead. “I’ll burn your mansion down with you inside.”

  The man nodded and Lulu got to her feet and slipped out of the room. She sprinted down the short hallway and out the back door. She was disappointed that the night had been a simple waste of bullets and time. She was back to square one. Except— she knew now that she had indeed been set up. She was going to work the hierarchy of the Tanaka syndicate from the bottom up until she found the person who wanted her dead.

  If the Shateigashira did not know anything, the next possible lead would be the Wakagashira. If she got nothing from him, she would move onto the second in command and then the head. If need be, she would leave no one standing.

  For now, she would go see her wife. She missed her so much it hurt.


  Hitero tapped the envelope against his palm as he sat behind his desk, lost in thought. After Choko had told him everything she knew about Lulu’s situation, he had called in a few favours. It had taken but a few hours for him to be supplied with an as yet, unopened envelope, which possibly held the answers to Lulu’s questions.

  He knew as soon as he heard that Lulu had been set up that some old and dear friends could be involved in this. The whole thing actually reeked of corrupt bureaucracy. Someone higher up was selling the organization out to the Americans.

  There was a soft knock on the door and at his invitation it was pushed open, revealing his wife. Keiko came over to stand behind him. Hitero groaned softly when she began to massage his neck and shoulders. She was good at it. That was actually how they first met. She used to work as a masseuse at a spa frequented by the rich and famous. The moment he had felt her small, but strong hands on his body, Hitero knew he wanted her—badly. But his father had taught him the value of a good woman. The next day he returned to the spa and asked her out.

  “You are tense, husband.”

  Hitero threw back his head and smiled at her. They never indulged in public displays of affection. In fact, they appeared very cool and distant to each other when in the public eye. No one but their closest friends knew of their great love. This soft-spoken woman was the love of his life and he told her so every chance he got.

  “That’s why I have my own live-in masseuse.” He grinned when that got him a playful slap on the shoulder. “I know you’ll take care of me.”

  Soft lips brushed over his cheek and he sighed in pleasure. “And I always will. Are you still busy or would you like to come to bed with me?”

  Hitero placed the envelope on the table. “I was hoping to talk to Lulu tonight.”

  “Then you’ll have to ambush her before Choko gets her hands on Lulu. I don’t think she will let her go for the rest of the night.”

  “I believe you, but I think they both would like to come to the bottom of this.”

  “Did you find out something?”

  Hitero tapped on the envelope. “Quite a lot it seems from the weight of the envelope.”

  Keiko moved over and placed herself on her husband’s lap. “What did you find out?”

  “I haven’t opened it. I think I’m scared of what I will find in there.” He placed a delicate kiss on Keiko’s lips. “I think maybe Lulu was right. I shouldn’t get involved. I could give her the information and let her decide what she wants to do with it.”

  “What about this scares you?”

  “I have the suspicion that some old friends might be involved in this. As much as I like and love our daughter-in-law, Lulu Chen is a very dangerous woman. She will show no mercy if she decides to clean house. She’s believed to be the best assassin the Yakuza has ever produced. Believe me, her reputation hasn’t been embellished.”

  “And you are afraid for these friends of yours?”

  “I’m terrified for them.”

  Keiko pulled his head down and gave him a gentle kiss. “Then maybe you shouldn’t get involved with this.”

  “Yes. Let’s go deliver this…” Hitero tapped at envelope. “…to Choko and then we can call it a night.”

  Keiko nodded.


  Choko shrieked when two arms slipped around her waist. She was immediately assaulted the familiar earthy scent of her wife. Her body relaxed in the familiar embrace. Lulu was alive and okay.

  “I’ve missed you so much.”

  Soft lips nuzzled her neck and she moved her head so she could expose more to the searching lips.

  “Me too, aiko. Have you eaten already?”

  Choko turned in the embrace, her eyes caught immediately by those deep dark eyes. They were calm as they looked at her, but Choko could see the tiny lines of tension around them. Her wife could hide a lot of things from other people, but not from her. She pulled the dark head down and placed soft kisses over each of
Lulu’s eyes.

  “Whatever horrors you’ve witnessed today, are now gone.”

  Lulu gave her a brilliant smile. “The moment my eyes fell on you my true sight returned. Do you want me to fix you something to eat? The doctor was quite strict about your diet.”

  “Yes, I’m sticking to my diet.” Lulu was aware that she did not need to cook for her, but Choko knew that her wife loved to pamper her. This side of Lulu was so contradictory to the one she led when she was not around her. It was only when they were naked in bed and all those deadly tattoos were revealed that Choko was reminded of the double life her wife led. “I could help you prepare something light if you like.”

  Lulu smiled and pulled her to the kitchen. Choko was gently pushed into a chair as Lulu began to chop vegetables for a quick stir-fry.

  “You are quiet tonight.”

  Lulu looked up. “I had a very unproductive day.”

  “Do you want to tell me about it?”

  Lulu grabbed a carrot and with deft strokes of the knife dissected the vegetable. “As soon as I landed, I found that I was being followed. The men however didn’t know much except the name of their Shateigashira. I approached him earlier tonight and found out nothing new, except that the order to send me to America came from higher up.”

  Choko listened attentively. Lulu hated to involve her in the dark world she lived, but very soon in the beginning of their relationship, Choko had made Lulu promise never to hide anything from her. As the daughter of a Yakuza boss, she was not entirely blind to what transpired behind the closed doors of her father’s study. Lulu kept her promise, but Choko knew she did so reluctantly.

  “What happens now?”

  Lulu tossed the vegetables in a sizzling wok. “I go higher and I will not stop until I find the person who sold me out.”

  Choko caught a glimpse of Lulu’s eyes and what she saw in them made her fear for her wife. This was a mini-war and could have a devastating outcome. If the order came from higher up, it meant that many prominent individuals were caught up in this. The scariest part was that Lulu was willing to kill her way to the top. The risk of losing her wife was huge.


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