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The Wizard's Apprentice

Page 22

by Janice Ayre

Chapter Nineteen

  Two Visitors

  The plans of the morrow were never to eventuate for Brock. Late that night Zebulon returned.

  Brock was excited to hear about Zebulon's visit but he discussed little with him or Karman. Brock was also anxious to share his experiences, but Zebulon had little interest in that.

  He set Brock to work the very next day, driving him for a greater effort and perfection than ever before. Brock was disheartened. He felt the Zebulon he had grown to love and respect was an illusion, that the mean wizard he had thought him to be, was the real one. Many times Brock was tempted to refuse to work so hard, to complain, or simply to leave, but it was not fear that kept him silent and patient, but a sense that there was a reason behind this unrelenting drive.

  Karman too, observed with concern. She would frown at Zebulon's harshness but as soon as Brock made silent appeal to her to intervene, she would turn away. She felt sorry for the elf but knew Zebulon would have his reasons. In time he would tell her.

  Finally Karman could wait no longer. Alone together, Brock having been set some tasks in the garden, she confronted Zebulon.

  “Why are you doing this? You have given no explanation and you have not shared any of your news with us. Surely you must know that I am anxious to know.”

  “What is it you wish to know?” Zebulon asked as if the idea was new to him.

  “About the pendant. Have you brought it back with you?”



  “I am still not worthy.”

  “Kareem thinks you are not worthy?”

  “I think I am not.”

  “Have you been to see Saniyah?”

  “ She won't see me.”

  “Did you try to see her?”

  Zebulon's composure deserted him at this line of questioning.

  “I is none of your concern,” he responded sharply.

  Karman turned away and Zebulon strode after her, grasped her by the shoulder and swung her around.

  Contrite now, he placed his two hands on her shoulders, "I'm sorry. I have hurt you."

  Karman looked up at him steadily. "If you were anywhere else, it would not be my concern, but you are in my home. You are brooding and like a volcano ready to erupt, therefore it is my business! Now unhand me."

  Zebulon did not remove his hands but instead drew her close and kissed her on the forehead. "The Gods knew what they were doing when they placed you on the planet with me, to keep me in line and to give wise counsel."

  As Zebulon dropped his hands to his side, Karman placed her hands on his chest and firmly pushed him away. "It seems you got the more favourable deal then."

  Zebulon gave a deep chuckle and Karman moved smoothly around the room completing her previous tasks. Some tension was released and at least the confrontation had produced some relaxation in Zebulon, even if she still was not any wiser about his concerns.

  Brock entered at that point, and realising that something had taken place, looked from one to the other for an answer. None was forthcoming and presently Karman left the room.

  “You look tired young lad. No more work for you tonight,” said Zebulon in a kinder tone than he had used since returning. “Tomorrow I must talk with you.”

  Thankful for a reprieve from the gruelling work, Brock asked no questions, although his mind was busy with many.

  At breakfast next morning Zebulon ate little, preferring to sit and watch his companions. Brock was extra hungry because he felt refreshed after a good night's rest. Karman knew the wizard had something on his mind. He was unusually fidgety, a habit she would have expected in Brock.

  He finally addressed himself to Brock. “We leave tomorrow.”

  “That is good news. Where are we going?” Brock was full of enthusiasm over the prospect of adventure.

  "I'll tell you on the way."

  “He is not going with you,” said Karmen so fiercely that the two stared at her.

  Zebulon, with an almost condescending attitude responded quickly. “You are the mother now?”

  “You have not told him where he is going or what is expected of him. You do not have the right to expect him to follow without these details, so he can make up his own mind.”

  No one seemed interested in the meal any more. The silence was deafening. One pair of angry brown eyes did not leave Zebulon's face, while a pair of blue ones looked questioningly and hopefully at him.

  “You are right,” Zebulon said at length. “We are going after Mustafa. I am tired of the game of cat and mouse he is playing and I'm going to find him.”

  Brock felt a thrill pass through him. To actually meet Mustafa at last, and to see the true might of Zebulon's power.

  Karmen was much more sober. “You can go against Mustafa but Brock would be in great danger. Why would you need to place him in such peril?”

  “You are correct. I will go alone.”

  “No,” exclaimed Brock, “I want to go with you. I can help.”

  “No, I don't know what I was thinking. I do not need you. Karmen is right.” At the sign that Brock was about to protest further, Zebulon put up his hand. “The decision has been made. It is not a game. You have no idea of the danger.”

  Zebulon began making plans for his journey and gave no attention to Brock. Brock went about his usual task mournfully. He was so angry with Karmen for interfering. He felt he would never have another chance like this. While lost in his own dark thoughts he heard a sharp knock at the door. Expecting it to be someone seeking Karmen's aid, he automatically went to usher in the visitor.

  Before him stood an old man. His face was flushed and he seemed on the point of exhaustion. He looked strangely familiar yet Brock was sure he had never met him before. Despite his dishevelled appearance there was a quality about him that suggested that a meeting with such a being would not be easily forgotten.

  “I need to speak with Zebulon,” he said in a husky voice.

  He tottered slightly and Brock grasped the small man and led him to a chair.

  “Thank you,” he said in a quiet voice as he eased himself down. “Now quickly, bring me Zebulon.”

  There was no need for Brock to call Zebulon for he had heard the familiar voice. He moved swiftly as Kareem rose quickly and almost toppled over. Gently Zebulon helped him to sit once more.

  “The Peridot has warned me of great danger. It involves you and Mustafa. I have not been able to read more than that, but perhaps you will be able to discern more. I came here as fast as I could.” He handed the pendant to Zebulon.

  “I am about to seek out Mustafa. This may be what you saw.”

  “Then do not do anything until you consult the pendant.”

  “I will, but first we must have Karmen attend to you. You are at the point of collapse. Brock find her and bring her here. Tell her Kareem needs help.”

  Once Zebulon was assured that Kareem was in capable hands, he disappeared into a room where he would be alone to study the pendant.

  When Kareem had more fully recovered he entered into light conversation with Brock. The old wizard’s face smoothed out and took on a healthy glow. The eyes that studied Brock were youthful yet knowing. Brock recognised the family resemblance to Morcion, but there was something of a deeper character in this brother. Karmen had described him as noble and Brock understood what she meant. He was small as was his brother, but there was a quality about him that made him appear as a giant.

  It was Karmen who answered the second summons at the door. There was no time for introductions as Zebulon, knowing what tidings this visitor brought, hurried up behind her and hastily pushed her behind him.

  Orville stood at the door. His confidence returned, he stared arrogantly at Zebulon. Almost as tall as the wizard and strongly built, he had convinced himself he was a match for him.

  “I have a message from Mustafa.”

  “Why cannot he deliver it himself?” Does he hide behind his apprentice?”

  “He is rather too
busy at the moment.” Orville gave a smug grin.

  As he delivered his message Zebulon already knew most of what was to be imparted, for he had received a vision in the peridot. In its deep green depths he had seen the evil design, felt the burning of the light into his eyes and all but lost consciousness at the immensity of the possibilities.

  As Orville looked at Zebulon and as he saw the rage that was building inside the wizard, he became fearful and began to retreat. Zebulon grabbed him by the shirt front and pulled him towards himself.

  “Tell Mustafa that I will be there. Let no harm come to her,” he spoke through clenched teeth. He released Orville so suddenly that the young man stumbled backwards almost falling over, before making a hasty departure.

  Zebulon returned to the others who were waiting anxiously at a distance behind him. His face was white but he was supremely calm, yet those present, having caught something of the discussion, and knowing him well, knew the force building inside him would not long be contained.

  "I must go with you," said Kareem.

  "No, he is much too strong for you now. He would not hesitate to kill you. His bitterness has increased, the ugliness you perceived in him has been given fuel to mature and become part of him. He is a real threat to all of us. Brock you are coming with me.”

  So direct and commanding were Zebulon's words that all obeyed his leadership. Brock was absolutely terrified at what may lie ahead of him, yet he did not utter a word of protest. Even Karmen was silent, knowing that Zebulon would need Brock.

  “You need to do exactly as I tell you. We cannot afford any mistakes.”

  “Wouldn't it be better to take Kareem?” “He is powerful. My magic is too weak,” said Brock timidly.

  “Mustafa is familiar with Kareem's magic, it would be all but impossible to keep him hidden. My plans will work if we use the element of surprise. Your magic is stronger than you think. I felt your energy when you were deep in the river and I know you are strong enough for what I require of you. You will carry the pendant so that your strength will be amplified and it will offer some protection. Remember what I told you. One spell, well executed can defeat even the strongest magic. You will put that lesson into effect when we reach Saniyah's mountain castle. I cannot do this alone, for to attempt to do so will put her life in peril. I will instruct you in every detail so that you will not only be instrumental in freeing Saniyah, but you will be protected.”

  "This is great evil. I knew the seed was there but did not realise he would sink so low," said Kareem sorrowfully.

  Karmen said nothing but placed a warm, soft hand on the Zebulon's arm and then Brock's. That touch spoke volumes and gave each courage.

  Kareem placed a protection spell and an invisibility spell on Brock and to Zebulon he gave fatherly words of comfort and encouragement.

  All the way up the mountain Zebulon instructed Brock on what to expect and what he was to do. Had this been any other occasion, Brock would have loved the beauty of this place, but his mind and emotions were far too invested in what lay ahead.

  "Remember," counselled Zebulon. "Do exactly as I have told you. I see the plan clearly in my mind. I do not want any foolish heroics, nor do I expect more sacrifice from you than I have already asked. She is most precious to me, but I do not ask a life for a life. Do you understand?" Zebulon had recited these words several times before but he wanted to instil it into Brock's mind.

  Brock nodded mutely. He felt he had little breath left for anything but the motion of climbing. It was not that it was any harder than he had previously undertaken but fear robbed him of strength. Some places they rode but at other times they dismounted and led their horses.

  The castle burst into view like a huge sparkling diamond as they neared the top of the mountain. The moment had come.


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