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The Wizard's Apprentice

Page 27

by Janice Ayre

Chapter Twenty-four

  A Time for Celebration

  As the first light of morning slipped through the curtains and touched Brock's eyelids he immediately awoke. Instead of his usual languorous stretch, he bounded out of bed with a sense of urgency. With the energy and excitement he felt, it could have been his own wedding. With all the preparations that had been compacted into the last few weeks at the village, it would be surprising if anyone felt untouched by this planned celebration. He was, of course, overjoyed at the prospect of witnessing the marriage of Zebulon and Saniyah but he also hugged to himself a special expectation.

  Organising the wedding celebrations had required much time and effort and Brock had had little time to see Yelena other than the times they passed each other doing one chore or another. His boyhood friends were surprised at how hard Brock worked. He had two good reasons for his tireless effort. He wanted the day to be perfect for the wedding of his friends, and it gave him an opportunity to be somewhere close to Yelena, even if he didn't have her to himself. Chet and Chad were aware of his interest in their sister and they enjoyed teasing Brock every chance they got.

  The day of the picnic had been his one personal highlight and it was the one event he relived each night as he lay his weary head down to sleep. As he drifted off he would visualise Yelena's face in the hope of enhancing his dreams, but mostly he was too tired to remember them anyway. It did not stop him from waking the next morning full of plans of how he might get some time alone with her.

  He dressed quickly, for there was still much to do before the wedding hour arrived. He could hear his mother moving in the kitchen and knew she would soon call to him to hurry. He did not need the reminder for he was anxious to see Yelena and knew she would be one of the first workers to arrive. Brock had asked Yelena to be his companion at the wedding and that would mean she would sit with him at the main table where he had been invited to sit right beside Zebulon. At first she had hesitated, not wanting to be placed in such a public position but Brock had told her he would be too nervous on his own if she didn't.

  Zebulon had given Brock a small but beautiful pendant to give to Yelena and as Brock hurried to where the feast preparations were taking place, he rehearsed in his mind how he would clip it around her neck. He had tried to find out what dress she was going to wear but she would only smile and flutter her eyelids, telling him he would have to wait and see. His blissful reverie was interrupted by an urgent call for assistance.

  There was little time left for dressing once the final decorations had been completed. Everything looked fit for royalty as the workers downed their tools to view their handiwork. Delectable smells issued from the large kitchen used for formal feasts. Brock just had time to call to Yelena as she hurried to her house.

  “I will meet you at your house and escort you to the ceremony.” Brock had already told her a half dozen times before but couldn't resist repeating it.

  “I will be ready.” She gave a little wave before disappearing from his view.

  Brock felt confident as he walked the short distance to Yelena's house. He was smart in his new attire. They made him look older, taller, more manly. He checked once more that the precious little box was in his pocket as he knocked on the door.

  The door flew open and Yelena's mother greeted him breathlessly. “She's coming now.”

  Yelena swept into the room. She looked so lovely Brock forgot his cleverly rehearsed plan, fumbling in his pocket for the jewellery box, and almost dropping it in his clumsiness. Yelena's dress was a soft cream color which gave a glow to her complexion as well as showing off her softly rounded figure to the greatest advantage. The scooped neck gave room for a pendant to fit on her creamy neck but what Brock hadn't counted on was that she would already be wearing one.

  “Er . . . I have a gift for you.” He held the box out to her.

  Yelena's mother stepped in to ease the awkward situation. “Open it so we may see it.”

  Brock opened the box to display the pendant. “It's a gift from Zebulon.”

  Yelena and her mother both gasped as they saw it. “Quickly,” said the mother, “take that one off and we'll try this on.”

  “Only if you want to,” said Brock hesitantly.

  “Oh yes, I want to, it's beautiful!”

  With renewed confidence Brock fastened the pendant around her neck, just as he had imagined doing.

  As the crowd waited in hushed expectation, Brock found it reminiscent of his first encounter with the great wizard. Despite his outward calm and confidence, he gave a slight tremble and Yelena was quick to notice.

  “Are you alright?”

  “Yes, yes, only thinking what a wonderful day this is. Look, there they are!” he finished in a hoarse whisper.

  The musicians for the celebration were from Forest Glen. Though there was mild rivalry between the Glen and the Gully folks, it was recognised throughout the area that they had the finest music. Winning the prize for having the wedding at Frog Gully, the Gully folk felt they could be generous on this occasion and graciously invited them to perform. The music increased in volume as Saniyah glided down the path escorted by Zebulon.

  Saniyah's gown was Satin Tulle cut in simple style with delicate lace beadwork. Her shapely arms were covered by the long lace sleeves. The six little maidens carrying her train were dressed in dainty dresses, three of them were pink and the other three were soft green. Zebulon was in black with a touch of rich deep red at his throat. The villagers could scarcely contain their excitement at such an exquisitely fine sight.

  Once the wedding ceremony ended, the guests gathered around the various tables and as Saniyah and Zebulon took their seats Brock proudly lead Yelena to the seat beside him before seating himself beside Zebulon. Brock's parents had been invited to be seated at the table with all the distinguished guests but being humble Gully folk, they preferred to blend themselves in with the rest of the villagers at the other tables. It was a proud moment to see their son seated beside the great wizard.

  Saniyah was an extraordinarily beautiful bride. Around her neck she wore the special pendant. The sight of the pendant brought many special memories to Brock. He also realised that others would not know its significance, they would only see it as a beautiful pendant. It glowed softly against the milky whiteness of her skin. Zebulon's features were so softened by his happiness that Brock wondered that he could ever have feared him. But then too, he now knew him much better. Zebulon flashed a brilliant smile to all the guests and welcomed them all to join in the celebration feast.

  The tables were laid with the most delectable foods. Almost in front of Brock was a colourful salad smothered in a rich creamy sauce, reminiscent of the beautiful salad on the day Brock met Zebulon. Brock's hesitation to sample it did not go unnoticed by Zebulon.

  “Go ahead, help yourself. It's Karmen's special salad.”

  “How can that be, the Gully cooks don't know how to prepare it?”

  Karmen, seated next to Saniyah, spoke up. “I tutored the head cook on how to prepare it and supplied many of the herbs from my own garden.”

  As Brock began to serve himself he turned to Zebulon. “It won't have in it any undesirable results, will it?”

  Zebulon gave a deep chuckle. “I hope not! You would be like a fly in the honey if you came along with us on our honeymoon.”

  As fine as the food was, Brock did not overindulge because his happiness was so complete he did not need to over-compensate by eating too much. The meal ended with a small individual chocolate cake decorated with a swirl of cream and three juicy strawberries on the side. As they cut into the cake Brock and Yelena were surprised and delighted that a thick chocolate sauce ran from the centre of it.

  “I wonder whose creation this is?” said Yelena.

  “We certainly have some talent in the Gully,” replied Brock.

  Once the meal was finished the guests began to mingle. Throughout the evening Brock engaged in many conversations. Karmen was anxious to have all his latest news.
Kareem also enjoyed talking with him. This did not go unnoticed by either the Elders of the village or by the prominent members of Forest Glen. Brock proudly introduced Yelena to Zebulon and Saniyah, but she was unusually quiet and shy, lacking the sense of presence she exhibited in her home surroundings. The excitement of the day had brought an extra pink tinge to her cheeks making her look more beautiful, but her uneasiness troubled Brock.

  “We are pleased to meet you at last,” said Saniyah, taking her by the hand.

  “You know about me?” asked Yelena in surprise.

  It was Brock's turn to feel awkward.

  “Oh yes, he talks non stop about you,” said Zebulon, his mouth curling at the edges. He was enjoying Brock's discomfort. “Has he shown you any of his magic?”


  “Really! Why not Brock?”

  “I learned my lesson . . . not to show-off.”

  “I think amongst family and friends it's fine to give a little entertainment.” He patted Brock on the shoulder before moving away to talk to other guests.

  As the evening wore on, Brock himself began to feel tired and longed to take Yelena to a private corner and share their first kiss. This is the day he had waited for, so that it would be a special day for them. They had been kept apart so much in the previous weeks that he now grew impatient. His thoughts alternated between being sure of Yelena's acceptance and her rejection of him.

  “Brock, Brock, you are a hundred miles away!” Zebulon's voice carried a tinge of amusement. “Your little lady is lovely, so I don't blame you. We will be departing soon and so I will send you a message when we return to the mountains. Your training will be resumed then.” He clasped Brock around the shoulders in a warm embrace and bowed low over Yelena's hand. Yelena smiled and her face brightened more than it had in the whole evening. Saniyah gave Brock and Yelena a hug and kissed each one on the cheek. When Zebulon left with his bride, other goodbyes were said. The crowd dispersed quickly leaving only those assigned to the clean-up and a few stragglers prolonging their conversations. Kareem and Karmen were two of the last ones to leave. They were anxious to speak further with Brock, his parents and with Yelena.

  When final goodbyes were said and as Yelena began to leave with her parents, Brock placed his hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him in surprise.

  “Wait, I want to talk a little to you,” he said as he took her hand firmly in his so that they ended up behind the parents.

  Yelena seemed uncomfortable and she began to withdraw her hand from Brock's grasp when her mother glanced back at them.

  “We'll be along soon,” Brock called after no one in particular, at the same time tightening his grip on Yelena's hand. He thought he heard a chuckle before the parents moved further away leaving the two young people together.

  At last they were alone. This was the special part of the day that Brock had been waiting for. He led Yelena off the path to a small area, partly enclosed by shrubs and trees. The moon was full and cast a silver light. Brock edged closer to the maiden, feeling her yielding to him as he wrapped his arms around her. Slowly but purposely he lowered his head seeking her tender lips. Yelena pulled back slightly as if fearful of this commitment.

  Wisely Brock restrained his actions and instead said in a voice husky with emotion, “You looked so beautiful tonight.”

  “Not as beautiful as the Lady Saniyah,” she replied in soft accents, equally charged with emotion.

  “Every bit as beautiful!” Brock had kept her in a firm embrace. He was going to have their first kiss even if it took all night to calm her fears. He brushed a stray strand of hair from her cheek. He wished there was a little more light so he could see her eyes but he could feel her body as it alternately relaxed and then stiffened. Remembering how tenderly Zebulon had treated Saniyah, Brock did his best to emulate this behaviour. He did not want to give up the treasured hope he had held ever since preparations for the wedding had begun. This was the perfect night, no other would be quite the same.

  “It's late and we are both very tired, do you think we should go home now”? Yelena said sweetly.

  Brock could feel her drawing away again. He could not understand why she would not want this perfect moment as much as he did.

  Brock released her from the embrace but quickly took her hand in his. “I'm too excited to go home yet. Maybe we could walk a little more first?”

  As they walked across the soft grass, some of Brock's intensity subsided and with that Yelena relaxed also. The evening is not lost after all, thought Brock. Moving amongst the trees, feeling the cooling night breeze brushing across their faces, they became involved in easy conversation. But while they talked Brock still kept foremost in his mind his purpose and desire. He felt Yelena shiver.

  “Are you cold?” he asked in concern. “Here, let me keep you warm.” It was the perfect opportunity to draw her close. She melted into his arms this time and as he lowered his head she raised her face to him. He brought his lips to hers, tasting the sweetness of her lips.

  The moment long awaited, was short-lived for suddenly there was a thump beside them as a small animal fell from a nearby branch. Yelena sank to the ground and burst into a fit of emotional giggling. Brock crouched down beside her and despite himself, began laughing. They clung to each other not really knowing what was so funny while the indignant little beast hurried off into the darkness.

  This end result was unexpected but at least they had had their first kiss, however brief. The amusing incident had swept away tensions and once they had laughed themselves into a state of stupidity and exhaustion, they were ready to return home for a well deserved rest.

  Arm in arm they walked. Little was said but there was no awkwardness in the silence. Brock knew with a new confidence that they had moved from friendship to something much deeper. Yelena quickly responded to a short goodnight kiss.

  Of all the powerful experiences of the last couple of years which had propelled Brock to maturity, none was so significant as that one fleeting kiss and the unspoken acceptance that he and Yelena had stepped through the door from childhood to adulthood, together. She, though older had lived a more protected life than he, therefore he was equal to her. Brock was sure in his heart that Yelena was the love of his life. But, in all his happiness, he knew that way back in his mind was a lurking restlessness which the beauty of the day had not totally subdued. Still, Brock settled his uneasiness with the belief that whatever may follow, this day was theirs.

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  Thank You! A Special Note From The Author…

  To my dear readers,

  Thank you for purchasing The Wizard's Apprentice. This is the first book in the series and it has already seen some great success by hitting the top categories in Amazon.

  I really enjoyed writing this adventure and I appreciate people like you who allow me to continue to write. Because of you and the support of other fans I'm now halfway through Book 2 of The Wizard's Apprentice series. I will be releasing it soon. Click here to receive an email notice before anyone else

  As an independent author, getting my name out to build an audience is one of the biggest priorities. If you enjoyed this book and can spare a couple of minutes now, it would really help me out if you would like to leave me a review - even a short one - on Amazon. Good reviews inspire people to take a chance on a new author - like me.

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  I look forward to sharing the next adventures of Brock and Zebulon in the upcoming books.

  Sincerely yours,

  Janice Ayre


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