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Radclyffe - Honor 07 - Word Of Honor

Page 5

by Word Of Honor (lit)

  “ Yes, boss, Dana muttered as she let the door close on her last hope of reprieve. “Crap.

  “ Here you are, dear, Amanda said, holding out an envelope. “Your itinerary and tickets. Youre expected at Ms. Powells in the morning.

  “ Pretty sure Id be going, werent you?

  Amanda smiled beatifically. “Of course. You were my first choice.


  * * * * *

  Matheson walked carefully along the narrow rows between the plain white headstones, leaving his sons grave behind. When he reached the banks of the Potomac, the hallowed ground of Arlington Cemetery stretching out behind him, he stared across the water. The Lincoln Memorial and the White House stood opposite him just beyond the river. Symbols of freedom and national pride, now tarnished by those who had forgotten what had made the country great. The most powerful nation on Earth made impotent by laws enacted to protect the unworthy, financially and morally bankrupted from supporting the weak, the ignorant, and the debauched. It was time to return to power those who rightfully deserved it, to reward the sons of those who had built this great land. When he showed the people the mockery their leaders had made of their heritage, when the pretenders were unveiled as nothing more than puppets for perverts and thieves, the true patriots would rise again. And he would have justice.

  Chapter Five

  A s the plane touched down at Teterboro Airport across the river from Manhattan in New Jersey, Cam noted the two hulking black shapes with bright halogen eyes idling on the tarmac. She couldnt see beyond the tinted windows of the Suburbans, and she considered how easy it would be for someone to intercept the assigned vehicles on their way to the airport and replace them with identical vehicles filled with hostiles. That would, of course, assume a break in communication had gone unnoticed somewhere along the approach route. How long would it take to make the switch? Thirty seconds? Would a burst of static and less than a minute of patchy radio communications signal to anyone back at the command center that something had gone wrong? Could Blair walk unsuspectingly down the stairway from the plane and directly into a fusillade of bullets?

  “ Just sit tight for a second, Cam murmured to Blair and unbuckled her seat belt.

  “ Cam? Blair called after her, but Cam had already edged her way up the aisle.

  “ Who do you have on the ground? Cam asked as she dropped into the seat next to Paula Stark.

  Stark folded the weeks itinerary shed been studying and slid it into the inside pocket of her navy blue blazer. Without the slightest hesitation, she replied, “Phelps, Edwards, Ramsey, and Wozinski. Problem, Commander?

  “ I dont want Blair to disembark until youve verified the identities of everyone in both vehicles.

  Stark regarded Cam steadily. “Thats standard procedure.

  “ I know. Cam blew out a breath and looked past Stark out the window. The runway lights created sharp, flat circles of white interspersed with inky blackness, like so many pearls on an ebony chain. “And I know that you know it. I just She lifted her shoulder. “Im sorry.

  When Cam started to rise, Stark, in a wholly uncharacteristic move, restrained her with a hand on her arm. Cam could count on one hand the times Stark had touched her, so she sat back down and waited for Stark to speak.

  “ I dont think Ive ever said this to you, but Ive always believed it, Stark said, holding Cams gaze. “Youre the best Secret Service agent Ive ever seen. None of our training prepared us for what happened in September, but you made the right calls and probably saved all of us. If you ever have a feeling somethings not right, I want to know about it.

  “ Even if its just nerves? Cam said self-critically.

  “ Its not nerves, Commander. Its instinct.

  Cam smiled faintly. “I dont think Ive ever said this to you, but I believe it. Youre the right person to head Blairs detail.

  Stark blushed and, for the first time, looked down. “Thank you.

  “ There are some things you need to know about Colorado. Lets talk when we get back to base.

  “ Yes maam.

  * * * * *

  “ What was that all about back there in the plane? Blair asked once she and Cam were settled in the back of the Suburban. Greg Wozinski, six-five and two hundred fifty pounds of blond-haired, blue-eyed beefsteak, managed to appear invisible as he occupied the facing seat in the rear of the armor-plated SUV. His expression was impassive and he might have been deaf for all the reaction he gave to their conversation. Nevertheless, she kept her voice low. She leaned into Cams body and kept one hand on Cams thigh. “What happened?

  “ Nothing important, Cam said.

  “ Stark doesnt usually keep me strapped in that long after landing. Did you tell her to do that?

  “ I dont tell Stark what to do.

  “ Youre hedging.

  Cam took Blairs hand and held it against her middle. “I would have asked her to do it, if she hadnt been planning to already. Your security is going to be doubled until after the wedding.

  “ It could hardly be any heavier, Blair said tightly. “Ive got people with me all the time. And lets not forget, soon Ill have my very own personal reporter.

  “ That hasnt been confirmed.

  “ Oh, please. Lucinda has decreed it. Blair leaned her cheek against Cams shoulder. “I love her. I really do. But I cant believe I let her use me the way she does. Is nothing sacred?

  “ For Lucinda? Yes. The presidency. Cam kissed Blairs temple. “But she loves you too.

  “ That doesnt stop her from manipulating my private life.

  “ She doesnt see any difference between the personal and professional.

  “ I used to think that about you, Blair said.

  “ For most of my life thats been true. Cam shrugged. “Its that way for most agents.

  “ If you had to choose between me and your duty Blair shook her head. “Never mind.

  “ You. Id choose you.

  “ Im sorry. I shouldnt have asked you that. Im just tired.

  Cam released Blair s hand and slipped her arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer. “Were all tired. But you can ask me anything you need to know, anytime.

  “ I dont want Dana Barnett inside my life.

  “ Youll be safer this way.

  Blair pulled away. “Ive already got all the security I need. You said so yourself.

  “ Thats not what I

  “ Forget it. Lets just forget it. I already know how you feel. You agree with Lucinda.

  “ Yes, Cam said, feeling a barrier settle between them. On this one issue, Blairs safety, she would never compromise, no matter how much Blair needed her to. Not even when it drove a wedge between them.

  * * * * *

  Diane held open her apartment door and peered at Blair, whod arrived unannounced. Seeing Blair in tight jeans and a tighter black sweater, with her hair down and a wild look in her eyes, Diane was reminded of old times. Old times when Blair was unhappy and looking for trouble to take her mind off her troubles. What was different was that Patrice Hara, one of Blairs Secret Service agents, stood just to the left of the door with her back to the wall in a position that gave her a view up and down the hallway to the elevator and the stairwells. In the pre-Cam days, Blair would have given her spookies the slip. “Hello, darling. You do know its after midnight?

  “ The night is young. Blair tossed her leather jacket on the chair as she crossed Dianes living room to the minibar tucked into one corner. She pulled a bottle of wine and a corkscrew from underneath and set about opening it. Dianes platinum blond hair fell loose to her shoulders and, barefoot and wearing pale blue silk pajamas, she looked ready for bed. “Am I keeping you awake?

  “ Of course notI was reading. I still keep New York hours. Diane settled onto the arm of the sofa, watching Blair curiously. “Since youve gone domestic with Cam, youre the one on a DC schedule. Up at an ungodly hour and no carousing until dawn anymore.

  Blair paused, the wine bottle suspended in one hand as she looked around the apartment.
“I didnt even think to ask if Valerie was here. I cant get used to you living with someone.

  “ Shes not here. And Im not living with her.

  “ Uh-huh.

  “ Shes stillat work hardly seems to cover it. Diane walked over to the bar, picked up an empty wineglass, and held it out. “And even if I were cohabitating, you can drop by anytime. Whats going on?

  “ Cam is working late too.

  “ Thats nothing new.

  Blair filled their glasses and sipped from hers. “We have a new member of the wedding party.

  “ Really? I was about to tell you the same thing.

  “ You tell first. I think your news is probably better than mine.

  Blair flopped onto the couch and propped her scuffed brown boots on the gleaming wood coffee table.

  Diane curled up beside her on the deep red sofa, drawing her legs up beneath her and turning sideways to face Blair. “I got an e-mail from Emory. Shes coming into the city tomorrow for some kind of grant meeting and she mentioned she was going to spend a few days here before heading out to Colorado. I invited her to get together with us while we put the finishing touches on the wedding plans. Do you mind?

  “ No, thats great. I like Emory. Blair stared moodily into her wine. “Id offer for her to stay at my place, but who would want to stay there? I dont even want to stay there.

  “ I already told her she could stay with me, but she said she was fine at the hotel. Diane tapped a polished fingernail on Blairs knee. “Whats Cam done, sweetie?

  “ What makes you think its her?

  “ Youre fretting. Lucinda annoys you. Nosy reporters make you swear. I have even been known to irritate you now and then. But only Cam makes you fret and pine.

  “ Im not pining. Im pissed off.

  “ Okay. Diane stroked Blairs leg, then patted it. “So. Tell.

  “ Lucinda had the bright idea of assigning a reporter to cover the wedding, and Cam agrees.

  Diane frowned. “You knew you were going to create a buzz. After the press announcement this morning, Im surprised you dont already have a news van parked in front of your building.

  “ I do. Three of them. Blair grimaced. “Fortunately, they cant come within thirty feet of the entrance, so all they can do is yell questions. This situation is different.

  “ What, Lucinda promised some reporter a one-on-one? Youve done plenty of interviews before.

  “ Were not talking an interview, Blair said glumly. “Were talking a member of the wedding. Shes showing up tomorrow and shes going to be with us all day, every day, until this is over.

  “ Youre kidding.

  “ Im not.

  “ And you agreed? Diane got up to refill their glasses. “Why?

  “ I didnt agree. Lucinda ordered it and Cam backed her. Blair waved Diane and the wine away. She hadnt even finished half a glass yet. She hated being at odds with Cam. For so many years, anger had fueled her life. Her resistance to the restrictions imposed by her fathers career had actually invigorated her. Certainly, her rage had inspired some of her best paintings. Since Cam, she had learned to compromise, and the new balance in her life had led her in surprising new directions in her art. She didnt resent the changes, but there were times, like now, when she needed Cam to take her part. And it hurt when she didnt. “You know what its like saying no to Lucinda.

  “ But thats not what has you drinking wine on my sofa in the middle of the night.

  “ Its silly, but I want Cam to care about the wedding like I do.

  Diane wrapped her arm around Blairs shoulders and hugged her. “Congratulations. I dont think Ive ever actually heard you say that you wanted something from a lover before. Other than hot sex, that is.

  Blair laughed. “Thats one thing I never have to request from Cam.

  “ Dont gloat.

  “ You should talk, Blair teased. “If wanting something from her is such a good thing, why does it feel lousy?

  “ Just because we want something doesnt mean were going to get it, or even that we should. But we rarely want things from people we dont care about, and you never let yourself care before.

  “ You already know Im crazy about her.

  “ I know, Diane said, “but thats not the same thing. Diane rubbed Blairs shoulder. “But she probably cant read your mind, so youll have to tell her what you need.

  “ It sounds silly when I say it out loud.

  “ No it doesnt.

  Blair sighed. “Besides, shes not going to change her mind about the reporter.

  “ Cam doesnt strike me as the type who likes publicity any more than you do. Why is she going along with it?

  Blair said nothing.

  “ Aha. What arent you telling me?

  “ Cam thinks it will make security easier because well be able to limit my exposure. Fewer press conferences, fewer interviews. You know the drill.

  Diane laughed. “You dont really expect Cam to say no to anything thats going to keep you safe?

  “ I am safe, Blair said vehemently. “Have you looked outside your door? Hara will be there until I come out. And there are more downstairs, outside the building and in the car.

  “ Well, I happen to be glad about that. I wish Valerie had people following her everywhere she went. Abruptly, Diane stood and strode to the balcony doors. She wrapped her arms around her body as if she were cold. “I know the lack of privacy is horrible for you. She spun around, her eyes fierce. “But you have a team of experts to keep you safe. No one is protecting her.

  “ Im sorry, Blair said softly. “I should be grateful, and Im not. And you must be sick with worry over her.

  Diane pushed her fingers through her hair and heaved a deep breath. “I want to believe that no one cares about her or about what she might know any longer, but its hard. I know that agents like her have very little connection to one another, and almost no one except their handlers even know who they are. But every time she walks out the door

  “ Youre afraid she wont come back, Blair said, voicing their shared nightmare.

  “ I cant tell her because she already thinks Ill be better off without her.

  “ God, they dont get it, do they? Blair said in exasperation.

  Diane laughed. “Which part? That if wed be better off without them, we wouldnt be so terrified of losing them?

  “ For starters. Blair held out her hand and Diane took it, settling beside her on the couch once again.

  “ So, Diane said. “Tell me about this reporter.

  “ The only good thing about this, Blair said, “is that shes not any happier about it than I am. Dana Barnett. Shes

  “ The investigative reporter? Ive seen her on television. God, shes gorgeous.

  Blair leaned back and regarded Diane through narrowed lids. “I thought you were off the market?

  “ Off the market, yes. Dead and buried, no.

  Blair laughed. “Shes very good looking. She also seems tough and smart and doesnt want this assignment. So maybe she wont bother us very much.

  “ She can bother me all she wants, Diane muttered.

  “ Well, dont expect me to run interference. Im out of practice. Blair nudged her. “And dont forget that Valerie is armed.

  Diane smiled. “I never thought Id say this, but I really cant imagine being with anyone except her. God, that is terrifying.

  Blair leaned her head back and closed her eyes. “Tell me about it.

  * * * * *

  Paula Stark rubbed her eyes and picked up the most recent stack of intelligence reports in one hand and a cold cup of coffee in the other. She sipped absently while scanning the memos from that days summaries, focusing on the sections that had been highlighted by Iggie Jackson, the acting communications coordinator while Mac was in Colorado. She paid particular attention to anything mentioning Andrew Powell, New York City, the Midwest, patriot organizations, or Blair. Five of the twenty pages were devoted to excerpts from newspaper articles, Web posts, speeches, or other responses to the official White House press relea
se regarding the upcoming wedding. All of the usual suspects were representedfundamentalist Christians, the Roman Catholic Assembly of Archbishops, the Anglicans, and any number of other religious institutions opposed to gay marriagebut what interested her most were several statements from patriot organization leaders. She circled one from Randolph Hogan.

  “ Something interesting? Cam asked as she dropped into a swivel chair next to Paula.

  “ One of the right-wing paramilitary guys posted a blog blaming Blair for the decline ofjust about everything. The family, the church, and the state of the nation.

  Cam frowned and held out her hand. She read the excerpt and handed it back. “Hes on our list of possible Matheson contacts.

  “ I know. I got the update from Renée while we were in Washington. Stark set the stack of papers aside. “Coincidence?

  “ What do you think?

  “ I think all these guys are in bed together. On the other hand, if hes got ties to Matheson, hed be pretty stupid to make a public statement like this.

  “ Ego often trumps judgment, Cam noted.

  “ It would be nice to have someone inside his camp.

  “ Maybe we do, but the FBI has not been forthcoming about their sources. A muscle bunched along the edge of Cams jaw. “And apparently they didnt get the directive about interagency cooperation.

  “ Its going to take a while for everyone to adjust to this new hierarchy, Paula said. “Im not even sure who I work for anymore.

  Cam regarded her steadily.

  Stark grinned. “Well, I know who I report to, Commander.

  “ Nice save. Cam laughed briefly, then her eyes grew serious. “Were going to have serious chain of command issues in Colorado. You know about Tom Turner?

  Paula frowned. “I do now. He called this afternoon to tell me his people were on the ground out there. Coordinating with Mac and Ellen. He was very friendly and made it sound like wed all be one big happy family.

  “ Toms priority is POTUS, and it should be, Cam said. “My concern is Blair.

  “ So is mine. Paula sensed Cam waiting, and she had no problem replying to the unspoken question. “My job is to secure the welfare of the first daughter. Nothing takes priority over that.


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