Radclyffe - Honor 07 - Word Of Honor

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Radclyffe - Honor 07 - Word Of Honor Page 15

by Word Of Honor (lit)

  “ You can swear all you want. Get your ass into the bedroom.

  Blair pulled away and went to retrieve the phone.

  Cam frowned as Blair punched in numbers. “What “Emory? Blair said, ignoring Cam. “Im sorry to get you up so early. What? Oh, good. Could you please come up here and take a look at CamThanks.

  * * * * *

  Blair wasnt surprised to see Dana with Emory when she opened the door. As she let them in, she said, “Hi, Emory, Cams in the bedroom. Down the hall past the kitchen. Ill be right there.

  “ Morning, Dana said, waiting just inside the door to gauge her reception. She half expected Blair to tell her to leave, but she had come here to get the real story behind the woman, and this was the story. Shed been on her way back to the bedroom after her shower when she ran into Emory on her way out. Emory hadnt been happy about her tagging along, but she could hardly say no.

  “ Everyones up early, I see, Blair said, taking in Danas wet hair.

  “ Long days make for short nights, sometimes. Hows the deputy director?

  Blair gave her a long look. “Shes tired. Long day.

  “ Ive wondered sometimes, Dana said, hooking her thumb over the edge of her jeans pocket, “who protects the protectors. Last night, watching you wait for hours for some word, I could only guess how frustrating, how agonizing, it had to be. But you were just waiting your turn to act, werent you. Now its your turn to stand guard.

  “ Shes my lover. Im not doing anything special.

  “ I dont mean to disagree, Ms. Powell, Dana said, “but you taking care of her goes beyond the private and personal. Shes a deputy director in the OHS. What she does is important to a great many people on a great many levels. Like you, shes important because of who she is and what she does.

  “ I know that. Blair glanced in the direction that Emory had gone. “I dont want Cams position profiled in this article. I dont want her made into a target.

  “ I think everyone in the country, probably in a good part of the world, knows who she is. You dont seriously think your relationship is a secret?

  “ Of course not. Weve made public statements, but that doesnt mean I want to call attention to what she does. Just keep the news focused on the issue of gay marriage.

  “ While its true what youre doing is important in terms of raising social consciousness, Dana said, “the public is much more interested in people, rather than issuesespecially people who appear to lead charmed lives.

  “ Charmed. Blair laughed shortly. “Thats not a word I wouldve chosen.

  “ What would you have chosen? Dana asked.

  “ Indentured. When Danas eyebrows rose, Blair added hastily, “And no, you cant quote that.

  “ You dont give me a lot to print.

  “ Print this. Cameron Roberts is a devoted public servant and a loving partner, and she has never neglected one for the other, sometimes at great cost to herself. Blair sighed and shook her head. “And now, I need to go and check on her.

  “ Thank you, Dana called after her, wondering how it would feel to have a woman love her that intensely. Shed never quite imagined it, never thought she wanted it. Now, she wasnt so sure.

  * * * * *

  “ Hey, Blair said as she slipped into the bedroom. Shirtless, Cam sat on the side of the bed in just her sweatpants. Emory stood by her side.

  “ Hi. Cam stood, reaching for a T-shirt draped over a nearby chair. Her movements, Blair noticed, were slow and careful.

  “ How is she? Blair asked Emory.

  “ Im working at a disadvantage here. Without even a stethoscope, Emory said with a shake of her head, “I cant exactly say anything definitive. But I havent seen or heard anything that makes me too worried.

  Cam slipped her arm around Blairs waist and kissed her temple. “Like I said. Bumps and bruises.

  “ Shut up. I wasnt asking you. Blair kept her attention on Emory. “You dont think she needs x-rays or anything?

  “ Im not exactly a country doctor who can divine illnesses from the laying on of hands, you know. Im a researcher, and I havent treated patients in almost ten years. Emory glanced at Cam. “But unless youre underplaying your symptoms, I think some rest and anti-inflammatories are all you need.

  “ Im not minimizing anything, Cam said. “Im not going to be moving at my normal pace for a couple of days, but I dont feel like theres anything serious going on.

  “ Can she fly? Blair asked.

  “ Tomorrow, Emory said. “Not today. I just want to be sure that those sore ribs arent going to lead to any kind of problem.

  Blair rubbed Cams back, afraid to hug her. “Today you sleep. Tomorrow were going to Colorado. For vacation.

  Cam said nothing for a few seconds, then nodded. “Okay. As long as

  “ Uh-uh, Blair said with a vigorous shake of her head. “No buts, no contingencies. Were going. Were getting married in a week, and I want everyone to relax and enjoy themselves for a few days first.

  “ All right, Cam said. “Ill talk to Stark and make sure the advance team is prepared.

  “ I already did that, Blair said.

  “ Did you? Cam grinned. “Then I guess its all decided.

  Blair kissed her. “Guess so.

  * * * * *

  “ Why is it that no one around here can keep normal hours?

  Dana spun around at the sound of Dianes voice and, catching sight of Diane coming from the room opposite where Blair had disappeared, swallowed hard. Diane wore a pale blue silk robe closed with a sash looped carelessly at her waist. Her hair framed her face in careless disarray, the gold tips brushing her neck as she glided forward on bare feet. She was so very obviously naked beneath the thin silk, and so effortlessly seductive, that Dana responded out of pure instinct. She pictured her tongue following the trail of those silky strands as they wafted back and forth over the soft skin of Dianes neck. She felt the weight of Dianes breast in her hand and the plump firmness of her nipple under her thumb. As soon as the images registered in her conscious mind, she jerked her gaze away. And discovered Emory and Blair, who had returned while she was lost in the Sirens call, watching her. Emory immediately looked away, but not before Dana saw what looked like anger eclipse her features. Perfect. Caught literally drooling over another woman, and one who was clearly involved on top of it. Hell.

  “ Well, Diane said, breezing by on her way toward the kitchen. “Is someone going to enlighten me as to the cause of this outrageously early gathering?

  Blair leaned against the breakfast counter. “Cam is back. Emory was just taking a look at her.

  “ Oh, good, Diane said with a sigh, sliding onto one of the stools next to Blair. She grasped Blairs hand. “And how is she?

  “ Shes good, Blair said, her voice softening. “Shes good.

  “ And what about Renée?

  “ Cam said she sent her home to bed and gave Stark orders to see that she stays there.

  “ Somehow, I dont think that will be a problem. Diane smiled. “Maybe now things can get back to normal.

  Blair snorted. “Is Valerie with you?

  “ No. Sheswhereverdoing whatever.

  While Blair and Diane talked, Dana followed Emory into the sitting area. She pointed to the empty spot next to Emory on the sofa. “Do you mind?

  “ No, Emory said quietly, “go ahead.

  Emory was still wearing the sweatpants Blair had loaned her and had thrown the blouse shed had on the day before over the tank top, leaving it unbuttoned. Dana couldnt help but notice the curve of her breasts and the slight swell of her nipples beneath the thin layers. Diane Bleeker was a beautiful woman and any lesbian would have to be dead not to notice. But looking at Diane had not stirred her blood the way the sight of Emory, dark circles under her eyes, in baggy sweatpants and a rumpled blouse, did. Dana not only wasnt dead, she had been struggling with simmering, unfocused arousal for hours. That restless need had crystallized when Emory had innocently caressed her face, and now she couldnt stop thinking about touching her. “Is ev
erything okay?

  “ More or less. Things are finally calming down around here.

  “ Im sorry if I upset you earlier, Dana said.

  Emory regarded her curiously. “Which time?

  Dana smiled ruefully. “I dont know. Every time?

  “ You havent done anything you need to apologize for. You certainly dont have to explain what you do or why you do it to me. She started to rise. “Im going to try and get a little sleep.

  “ Do you want me to stay up here?

  Emory glanced across the room at Diane, and then quickly away. “Thats entirely up to you.

  Dana stood up quickly, blocking Emorys path to the door. “Im not interested in Diane Bleeker.

  “ I think thats really good, Emory said, avoiding Danas eyes. “Because I think Valerie would shoot you.

  “ I was just caught off guard there for a second when shewhen I saw

  “ Dont. For Gods sake, do you think I need to know why the sight of a beautiful woman arouses you?

  “ It doesnt, Dana snapped. “Well, it does. Sometimes. Jesus. She lowered her voice. “It certainly did an hour ago. Downstairs with you.

  “ We had a deal, remember? Emory sidled around her.

  “ That was a no-touch deal. Not a no-talk-about-it deal.

  Emory looked into Danas eyes. “Im expanding the parameters of our agreement.

  “ Why?

  “ Because. I dont know what Im talking about half the time.

  Dana smiled. “Thats okay, I do.

  “ Just concentrate on writing your article without jeopardizing Blair or Cam, okay?

  “ Im not going to jeopardize them. Dana gripped her hand. “You said you were going to trust me. Did you forget about that too?

  Emory looked down at their joined hands and brushed her thumb over the top of Danas fingers. “I remember.

  A soon as Emory pulled her hand away, Dana wanted it back again. The tiny bit of contact made her almost dizzy. “Emory.

  A knock on the door prevented Emory from answering as everyone turned in that direction. Blair crossed the room and asked who was there.

  “ Its Valerie.

  A look that Dana interpreted as worry, followed by resignation, crossed Blairs face just before she opened the door.

  Valerie stepped inside, her eyes going first to Diane, then settling on Blair. “Im very sorry to disturb you. I need to speak with the deputy director.

  “ Shes resting, Blair said. “Cant it wait?

  “ Im afraid not. Im sorry.

  “ Valerie, Blair said so quietly Dana almost didnt hear her. “She needs a few hours

  Cam appeared from around the corner of the partition separating the kitchen from the bedroom beyond. “Im awake.

  “ Well, you shouldnt be, Blair said, rounding on her sharply.

  “ Im still a little too wound up to sleep anyhow. She slipped her arm around Blairs shoulder and squeezed briefly. Then she turned to Valerie, her entire body instantly on alert. “Do you need me downstairs?

  Valerie scanned the room. “Here is fine, if we could talk alone for a few minutes.

  “ Lets go in the other room. Cam led Valerie down the hall and they disappeared.

  Silence fell and no one moved. Blair looked like she wanted to follow Cam, but didnt. Dana definitely wasnt leaving unless someone ordered her to. Then Emory sat back down on the sofa.

  “ Well, Diane said with a sigh, “I guess I might as well get dressed.

  Blair braced both arms on the granite countertop and lowered her head. After a pause, she looked up, her face composed. “Ill make coffee.

  Chapter Seventeen

  W hat have you got? Cam didnt want to give in to the pain in her chest and right side. Compromising, she sat on the side of the bed because standing upright hurt enough to be distracting, and she needed to focus on what Valerie was about to tell her. Although Valeries ivory blouse and black slacks were barely wrinkled, Cam doubted shed been to bed at all in thirty-six hours. “Sit down. You look beat.

  “ Are you hurt badly? Valerie asked, shaking her head when Cam indicated a nearby chair.

  Cam relayed the details of the event. “Early and the van driver are dead. Renée and I are still walking around, but the two local agents with us both ended up in surgery.

  “ Matheson? Or friendly fire?

  Cam smiled bitterly. “Whats your guess?

  Valerie folded her arms under her breasts and leaned back against the wall. “Considering the time frameless than twelve hours from the time you made arrangements to interview him and your arrival there? Id put my money on the Company.

  “ If youre right, that means our communications are completely transparent. Probably someone in DC is monitoring our reports and requests.

  “ Unless of course youve got a Company mole inside your team.

  Cam regarded Valerie steadily. “We dont.

  “ You trust me?

  “ I do. And so do the others. Cam suspected from the strain in Valeries eyes that shed been driving herself hard searching for some clue as to who might have been behind the most recent attack.

  “ What do you suggest we do about locking down our security? Valerie asked.

  “ We dont go outside our team for anything. We fly private. We drive rental cars. We use our own people or Tanners people if we need backup.

  Valerie rubbed her arms as if she were cold. “I think

  “ What?

  “ You might consider sending disinformation to Washington.

  “ Youre suggesting that I mislead the White House chief of staff and the presidents security adviser?

  “ Thats what I would do, but Im not sure that my advice is good for your career. Valerie smiled thinly. “Im not exactly trained to work inside the system.

  Cam laughed. “My career path has been a bit uncertain since the moment I saw Blair Powell. And since September, its the last thing Im worried about. Right now, I agree with youwe dont know who we can trust, so the best course is to trust no one except each other. She rotated her shoulder and tried to rub some of the stiffness out of her left arm. “You came down here with news, I take it.

  “ The FBI has been watching a suspected cell in the Buffalo area for the last six months. Reports show an increase in activity since September, Valerie said.

  “ What kind of activity?

  “ New faces turning up, more phone calls, and a rash of Internet communications in the last few weeks.

  “ Howd we get this?

  “ You wanted us pulling intelligence from all sectors on suspected domestic activity, and when reports from this area went hot, Felicia started monitoring everything coming out of the local field office up there. When several cell members made calls to the same number, the FBI started monitoring that number on the theory it belonged to the ringleader. Last night whoever is using the target phone called someone in Virginia.

  “ Virginia. After the prison van was hit.

  “ Thats right. Possibly unrelated.

  Cam knew there had to be more. “Did we get a fix on who was called?

  Valerie shook her head, obviously frustrated. “No. Cell phones. We got as far as the local tower, but no trace after that.

  “ But we know where the towers located?

  “ Felicias got that. Its not much of a lead, but we know Matheson has connections in that area.

  “ Its more than weve had. Lets see if we can narrow down the location. Cam stood. “Pull addresses and property records on Mathesons family, his academy graduates, any and all known associates, the detainees from the raid on his compound, and known patriot members. Look for anything within a hundred-mile radius of that tower.

  When Cam started toward the hall, Valerie stopped her with a hand on her arm. “You should get some sleep.

  “ Im good for a couple more hours.

  “ Maybe, but you look like hell. Valerie laughed quietly when Cam frowned. “And Blairs been up all night. Waiting to hear about your status was rough on her. Chances are we wont c
ome up with anything, and if we do, its going to take more than a couple of hours. Felicia knows what to do until you get there, but Ill go over your directives with her.

  Cam closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Blair wants to leave for Colorado tomorrow. If were closing in on Matheson, I need to be here.

  “ All the more reason to spend some time with her now. Take a few hours.

  Cam glanced at the bedside clock. “Ill be down by noon.

  “ Ill clear everyone out of here so you two can get some rest.

  “ You should take a break yourself, Cam said.

  “ As soon as I go over things with Felicia.

  “ That wasnt a suggestion, you know.

  “ I know.

  “ Thanks for handling everything here last night, Cam said, relenting and sitting back down on the bed. “And thank you for looking after Blair.

  “ You dont need to thank me. Valerie smiled wryly. “And Blair doesnt want anyone except you to look after her.

  “ All the same, thank you for keeping her safe.

  “ You can always count on us to do that. Valerie paused. “But you cant keep doing this to her, Cameron.

  Valerie left and Cam slowly removed her clothes. She lay back and closed her eyes, but she couldnt obliterate the memory of Blairs torment and the knowledge that she had been the cause of it.

  * * * * *

  Dana sat on the arm of the sofa in her temporary apartment watching Emory gather her things. “You could always stay here, you know, until we leave tomorrow. You wouldnt have to pay for another night at the hotel.

  Emory folded the sweats and T-shirt that shed borrowed from Blair and stacked them on a nearby chair. She wore another outfit of Blairs, jeans and a dark green sweater, for the trip back to her hotel. Shed had to roll the cuffs of the jeans several times to make up for the difference in their height. “Thats probably not a great idea. Would you mind returning these to Blair later today?

  “ Sure. Why is it not a good idea?

  “ Are you intentionally being dense?

  Dana grinned. “I try not to make assumptions.

  Emory cut her a look. “Theres something very strange going on between us, and I think its better if we get a little distance.


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