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Page 10

by Charity Parkerson

  Leaving Lyric’s jacket behind, she stumbled for the door. Trey was on the other side. In her shocked and half-asleep state, she automatically took a step back, allowing him to pass.

  “You missed our lunch date.”

  Arbor glanced down at her wrist, truly expecting a watch to be there for some odd reason. Finding nothing, she shot a panicked look at the clock hanging on the wall. It showed ten minutes past noon.

  “Technically, I didn’t miss it. I’m not even late.” She thought it over for a moment, before adding, “By much.”

  “It was yesterday.”

  Her gaze snapped to his. There was nothing she could say. Her mind was a complete blank. Scrambling, she said the only thing she knew for sure. “I fell asleep.” It was a ridiculous excuse, but it was all she had. It seemed there should be something between now and the party with Killian and Lyric, but she had absolutely nothing.

  Trey’s chest expanded as he took a deep breath. “Okay. Good. You needed the rest.” She wondered which of them he was trying to convince. The spicy scent of his cologne drifted over her, snagging Arbor’s full attention. The button-down dress shirt he wore strained against Trey’s muscles with every move he made. His hair stood on end in places, as if he’d been running a frustrated hand through it. The dream came creeping back. Her nipples hardened.

  She watched in fascination as his hand rose. Snagging the tip of her braid, he pulled the rubber band from the end. He tossed it on the floor before running his fingers through her hair, working the strands loose. The closed expression on his face had her muscles drawn up tight. Some unnamed emotion was boiling just below the surface of his skin. Arbor expected it to explode, leveling everything in the room at any moment.

  “Excuse me for a second.” Arbor didn’t wait for him to respond before hitting the bathroom. When the door closed behind her, she was forced to admit she might have run the final few steps. She slipped out of her jeans and worked her bra out from beneath her t-shirt before she realized—in her escape—she hadn’t thought to take any clean clothes in the bathroom with her. Shrugging, Arbor hurried through her usual morning routine, hoping to clear her mind. As she was patting her face dry, Arbor caught sight of her reflection. It was funny how long it had been since she’d really paused to look at herself. The dark circles under her eyes made her face seem twice as pale and her eyes look haunted. Her mind was in some sort of crazy war with itself. Perhaps she was straight up going insane. She’d lost an entire day.

  “Fuck it,” Arbor said aloud. Tossing the towel on the floor, she headed for the door. If Arbor was going nuts, she was damn well going to enjoy the ride. Trey’s eyebrows rose, showing his obvious surprise over her state of undress. She didn’t bat an eye as she crossed the room. Determination carried her to his side.

  Trey motioned toward the bottom half of her body. “Did you forget something?” As if she couldn’t feel the breeze. She knew what he was seeing. The short, white t-shirt didn’t cover her ass and her lace panties left nothing to the imagination.

  “According to you, I forgot our lunch date.” Trey blinked. Arbor bit back a smile. She did love leaving a man speechless. Her steps never slowed until she stood toe to toe with him. Tilting her chin up, Arbor held his gaze. “I’m starving.”

  As if she’d done it a thousand times before, Arbor snagged the Velcro on either side of his vertical holster and pulled. The move freed it from his belt, allowing her to shove it from his shoulders. Gravity took over, carrying it down his arms. He caught it before it hit the floor and Arbor carried it to the desk, setting it on top. Trey’s burning gaze followed her across the room, but he didn’t say a word.

  With the gun safely out of the way, Arbor was free to do as she pleased with the rest of him. He would let her. The truth of it was there in his eyes. He was every bit as hungry for her. Still, he didn’t move a muscle as she slid each button loose on his shirt. In fact, Arbor wasn’t entirely sure he was breathing.

  Golden skin and chiseled chest stared out at her from the open shirt. Her palms flattened against it. She was powerless to stop it from happening. Warmth seeped into her skin. Her pussy clenched, dampening her panties. Closing the final gap between them, Arbor pressed her lips against the valley of his chest. A muscle jumped beneath her hands, as if Trey had physically restrained himself. Her hands traveled south, shaping the ridges in his stomach. It was seriously unfair for one person’s body to look the way Trey’s did. Although, Arbor silently admitted, it felt even better than it appeared. If such a thing were possible, that is. His belt slid free with ease. The button of his pants followed.

  “Are you angry with me?” she asked against his skin. He didn’t answer. Inch by inch, Arbor eased his zipper down. Her tongue touched his chest. A moan rumbled from deep inside her as the taste of pure male overcame her senses. Trey exploded into action. Her roots stung from his hold on her hair. A sharp gasp escaped her as Trey’s teeth sank into her bottom lip. She didn’t realize he was holding her off the floor by the one hand on her ass until he took the first step toward her bed. Damn. He was fucking strong. It was sexy. Arbor wrapped her legs around his hips, clinging to his body. The flexing of his abs against her over-sensitized cunt almost sent her over the edge.

  “I tried to be good,” Trey growled between biting kisses. Somehow, his shirt disappeared before her back hit the mattress. She thought Trey might have ripped it off, but she couldn’t focus on a thing beyond the way he made her feel. “Tried to treat you with care,” he added as he tugged her panties down her hips. She shoved at his pants, trying to work them down with him tangled around her.

  “You deserve a medal,” she agreed, almost crowing with triumph when she managed to free his erection. His teeth scraped her nipple. He cupped her sex, grinding the heel of his hand against her clit and fingering her. She bit her lip to hold in the cries. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders as her hips left the bed. There was no holding off until Trey was inside her. She rode his hand, getting off with only the tug of skin on skin before she knew it was going to happen. Her greedy pussy sucked at his fingers, attempting to pull him further inside with each uncontrollable spasm. Trey brought his fingers to his mouth, licking away the evidence of her orgasm while she floated in a dreamlike haze.

  His eyes fell closed. “Damn. You’re delicious.” Tiny aftershocks pulsed through her at the sight. Her back teeth were locked so tightly against the waves of pleasure, Arbor wondered if she’d crack one before the end. When his lids lifted once more, his gaze shined bright with lust. “I want more.” Before she had time to absorb his words, he slid down her body and opened his mouth over her mound. His name fell from her lips along with a hundred other things she couldn’t control and forgot the moment they died away.

  Holding her hips between his hands, Trey forced Arbor to accept his will. His head stung from her hold on his hair, but he took it as his punishment. The reward was oh so sweet. Her pussy lips parted under the pressure of his tongue. There was no mercy in his heart. He was relentless. An average orgasm wasn’t going to cut it. Trey wanted Arbor incoherent. One day soon, she was going to come to her senses. She was going to remember. His chest hurt. When she’d skipped out on him the day before, he’d been scared as hell that moment had already come to pass and he’d missed it. The tightness in his shoulders eased. It wasn’t too late. He savored the flavor of her skin. There were so many memories he couldn’t escape. He didn’t want to, and yet, he could feel them slipping away. Like the way it felt when she fell asleep in his arms. He didn’t want to lose that one.

  The tiny bud that brought her so much pleasure felt amazing against the tip of his tongue. Her sex quivered. His dick leaked, dampening her sheets. Arbor’s muscles tensed beneath his hands and he moved away, denying her release. The whimpering noise coming from the back of her throat almost made him regret the move, but he was determined to feel her channel pulsing around his shaft when she came next.

  Coming down hard on top of her, Trey buried his face in h
er hair for a moment, attempting to regain control. The sensation of her beaded nipples scraping across his chest almost sent him over the edge. Unfortunately, the scent of coconut and campfire assailed his senses the second he pressed his face to her neck. It made matters worse rather than better.

  “I want you inside me. Please, Trey?”

  A growl rose in his chest at her plea. He didn’t want to be rough with her, but he was having a hard time stopping it from happening. With shaking hands, he brushed her hair away from her face. While holding her stare, he reached between their bodies, positioning himself at her entrance. Rolling his hips, he slid in an inch before retreating. Arbor gasped. Her hips left the bed, chasing after him. Trey eased inside once more. This time, he rocked against her. Skin on skin, dragging across her clit as he went. Her moan broke him. Slamming home, Trey covered her mouth with his and muffled her cries. He loved the way they tasted.

  Pressure crawled up his body, making his skin feel too tight and his balls heavy. Sweat slickened their bodies. His bottom lip was numb. The air felt too heavy to support his lungs. None of it mattered. It was all part of a greater goal—owning Arbor. When she came, her cunt sucked at his cock. His balls drew up tight. The universe held its breath. Poised on the edge of orgasm, Trey lifted his head and met Arbor’s gaze. Her light green eyes shoved him into oblivion. For a moment, in Arbor’s embrace and the throes of passion, his soul was clean.

  Chapter Eight

  “The world is moving on without me, and I’m not sure what to do about it. My mom started dropping hints about me coming back home the other day. Hell will freeze over before I leave the home I shared with Lyric and Killian. Money buys good lawyers, and the guys made sure I was taken care of. Thank goodness. It would’ve killed me if I’d been forced to move. The biggest problem now is, it’s not just my mom. Trey is trying to be supportive, but it’s wearing thin. Sometimes, I catch a glimpse of it in his eyes before he can hide it. He wants more than I can give him. Why are they all so blind? There isn’t anything left of me except for what they can see on the outside.

  Yesterday, I passed a woman on the street. She smiled at me. I didn’t smile back. As it was happening, I felt nothing. There wasn’t any guilt. She’d done nothing to make me angry. I wasn’t sad. I simply felt nothing. Afterward, I sat in the park for hours, searching inside myself for any hint of life. It’s gone. Honestly, I don’t believe I’m so pathetic I’m incapable of going on without Lyric and Killian. Every day, the sun rises and I still get up, but when they died, something inside me broke. Not even that. Broken implies there’s a possible fix—pieced together. I am splintered. Irreparable. There’s no pain. My tear ducts no longer work. Pity the screaming in my head doesn’t show any sign of letting up. My heart has been rendered useless. For the life of me, I have no idea what to do. I’m dead. My body just hasn’t gotten the memo.”—Feb 22nd

  “I gotta go back to work, baby.” Trey’s lips clung to her neck. Arbor tried valiantly to pry her eyes open.

  “Give me a second. I’ll walk you to the door.” In spite of her best efforts, her words came out sounding slurred. Arbor could feel Trey’s body shaking with suppressed laughter. His lips shaped into a smile against her throat as he buried his face against it.

  “I think I can find it by myself. You need to get some sleep.” Even though Arbor wanted to argue, she couldn’t work up enough energy. Instead, she ran her fingers through his hair, savoring the sensation of the silky locks slipping through her hand. His palms slid down her ribs. Even half asleep, Arbor savored Trey’s barely restrained power. She’d seen his strength in action and knew what he was capable of doing. After a full minute of stroking her skin and placing light kisses on every place he could reach, Trey broke the silence.

  “I don’t want to leave.”

  At his admission, Arbor tightened her hold on him and made a confession of her own. “I don’t want you to go.”

  His hand slid higher, cupping her breast lightly before moving to the side of her neck. The pads of his fingers stroked the column of her throat. Arbor felt more than heard his breathing shudder. When he spoke, his voice sounded hoarse.

  “I love hearing you say that.”

  She chuckled. “It’s the truth. Would you like me to say it again? I don’t want you to go.” Working up some Herculean strength, Arbor rolled, forcing Trey onto his back. She straddled his hips. Without giving him a chance to protest, she snagged the comforter and tucked it around them as she settled down on top of him. “See. Now, you have a valid excuse. If your boss has anything to say, you can tell him in all honesty that you couldn’t toss an innocent woman to the floor.” His low rumble of laughter felt wonderful vibrating against her cheek.

  “Damn. I wish…” He paused, seeming to think it over. “Well, I wish for too many things to name, but I don’t think they’ll go for your logic.”

  She smiled against his chest, toying with his nipple and making him groan. “I’ll write you a note.” Now that she was awake, an outrageous desire to make him happy was driving her to go as far as needed.

  His arms encircled her, squeezing. “What would it say?”

  “Hmmm,” Arbor said, dragging it out. “How about this? Please excuse Trey from work last week. He was bedridden.”

  “Last week?” The laughter in Trey’s voice made her cheeks ache as her smile grew.

  She nodded. “Yep. Week.”

  Trey snorted. “Bedridden,” he repeated with another chuckle. His hands slid south. With her mind locked on the sensation and her breath held in anticipation, Arbor forgot to keep up her end of the conversation. Cupping her ass, Trey squeezed. The ripple of his abs caressed her over-sensitized pussy as he dragged her up his body. She couldn’t have stopped it from happening, even if she wanted. Trey was too strong. Arbor was too willing.

  “One more taste, okay?” Trey said, sounding as if he thought she would argue. “Let me feel your tight cunt surrounding my tongue one more time and then I’ll go.”

  In light of his serious tone, Arbor held on to every quip that raced to her lips. Instead, she willingly followed his guide as he urged her to place a knee on either side of his head. She held on to the headboard for support. With her chin on her chest, Arbor stared transfixed as he kissed her inner thigh, moving higher. His mouth opened over the spot he kissed, sucking lightly.

  “Come back, okay?” Trey froze, as if her plea surprised him. Slowly, he turned his head, meeting her gaze, and she clarified her outburst. “As soon as you can, I mean. Wasn’t trying to get clingy or anything,” she added, getting worried now.

  His eyes burned. There was no other way to describe the fire dancing in his gaze as he stared up at her. She almost wished she could take it back. As he held her stare, Trey lifted his head from the pillow while drawing her hips forward. He moved slowly, as if dragging out her anticipation of his touch. Pausing half an inch from his prize, his intensity raced up another notch.

  “You make me hope and dream,” he said as he claimed her. The last ounce of worry Trey hadn’t managed to squelch with his words, he wiped away with pure passion.

  * * * * *

  The door clicking closed behind him sounded closer to the slamming of a dungeon as Trey pulled it shut. He didn’t make it five steps before his will gave out. Right outside her apartment, Trey’s knees refused to hold him a second longer. He slid to the floor. Teeth locked and head between his knees, he did his best to hang on. He could feel Lyric’s and Killian’s accusing eyes boring into the top of his skull. Their positions mimicked his own, making Trey wonder how long they’d been sitting there. He wouldn’t ask. They knew it. If the pair were anything like him, they stayed there every second Arbor wasn’t with them. Waiting. Helpless. The pieces had to come together naturally or fall apart, shattering them all. That was the deal. Four quarters making a whole. They were an oddity. A rare object for any collector, especially one as old as time. An entity who’d seen everything.

  Unfortunately, their bargain was fragi
le. No cracks or no deal. Everything hinged on Arbor. Eternity was balanced on the strength of her love. Unable to stand another second inside his own head, Trey stared at the men sitting across from him. As always, they were unnaturally quiet. Still waters. Killian and Lyric were exactly like the river outside Arbor’s favorite window—inviting a person in only to sweep them away.

  With his elbow braced on his knee, Trey held his head in his hand, incapable of looking away from the pair. Killian’s hair stood on end. Trey knew from experience it was his style, rather than the sign of a frustrated man. He stared back at Trey. His eerily light blue eyes dared Trey to look away first. He did, but only because Lyric drew his gaze. With his sandy-blond hair pulled back away from his face, doing nothing to hide the worry written there, he chewed on his thumbnail while eyeing Arbor’s door. His intense stare made Trey wonder if he was attempting to will Arbor into opening it. The faded Exile shirts, distressed jeans, and biker boots were such a familiar sight to Trey. Nostalgia rolled over him.

  “We would’ve done anything for you.”

  If Killian expected that his declaration would break Trey, then he was in for a long and disappointing night. There was nothing either man could say or do that Trey hadn’t already done to himself. Unlike them, he was accustomed to being alone, unloved, and unwanted. In an odd twist of fate, it was his thoughts that ended up besting him. Trey didn’t need to wait for either man to think of a new jibe. As usual, his mind was his biggest enemy.

  “Not anything.” Trey’s voice shook, even he wasn’t sure if it was from rage or pain. Perhaps it was a combination of both. He glanced away, clearing his throat before trying again. This time, when he met Killian’s stare, his words came out dripping with every ounce of bitterness he’d built up in the past eight months. “In the end, you weren’t there to do anything at all. You weren’t around to do…” Trey’s voice broke. There was no way he could continue.


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