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The Rebel: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 46

by Aria Ford

  “I’m not. I just… don’t know. Trevor- he had me for a year and a half and no one ever looked for me. And now… no one is still looking for me. What if it’s better this way?” Tearing my eyes from him, I pursed my lips together tightly; I wasn’t sure I’d ever spoken to him so much about myself. Next to me, Luciano sighed heavily to send a plume of smoke into the car. My mind whirled through the past few days, and I laced my fingers against my thighs.

  No one looked for me when my parents went spiraling down, and no one bothered to find me with Trevor. Luciano was the only one that wanted me safe- that cared about me when we weren’t together.

  That has to mean something.

  “The woman that offered to get you out knew about you before posing as a prostitute. She had to have found out somehow. There had to be people that knew where you were.” Biting down on my bottom lip, my chest tightened as Luciano stopped at a red light. “No one needs to look for you if they already know where you are.”

  “But why? I’m not famous like my parents- I don’t even have the money they left me.” Frustration swirled behind my ribs, and I reached to rub my face roughly. None of this made sense. Everything was confusing, and I just wanted it to end. Sinking into the leather seat, I turned to Luciano as he frowned, his brows cradling deep creases and a look of concentration on his face. A shrill ringing sounded before he could reply, and I held back a sigh as he reached for his cell phone.

  “What, Tyler?” Setting the device on the center console, Luciano gripped the wheel tightly to send the car forward. A soft crackling emanated from the speaker, and I stared at the screen while my gut tied into knots.

  “Aya’s father took some big cases before he died, so I looked into them. They’re all mobster defense cases- for us. Trent Hildon- Jackson Mayers- even Luccia. When he died, the firm went legit, but I did some serious digging and Alex Young is still receiving payments from a woman named Christa de Martinia. She’s a frequent at Soleil du Italia, and she’s there right now on assignment from Italy. She’s a scout for Georgio. My only guess as to why she’s still paying after all this time is that she wanted Aya, but Trevor got to her first. He didn’t touch her because he was going to ransom her. Christa must know that Alex Young is holding the $10million and Aya might come back for it, so she’s paying him to keep him on lookout.”

  “Send her picture. I’m heading there.” Speeding up, Luciano didn’t bother to end the call as he let out a growl. The sound reverberated through me, sending a shiver down my spine.

  “What? What does that mean? Luciano, I don’t-” My throat tightened, cutting off my frantic words before he reached for his phone. With just a few taps he got where he needed to go, and I jumped when he tossed the device at me.

  “Is that the woman that tried to help you?” Looking down at the picture, my eyes widened at the face that stared back, and I nodded wordlessly. Hitting the wheel, Luciano groaned harshly before snatching his phone back. “She wants to give you to Georgio. Trevor took you before she could and planned to sell you back. If that didn’t work, he could’ve sold you to the Russians. He was going to keep the $10 million in the safe in case shit went against him. The law firm was a backup if she couldn’t find you because she knew anyone that knew about the money would go there with you.”

  “Exactly-” A loud squeal burst from my mouth when Tyler’s voice filtered through the phone speaker, and I clutched my chest to stop my heart from breaking through. “She found you were with Trevor and tried to trick you into coming with her, but you said ‘no’. Not long after that is when we found out Trevor was two timing us. She must’ve told Georgio to come to the States under the guise of checking on Sylvi, when really he was coming to collect Aya. Which means he knew about you and your money long before we did. It also means he could still be trying to get to her- she’s still a virgin and you know how much he likes those, Luciano.”

  Luciano only grunted in acknowledgment, and I gnawed on my inner cheek diligently. Rubbing the area over my heart, my hand trembled from the anxiety heating my blood. My eyes ached, and behind them memories of the screaming invaded my mind. Long, thick fingers caressed my cheek, and I let out a shaky breath before Luciano’s gruff voice chased the cries away.

  “Don’t be scared, mia Aya.” Leaning into his touch, I closed my eyes until Tyler cleared his throat into the phone. The sudden slow down of my heart sent a throb through me, and I rolled my lips between my teeth.

  “I’ll send Marco to the resort. You should get there around the same time.” Tyler barely got the words out before Luciano hung up, leaving the phone on the center console. The atmosphere was tense, bearing down on me to push short, shallow pants from my lungs instead of real breaths.

  Turning to Luciano, I watched his jaw tick while his hands clench and release around the wheel. He looked ready to kill someone, and my breath caught in my throat. His was the same look he wore at the fight club; it was the same expression that masked his face when he watched Sylvi at lunch.

  He really was going to kill for me.



  Dragging a reluctant Aya through the large, solid oak double doors of Soleil du Italia, I nearly choked on the smell of air freshener that curled the hairs in my nostrils. The marble floors were polished to shine, creating an echo with each heavy step I took. Passing the front desk, my stiff strides were purposeful as they carried me towards the luncheon area in the middle of the resort.

  Soleil du Italia boasted a small winery, golf courses, pools, and luxury dining, but I ignored it all.

  Because someone was going to fucking pay for making me go through this much trouble.

  I glanced back at Aya’s pale, sunken cheeks with a sneer twisting my lips. Releasing her arm, I clenched and released my hands even as Marco appeared in my narrowed scope of view. Eyes were on us, curious and making no attempt to be subtle. Pin needles pierced my skin where attention bore into me, and my gaze flicked to my brother as he stood close to my woman.

  My woman. My Aya. My blood set fire at the thought, and I whirled around to stalk towards a door. A clean, shiny, brass plaque was mounted, an elegant script informing people that beyond was women only.

  Pushing open the barrier, I took a shallow breath before scanning the room. Women in grand day dresses were lounging in chairs, sitting around tables, and standing by the large picture windows to stare at the immaculately kept grounds. Narrowing on the one I wanted, I took in Christa’s alarmed expression so much like every other woman around her.

  Deep brown eyes would’ve lured many, and they widened as I shuffled my way towards her. In those depths her mind worked, trying to figure out desperately what was going on.

  Adrenaline surged through me with each stride, and my knuckles ached to connect with Christa’s pretty, doll like face. I couldn’t wait to hear her screams, and I gnashed my teeth when she hurried to stand. Holding her hands out, as if that’d stop me, she started to back up until I reached to tangle my fingers in her long, brown hair.

  Christa’s pained cry of shock was cut off by my fist, and I grunted with the effort I exerted. Letting her crumple to the floor, I ignored the speckle of red on the ornamented carpet to shove my shoe into her broken cheek. Her groans and whimpers were loud amongst the fake, horrified gasps that sounded around me. Grinding her face into the floor, I relished the light crunching of her frail bones.

  Carefully pulling out my gun, I aimed for Christa’s exposed calf before squeezing the trigger. Her scream was loud, gut wrenching, but it set my body alive as blood stained her nude stockings. No one moved; no one breathed; no one tried to stop me.

  Because I’ll fucking kill them too.

  The bang that rattled the room sent my heart racing, and I aimed for Christa’s left leg. Blood rushed in my ears, quelling only for the sound of her screams. Putting more weight on her head, I put a third bullet into her hip while her shrieks turned hoarse and choking.

  Groaning at the metallic smell tha
t enveloped me, I slowly lifted my foot to kick this bitch onto her front. Christa’s eyes were closed, face pale from loss of blood, and I crouched down to stare at the agony written across her delicate features.

  My gun kissed her temple, firing one last bullet into her brain. Blood splattered onto my suit and shoes, and the sudden silence created a ringing in my ears. Standing up straight, I tucked my gun back into its holster to take a deep breath. The smell of Christa’s blood tainted the otherwise floral scent, and I held it in my lungs for a few seconds before letting it out in a gust.

  “Luciano…” Marco’s call cleared some of the red haze that’d settled over my mind, and I twisted to look past all the stunned faces. He held Aya by the shoulders, and my eyes narrowed on the connection before I stalked over to her. Grabbing her wrist, I pulled her back out of the room while my brother hung back.

  She struggled to keep up with my pace, and I made it halfway down the short hallway before tugging her in front of me. Her face was flushed, chest heaving and eyes wide under their dropped lids. Goosebumps coated her arms, and her fingers twitched under my grasp as she stared up at me through thick eyelashes.

  Reaching to brush her pinked cheek, I pursed my lips together as a sharp throb seized my cock. Behind the safety of my dress pants my rod stirred, hardening as Aya’s expression only turned a deeper shade.

  “Did you like watching that, mia Aya?” My hands were steady as they cupped her hot face, and Aya nodded wordlessly. Her response only fueled the desire that was slowly overtaking me, replacing the adrenaline of killing someone.

  No- of protecting her. Protecting my Aya.

  “Ucciderò ogni persona cercando di farti del male. Tutti sapranno che sei tuo. Anche Georgio non osava guardare nella tua direzione.” Aya’s wide eyes became watery even though she couldn’t understand me, and she didn’t step away when I crowded her against the marbled wall. “Mia Aya… my Aya… Non mi lasciare mai…”

  It felt so uplifting to murmur those words, and Aya nodded shakily a second time before her small tears dripped onto my fingers. The droplets scorched my skin, but I didn’t brush them away. My mind started to churn slowly, and I rested my forehead against hers to breathe in her fine scent. Her smell alone was enough to relieve the tightness in my chest, and her fingers wrapped around my wrists.

  She was the one I could give my all to. The one that would rather die than betray me. The one that needed me more than she needed air to breathe.

  And I would obliterate anyone and everyone that tried to fuck with her.

  “What do you want to do now, fratello?” Behind me, Marco’s question pulled me violently from the serenity I’d found. Straightening, I glanced over my shoulder as my brain worked. Without Christa, the law firm was a trip that could be put on hold. Indefinitely.

  Staring down at Aya, I squeezed her face to draw her gasp into my ears. Sylvi can be left to his thoughts. For now.

  “Meet me at the flat.” Grinding out the words, I took hold of Aya’s arm once again to start down the hallway. No security guards rushed past to see what I had done, and no one stopped me as I made my way through the lobby. The air was still, the smells stale, and I relished the feeling of anxiety that thrummed from the secretaries.

  Aya scrambled into her seat once we reached my car, but she was too far away for my liking. Jumping into the driver’s seat, I stopped her shaking hands from pulling out her belt. Her big eyes searched mine for answers, and I pulled her across the center console and into my lap.

  She fit so perfectly there, and my throat tightened as I jostled her between my legs. Taking her hands, I set them on the wheel before covering them with my own. Her back was stiff against my front, and I shoved the key into the ignition before she finally found her voice.

  “I- I don’t… I’ve never driven… before.” Soft, tentative, Aya’s declaration hit me in the gut to send a grunt from my mouth. Putting the gear in drive, I stepped against the gas pedal to slowly roll out of my parking space. Peering out of the windshield over her head, I pressed my lips to her crown to steal a taste from her.

  “We’ll be there soon.”



  My body ached from how rigid I had sat for the half an hour it’d taken us to drive to our special place. The dingy siding sent relief spilling from my chest, and I let out a hot, harsh breath when we finally pulled into the lot. Luciano didn’t bother to park in a spot, simply turning off his car at a haphazard angle. Clutching the wheel tightly, I gnawed on my bottom lip while he shuffled against my back to pull the key from the ignition.

  “… She wasn’t lying.” Softly mumbling in my ear, Luciano’s voice was hoarse, deeper than usual, and goosebumps washed my chest and arms. Reaching around my still chest, he caressed the base of my neck while his other hand pushed my hair over my shoulder. “I’m not a good man. I don’t care about the whores I fuck, and I make sure they know it. I’m not gentle.”

  My heart stuttered behind my ribs at Luciano’s confession, and my throat tightened as chapped, hot lips brushed the crest of my ear. Arms thick with muscle trapped me to him, forcing me to listen as his breathing became harsher and shallow. The windshield began to fog despite the heat, but I stayed quiet as anticipation mingled with anxiety in my chest.

  There was more he wanted to say, and I was content to wait.

  Luciano’s warm, dry palm dragged down my chest, his fingers slipping under my dress to creep through the narrow valley between my breasts. His breath hitched at my gasp, and I involuntarily arched into his thumb as it crested the heavy globe. Slipping from the wheel, my fingers fisted into his jeans as he moved south, leaving scorched skin in his wake.

  “Soft…” Muttering dazedly, Luciano paused at the vast plane between my hips. His knees kept mine firmly shut, and my thighs trembled with the desire to open. “I want to be soft… for you. Gentle… for you, mia Aya.”

  My abdomen quaked, big, fat tears forming against my eyelids as Luciano’s hoarse admission. Squeezing my eyes shut, a wisp of a whimper escaped my clogged throat, and he breathed a hard gust against my ear. Heat spread from my womb, a throbbing need that grew with each second that passed in mind numbing silence.

  He wants me to say ‘yes’. The thought burst into my mind, drying my mouth and restricting my heart to weak, fluttering beats.

  “I do! I do! I do… I do… I do…” Rasping out that sacred phrase, I twisted to throw my arms around his neck. My dress tore at the seams, unable to withstand the pressure, but I ignored the fabric’s crackling rips. “I do… I do… I do…”

  And I did. If I couldn’t have him, there was no point in living. Today had proven that. Every day had proven that. I did- whatever that entailed, I wanted it.

  Wrapping me in an iron embrace, Luciano’s chest heaved against mine as he extracted his arm from my dress. Shuffling out of his car, he carried me towards our place with hurried strides. Against my lips his artery throbbed hard, and I squeezed him to me to wrap my legs around his waist. His hard, rigid abdominal muscles flexed against my core even from behind his shirt.

  The sunlight vanished, and I cracked my eyes open to peek at the familiar space from under Luciano’s chin. Nothing had been moved, the almost empty room seeming big. A soft snitch echoed off the walls and coffee table, and I turned my gaze to his stony, tight expression.

  My body grew cold when Luciano set me on the bed, sending a violent shiver down my spine. Laying there, I stared into his soul and he mine, shielding nothing from me. The dark monster that lived inside him reared up majestically, swirling around in the shadows within shadows. Quivering from the weight of his gaze, I flexed my toes before he jerked his shoulders.

  Blood rushed in my ears, drowning out the sound of Luciano’s jacket hitting the floor. Holding my breath, my eyes widened as he pulled his button down over his head. Greed rose up inside me, my gaze darting over every inch of him. His bronzed skin reflected what little light sneaked past the curtains, and I licked my l
ips when his muscles tightened.

  With agonizing slowness Luciano crawled to me, parting my legs to nestle between them. Powerful arms braced on either side of my head, and I kept still as he furrowed his brow, pursing his lips together. My heart struggled to beat, and after a few seconds he finally moved.

  My lips tingled when Luciano kissed me, a soft, tentative meeting that sent electricity skittering across my face. Opening my mouth with no prodding, I moaned quietly when his tongue slipped behind my teeth to tangle sweetly with mine. The low, pleased sound seemed to give him more courage, his body bearing down to press me against the bed.

  Underneath my creeping fingers Luciano’s muscles quivered, already slicked in a light sheen of sweat. Dropping onto his elbows, he was careful not to place all his weight on me. Trembling fingers brushed my cheek, his tongue leaving mine to trail saliva heavily down my jaw. Tilting my head automatically, another moan escaped my dry lips as low pulses of heat surged through me.

  Big, unsteady hands gently tugged down my dress with sharp jerks, and I sucked in air through my teeth as the cold air of the room pierced my nipples. The soft, sheer fabric pooled against my hips, and I gripped Luciano’s shoulders as he lifted himself from my neck.

  “Oh, fuck…” Flowing down my chest, Luciano’s slurred groan shot straight to my core. Nuzzling my breast, his nose flicked my firm nipple, and I arched with a strangled whimper. Shivering lips closed around the peak to suckle lightly, pulling a gasp from my throat. Kneading my breast, he growled against my aching flesh before his mouth sailed to the left.


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