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Owned by the Dom: Part Two (The Owners)

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Using the ornament on the bedside table she smashed the mirror and pulled a shard of glass as the door opened. One of the men pulled Cindy roughly against them. Daren came towards her. His face looked evil as he sneered at her.

  The men had the advantage of being sober. Her limbs felt like she’d drunk way too much alcohol for her own good.

  “Well, it has been a pleasure knowing you,” he said.

  She reacted and slashed out the glass. The broken shards embedded in her palm. Prue gritted her teeth to stop herself from crying out.

  “Where did she get the fucking glass from?” Daren asked the other man.

  “There’s mirrors in the room, Boss. None of the other girls would dare to try something like that.”

  Prue didn’t take her eyes away from Daren. Blood poured from the wound on her hand. She felt the droplets dripping down.

  “You’ve got no chance of winning, Prue,” Daren said.

  “I don’t care. You’ve got no chance of coming out of this unscathed.”

  The light caught the cross hanging around his neck. The anger consumed her. Images of waking up at Ravage and being taken by him filled her mind. The way he tried to get James to comply by hurting her. The many times he’d lashed out hitting her. Henry took his place, and finally Prue snapped.

  She charged at Daren wanting to sink the glass into his neck. Prue needed him to suffer and to hurt like he’d made so many women hurt over the years. He may have never raped a woman, but he’d done this with plenty.

  The glass cut his shoulder and chest. She didn’t get chance to embed the tip into his flesh. Daren caught her, wrapping his arms around her chest. He forced her to drop the glass.

  “Don’t bruise the merchandise,” the other man said.

  “Don’t tell me what to fucking do.” Daren grunted as he squeezed her in his arms. Prue cried out as the pressure made her think he was crushing her body. “Move them out.”

  Daren fought with her every step of the way. She ached all over, and the drug stopped her from really fighting back. She wanted to cry at the unfairness of it all.

  He spun her in his arms. “It’s about time someone put you in your place.”

  Wrapping her fingers around the necklace she tugged until the chain snapped. “That’s mine.”

  Daren pushed her through a room, and she was on her own looking at her reflection surrounding her.


  James parked the car in front of the large building. He opened the door then moved to let Lucas out. To go with the image, Lucas handed him a briefcase, and together they made their way up the steps.

  “This is where it can get tricky. Don’t back down.”

  They were stopped at the reception area by a guard. From the look of him, he didn’t look anything like your run-of-the-mill security guard.

  “You’re going to have to find somewhere else to sleep. This hotel is fully booked.”

  Without looking back at Lucas, James punched the guy in the gut then kneaded him in the bollocks with his knee. “How dare you disrespect my master? Mr. Sanchez was personally invited today.”

  Another guard came out only this time to greet them and escort them to the buying room.

  “Don’t say a word,” Lucas said, taking a seat at the table. James took the opportunity to look around them.

  “What’s going to happen?”

  “You’re about to see what it means to be a criminal.”

  A door opened up several minutes later, and a girl was shoved inside. She wore a sheer robe with heavy makeup. The way she kept stumbling James knew she’d been drugged.

  On the screen in front of them, the bidding started. James wanted to bid on the girl to save her, but Lucas forced him to stop.

  “We’re not here to save them all. We don’t know how many they have, and Prudence may not even be here.”

  Biting back his retort James saw the glass was clear between each booth. The men could see their opponent in the bidding war, but the girl couldn’t see them. She was taken for over a hundred thousand.

  On and on the bidding went as many girls came out. Some were larger than others, and others wore their innocence like a crown. The virgins got the most money while other girls went for a few thousand.

  His stomach turned at the disregard for the girls. No one cared about them. They had family or someone who loved them back home. These men would use them and then pass them on.

  When Prudence stumbled onto the platform his heart literally stopped beating. Her hand was dripping blood onto the platform.

  “Why is she bleeding?” James asked.

  “I don’t know, but keep your fucking voice down.”

  “Buy her, Lucas. I fucking mean it. Put every cent I own on her.”

  He saw the cross necklace he’d given her dangling from her fist.

  The screen before them flashed as money started being placed on her. Prudence turned in a circle. Her hand went to her head. She’d been drugged. The effects were clear to see in the way she moved. She didn’t wear any heels, unlike everyone else.

  Blood pounded in James’s head. His fists tightened at his sides. He needed to get to her.


  He heard his name from her lips.

  None of the other women had spoken while they’d been standing. James didn’t wait for Lucas to respond. He charged out of the room with Lucas not far behind him. There was no plan other than getting her. As he moved around the room he saw Josiah, Hubert, and Sean crash through the building. Chaos erupted at the sight of the local police and the Feds.

  James didn’t stand around waiting.

  He saw Prudence being pulled along. Daren held her in his arms.

  Lucas tackled the other man as James tried to grab Prudence.

  Daren shot Lucas in the leg and took off before he got the chance. James watched him go with the woman he loved. She wasn’t getting away from him again.

  He saw where Daren went and then charged in that direction leaving Lucas alone to deal with the shit about to erupt.

  James ran down the basement. He heard the other men following him, but he wasn’t prepared to wait for the love of his life. Daren had fucked him over, and he no longer felt like taking chances with a man who willingly played his woman like bait. This was going to end now.

  “You’ve got no weapon, James. How do you intend to take her from me?” Daren asked. The sound echoed off the walls. The basement was a mess filled with old furnishing and dust.

  It was like stepping back in time to a horror movie.

  He moved around a corner and saw Daren with a gun pointed at Prudence’s head.

  “James?” she asked. The shock on her face undid him. He’d fight with every part of his being to get her back.

  “I’m here, baby. I’m right here.” She sobbed with each word he spoke. Seeing her so broken shattered his heart.

  “You couldn’t let her go?” Daren said, tugging her close to him.

  “You gave me a month and then were going to sell her after only two weeks.”

  “She pissed off the boss. He wanted you guys to be taught a lesson.”

  “We had nothing to do with this shit, and from what I hear I won’t have anything to do with it again. They’ve got you and Henry.”

  Daren cocked the gun and pressed it against her head more firmly. “Well, that has certainly screwed my plans up. I’m not going to jail.”

  “You don’t have a fucking choice. Give my woman to me,” James said.

  His gaze never once wavered from the gun pointed at her head.

  “I can kill her, James. Could you live with that? Being this close to saving her only for her to die while you watch.” Daren licked her check.

  The finger on the trigger tightened.

  “No,” James said, shouting the word. The word echoed around the room as did a single gun-shot.

  Prudence collapsed on the ground. She sobbed, and then Daren fell back. James saw a single bullet hole through Daren’s head. Loo
king behind him James saw Lucas resting against the wall.

  “I can’t have Henry, but that bastard was going to die.”

  James ran toward Prudence. She’d fainted on the floor. He picked her up in his arms. Where Daren had licked her cheek, he’d removed a layer of makeup. The bruises appeared beneath the fake layer. He held her in his arms crying.

  He’d thought he was going to watch her die. Relief swept through him.

  Chapter Eleven

  James ignored the warnings from Josiah and Hubert. Prudence was in his arms.

  “You could have fucked up this entire mission. Both of you could. We gave you our word,” Josiah said.

  “And your word meant shit. James agreed to help with the guarantee that Prudence would be saved. You were prepared to sacrifice her,” Lucas said.

  He moved Prudence near to the ambulance. Most, if not all, of the girls had been saved. The raid the two agents handled had saved plenty of women, and they’d arrested Henry along with some of his associates. James didn’t care for all the other details. He’d never wanted to be part of their investigation or way of life. The only person he wanted was Prudence.

  Lucas was being tended to by a girl named Melanie. From what they’d figured out, Melanie, also known as Cindy, had helped Prudence while she’d been locked away. He thanked the woman for making her life easier rather than harder.

  Lifting Prudence onto the bed inside the ambulance James let her go to sit down. She reached for his hand. He grasped hers tightly.

  “Please, don’t go. Don’t leave me,” she said. Tears filled her eyes, breaking his soul.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I’m with you every step of the way.” He kissed her knuckles and then nodded at the driver. He’d done nothing wrong in coming for his woman. The fact he’d saved her was a miracle in itself. There were so many tales of women and girls being lost along the way. He couldn’t imagine living without knowing she was safe. If he’d not found her tonight, James would have used every cent and resource at his disposal to hunt her down. The drive to the hospital was short. He kept his gaze on her at all times, not wishing her out of his sight.

  “She’s doing well,” the paramedic said.

  When they made it inside the hospital, James left her to fill in some hospital forms. They were foreigners, and he promised to refund them any money needed. While they performed checks on her James reluctantly waited outside in the reception area.

  “How are you doing?” Sean asked, joining him.

  “They let you go?” James moved over to allow Sean to sit next to him.

  The last few hours had been hazy.

  “They had no choice. I’m not their fucking prisoner. I came here to settle an old debt. I’ll never be free of the guilt, but I’ve made sure Lucas doesn’t do anything stupid. The Feds are around keeping an eye on all the girls. Some of them were drugged pretty bad and are needing more attention,” Sean said.

  “Where’s Lucas?”

  “Getting his leg stitched up. The bullet ripped through, and the docs are making sure it didn’t go through any major arteries.”

  James stayed silent for several minutes. The only sound he heard in the hospital was the rushing of nurses and the occasional machine beeping.

  “I can’t believe I got her back.”

  “You’re lucky to have some good friends.”

  “What debt were you talking about?” James asked, remembering what Lucas said earlier in the day.

  Sean let out a sigh. “I’m the one responsible for Isabella disappearing. She came to my room one night, naked, and let’s just say it didn’t end well. I was a bastard to her, and she ran. By the time morning came, she was gone.”

  “Isabella had a crush on you when she was younger?”

  “I was Lucas’s friend. We met because we served in the same unit together. I liked doing things my way and against my parents’ better judgement. I joined the forces to spite them. I met some pretty decent guys. Isabella was like sunshine, a living, breathing ball of happiness and energy. Now, she barely smiles.” Sean shook his head in anger. “I’ve got to live with that. Every day I look at her and see the fear and upset, I know I was the cause.”

  James didn’t know the words to say to help him. His friend clearly didn’t want to be saved with words.

  He went and saw Lucas while he was waiting for Prudence to be finished. Lucas lay on the hospital bed eating chocolate and watching television. He turned the volume down as James entered.

  “How are you doing?” James asked, staring at the bandaged leg.

  “I’m doing great. It’s not the first time I’ve been shot.”

  “Let’s hope it’s your last.”

  Lucas chuckled. “I hope not. Where is the fun in that?”

  “You’ll be living your life.” The words sobered both men up.

  “At least you got your girl.”

  James nodded. “You got to take out one man, Lucas.”

  “Not the man I wanted. Daren, for all his talk and shit, was just a fucking minion. Henry is still out there, and the Feds won’t give me shit about him.” Lucas tightened his fist on the metal bars.

  “It’s over now. They’ve got Henry, and we’ve got a life back.”

  “But I’ve got to live with knowing he’s out there.” Lucas stopped and stared past his shoulder. Melanie stood outside the door.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt. I … erm, I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  James raised an eyebrow at Lucas. The other man shooed him away. Sean stood talking with the doctors as he made his way back to the waiting area.

  “Prudence is free to see you,” Sean said. “She should be free to travel tomorrow.”

  “Make all the arrangements. I want Prudence back home in my home.”

  He moved toward her room. His heart pounded inside his chest wondering how she’d feel about seeing him. Taking a deep breath he turned the corner and saw her.

  Prudence lay on the hospital bed. Without all the makeup to cover her face the bruises stood out harshly against her pale skin. James stared at her from where he stood against the doorframe. She looked peaceful in sleep. No matter what he did, he’d never be able to rid his mind of the panic or fear on her face.

  Her eyes opened with a start. James moved closer into the room as she looked like she was going to scream. “Don’t worry, I’m here,” he said, taking her hand within his.


  “That’s right. It’s me, baby.” He leaned down brushing her temple with his lips. Without the makeup he saw the harsh bruises on her face. The different shades of purple looked out of place on her skin.


  “You came for me,” she said. She’d cried so much in the last few weeks. Prue thought she’d cried all of her tears. “I’m sorry.” She wiped under her eyes hoping he didn’t get annoyed with her tears.

  “Don’t worry about it, baby. Cry, sob, and weep. I’m here, and I’m not going away. I love you,” he said.

  Sitting up, Prue pulled him in close squeezing him tightly. “I didn’t think I was going to see you again,” she said.

  “I wasn’t letting you go.” He stroked her hair, each caress making her feel comforted. She’d thought being rescued and being in James’s arms had all been a dream. This wasn’t a dream but a reality.

  Flicking the bedding off her, she crawled into his lap. His arms surrounded her. She didn’t care how needy she appeared. Being surrounded by his warmth was essential to her. “I’ve got you. I’m never letting go.”

  He lifted her up in his arms then settled on the bed. She fisted her hand in his shirt. Prue didn’t close her eyes for fear of falling asleep. She needed to know he wasn’t a fantasy.

  “I thought I was going to be lost forever,” she said. The words came out a whisper. The tightness in her throat made it almost impossible to talk. “I’ve never been so scared in all my life.”

  “Talk to me, Prudence. Tell me everything.”

  She gazed up a
t him. Tears shone in his eyes, but they didn’t spill down his cheeks. “They didn’t … erm … they didn’t take advantage of me, James. I’m still me.”

  He wiped the tears away. “I don’t care. I love you.” His arms tightened harder around her. She needed his strength at that moment.

  “After I woke up at Ravage Daren was there. He’d been leaving me heavy breathing calls for some time, but I didn’t know it was him. I figured a guy with issues was the one calling me.”

  James stroked her hair.

  “I watched him shoot Jermaine. Did he die?” she asked.

  “Yes. He died in my arms.”

  She sobbed harder. Part of her hoped the other man had lived. Life was unfair to have taken someone like Jermaine. He’d been a nice man.

  “Daren took me. I don’t know much after that besides the pain when he called you. Then I woke up on a boat. I thought about jumping overboard. Drowning seemed a lot easier than what Daren had planned. Then we were in England, and I was locked in a room. They never let me out of that room.” She cringed at the fear in her voice. For the most part, she’d thought she’d done remarkably well to keep her wits about her. Now, she couldn’t even bear for the door to her room to be shut. She needed the light and the space; otherwise she’d go mad.

  Being locked away had affected her more than she cared to realise.

  “I’m here, Prudence. I’m here.”

  “Say it again,” she said.


  “Say my name. I need to hear you say my name.”

  “Prudence Star. Prudence Star.” He repeated the name over and over again. There was a time when she hated the full use of her name whereas now she wanted to hear him say her name completely.

  “What are you going to do with your hair?” he asked.

  “I’m going to grow it and then dye it back the same colour. I liked it.”

  “We’ll be leaving tomorrow,” he said.

  “Those are the best words I’ve heard in a long time.”

  He chuckled. She loved to sound.

  “Nothing is ever going to happen to you, Prudence. I’ll take care of everything.”


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