Owned by the Dom: Part Two (The Owners)

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Owned by the Dom: Part Two (The Owners) Page 18

by Sam Crescent

  He wanted to know which method she liked, not hurt her.

  Also, he loved the squeals she released each time he spanked her rounded flesh.

  “That was my hand.”

  He reached for the wooden paddle. James took care not to show her what he was using. Her hands gripped the bench tightly, and her mouth was open gasping for breath.

  “This is the next one.”

  Smacking her ass with measured force James gave her the paddle on her ass. She moaned, wriggling her ass for more.

  “What did you prefer, my hand or the paddle?” He showed her the paddle he’d used on the flesh of her ass. Prudence’s eyes widened at the sight.

  “I loved your hand the most, but that was good as well, Sir,” she said.

  He stroked her clit before grabbing the cane he’d picked up. In his opinion, the cane was the hardest of all spanking instruments. Everyone had their own preference. He wouldn’t use the cane unless it was to tease, and never would he hit Prudence to the point of drawing blood. In his early years he’d seen many scenes go wrong with the cane.


  Prue watched him pick up another spanking instrument. She couldn’t see what he’d picked. He wouldn’t hurt her, and she trusted him to use her body with care. She struggled to concentrate past the sight of his raging hard-on. The vein pulsed at the side. His shaft hadn’t diminished at all since he’d been spanking her ass.

  Her mouth watered, and she wanted to suck him.

  James raised his hand and slowly brought whatever he was using against her ass. The instant bite of pain made her scream. The burning sensation left her gasping.

  “No, not that,” she said. Prue hated what he’d used.

  She was shocked when he stopped immediately, raising the cane in the air for her to see.

  “I don’t like that.” If he used that again she’d call her safe word. She didn’t want that cane on her skin.

  James placed it on the floor beside her. “Then we’re fine.”

  “You’re not going to argue with me?” she asked, shocked.

  “I want to bring you pleasure, Prudence, not make your scared. This is as much about us together as it is about finding out what you like and don’t like.”

  He moved away and came back with some cream. “I think that is enough for today,” he said.

  “Are you disappointed with me?” she asked.

  “Why would I be disappointed with you?”

  She watched as he opened the tub of cream. “We didn’t exactly spend a great deal of time in here,” she said.

  He chuckled. “We’re done with the spanking bench, baby. We’re not done in here. You’re not going to get away that easily,” he said.

  Prue gasped when he applied the cream to her ass.

  “Your ass is tender, and it’s not used to being spanked. We’re going to have to remedy that. I think with your attitude you’ll have an ass fit to spank repeatedly in no time,” he said.

  She giggled as he released her from the spanking bench.

  “I can live with using the paddle and my hand.” He cupped her cheek then kissed her.

  “What more do you have to show me, Sir?”

  James stared into her eyes without answering. “How about you tell me what you want to try next.”

  She pressed a finger to her lip, looking around the room.

  He moved behind her and pushed her hair over one shoulder. James kissed her neck. “Be careful what you pick. I won’t give you this choice all the time.”

  Prue walked over to the swing. If she never got chance to choose again then she wanted to try the swing out now.

  She touched the leather and turned to him.

  With an eyebrow raised he covered her hand with his. “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “I’ve seen one of these before. Trawling through the internet and curiosity got the better of me. I watched a scene with a woman in one of these,” she said, waiting for him to respond.

  “And what did you think?”

  “I think this looks uncomfortable.” She fingered the leather that would hold the woman in place. “But the woman looked incredibly turned on. I want to know what it feels like.” Prue turned to him. “Will you show me?”

  James helped her inside of the swing. She gasped as gravity seemed to be pulling her down. They were laughing as he strapped her inside. She held onto the lines at either side of her. “Maybe this was a mistake,” she said.

  “I’ve got you.”

  She stared behind her, and then his hands were on her pussy and she forgot everything else.

  His fingers stroked over her clit then moved down to her entrance.

  Prue watched him to touch her. His cock leaked pre-cum out of the tip. She licked her lips wanting a taste of him.

  “You’re not allowed to come,” he said.

  She moaned then whimpered as he stroked her harder. How could she stop herself from climaxing? Her grip tightened on the swing, and then he pulled away as she was on the edge ready to plunge into bliss.

  “I want you to come with my dick inside you.”

  He teased the tip of his cock up and down her centre. His seed mixed with hers as he ran his cock over her slit.

  Only when he was ready did he press the tip of his cock against her entrance. The red mushroomed tip lodged inside. He gripped her hips, and then with one hard pull he sank inside her.

  Prue had no other option than to hold on tight as he fucked her hard. She gripped the swing while he filled her with his large cock. His shaft stretched her pussy making her beg for more. She couldn’t touch her clit, and her pleasure was in his hands.

  The swing held a whole new meaning to her.

  “Talk to me, Prudence,” he said.

  “I can’t.” She screamed as he changed the angle and went deeper inside her. He hit her cervix over and over again. The pain and pleasure mixed together turning her into nothing but a quivering wreck of nerves.

  “Come for me,” he said, ordering her.

  She’d never come without direct contact with her clit. He swirled his hips, and the action caught her clit.

  Her cries of release echoed off the walls. Within seconds James growled and held her in place as he came.

  Her muscles ached from the pleasure, but she wouldn’t have changed her choice if given another chance.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  After a long shower together, James picked out a summer dress and a pair of pumps for her to wear. He helped to dress her before settling for a pair of shorts and shirt, which he left open.

  “I didn’t think we’d be dressing while we’re here,” Prudence said.

  “I thought a walk along the beach would be lovely.”

  The episode in the playroom played over in his mind. He’d never had such a good time before. Prudence was everything he wanted in a sub. She was submissive yet stubborn, and her curiosity at exploring his equipment delighted him. He couldn’t think of a better way to use the swing than to see Prudence come apart on it.

  “I like that.”

  James took her hand and led her out of the villa. They passed the garden and went towards the back gate that opened onto the main beach. “I don’t know how you could leave this place and return to the city,” she said.

  “I’ve not shared this villa with anyone. When my parents passed I changed the whole décor of the house. The playroom was my own personal touch.”

  The heat of the sun bore down on them. He went to edge of the sea and waited while Prudence removed her shoes. James did the same, then held her hands as they walked together.

  “Violet had a little girl,” he said, starting up a conversation. They hadn’t discussed their friends in so long, and he wanted her to be part of his life in all areas.

  “She did? I bet Cadeon’s terrified.” Her hand tightened around his.

  “I think he’s happy to have his woman safe by his side. There were a few points throughout the pregnancy when it looked like Violet wouldn’t make it.”r />
  “Then I’m glad she’s okay.” Prudence stopped talking. He watched her staring out at the ocean. “How’s Ursula doing?” she asked.

  He laughed. “She’s driving Stephen crazy.”

  “How come?”

  “He’s doing everything he can to force her to marry him while she keeps putting up resistance. I think she’s still pissed about being sent away.” James smiled recalling the last argument the couple had. Even though Ursula and Stephen argued the love between them was clear to see.

  “She’ll certainly keep him on his toes. How is everyone else?” she asked.

  Relief swept through him at her question. She’d not asked about his friends, and he was concerned she wouldn’t want to be part of that world. “Sean is dealing with having Isabella in his life. There is a lot of history around them. Lucas recovered from his leg wound. He’s been working on it to make him strong again.”

  “I can’t imagine Lucas not being strong. That guy is like a rock,” she said.

  “Tate, Kevin, and Rebecca, I think, are working through their problems. I’m not completely sure about them.”

  She nodded then bent down to pick up a stone. Prudence threw it across the ocean. He watched the ripples of the stone grazing the water. “What about Dane?” she asked.

  “We’ve not seen him for several months. Josiah and Hubert say he’s working for them, and they need to keep him safe.”

  “I imagine there are a lot of people who’ll want him dead.”

  “Dane didn’t exactly keep a low profile.”

  Prudence let out a sigh. “I hope he’s all right.”

  “I’m sure he will be.”

  James threw a stone out at the water watching the ripples glide across the surface. He took her hand, and they continued down the beach front.

  “How are Ravage and Possession going? Are they working again or open?” she asked.

  “They’re doing great. Most of the old members have returned. Gabe has replaced me as head Dom in the Dungeon.”

  Prudence turned to him. “You can’t do that.” She took his hand, kissing his knuckles.

  “I can’t be the head Dom. I refuse to train other subs, and I didn’t have a sub to call my own.” He stroked her cheek.

  “You’ve got me.”

  “But you’re not my sub, not completely,” he said.

  She stared past his shoulder. He wondered what she was thinking. There was a lot going on behind those eyes. “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “I want to be your sub completely. I’ll do anything you want. You’re a good Dom, James, and Ravage is your club. I don’t think you should hand over the reins to anyone.”

  “Gabe is a good man. I trust him.”

  “It’s your club. Don’t you think you should be the head Dom and then patch all other subs with the right Master?” she asked.

  James stared at her, wondering what he was missing. “For a woman who has only dabbled in the lifestyle, you seem to know a lot about it,” he said.

  Prudence smiled. “I’ve done plenty of research. I know what I’m talking about.”

  “I’ll think about it. I don’t want to waste our time talking about business. This is our time, Prudence.” He took her hand and started leading her toward the edge of town. There was an ice cream parlour on the corner. They’d grab an ice cream before heading back to the house.

  He walked into the shop and grabbed two chocolate ice creams with cones.

  “I love this,” she said, licking the icy cream from the top. They walked hand in hand back to the villa. James stared out at the ocean feeling at peace. He was with his woman, and everything was safe in the world.

  James escorted her into the house. “I’m going to get dinner started if you want to have a bath or read a little.”

  She gripped the back of his head pulling him down for a kiss. “Thank you for today. It was so perfect.”

  He stroked her cheek then went toward the kitchen.


  Their days were much the same. James would take her into the playroom, and then they’d go for a walk along the beach or they went to the local town to shop and take in the sights. Prue loved everything about Italy. She loved the food, the scenery, and the people. Her favourite time of the day was the moments she spent alone with James in the playroom. He knew how best to bring her to the brink of orgasm but to also keep her riding the fine line so she never catapulted over the edge with release.

  She lay over the spanking bench a week into their stay at the villa. James stood behind her, naked, as she lay on the bench. She stared at his reflection in the mirror. His gaze landed between her spread thighs. He’d brought her to orgasm twice that morning, once with his tongue and the other with his fingers.

  “I think you need to be taught some restraint,” he said. “I’ve got a special kind of punishment for you.”

  He moved out of her line of sight. She waited, tense, for him to return. He came back carrying a harness and a tube of lube.

  When they were in this room Prue felt a freedom she’d not experienced before. With the other men she’d dated she needed to stay in control as she’d never trusted them with her body. James she trusted with every part of her being. He would never hurt her in any way. The fact he’d removed all of the canes from the playroom was a testament to how he felt about her.

  “How are you feeling, pet?” he asked.

  “I’m good, Sir,” she said, addressing him by his title. There were moments when they were together in the playroom where she wanted to call him by his given name. She held back. His name was reserved for them away from the playroom. Prue loved the two different styles of their life. This was one aspect where James was in control, and everything they did was down to his decisions. Then there was the life outside of the playroom where they were equals.

  “You’re so wet for me.”

  I’m only wet for you, James.

  She stayed silent as he stroked her slit. Three fingers pierced her pussy riding her. She tried to thrust back on him, but James held her in place with a firm hand on her back. “No moving, baby.”

  Watching him in the mirror, she saw him spread some lube onto his fingers before pressing those fingers against her pussy. “I want to make sure you’re good and wet.”

  Then he pressed the same fingers against her ass. Prue tensed as her muscles tightened. “Let me in, baby. This will feel good.”

  Closing her eyes, Prue forced herself to relax and accept his touch. One of his fingers pressed against her ass. “Push against my finger.”

  She did as he told her. One finger went deep inside her. The pain went straight to her clit. She groaned thrusting back onto his finger.

  “That’s a good girl. Now, a second finger.”

  James worked her ass until she took three fingers without fighting him. Her muscles relaxed, and James worked more lube up her ass.

  The cold made her gasp. She opened her eyes as he lifted one foot and then the other. A cock filled her pussy, and then James eased a second cock into her ass. She was filled with the harness. James worked the strap of the harness around her waist. When she was filled he walked away to the sink he had in the corner.

  The sound of the water running distracted her. James walked back stroking her back then going round to kneel before her. He kissed her lips.

  “I’m going to take your ass tonight,” he said.

  She moaned, tightening around the fake cocks in her pussy and ass.

  “First, I want to see your mouth wrapped around my cock.”

  James stood, pushing her hair back from her face. The tip of his cock pressed against her lips. She stared at the impressive length, inhaling the musky scent of their combined releases. They hadn’t been using any condoms during their time together. She loved the feel of his naked length gliding inside her.

  “Suck me, Prudence,” he said.

  His words made her tighten on the harness. Opening her lips, she stared up his body as best she could. He eas
ed his cock between her lips. His cum coated her tongue, and she swallowed down as much as she could.

  Pulling back, Prue used her tongue to flick the slit.

  “I want you free.”

  James removed the straps binding her to the bench. He caught her around the waist then led her over to the chair. Sitting, James waited for her to continue blowing him. He grabbed the length and then waited.

  Running her hands up his thighs, Prue stared into his eyes. She loved watching his reactions as they started to learn more about each other. He loved the control she gave him, and in turn she loved the pleasure he gave her. Their relationship was very much a give and take one.

  There was far more to their relationship than Master and sub. She felt their connection down to her soul. They were far more a part of each other than they’d ever been before. Their relationship before her kidnapping had only been superficial. They hadn’t explored any of their desires with each other.

  She pumped the shaft in her fist continuing to watch him.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked, pressing a thumb to her lips.

  “That we’re much better now than we were back then. This is more than we ever could have imagined.” Prue licked the tip tasting his essence on her tongue.

  He growled then reached out to stroke her hair. “Be prepared, baby. It’s only going to get better from here.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  Prue opened her lips and took the tip of his cock inside her mouth. The salty tang of his cum coated her tongue. She left his cock to run her tongue around the tip and down the pulsing vein at the side.

  James wrapped her hair around his fist. She grabbed his cock and then sucked the whole of him inside her mouth.

  He moaned. The sound was deep and guttural.

  Closing her eyes, Prue gave herself over to the pleasure of pleasing him. His cock filled her mouth as gloriously as he filled her pussy. She whimpered when he pulled on her hair making her leave his cock only to be pushed back on. The force took him to the back of her throat. Prue relaxed as much as she could to take him down deep. Her gag reflex kicked in, and James went slower.


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