Owned by the Dom: Part Two (The Owners)

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Owned by the Dom: Part Two (The Owners) Page 19

by Sam Crescent

  “I love watching my cock disappear into your mouth,” he said.

  She moaned trying to convey her own thoughts. The noise came out muffled as he rode her mouth some more.

  “I’m not going to last.”

  Her saliva coated his cock making the shaft easier to disappear into her mouth. She worked him.

  “Look at me,” he said.

  His cock jerked in her mouth. James growled, and then the first spurt of his release swamped her mouth. Prue stared in his eyes as she swallowed him down. The pleasure on his face spurred her on.

  The more he came the more she swallowed him down. When she finished, James removed the harness and cocks from her body. She groaned as they left her. The pleasure from being impaled made her dripping wet.

  When she finished James picked her up, and she curled in his lap wrapping her arms around him. He surrounded her with his heat and warmth.

  “There is never going to be another woman in my life, Prudence. You have me, heart, body, and soul.”

  Prue knew there would never be another man like him.

  “James, I’d like to marry you and wear your collar.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The next few days progressed. After Prudence agreed to be his wife and his sub all James wanted to do was take her to Vegas and then to Ravage. Instead, he stayed with her in his villa in Italy and basked in having nothing to do but to please her.

  He stared at her sitting opposite him. Her tongue peeked out at the corner of her lips as she concentrated on the chess board in front of them. She was an awful player, but he made sure she got in a few pieces before beating her at the game.

  The dress she wore was a long white dress made out of light fabric. Her arms were bare, and the neckline was plunging highlighting her impressive cleavage. James could gladly spend the rest of his life alone in the villa with Prudence. Being with her was like Christmas had come every day. She didn’t look at him afraid, and the woman who’d been lost to him was back.

  He couldn’t imagine her ever have been taken. Prudence looked in the prime of her life, ready to take on the world.

  She moved her pawn, which he took in his next move without thinking.

  “This is not fair,” she said. She took a sip of her water. “I have to sit and think about every single move, and then you come along and take my piece without spending more than a second looking. How is that possible?” she asked, arms folded over her breasts.

  “Maybe you should distract me?”

  Her eyes glazed over, and then she peeled the dress down until it fell to her waist. Her large tits were on display for him to see. Already his mind was more interested in her bosom than the game in front of him.

  She lifted her arms, winding her hair off her neck. “Does this help my chances?” she asked.

  “I’m more interested in bending you over the table than winning.”

  “Good.” She clapped her hands, pushed the board away, and in the next second was in his lap. “Because I’m more interested in having your cock in my pussy than playing chess. It’s a boring game.”

  He laughed, lifted her in his arms, and escorted her inside the house. She giggled, which he found adorable.

  James didn’t take her to the playroom or to their bedroom. There wasn’t any time. His need to be inside her sweet pussy was too great. He went straight to the dining room table. Placing her on the wood, James stripped out of his capris pants and lifted up her dress. He teased her slit to see she was soaking wet and waiting for him.

  Within seconds he was inside her. She cried out, thrusting up to meet him as he slammed into her.

  “Yes, James, more,” she said. Her tits bounced with each of his hard jolts. Leaning down, he sucked her nipple into his mouth then moved onto the next. She held onto the edge of the table as he plunged into her hot little cunt.

  Pulling out of her pussy, James knelt down and licked her clit. She cried out, her hands sinking into his hair as he lapped at her pussy. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to hear and feel her come.

  Using two fingers he pushed them inside her cunt, and with his other hand, he pressed the tip of a finger into her moist rear. Her cream had dripped down to her tight asshole providing enough lubrication for him to penetrate her.

  Her finger returned to the edge of the table, and her knuckles turned white as they gripped the hard surface. James licked her clit tasting her cream on his tongue.

  Her breathing grew to short, sharp pants as she pressed her pelvis against his face.

  Staring up her body he watched as her orgasm exploded from her.

  She screamed, and he licked her clit while pumping his fingers into her cunt and ass.

  With her climax still gripping her, James grabbed his cock and slammed into her with such force he moved the table with his thrusts. Prudence held onto his arms as he fucked her hard.

  He stared into her eyes seeing her need to come again as much as his own need consumed him to explode inside her tight channel.

  “I’m close,” he said.

  She bit her lip as his grip tightened on her waist.

  He thrust inside her three times and then exploded. Prudence moaned as her second release came as well. Picking her up in his arms, he carried her through to the sitting room. She curled up in his lap with his cock still inside her.

  Stroking her hair, back, and ass James waited for his heart rate to slow down before doing anything else.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  “You’re going to kill me.” He gazed into her eyes.

  “No, I’m not. You’re the one who carried me into the dining room. I’ll never be able to look at that table properly again.”

  He chuckled. “You’re certainly the best meal I’ve ever had at that table.” James groaned as her pussy contracted around his shaft.

  “You’re turning me on again,” she said.

  “From what I feel that’s not a hard task to do.” He slapped her ass loving the sound of her squeal as he did. “I can’t help it. Every time I’m with you I want to be inside you. You’re addictive.”

  “So are you. I love you, James.” She kissed him, plunging her tongue into his mouth as she did.

  “I love you, too.” The words were the most natural for him to say.

  They stayed like that in the sitting room for some time. James didn’t want to let her go. His cock remained deep inside her, and Prudence kept stroking his chest.

  “We’re going to have to go back to the real world soon, aren’t we?” she asked.

  “Yes. If I miss Stephen and Ursula’s wedding then I won’t be able to show my face at Possession for the rest of my life.”

  She laughed then groaned.

  “What are we going to do?”

  “What do you mean?” He gazed down into her gorgeous eyes.

  “About us. I’m ready, James, to be with you in every way.”

  He kissed the top of her head and thought about her words. Their time going down the aisle would come.

  “You’re moving in with me, and you’ll be working at Ravage. Everything else we’ll decide when the time is right.”

  She settled against him. “We are going to have to go home,” she said.

  “Yes, we’ll go home soon.”

  Prudence sighed. “I’ll miss this place. We’ll come back though, right?”


  He lifted the nearest phone and started making arrangements for them to leave at the end of the week.


  Prue stared at the diamond ring on her finger. James had given the ring to her the moment the taxi came to collect them. They were seated in the plane and were about to take off. She couldn’t stop staring at the ring and knowing in her heart what the ring stood for.

  She was officially engaged to the man of her dreams. James Castleden had entered her life unexpectedly, as her sister’s boyfriend, but now he was hers.

  “You keep staring at that as if it is going to disappear,” James

  He sat in front of her.

  Gripping the cross necklace in her palm Prue smiled at him. The silver collar would be placed around her neck when they had a ceremony declaring her his sub. Their time in Italy would always stay with her. Being with him without any outside forces had been perfect. He was the man she’d come to know. James was hard-headed and demanded respect rather than expected it.

  “Can’t a woman admire her engagement ring?” she asked.

  Their conversation halted as the plane started to take off. She stared out of the window and watched as the scenery started to pass them by.

  “How do you think a honeymoon in Italy sounds?”

  She turned to him smiling. “Perfect.”

  When the plane was in the air, James moved to her side. He took her hand in his, and they stared out across the landscape together.

  “I was thinking we’d wait until Stephen and Ursula were married and then we’d have one straight after.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. I look forward to being your wife.”

  “I phoned the guys and your sister. They’ll be waiting for us at the airport.”

  Prue groaned. “My sister is going to be clucking around me like a mother hen.”

  “She means well.”

  “Do you remember that time we first met?” Prue asked.

  “That was one of the worst nights of my life,” he said.

  She slapped him on the arm in mock offence.

  “Thanks a lot.”

  He kissed her knuckles. “Not because I met you. It was the worst night of my life because I was with Veronica, and when I saw you, I knew you were the woman for me. I couldn’t stop staring at you, and I felt like such a fucking bastard. You were so young, and I wasn’t.”


  She thought her heart stopped beating at his words. She’d never known he felt that way about her.

  Prue cupped his cheek turning him to face her. “Do you mean that?” she asked.

  “I didn’t know what to do.”

  In all the years she’d known him she’d never once thought he wanted her in the same way she wanted him.

  “I hated my sister for having you,” she said.

  James rested his head against hers. “This between us was always meant to be.”

  His hand settled on the cross that lay between her breasts. “I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  For the whole journey they sat, hand in hand, talking and watching the world pass them by. More often than not Prue wanted to demand for them to turn the plane around. She didn’t want to go back to her life without him being part of it. All she wanted to do was stay with James.

  When the plane touched down several hours later, James helped her out, and together they walked into the main foyer. Six months ago they did the exact same thing, but she’d left with her sister, walking away from him.

  Her sister stood a few feet away from the group cheering at James. She waved at Veronica and squealed as James picked her up in his arms.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck James escorted her down to the group of men. Heat filled her cheeks as their friends turned to them and started staring.

  “Everyone’s watching,” she said, whispering to his ear.

  “Let them watch. I don’t give a fuck. You’re my woman, and that’s the way it’s going to stay.”

  He put her on her feet the moment they hit the crowd. Cadeon held a little baby in his arms with Violet at his side. Stephen’s arms were wrapped around Ursula. Lucas, Sean, Kevin, and Tate were smirking.

  Prue opened her arms for Veronica. Her sister walked to her and wrapped her arms around her.

  “I’m so pleased to see you,” Veronica said.

  “I’m sorry for taking Prudence away from you. You’re going to have to get used to it. She’s my woman, and staying with me is what she’ll do.” He cupped her neck, turning her to kiss. Not caring about their audience, Prue held on tight to his neck to take the lips he offered.

  “That better be a promise.”

  “It’s a fucking lifetime guarantee.”

  Prue chuckled. “Look,” she said, showing Veronica the ring.

  “Oh my God!”

  Veronica took her hand turning the hand this way and that. Ursula came forward, too.

  “You’re engaged.”

  “You had to steal the woman away to get her to marry you,” Lucas said, slapping him on the back.

  Ursula clapped her hands. “This is perfect. We can have a double wedding.”

  Prue paused. “What?”

  “Stephen and I can get married, and so can you and James. It will be perfect, two weddings in the same day.” Ursula’s arms went around her neck.

  She stared at James wanting to know his reaction to the news. He shrugged looking at Stephen.

  “Don’t you want our wedding to be the big day?” Stephen asked, pulling his woman away from Prue. She smiled when she saw the same possessive look in his eye that James got.

  “This will be perfect. I hate being on display, and with Prue there to take some of the limelight away, I’ll be happier.” Ursula pressed against Stephen. “Please.”

  Prue smirked at what the other woman was doing.

  Stephen stared down at his woman. His gaze melted with every second that passed. “James, you’re getting married the same day.”

  “I’m not getting married unless my woman says we are.”

  Ursula turned around staring at her. The woman’s eyes pleaded with her.

  Shrugging her shoulders, Prue couldn’t find a reason not to agree. “Why the hell not?”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Prue went home with her sister while James finished some business at Ravage. Ursula was organising the dress fittings along with the catalogues they needed to go through. When James picked her up they were going to Possession so she and Ursula could organise the wedding of a lifetime.

  “When will you be married?” Veronica asked, placing a cup of steaming coffee in front of her.

  “From what Ursula tells me, the end of the month.” Prue kept staring down at the diamond ring. She needed to organise a meeting with Priscilla and thank the woman for giving her, her life back.

  “Prudence, you don’t think you’re rushing into something, do you?”

  “No. James is the one. I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone but him. I think it will be nice to have some happiness in our lives. When I was taken by Daren I didn’t think I’d ever see him again. James is the man for me, Veronica. Be happy for me.”

  Her sister sat opposite her. “I’m happy for you. Marriage is a big step. One I never want for you to regret.”

  “Do you regret marrying Daniel?”


  “I won’t regret marrying James. He’ll drive me crazy, but I’ll never regret loving him.” Loving him was the only thing she knew for certain about her future.

  Several hours later James picked her up. Her sister congratulated her, and then they were on the road heading in the direction of her house.

  “James, where are we going? I thought you wanted to go to Possession?”

  “We will. First I want all of your clothes moved back to my house. You’re not staying another day away from me.”

  Arthur stayed in the car as she and James went inside to gather her clothes along with a few personal items. “We can grab more with time.”

  After they dropped her clothes at James’s house they went to Possession. Night had fallen, and the parking area was full. The doorman was back and greeted James with a smile.

  They walked straight through to the main bar where Abigail was doing a big number. Stephen, Ursula, and the guys were waiting for them around a large table. The moment Ursula spotted her, Prue was whisked away to another room.

  “I don’t think James likes you very much,” Prue said, closing the door behind her.

  “They’re men. They’ll get over it when they get that ring on our finger.” Ursula han
ded a catalogue to her. “This is going to be the quickest thrown together wedding in the history of weddings. I don’t need a bridal shower, and I certainly don’t want a bachelorette party. What about you?”

  Prue shook her head. “None of those things interest me.”

  “Okay, I’ve narrowed down our lists. We need to organise a church and a minister. I’ve got one lined up, and I’ll talk to him about doing us together. The cake, bridesmaids, dresses for bridesmaids and brides, and a party place. Am I missing anything?” Ursula asked.

  “Photographer? Why don’t we organise a wedding planner? I’m no good at this stuff, and I’d be relieved to leave this stuff to that person while we concentrate on the dress and other bits.”

  Ursula turned to her and stared. “You’ve just become my favourite person.”

  Prue finished going through some of the wedding dress designs with Ursula before they made their way back to the group of men. James reached for her as Stephen did for his woman. Prue sat in her man’s lap while she listened to the conversation going on around them.

  For the first time in months, Prue felt like she could relax. She watched the woman on stage as her voice carried throughout the room. Men stopped to listen to the woman while others continued on in their conversation. She held James wishing she didn’t have to move. His arms surrounded her, and his fingers teased her stomach. She smiled as he played with her exposed flesh.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “I’m not thinking anything.”

  He kissed her temple. “Come on, it’s time for us to leave.”

  They bid their goodbyes and then walked out into the warm summer night. Arthur stood with some of the other workers waiting.

  “I don’t want to go home yet. Can we walk around the grounds?” she asked, wanting their moment to last. Real life, work, and all the other crap could wait for another few hours. James took her hand, and together they walked around the back of the house to the main garden, which was alight.


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