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Love A Highlander: A Scottish Time Travel Romance (A Highlander Across Time Book 1)

Page 15

by Rebecca Preston

  The Laird Duncan turned and eyed Eileen, and then turned back to Maria.

  “The marriage seemed to be a stormy one. My son tended to visit the beds of many women, but that is the right of any man if he wishes. Eileen, did not step out on him, we made sure of that, having her watched at all times.”

  “Having her watched? That is interesting that you took such lengths, keeping an eye on your son's wife.”

  “Well the lass gave cause. She often became irrational and very emotional, sometimes in front of all of us. Once she even followed Jamie out when he was on duty, never wanting to leave his side. A most unnatural thing. But she is a young naive girl, look at her," he said.

  Maria did look to Eileen again who was pouring herself more and more Whisky, drinking it down.

  Maria asked a few more questions, realizing just how unstable Eileen’s character was being painted, as Duncan explained more about the girl. Maria watched her, still drinking the whisky. She was nervous and starting to sweat. But Duncan also had an unusual look on his face, as though hearing the list of odd behavior that Eileen had showed sounded very strange when it all came out together in one long list. It was just what Maria had hoped for. She was being more of a criminal lawyer at this point than a detective, as though she was cross-examining a witness.

  “You must tell me what these questions are leading to, lass," Duncan said.

  “I ask these questions because of the evidence that I found in the castle. There was dried blood inside of Jamie and Eileen’s room. And though she claims a maid gave her a separate room next door, no one can corroborate that. The rushes of heather on the floor inside the room she claimed she was given were changed, but not on the entire floor, just in the doorway. As though someone had cleaned up something and did not want to draw attention to it.”

  Duncan's eyes grew wide. He turned and looked at Eileen. Eileen could not make eye contact with them. She simply looked at her cup of whisky and took another drink. Maria knew that she was about to crack. She kept going with her findings, which were actually accusations.

  “Then there is the matter of how your son died. A knife through the heart. no one recognizes the knife, it is not a dagger of anyone in Clan Macleod, but it was a simple sharp knife used at dinner the evening before his murder. But it is the angle that it entered your son that is very intriguing. It is a low angle, as though inflicted by a shorter person. Not a tall man of his equal standing. There was no evidence on Jamie that he was involved in a fight. No defensive wounds of any kind. Your son is a skilled fighter is he not?”

  “Yes. He was many things and he has been fighting since he was a wee lad, as all Scots have.”

  “And yet there was no evidence that he had tried to stop the stabbing from happening. There were no wounds on his hands where he would have blocked such a thing. No bruises on his face showing that he had been in a fight. This meant that whoever did it was someone he trusted, someone that he would let get close to him. Jamie would not be expecting this person and would underestimate their ability to do him harm. Most likely a woman.”

  Everyone in the tent gasped at her words. Whisperings of “A woman?” were on everyone’s lips.

  Horror crossed Duncan’s face as the evidence seemed plausible. Maria knew that he himself would be able to see Jamie’s body and see that she was right about no self-defense wounds. She’d asked him about it before, but he’d not realized her reasoning behind the question before she supposed.

  Then Duncan turned his back to Maria and looked firmly at Eileen. “Eileen?”

  With one swift move, Eileen stood up and grabbed the dagger off a guardsman belt next to her. She lunged toward Maria. “You bitch! How dare you! You outsider! You do not know how Jamie treated me! He deserved what I did to him!”

  Maria stepped back and dodged the dagger swaying in the air. Her move was really quick and she had been expecting it. Suddenly, Cameron stood in front of her, blocking Eileen’s access to her. He caught Eileen’s hand by the wrist and took the dagger from her. Bran and one of Duncan's guards grabbed Eileen, holding her back.

  Tears were streaming down Eileen’s face. “Jamie did not love me! I could not stand it anymore! I was his prisoner, not a wife!” she shouted hysterically.

  Maria felt bad for the woman in that moment. She knew that it was very hard to be a woman in modern times, and it would not be much easier during this time when women were considered nothing but property. Still, murder was not the answer. Eileen had a choice. She could have robbed him and run away, even if that was an undignified thing to do. At least it would not be taking human life, and Maria knew that if Eileen was able to do it to one person, she was most likely able to do it again. She was a danger and needed to be dealt with.

  “You witch!” Duncan shouted and backslapped Eileen, nearly knocking her unconscious. She went limp in the guard’s arms.

  “Put her under lock and key. Place her under guard. Do not let her out of your sight. This woman took the life of my dear son!” Duncan shouted.

  Cameron put his hand on Maria’s shoulder. “Are you alright, lass?” he whispered.

  “I’m fine,” she said.

  “You did good, lass.”

  Finally, after giving Duncan a moment to experience his anger and grief, he had a few words to say.

  “Thank you, lass. Thank you for exposing this woman. She has confessed with her own words, something that might not have happened if it weren't for you. A battle could have erupted between our clans and more lives lost because of her stupidity. You have my gratitude," Duncan said to Maria.

  “I am glad to be able to help. Your son did not deserve what happened to him and I am very sorry for your loss,” Maria said.

  “Now, I would like to see my son. Now that I know the MacDonalds are in no danger here on the island of Skye,” Duncan said.

  “Yes, of course. You will want to take him home and bury him with dignity. We have kept him for you with honor. Come and we will show you to him and release your men to you as well. We meant no harm in keeping them, but we did not want them to start a war among our men without knowing the truth," Cameron said.

  “Yes, take me to them after I see my son and I will have words with them. Now, let us go.”

  Cameron put out his hand, and Duncan grasped it by the elbow, shaking it. Maria was relieved. The tension between the clans was resolved, and Cameron was no longer in danger. Eileen would be brought to justice for what she had done, and Duncan would see that the MacLeod Clan had no animosity toward him.

  Together she walked with Cameron and Duncan and a few of Duncan's men, toward the bridge back toward the castle.

  As she walked, she remembered seeing only the ruins of the bridge on the ghost tour. How strange it was to walk across it now, and if she were to be stuck here forever, as Erin had said, then would she be one of those ghosts in the future? Such an odd sensation to think of herself as part of history, in the future. But now that she had gotten to know these people, and had fallen for the Laird of the castle, would she go back if she had the opportunity? If the portal were to open right now in this moment, what would she do? Maria was surprised to realize that she didn’t have the answer.


  A month later

  Maria walked along the shore of the isle of Skye. She picked up some shells and rocks and stored them in the pocket of her thick wool skirt. She now had the freedom to go beyond the castle gates, something she had earned, freedom.

  She looked up at the tall castle walls, beautiful and romantic in the sunlight. Maria closed her eyes and inhaled a strong breath of the ocean air. A seagull squawked as it flew overhead. In this moment she pretended that she was in her own modern time. Was it so very different? With her eyes closed and only hearing and smelling, it could very well be as though she was still on that ghost tour, and it was sunrise as she walked along the shore of the very Island.

  But then a panic took hold in her heart. If she were in her own time, then she would never see Ca
meron again. Quickly she opened her eyes, and looked at the castle again, making sure that it wasn't in ruins. It was the full castle, and she hadn’t been transported back to her own time.

  Still, that was not enough, she hastily made her way back toward the courtyard, entering to make sure that nothing had changed. People moved back and forth, carrying loads and baskets and she was able to breathe easily again seeing them. She smiled to herself, feeling satisfied that everything was the same.

  The strife between the MacLeod Clan and the MacDonald Clan was no more and they were on equal footing once more, staving off any chance of the MacDonald taking over the castle anytime soon, at least for now. There was always that information in the back of her head, because she could never remember the year that it happened. For now she would have to be satisfied with not knowing.

  She walked into the castle, making her way to the corridor. She didn't even have to look up because she had memorized the path, going here and there. This was now her home. Because she was looking down, she suddenly ran into a hard wall. Maria lifted her chin, to discover that it was no wall at all but just a very hard Scottish man’s chest. Bran.

  “Excuse me," she said, and then moved around him, trying to get by, but he wouldn’t let her. “What? What is it now? Do you wish to accuse me of something new?" she said putting her hands on her hips.

  Bran grinned. “I guess I deserve that. No. No accusations, lass. I only wish to apologize. I treated ye unfairly, but ye must understand ye are an outsider and we Scottish are suspicious of everyone who is not our own clan. It is the way of things. Ye came under suspicious circumstances with yer mad ravings. But I am apologizing now.”

  Maria was startled by his apology. At first she thought this might be some sort of trick, but she didn't want to ruin the moment.

  “Bran, I accept your apology. Though I must say that I do understand why you did such things. If I were in your shoes I would have found me suspicious and strange as well. You are only doing your job, and I must say that I admire your loyalty to Cameron. It is a fierce loyalty. This clan is very lucky to have you.”

  “Yes we are, and we are protective of it. So you understand?”

  “I do,” she said.

  “Good. That is all,” Bran said stepping aside. Then he walked away.

  “Well, not one for many words,” Maria mumbled to herself and then continued on her way.

  Later that evening, Maria sat next to Cameron at the head table in the grand hall. But this was different, their relationship was no longer a secret, not for almost three weeks now. Everyone knew that they were courting, as Cameron liked to call it, which Maria thought was absolutely adorable. It was much better than saying dating, like she would in New York.

  Everyone was having a few drinks, waiting for the feast to be served. Good spirits had been had all around since the possible battle with the MacDonald Clan had been avoided, and Cameron made sure that everyone knew why they had avoided it. He made sure that everyone knew it was because of Maria's work and her words with Duncan that had caused Eileen to confess to the murder.

  Now everyone looked at her with pride in their eyes, some calling her the savior of Clan Macleod. Of course Maria thought the name was a little extreme, but it was much better than witch.

  The string musicians began to play a song, and Maria recognized it. It was the same melody that played the night that she arrived. It seemed like a lifetime ago that she listened to the music, thinking that it was part of the ghost tour party. How foolish she felt now thinking about it. She wondered what had happened to the ghost tour people, Jennifer and the Italian couple. What did the tour guide, Mr. Leslie, think of her disappearance? Were the police called and the entire castle and island searched? They probably thought that she somehow was swept out to sea.

  She felt guilty knowing that her family would miss her and think that she was dead. But in the circumstances, she was not able to go back. So she had to push all of the guilt out of her mind and concentrate on enjoying the present. Feeling guilty would not change anything.

  Suddenly, Cameron pounded his fist on the table. It startled Maria and the string musicians stopped. Cameron stood up, ready to give a speech as he often did before eating. Maria smiled at the handsome Scottish man. She was completely enamored with him and no man in her modern time could ever compete with him. He was a real warrior, a ruler of the land, and the hottest man she had ever seen.

  “Lads and Lass! Listen here! I have news. My heart has been touched. The savior, as ye call her, has also saved me in more ways than one. I am honored to announce that I wish to make this woman my wife!”

  Cheers erupted all around. Maria looked at him with wide eyes. She had no idea he intended to make such a public display to propose to her, or to propose at all. Her heart leapt with joy.

  “That is… if she will have a lad like me?” he said turning to her.

  Maria stood up with tears in her eyes. “Yes. I will.” She smiled.

  “Yay! Hoorah!” the clan shouted.

  Cameron pulled her to him and planted a kiss on her lips, a deep and passionate one that only brought more cheers and applause from the crowd.

  Maria could not believe it. She really was happy in this moment, and she wanted to be this man's wife. She knew now in this moment that she loved being in this time, at this castle, and with this man at her side. No other man would do.

  Having him propose to her in front of the entire clan made her feel included and accepted, finally. She found a true place in this strange land. His kiss heated her up and she almost forgot that they had an audience. Finally with a low groan, Cameron pulled his lips from hers. He turned back to the crowd and shouted, “Another round of whisky to celebrate! Your Laird is getting himself a wee wife!”

  Everyone cheered and servants appeared with more jugs of whisky and port. The stringed musicians erupted into a jolly song and many took to the floor to dance.

  Cameron sat down with Maria. He looked at her with such pride.

  “I knew from the moment I first saw you, lass, that you were the one for me, but only now do understood that feeling. Are you happy with me, lass?” he asked.

  “Aye. I am,” she said taking on the speech.

  His thick brows rose. “As am I. I want you to be my wife, more than anything.”

  “And I want you to be my husband, forever,” she said.

  They smiled and then kissed again.

  A few minutes later the feast was served, and a grand party followed late into the night. But Cameron turned in early, taking his newly betrothed with him. They made love in celebration, and commitment.

  One week later, Maria was moving about the castle. She had now moved into Cameron's bed chambers, though their wedding was a week away. The entire castle and village were preparing for it. It was going to be a very grand event, and she couldn't be happier to be able to celebrate with the entire clan. She felt truly accepted and was excited to become the woman at the side of the Laird, helping him run the clan.

  She was deep in thought about this as she walked through the castle, so deep that she hadn't realized that she had gone into a section of the castle that she had never been to before. Maria felt that she was turned around, and turned to head back where she came from, when something caught her eye. A very tall and elegant looking woman, about the age of fifty or so, turned the corner. Maria only caught a glimpse of her white robes. But there was something curious about her, she had never seen her around the castle before. Maria walked down the long corridor, trying to catch up and round the corner where the woman had disappeared.

  As Maria got to the corner, the woman was already down at the other end of the corridor where there was a staircase and she was descending it.

  “Hello? Excuse me?” Maria called out, but the woman did not stop.

  Maria followed and quickened her step, until she got to the staircase and walked down them very fast. When she got to the bottom of the stairs Maria was stunned. These stairs led to the cat
acombs. Then there was a loud bang. It startled Maria.

  She turned just in time to see the small door that she had come through long ago. The sound that she had heard, was the bang of the door being closed. Maria's eyes grew wide as she noticed a glow to the door.

  Maria realized the woman she had just seen was the Scathach!

  “Wait! Who are you! Where did you go!” Maria shouted running to the door.

  Maria put her hand on the door and pulled it open. She stood there stunned, she could not believe it had opened. Erin had been right, only the Scathach was able to open the door that was the portal through time. What had happened to her before, was exactly what was happening now. She had come across the door just moments after the powerful witch had gone through the door, leaving the door still active for a few moments.

  This was it. This was what she had been waiting for, for months now. Maria took a deep breath, ready to go through. But then she stopped, the image of Cameron's face washed before her. There was no guarantee that if she went through the portal that she would wind up back in her own time. She could wind up further in the past, or maybe even the future for all she knew. There was no way of knowing, but what she did know more than anything, was that she was in love with Cameron. She didn’t want to go back. Maria Saunders, wanted to stay.

  “Have a safe trip,” she said as though the witch could hear her. Then she closed the door and walked away. Walked back through the castle, and to her fiancé Cameron MacLeod.

  If you liked this story, then definitely make sure to sign up to get notified for what happens next with the next book in the series! Click here to sign up!

  In the mean time, make sure to check out my other series that I think you will love, starting with Highlander Found, which is book 1 in the Highlander In Time series! Click here to get it!

  Preview of Highlander Found

  Chapter 1


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