The Rogue Prince

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The Rogue Prince Page 6

by The Rogue Prince (NCP) (lit)

  Jasmine watched Reid from her place on the bed. He was completely nude, a fact she couldn’t help but stare at. His body was solid muscle, even surprisingly so after the peeks of flesh his clothing had revealed. And when she saw his male pride, standing very tall and erect from the bed of hair between his thighs, it was all she could do to keep from running out of the room and turning herself in to the Federation.

  Five hours at the mercy of that? However would she survive it?

  Jasmine closed her eyes. She’d get through it. She’d find a way. Opening her eyes, she tried to speak. Her lips parted and she was about to answer when his body trembled violently.

  Reid’s eyes were the first to change, filling with a pale green. Next his dark flesh morphed, as it molded and grew orange, white, and black fur. Jasmine couldn’t move. Reid dropped to his knees and within seconds a large tiger was before her--bigger than any she’d ever seen.

  “Reid?” she asked, her voice small. “What…? Are you…?”

  A light roar sounded in the back of his throat and he jumped up next to her. Her whole body bounced as the bed shifted with his weight. His teeth were sharp, pointed fangs, connected to a very powerful mouth. Jasmine flinched, unable to help it as he neared her. She pulled back, hitting against the wall in fear.

  What have I gotten myself into? This can’t be happening.

  Reid lowered his head to her and she slowly lifted her shaky hand to touch him. His fur was soft, warm. She relaxed when he didn’t bite her. Suddenly, his head whipped up and turned toward the door. Jasmine heard footsteps approaching. She pulled the covers over her body. Reid turned, lifted a paw to her shoulder, and pushed her down. He lounged next to her, blocking her from view with his size.

  Jasmine burrowed between the covers and Reid’s body, feeling his warmth along her chest. She’d thought he’d wanted sex before the men came and now cursed the fact she’d taken her shirt off. Unconscious of the action, she curled her fingers along his side.

  Reid felt Jasmine along his back, stroking him, petting him. Having her hands on his body was torment, but he didn’t move to make her stop. The door to his quarters slid up. Two men in black Federation uniforms tried to come inside. Reid growled in the back of his throat, drawing their attention. Their eyes widened and they instantly stepped back.

  He watched, amused as they whispered amongst themselves. He easily heard them fighting over who would go in. Reid roared, this time louder.

  “Anyone in there?” one of the men yelled at last. Reid roared again, this time loud and long as he bared his deadly teeth. Lowering his head, he stiffened and drew his paws close to his body as if ready to stand, daring them to take a step inside. He stayed down, just in case any part of Jasmine was exposed. Besides, she had a tight grip on his fur and didn’t seem to want to let go.

  “Shut it,” a second man ordered. “No one’s in with that thing unless he ate them. I only have the one life form reading.”

  “Yeah,” the first man laughed. “I don’t want to be next on the menu.”

  The door slid shut. Reid felt Jasmine relax, but she didn’t let go of him. He turned his head to her. She was completely buried under the covers.

  Watching over her, he stayed shifted, just in case the men came back. He rested his head on his paws. After a half hour passed and she still hadn’t moved, Reid hooked the blanket with his back claw and pulled it down. Jasmine was fast asleep.

  * * * *

  “All clear?” Reid asked, coming into the commons. The lounge area was equipped with a viewing screen, gaming tables, couches and chairs. The men spent a lot of time there, when they didn’t want to be alone in their quarters. Lucien, Viktor, and Jackson played cards, taking shots of liquor as they hit a losing hand. Lochlann and Jarek talked quietly in the corner. His brother looked up at him as he walked in.

  “Where is she?” Jarek asked.

  “Sleeping in my bed,” Reid answered. The men gave him knowing looks and he held up his hands. “No, not yet. Even I am not brute enough to seduce a sleeping woman.”

  “Great, I’ll tell Rick he still has a chance,” Viktor teased.

  Reid frowned, not joining in the laughter. “You do that and tell him I’ll break his legs if he touches her. She’s mine.”

  Jarek looked him in the eye, but said nothing.

  “I mean she’s under my protection,” Reid amended softly.

  “She did appear tired,” Evan put forth, looking up from his handheld. Reid guessed the man was reading another book.

  “I would be too if I’d slept in a metal crate all night,” Viktor said, tossing down a card.

  “You said we should help her.” Reid looked at Evan, coming forward to take a chair next to him. “Why?”

  “She’s scared,” Evan said simply.

  Lochlann and Jarek leaned forward, resting their elbows on their knees. Reid eyed the Draig warily, but kept his mouth shut. Lochlann was Jarek’s friend and Reid wouldn’t start a fight with the dragon shifter unless provoked. The others quieted, but didn’t stop their game.

  “You read her then?” Reid asked.

  “Yes.” Evan laid his handheld down. “But, anyone can see she’s terrified just by looking at her. And I saw the bruise on her wrist.”

  “Yeah.” Jarek nodded. He studied his fist thoughtfully. “It was a hand. Probably a man’s by the size of the markings.”

  “Definitely a humanoid,” Jackson said, nodding. He stared at his cards, not giving any emotion away.

  “There are more on her ribs and arm.” Reid looked down, frowning. The urge to protect her was strong within him, but he assured himself that it meant nothing. It was his decision to hide her from the Federation, which made her his responsibility. He was honor bound to protect her. That was all. That was why his stomach knotted with concern. “She told me she ran into something.”

  “Yeah, like a fist,” Lucien said softly. His jaw tightened.

  “You need to figure out what she’s doing here.” Jarek smiled at his brother, chuckling softly. “That is, if not solely to be with you.”

  Jarek’s tone said he highly doubted that was the reason. Reid shot him a wry look. “You doubt my charm with the ladies? Why wouldn’t they travel the galaxy in search of me?”

  The men laughed.

  “Try talking to her, minus the innuendos,” Evan said. Reid opened his mouth and Evan held up a hand to stop him. “No, don’t ask. I will not tell you what I felt in her. That’s her business.”

  “You stay out of my thoughts,” Reid said. He smiled to lessen the harshness of his warning.

  Evan shrugged, unconcerned. “Then stop thinking so loud.”

  “What I want to know, Evan, is do you think she’s a threat to our ship?” Jarek asked. Reid shared a look with his brother and knew he was worried.

  “No,” Evan said easily. “Not unless the Federation discovers we have her.”

  “Ah, I’m not worried about the Federation,” Jarek exchanged a look with Lochlann and laughed.

  “Yeah,” Lochlann added, sharing a private joke with his captain. “We’ve dealt with them plenty.”

  “You saw her bruise. Think about it. Where do you think she got those?” Evan looked directly at Reid.

  “A man,” Reid said easily. “They were too large to be a woman’s fingers. We’ve determined that already.”

  “And why is she here?” Evan continued.

  “She’s hiding.” Reid took a deep breath, as realization dawned. “She’s hiding from a man. A man powerful enough to send the Federation Military after her.”

  “Ah.” Evan glanced back at his book.

  “We were at a medical conference. A rich, powerful doctor, perhaps?” Jarek proposed.

  Reid took a deep breath. He’d been so preoccupied with his desire for her that he hadn’t stopped to think about anything else. He just assumed she felt the passion as he did. She was like a magnet, drawing him to her.

  “A lover who beat her?” Lochlann added.

bsp; Reid met Lochlann’s eyes, not liking his words. The very idea that someone could derive pleasure from hurting a woman was unthinkable to him. Seeing his brother studying him, he forced lightly, “So, if her last lover was too aggressive I’ll have to be less so if I wish to seduce her.”

  Evan grimaced. “Or if you want to help her.”

  Reid kept his face blank, taking care to cover his thoughts. He glanced at Evan, willing the telepath to feel his displeasure at the intrusion.

  “Don’t worry, Prince Reid. I won’t tell your secret,” Evan said, grinning.

  “What secret?” Jarek asked.

  “He’s only joking,” Reid dismissed. Jarek nodded but said nothing.

  “All of you, keep your ears open. Find out what you can, Reid,” Jarek said. “The Federation was looking for her, but they didn’t say what for. Your cover was brilliant, by the way. I had transport papers on file for a tiger, you know, just in case they ever found me in such a way. I have no problem harboring a criminal. I just want to know about it beforehand.”

  “She won’t talk.” Evan grinned at Reid, a mischievous glint in his eye. “She’s closed. You’ll have to be tactful.”

  “Are you saying you doubt my charm?” Reid asked, returning the look with one of his own.

  Jarek laughed. Standing, he slapped Reid’s shoulder. “I think he’s saying you lack tact, brother.”

  “Who me?” Reid winked. “Nonsense.”

  * * * *

  Jasmine awoke with a start, sitting up. She took deep breath, trembling weakly as she climbed out of the bed. Looking around, she was disoriented as she tried to remember where she was. Then it hit her. She wasn’t with Chad. A smile tried to cross her face, but then she froze.

  “Ambassador,” she whispered, looking around with a renewed nervousness. Reid was gone. Realizing she was still without her shirt, she found it behind her and slipped it over her head. Strangely, it smelled like Reid. Her heart fluttered in her chest.

  “My pills,” she said to herself, though the sound of her voice wasn’t as comforting as she’d hoped. Pressing her hand against her chest as if that would slow her heart rate, she took another deep breath. She didn’t have time to take her medicine that morning before being dragged from the cargo. “Computer, is the Federation still here?”

  “No, ma’am,” the computer answered, its tone even.

  Jasmine relaxed. That was something at least. Suddenly, her muscles tensed as a thought struck her. Reid had kept his word. That meant he’d expect her to keep hers.

  “Five hours,” she said softly. Tears filled her eyes. Chad had only ever taken twenty minutes, if that. She could live through twenty minutes, but five hours? “Please let him be joking or bragging, I don’t care which.”

  Still shaking, she went to the door and ran her hand over the wall scanner. The door slid up, letting her out. The corridor was empty and she quickly made her way down the hall looking for the cargo hold. Her pills would be in there.

  Worse than her fear of five hours in bed with the confident Reid was the embarrassing knowledge that she’d have to tell him she was frigid, that she wasn’t really a woman. Sure, she had the right parts. She looked like a woman, talked like a woman, acted like a woman. But a woman was defined by what she felt inside. Jasmine didn’t feel as a woman should feel. She was dead inside.

  Chad had been brutally honest about that. She couldn’t blame him. He wasn’t a good man, but maybe if she could’ve responded to him, made him feel desired as a husband should feel, then maybe he wouldn’t have turned to a life of crime. Maybe her marriage would’ve been different.

  Jasmine knew it was too late for any of that. Regret wasn’t anything new to her, nor was the guilt. Chad and their life together should’ve ended before it began.

  * * * *

  “Hey, stowaway, welcome. I for one am very delighted to have such a pretty lady aboard.”

  Jasmine nodded slightly at the man, Rick, as she stepped into the crowded lounge area. Aside from the two Var ambassadors and Dev, his was the only name she’d gotten. She remembered it from the men’s banter back on Nozando. Rick winked at her, kicking his boots up onto a gaming table. A pale man shoved them off. Rick laughed, taking it in stride.

  “Welcome aboard, stowaway.” Jasmine turned to the kind voice, recognizing the man. “I’m Evan.”

  “Hello,” she said, her voice soft. “Jasmine.”

  Evan pointed around the room, introducing the men. “At the gaming table is Viktor, his brother Lucien, Rick, who you’ve had the displeasure of meeting--”

  “Hey,” Rick growled, before chuckling. “Don’t hate me because you’re jealous of me.”

  “Uh-huh,” Evan said, rolling his eyes. “The blond is Jackson. That’s Lochlann. I understand you met Dev already.”

  “Hello,” Jasmine repeated. The men eyed her curiously, as if they expected her to say more. She nervously swallowed and didn’t move.

  “Care to join the game?” Lucien asked, motioning to the cards already on the table. “We’ll start over.”

  “Hey, you only say that cause you have a bad hand,” Viktor protested.

  “No, thank you,” Jasmine answered, before Lucien could argue.

  “Are you hungry?” Evan asked.

  Jasmine looked at him. He had kind eyes. Slowly, she nodded her head. She didn’t know what possessed her to wander into the lounge area. She’d just heard the laughter and was curious. Now that she was here, she didn’t know what to say. It had been a long time--four years to be exact--since she’d actually had an unsupervised conversation. She had no idea what to talk about or how to even break the ice. She was used to just sitting amongst people like a figurine, letting the men talk.

  “Come on, I’ll show you the dining hall.” Evan led the way from the lounge.

  The laughter automatically picked up as soon as she stepped out. Jasmine bit her lip and tried not to be jealous of it. She’d never belonged to a group of friends like that.

  “We can stop by the medical booth if you’d like,” Evan offered, nodding down at her wrist.

  “No, thank you,” Jasmine said.

  “It’s not a problem. That bruise looks like it hurts.”

  Jasmine swallowed nervously and covered it with her hand. She was so used to hiding her bruises that she didn’t know what to say. “No, it’s fine, really. I can’t use medical booths. I have an allergy to the laser.”

  “Really?” Evan said in obvious surprise. “I’ve never heard of that.”

  “It’s rare,” she answered. She really didn’t want to talk about it. “Where’s the ship heading?”

  She watched Evan closely while pretending not to. He blinked at the abrupt turn of conversation, only to grin. Chuckling softly, he said, “We don’t really have a set plan as far as I know. I believe the idea is to aimlessly make our way back to Qurilixen, stopping wherever we feel like along the way.”

  “Have you been there?” she asked. “Qurilixen?”

  “Yeah, it’s not bad. I actually kind of like it,” Evan said. “The scenery is beautiful--large trees bigger around than this ship, open skies. Though, it doesn’t really get dark except for once a year. The constant light was something to get used to. We stayed at the Var palace when we were there. Our old captain married Reid’s brother, Prince Quinn.”

  “Oh,” Jasmine said before gasping. “Wait. Did you say prince?”

  Evan nodded, leading her at a leisurely pace down the corridor. “You didn’t know? Reid and Jarek are Var princes. Their older brother is the King.”

  “I thought they were ambassadors.”

  “That too.” Evan smiled. He stopped, motioning inside an open door. “Ah, here’s the dining hall. Forgive the mess. Viktor took apart the cleaning droid to see how it worked and hasn’t put it back together yet.”

  Jasmine nodded. Without having to be asked, she began clearing the dirty dishes from the long table, moving them to a water basin.

  Evan frowned. “I didn’t m
ean for you….”

  Jasmine stopped, confused. “I’m used to it.”

  “I mean, Viktor is going to fix it.” Evan ran his hands through his hair. “Aren’t you … I mean, weren’t you rich? Why didn’t you have a droid?”

  Jasmine didn’t answer. She didn’t want to talk about her past. If these men, though they seemed honest and trustworthy, knew she’d married a potential member of the Medical Mafia, they might not want to let her tag along. The Federation Military was one thing, the Medical Mafia another completely. She didn’t even want to think how Chad had gotten the Federation after her. It seemed her husband had many connections she didn’t know about. “I don’t mind.”

  “Listen,” Evan said, as she kept working. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “I’m not upset,” Jasmine said, surprised. She could tell by the look in his eyes that he didn’t believe her. How could he possibly see through it in just a short time? Her face was blank, a mask she’d spent years developing.

  “Food simulator is right there. Help yourself anytime, I know they won’t mind.” Evan turned to go. Stopping, he said, “You know you’re safe here. They may act like brutes, but everyone on this ship is a good man.”

  Jasmine didn’t answer. Evan left. She turned to pick up more plates.

  “What was that all about?”

  Jasmine dropped the plate and it shattered on the floor. She quickly turned to the door. Lowering her eyes, she curtseyed low and held the position as she said, “My prince.”

  When a long moment passed and he didn’t answer, she chanced a look up. He had a bemused expression on his handsome face. A brow arched over one eye.

  “I’m sorry about before. I didn’t know. At the banquet they announced you as an ambassador.” Jasmine curtseyed lower. Reid still didn’t answer. “Prince Reid? Is something…?”

  “I was just standing here admiring the view. I can see down your shirt.” Reid grinned, finally walking into the kitchen. Jasmine gasped, looking down, horrified. Her shirt was tight. There was no way he’d seen down it. Reid laughed. “And though I don’t mind being called yours, don’t call me prince. On the ship it’s Reid. We like to keep a low profile.”


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