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The Rogue Prince

Page 19

by The Rogue Prince (NCP) (lit)

Jasmine sighed. He was right.

  “No,” she answered honestly. “I probably wouldn’t have. I don’t like being under someone’s control. I spent four years being told what to do, how to act, what to think and say.”

  “I am not him, Jasmine,” Reid said. To look at him, no one would believe that they’d just been intimate. His whole body shook and his face had turned red. His fists clenched and unclenched at his sides. “I am not that man.”

  “I know,” she answered, and then louder, she yelled, “I know!”

  “Then why are you fighting me?” he demanded.

  Tears came to her eyes. She couldn’t look at him. “The computer called me princess.”

  Reid tensed. She didn’t have to look at him to feel it.

  “You made me your half mate, didn’t you? That’s why I feel so drawn to you, isn’t it?” Jasmine shivered. “You didn’t ask me first.”

  “Jasmine,” Reid began. His words trailed off as she lifted up her hand to stop him.

  “Please, don’t say anything. I just need some time to think,” Jasmine said, moving to walk past him. “If you care for me at all, you’ll just have to give me a little time.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “You look worse than I do and I gave birth four days ago,” Ulyssa said.

  Jasmine sat on the queen’s couch. A soft light glowed from the fireplace over the living room. Arched entryways led to various parts of the house and the walls were decorated with the long Var banners. It was a beautiful home, but Jasmine didn’t look around as she stared at her hands. The king had left with his baby son, insistent that he show him how to get about the palace. Ulyssa had laughed. When they were alone, she’d confided that Kirill really just wanted to show the baby off--again.

  “It’s nothing, I’m just tired,” Jasmine answered.

  “Reid keeping you up late at night? You’re one lucky woman. I’ve heard stories about that man,” Ulyssa teased.

  I wish, Jasmine thought. “No. I haven’t seen him at all. Well, there was that one time Tori took me to the banquet hall to dine with everyone a couple days ago. He was there, but as soon as I came in he left without a word.”

  “How odd,” Ulyssa sat up. “When’s the last time you talked to him?”

  “Right after you had the baby and we left,” Jasmine said.

  Ulyssa bit her lip. “Hmm, where did you go?”

  “The royal office,” Jasmine said. Suddenly, she blushed, remembering what they’d done on the king’s desk. At the time, she hadn’t even stopped to consider where they were.

  “I guess by that look I won’t have to ask what you did,” Ulyssa chuckled.

  Jasmine’s blush deepened and she really needed to change the subject. Talking about Reid only made the ache inside her worse. “Tori mentioned a Draig ambassador came by.”

  “Three boys and one girl born on the same day as my son,” Ulyssa said. “What are the odds of that? Prince Zoran and his wife Pia had the girl. Politically, it really is a good match. Zoran is like Falke, a true warrior and leader, and very respected amongst his people.”

  “That’s so strange that they were all born the same day,” Jasmine said.

  “Kirill calls it fate.” Ulyssa chuckled, but the sound was a little sad. “He says it’s a sign.”

  “What do you say?”

  “What’s done is done. If I’ve learned anything, the future is never written in the stars. They might point in a certain direction, but they never are set.” Ulyssa smiled, eyeing Jasmine carefully. “Okay, let’s figure this situation between you and Reid out. What did you talk about?”

  Jasmine sensed the woman’s need to change the subject. However, she couldn’t help wishing Ulyssa had picked a different topic. But maybe talking it out would do some good. She was tired of crying herself asleep at night, pining for Reid. “He told me what happened and that Chad was dead.”

  “Is that it?”


  “What’s the rest of it? What’s the last thing you said to him before you parted? Or what did he say to you?”

  “We got in a small fight,” she admitted, remembering the conversation clearly in her mind. “I told him I didn’t like him protecting me without talking to me first and telling me what was going on.”

  “Good for you,” Ulyssa inserted, nodding.

  “Then he got upset saying I wouldn’t have let him take care of it even if he did talk to me.”

  “Ah, I hate to say it, but he does have a point.” Ulyssa shrugged. “Sorry, it’s true.”

  “I know,” Jasmine grumbled. “Honestly, I’m glad it’s taken care of. Jarek got the medical booth back to them and they’re gone. Chad’s dead and I’m free.”

  “Is that what you said to him?” Ulyssa asked.

  “Not completely,” Jasmine sighed. “I’m just thinking out loud.”

  “Get back to the fight.” Ulyssa leaned forward, intently studying Jasmine’s face. “What happened after he said you wouldn’t have let him take care of the problem for you?”

  “Ah, not much, I told him about Siren calling me a princess and that I knew about how he made me a half mate,” Jasmine said.

  “Did he deny it?”

  “I didn’t give him a chance, to. But why would the computer be programmed to say it if it wasn’t true?” Jasmine leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She’d finally gotten what she wanted--freedom. Why wasn’t she happy? Why did she feel so empty inside? “I saw the look on his face.”

  “I think you need to talk to him,” Ulyssa said.

  “I want to. He doesn’t want to talk to me.” Jasmine stood and began to pace. “He’s avoiding me. I got mad at him for making me a half mate without asking first and told him to give me a little time to think and he’s just disappeared. It’s like I suddenly have the Spotted Plague.”

  “You asked for time? What did you say exactly?” Ulyssa asked, moving to stand. She winced slightly and clearly thought better of it. Instead she readjusted her body on the couch.

  “I said that if he cared for me at all, he’d just give me a little time.”

  Ulyssa smiled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Sweetie, he’s not avoiding you. He’s giving you time. He’s showing you that he cares.”

  “Four days?” Jasmine said doubtfully.

  “Think about it, Jas. He’s a Var. His life span is hundreds of years. What do you think he’d consider a little bit of time?”

  Jasmine froze. Now that actually made sense.

  “A year? Two years? Ten? What’s all that compared to hundreds?”

  “He’s going to avoid me for ten years?” Jasmine gasped, appalled and hurt by the very idea of it. She couldn’t go ten years without Reid. Then it hit her. She could barely survive a week without him. She needed him.

  Jasmine sunk into a chair. She loved him. She’d known it for a long time, but had tried her hardest to pretend if she didn’t think the words they wouldn’t be true. If she didn’t think them, they couldn’t hurt her. It didn’t matter. Spoken or not. Her love for him was real and it was there and it hurt deeply.

  “Not if you go to him now,” Ulyssa urged. “Find him before he decides the best way to give you what you want is by leaving. His honor will make him go. He’ll go because he’ll believe that’s what you want him to do.”

  Jasmine didn’t move. She didn’t even know where to begin looking.

  “Siren,” Ulyssa called. “Find Reid for me.”

  “Yes, My Queen,” the computer answered in her syrupy voice. “Prince Reid is in the courtyard battling with Prince Falke. My sensors detect no weapons, my lady.”

  “Siren, where is the courtyard?” Jasmine demanded.

  “I’m sorry, Princess Jasmine, but that information is restricted,” Siren answered.

  “Siren,” Ulyssa ordered. “Change Jasmine’s security level from an eight to a two, please.”

  “Yes, My Queen. Princess Jasmine is now a two security clearance.”
r />   “Thank you, Siren.” Ulyssa motioned to Jasmine.

  “Siren, show me how to get to the courtyard,” Jasmine said, adding a hasty, “please.”

  Jasmine waved to Ulyssa as she hurried to follow Siren’s direction. She heard grunting before she saw Falke and Reid locked in battle in the practice field in the center courtyard of the palace. Four walls surrounded the grassy yard, blocking it in on all sides with a covered walkway of intricate patterns and detailed mosaics.

  Jasmine’s body tensed. A hot wave of longing washed over her. Reid’s back was naked, his feet bare. His muscles strained as he moved to spar with his brother. Every nerve she had tingled with desire for him.

  Suddenly, Reid stopped to sniff at the air. Falke shook loose and punched him, sending him sprawling back. Jasmine gasped. Falke looked at her, obviously surprised by her intrusion.

  “Ah, Sacred Cats, Falke! That one actually hurt.” Reid grumbled from the ground, rubbing his jaw.

  Falke grinned and offered him a hand. Reid waved him away, getting up on his own. Then, as if suddenly realizing what had distracted him, he turned to Jasmine. His hand fell to the side. She saw the bruise already forming on his jaw. Falke patted Reid’s shoulder as he passed him, nodded once to her, and left.

  Reid looked at her for a long moment and then nodded. He stiffly moved to follow Falke.

  “Reid, wait,” Jasmine said. “Don’t go.”

  He stopped.

  “I want to talk to you,” she said, willing him to turn to her. He didn’t. If he’d just look at her, smile his crooked little mischievous smile, he’d make this so much easier on her. “Thank you for giving me time.”

  At that he did turn. He nodded once. “You’ve thought about things? Already?”

  Already? Jasmine wanted to laugh. Ulyssa had been right. What was four days to a man like Reid? Though, by looking at his face, he had suffered as she had. Jasmine could only hope.

  “Yes.” She stepped closer. “I like it here, Reid. I like Qurilixen. I like the palace, your family, your customs.”

  He didn’t move.

  “I even kind of like Siren,” she said, trying to get him to laugh.

  He didn’t. “Is that all? You like it here?”

  “I l….” Jasmine took a step toward him. She was more frightened than she’d ever been in her life. I love you, Reid. “I like you, as well.”

  “You like me,” he said, stepping closer.

  Jasmine nodded. “I’ve missed you.”

  “And you’ve missed me.” His mouth softened, just a subtle movement, not the great smile she’d been hoping for. “Is that all?”

  “I know you made me your half mate, Reid,” Jasmine took a deep breath. “I’m not happy about you doing it without telling me and in fact I’m not sure how you did it. But, if you promise not to ever do things like that again without telling me first, then….”


  “I want to stay as your half mate,” Jasmine said. It broke her heart to settle for less than what she wanted, but no Reid was worse than having a little of him. “I know you’re not the type to settle down, so I won’t make demands on you. I like it here and I have no where else to go.”

  “So you’re staying because you have no where else?” The slight smile fell.

  Jasmine grimaced. “You’re listening to me all wrong.”

  “Well, then you’re talking all wrong.” He placed his hand on his hips.

  “I’m telling you that I’ll be your half mate. That’s what you wanted, right?”

  “Did I ever say that, Jasmine?” he asked. His voice was low as he came toward her. She didn’t move. When he stopped, he was so close she could feel the heat of his body radiating over her. Leaning his face closer to hers, he asked, “Did you once ask me what I wanted?”

  “What do you want?”

  “It sure as hell isn’t a half wife,” he growled softly. “I never made you my half mate.”

  “Oh.” Jasmine’s eyes teared. It took all her willpower not to start wailing. “The computer … it called me and I thought … but you didn’t … so that when … love….”

  “Love?” he whispered.

  Oh, Sacred … Cats or whatever it was they cursed! Did she just say that out loud?

  Shut up, Jasmine, she thought. You’re going to make a fool of yourself. Play it cool.

  His dark eyes looked deeply into hers. Everything about him stirred her. She trembled and nodded. “I love you. That’s why I want to stay here.”

  Reid grinned. “That’s the excuse I wanted to hear.”


  Reid grabbed her about the waist and pulled her body close. Kissing her until her lungs burned, he pulled back. “Now, ask me what I want. Don’t assume anything. Ask me.”

  “What do you want?” Jasmine bit her lip. It felt so good, so right in his arms. She shivered, her heart refusing to beat until he answered.

  “I want you to be my wife. Not a half mate, not a just a lover, but my lifemate. I want you, Jasmine, all of you. I love you.” Reid brushed his lips to hers. “Say you’ll be mine, forever.”

  Jasmine gasped, nodding frantically because the words wouldn’t pass her tightened throat. Her lips worked, but no sound came out.


  “Yes,” she whispered, hugging him close. “Yes, yes.”

  Reid took her about the waist, twirling her in circles. Her feet lifted off the ground. She’d never been so happy. Then, setting her down, he said, “I’m really glad you said that.”

  “Mm, me too.” Jasmine leaned up to kiss him. Something about the look on his face made her pull back. “What?”

  Reid grinned. “I’m glad you said that because I already lifemated us.”

  “You did?” Jasmine gasped. “When?”

  “Back at my house when I had you pinned up against the wall after I went hunting.” He leaned over and kissed her neck, letting his sharper teeth glide over her skin, not hurting her. “Mm, you asked me to rip off your clothes, and I….” He nipped her ear, giving a wickedly delicious little laugh.

  Jasmine blushed. Glancing around, she scolded, “Reid! Sh! Someone might hear this.”

  His answer was a low, primal growl as his hands slid behind her back to cup her butt. He squeezed, lifting her up against his erection.

  “Reid.” She tired to look stern. “At least cart me off to your bedroom first.”

  “Do you remember afterward?” Reid continued, pretending like he didn’t hear her protests.

  “When I said I loved having sex with you?” Jasmine asked, she giggled despite herself. “It’s true, you know.”

  “No, not that. The part when you pushed me down on the bed and then began to lick your--”

  Jasmine gasped, instantly silencing him with her mouth.

  “No, that wasn’t it, you licked yo--”

  Jasmine kissed him again, long and hard. She thrust her tongue into his mouth to keep him quiet. Reid laughed and pulled back. Then, a wicked grin in his eyes, he said, “As you wish.”

  Throwing her over his shoulder, he carted her off to the nearest free bedroom.

  * * * *

  Two Months later…

  Jasmine sat on Reid’s lap. They were in a chair in Tori’s living room. She nestled into her husband’s embrace. Reid kissed her neck, lightly nibbling her skin in a way that made her shiver. Two months and still her body couldn’t get enough of him. She was insatiable. Good thing, because Reid’s appetite for her was just as bad. It’s a wonder they even left the bedroom long enough to remember to eat.

  Tori was asleep in the bedroom, having just given birth. Ulyssa was checking on her. Kirill was in the communications room telling Jarek the news. Jarek had taken off again. It seemed that was one prince who couldn’t stay put on land for very long.

  The baby’s coming was why Jasmine and Reid had come back to the palace. Tori had insisted Jasmine be there. The princess claimed she was a good luck charm since she’d helped Ulyssa during her la

  Jasmine sighed and looked at the little bundle swaddled in his father’s arms. Quinn had a wide smile on his face as he held his son for all to see. She didn’t mind helping out when it brought such innocence and life into the world.

  Sam rested in Falke’s arms, her legs stretched over the couch as she slept. Her stomach had really swelled since Jasmine first came to the palace and the poor thing slept quite a bit. Jasmine worried about Sam, but Falke assured her that everything was normal. Sam’s body didn’t handle pregnancy like other women’s did and because of this she needed lots of rest.

  “Let me tell them,” Reid whispered. “Please. I’ve been good. You promised I could tell them if I was good.”

  “Not today,” Jasmine said. “This is Tori’s day.”

  “What is Tori’s day?” Tori asked, coming out of the bedroom door directly behind them.

  Ulyssa held the woman’s arm. “She insisted, Quinn. Don’t look at me like that.”

  “I want more,” Quinn said, proudly holding the baby to look at his mother. “I want a dozen of them, hundreds of them.”

  Tori snarled at her husband. Jasmine swore Quinn looked like the proudest father she’d ever seen. He couldn’t quit grinning. Though, Kirill had been much the same way. Apparently, it must have been a Var tradition to celebrate a birth by claiming to want more.

  Quinn only laughed at Tori’s look. “Isn’t he just the fiercest little warrior you’ve ever seen?”

  Falke and Reid instantly nodded.

  “Very fierce,” Reid said.

  “He’ll make his father proud,” Falke agreed.

  Jasmine giggled, wondering what Reid would be like as a father. Would he have that same silly look on his face as Quinn had, that Kirill still had? She felt Reid’s hand press along her stomach and knew he was thinking about the same thing.

  “Tell us what?” Tori insisted, looking at Jasmine. Then, seeing Reid’s hand she grinned. “You’re not?”

  “Yes,” Jasmine said.

  “No,” Reid said. “She is.”

  “What?” Jasmine turned, confused. “That’s what I said. Yes.”

  “But, she said you’re not and you are,” Reid insisted.

  “No, she exclaimed, ‘you’re not?!’ as in, are you?”


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