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Page 4

by Sara Brookes

  Tension flared in a knot between her eyes and she rubbed absently at it. She'd heard him loud and clear. Part of her rejoiced even as the other part thought it was some kind of joke. “I know. I just—most guys just claim a kiss and worry about the consequences later. Unless things have changed that much since the last time I'd been in a position to worry about this sort of thing.”

  “So you assume I'm not still worried about the consequences.” The expression on his face was unreadable and she was sorry to see him close himself off. If there was ever a time to be open and completely honest, this was it.

  “That doesn't make any sense.” Unless this really had been a joke.

  “It makes perfect sense. What if one kiss isn't enough?”

  Her mouth snapped shut, unprepared for that answer. The lights flickered twice as a signal the movie would start in five minutes and she shifted in the seat. The curtain in the front of the theater blurred in front of her eyes and she scolded herself because nothing came to mind. How was she supposed to respond to something that caught her so off guard?

  She wasn't accustomed to it.

  The house lights dimmed and her breath quickened as Patrick leaned over to press his lips against the exposed skin of her shoulder. The moment his mouth touched her flesh she felt as if a live wire had been placed in her hand. It was as if she were suddenly alive and wide-awake for the very first time in her life. Her body roared in response and she wondered why she'd never felt this way before.

  “You didn't answer me,” he whispered tenderly against her skin.

  Arousal did a lazy summersault in her gut as the softness of his voice slid through her. Despite his hushed tone, there was need in his voice. She'd heard about it and even dreamed about it a few times but never experienced that kind of need until this very moment. Why shouldn't he kiss her? She couldn't remember the last time she had been kissed. And hell, no one had ever asked to kiss her before.

  There could be more to this.

  “Yes,” she said quietly even as her chest ached from the out of breath feeling that made her heart hammer against her sternum. Nervous energy made her shove sweaty hands between crossed legs in order to prevent the shake that had started when he'd asked.

  Patrick emitted a soft moan of approval and she wondered if she'd done something wrong. His gentle fingers tucked under her jaw and his warm palm pushed lightly on her chin in order to turn her face to his. Just as his lips met hers, the theater lights went dark.

  They both breathed into their first kiss. She waited for him to angle his mouth over hers and add even more heat. However, he surprised her—yet once more—with only a light kiss. Despite the casualness, she felt the overwhelming heat of arousal that surrounded them both and she was puzzled why he refrained from going further.

  Just as she was about to break off the kiss to ask, his other hand slid up under the weight of her hair. Despite the hesitation, she melted into his touch and marveled as they both shifted to face one another. Her knee banged hard into the metal arm between them but pushed away the pain in order to focus on how he made her feel.

  The air around them crackled with energy and she opened to him more easily than she would have guessed possible. He seemed to feed off the heat generated from their bodies and there was no way to tell which way was up anymore.

  Her body had never felt more responsive and found herself addicted to the way he drew sensations from deep inside her. They were raw and feral things she never knew existed. It wasn't something she thought herself capable of.

  His tongue slipped past her open lips and she groaned in response to the feel. Guided along a slow and arduous path that she was unfamiliar with, she felt comforted at the same time.

  How in the world is it possible for him to take me so far away from everything I've known and make me feel so safe at the same time?

  She urged more from him and loved the blaze of embers that kindled inside her. As she started to move into his lap to be closer, he broke away. His hands still cradled her face with a gentle touch. Her eyes studied his, looked for a sign that he regretted their kiss.

  Lit by the movie that played on the tall screen, there was raw lust in his expression and knew immediately why he'd pulled away. If things progressed between them here in the movie theater, they could find themselves in a highly compromising position within seconds.

  It was out of character for her and not behavior she engaged in even when she found herself attracted to a man. The problem was she'd never had this reaction before. Nor had there ever been this deep-seated need that taunted her now that her body had a sample of what he could offer. If the kiss was any indication of what he was capable of, she couldn't begin to fathom what it would be like to have sex with him.

  She had to have him. The thought scared the hell of out her.

  Pulling away, she muttered a feeble excuse about the restroom as she shot to her feet. He said her name as she pushed past, but couldn't make herself stop. Her feet carried her down the staircase at breakneck speed, despite her proclivity for clumsiness.

  Once safely in the facilities, she bypassed the stalls entirely and folded herself over one of the sinks. Her lungs burned in her chest as she fought for breath and tried to set herself to rights again.

  What the hell was wrong with her?

  Her reflection in the mirror caught her eye as she reached for the handle of the cold-water knob. Her hand froze in mid-air as she noticed her lips were red and swollen from Patrick's kiss. Unable to resist, the pad of her thumb slid against the now highly sensitive skin and jumped at the reaction it caused. The slow spread of heat between her legs surged anew and her hands clenched around the rim of the white porcelain sink for balance.

  While she was no stranger to arousal and all it entailed, her body had never been this out of control. How in the world could a simple kiss from Patrick cause this sort of reaction? It didn't take a rocket scientist to answer that question. It may have been just a kiss, but there was nothing simple about it.

  She could exist on his kisses and be sated for the rest of her life.

  Her mind started to form images of how his flesh would feel against hers and tried desperately not think about what it would be like to lie beneath him.

  With a strangled cry of failure, she pushed away from the mirror and leaned back against the cool tile of the wall. The chill caused her to shiver and she used it to settle the fire that had ignited inside her.

  After a few minutes, she stepped out of the bathroom, only to stop short at the sight of Patrick at the bottom of the balcony stairs. He took the two steps necessary to reach her and her heart rate spiked when he pushed into her personal space.

  “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  Oh, God. Just when I'd had a handle on myself again, he had to go and do something chivalrous.

  If they returned to the theater, they wouldn't watch the movie or any that followed. Good sense also told her she couldn't leave with him either because they would sleep together. The thought of hot, sweaty sex sounded like an excellent prospect. However, common sense told her that giving into her hormones wouldn't be a good idea.

  She plastered a fake smile on her face. If she stayed, it would mean her undoing. With incredible timing, her phone rang and she slid it out of her pocket. The number indicated her mother wanted something and the smile on her face became real. For once, her mother had just given her the perfect out. “My office. They've run into some problems, so I'm going to head over there and see what's going on.”

  “I can drive you,” he offered.

  It was a tempting offer, but she couldn't accept. It had nothing to do with him and everything to do with her, but she couldn't tell him that because it sounded like some sort of cliche. “No. Stay and enjoy the movies for a while. I don't know how long this is going to take and I don't want for you to have to sit around and wait for me.”

  His shoulder lifted in a dismissive shrug. “Isn't Bullseye in the building over in Farpoint Square
on the other side of town? It's a bit far for you to walk and it's on my way home. I don't mind, believe me. I'd rather you were safe.”

  “I appreciate it, but my car is right across the street. She needs a workout anyway since I don't drive her enough.” She had no doubt he truly meant that despite the fact this was the safest town she knew. In contrast to his assurance he wanted to see her safely home, the presence of raw lust on his face couldn't be missed. He wanted her and it was frightening how much she wanted him in return. It was better left unacknowledged and exactly the reason she needed to step away for a breather. “So, thank you, but I really have to go.”

  Like a skittish cat, she turned and pushed her way through the door before she could change her mind. The chilly April air hit her face, but did nothing to curb the heat that burned her cheeks.

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  * * *

  Chapter Four

  Two days later, Patrick stood in the back room of Perfect Shot and stared blindly at his cell phone. He was afraid to call Allison for fear he'd scare her off again. Yes, the stunt he'd pulled at the movie theater had been a mistake, but it was one he would gladly make again because he wasn't ashamed of it.

  When he'd kissed her, the feel of her lips pressed hot against his and her initial reaction, had absolutely blown his mind. If it was any indication of what they'd be like together in bed, he was a goner. He didn't normally give in so quickly, but had recognized the need to step back and reassess what he'd done.

  Interest lost in the Hitchcock movies without her there beside him, he'd left five minutes after in order to give her some space. The walk had cleared his head a little, but not enough and certainly not as much as he wanted. She'd already infected his blood and he found it nearly impossible to stop thinking about her. As he'd neared his loft, he'd detoured to the warehouse he kept on the first level of the building. As it turned out, the choice to go to the room had been a huge mistake. His recent purchases sat on top of the table and he'd spotted them even before the door had slammed shut.

  The images of those magnificent pieces of leather were still burned on the back of his eyelids as his thumb stroked over the face of the phone. Some would probably call him crazy about his outlandish obsession with someone he barely knew. Others would say if he did manage to cultivate a relationship with her, she'd leave him in the dark—literally—once she discovered his preferences in the bedroom. It was a risk he wanted to take for her.

  That risk made him nervous—a first. Above everything, he didn't want to screw this up.

  The cell phone vibrated in his palm and he stared at the screen in shock. There'd be no need to make that phone call because Allison had called him.

  “Hello?” he asked, cautious, in case she'd dialed the wrong number.

  “Hi.” Her voice was subdued and made him swallow the sudden dryness in his mouth. “I wanted to call to apologize for splitting a few nights ago.”

  He wanted to reassure her it hadn't been an issue and decided to keep the tone of the conversation out of murky waters. There was no way he would allow himself to screw this up again. “You had to work, I understand. Did you get everything done?”

  “It took a while, but yes.” The line went silent for a few moments before she continued. “How was the rest of the festival? Are you sufficiently burnt out on the genius of Alfred Hitchcock?”

  His laughter was light. “I ended up leaving right after you did. It didn't seem right to be there having fun while you had to work.”

  “Patrick, my work is fun,” she said in protest.

  The metal shelving unit that held rows of paper coffee cups was his support while he pressed his back against the opposite wall for balance. “Of course, I'd forgotten you're one of those sadistic few who actually enjoy their job.”

  Her throat cleared and she proceeded to shock the hell out of him. “Listen, I was calling to find out if that invitation for dinner is still open.”

  Dryness tightened his mouth even more, made it hard to speak. If that was even possible. “Of course. Just name the date and I'm yours.”

  Keep it fucking together, Conners. You're going to blow this.

  It was too easy to slip into this skin with her and wondered if this was really such a good idea. He hated to think he'd messed this up because of innuendo laced comments.

  Her laughter loosened the knot in his stomach and he relaxed a little. “That's quite an offer. How about just dinner for now and we'll discuss who can be whose over dessert. Are you free tonight?”

  If the suddenness of her call stunned him, the speed of her choice to have dinner knocked him flat on his ass. Maybe he hadn't screwed up. “Sure. Shall I pick you up or do you want to just meet at The Copper Nickel?”

  “How about we meet there at nine?” she asked without hesitation. “I've got some work to finish up here and that would give me a chance to go home and change.”

  The blatant choice to meet him there kept a certain amount of distance between them, but it was a decision he agreed with. Anything that would make her feel comfortable. He didn't want a repeat of the movie theater incident again, which was why he suggested The Copper Nickel. The restaurant had a casual family-friendly atmosphere and they wouldn't be alone again like last time. “See you there then.”

  He disconnected the call and blew out a shaky breath. It amazed him that one woman could cause him to react like a schoolboy in a candy store. He'd never had this reaction to a woman or wanted someone like this. She was something special and he'd been given another chance.

  A quick glance at his watch told him he had a few hours before dinner and a business to close. Luckily, the hours passed rapidly and before he realized it, he stepped through the doors of the restaurant shortly before their agreed upon arrival time.

  He spotted Allison immediately and was surprised to see her already there. She'd either finished up at work early or intentionally arrived before him. As he made his way to the table, Patrick noticed she'd chosen something other than the usual casual attire he'd grown accustomed to during the installation. While it wasn't formal or anything he would classify as dressy, the casual slacks and cotton shirt suited her. He smirked when he stepped up on the raised dais to their table and saw the pair of well-worn sneakers that peeked out from the hem of her pants.

  That smirk spread into a full blown grin as her gaze met his and all the jitteriness on his nerves melted away. He leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek.

  Keep it friendly and light. No rushing. “Good to see you again.”

  “And you. How have you been?”

  He hated small talk. There was a necessity to it, especially when he considered the amount of it he had to engage in while at the coffeehouse, but he didn't enjoy it. In fact, because he did so much at work, he preferred not to say much when away from the business. For her, however, he'd talk as much as she wanted. “Good. You?”

  “Stressed,” she said with a strangled laugh.

  “Is everything all right?”

  “I'd like to apologize again for leaving the other night.”

  “It was work, I understand.”

  “It wasn't work,” she said with a rush breath. It was as if she'd lose her nerve if she hadn't spoken right then.

  His initial suspicion as to why she bolted so quickly was confirmed and scolded himself for acting so rashly. He'd moved too fast at the theater. In for a long night of regret, he gathered his composure and steeled himself. “I should be the one apologizing then because I scared you off when I kissed you.”

  The waiter appeared then to take their order. Allison played with the napkin in front of her and he watched, amazed, as she seemed to conduct a small war with herself. She leaned forward against the table as the waiter moved away. “Yes. Your kiss petrified me, but not the way you're probably thinking. That's the reason why I wanted to have dinner with you.”

  “So what way am I thinking?” he asked. Maybe he'd jumped to the wrong conclusion. She licked her lips
and took a sip of water from the glass in front of her. If he wasn't mistaken, her fingers shook a little against it.

  “That I didn't enjoy it and don't want you to do it again? For some reason, which I've yet been able to explain to myself, I want to know a lot more about you and what you have to offer. I can't stop thinking about the kiss at the theater and how it made me feel.”

  If he had his way about it, there would be more than just kissing. A swell of triumph speared through him. He hadn't been wrong at all and could tell from her tone, she was unsure of his reaction. It also endeared him to see her filled with nervous energy and shifted in his seat. The approach of this was important because he didn't want to scare her off and chose his words carefully. “I think I'd like that very much, Allison.”

  The blush he'd already come to love returned to her cheeks and he wanted to say something more that would assuage any trepidation. For once, he drew a blank. There were, of course, things she would need to know. Even things she would need to understand long before they went anywhere near the compromising positions that would inevitably follow more kissing.

  The waiter delivered their meals at that moment and Patrick cursed the cook of The Copper Nickel for his efficiency tonight. The conversation he intended to have with her would have to wait because it wasn't on the level of light and casual dinner banter. Instead, he decided to sing her praises for the installation job she'd completed at the coffeehouse.

  As the night wore on, he was pleased to see her relax and decided to indulge himself in a piece of chocolate cake in order to draw things out. Now that they knew of a mutual interest, he could relax. He wasn't afraid to expose his sexual desires to her and had passed the point where he worried about what people thought about his out-of-the-ordinary interest.

  He wanted to draw out the moment in order to savor it a little more. It was merely a means to extend his pleasure because she was blissfully unaware of it.

  That's what made this whole thing so enjoyable.

  All good things must eventually come to an end, however. He sipped his after-dinner coffee and stole a glance at her. There was no way to deny the tension on her face and decided it was time to alleviate her fears. “So, are you surprised you enjoyed my kiss?”


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