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Tempting the Tiger by Lacey Thorn: Awakening Pride Series, Book Two

Page 18

by Lacey Thorn

  “Mine,” he rumbled, and a lazy smile touched his lips.

  She lifted onto her elbows, reached down between them with one hand and swiped her thumb over the crown of him where a drop of pre-cum teased her. Slowly, holding his gaze, she lifted her thumb to her mouth and sucked off the taste of him. With a low moan of pleasure, she agreed.


  His growl filled the air as he thrust deep, burying his cock to the balls in her wet pussy. Good. He felt so good inside her. He held still, just watching her as she moaned and twisted on the table.

  “More, Reno. I need more,” she begged.

  “Say it again,” he ordered.

  “Yours. I’m all yours.”

  He retreated then slammed deep, robbing her of air.


  “Yours. I’m yours.”

  He jerked her legs from around him and tugged her down to him, her body sliding along his until her feet touched the floor.

  “Mine,” he rumbled and took her mouth with his.

  His tongue penetrated and claimed hers. They were both gasping when he finally broke away. He took her by the upper arms and turned her around until she faced the table.

  “You’re hurt,” he growled.

  She glanced at the blood on her shoulder. The bullet wound. The place they’d told her still held a bullet when it had actually held a device for them to track her with. Diane had cut it open with a scalpel then used something else to help her extract it. It hadn’t been deep, just held pretty securely from the length of time it’d been inside Amia. She hadn’t been paying much attention at that point, more focused on the pain of Diane probing around, pulling in an effort to get it out of Amia. She should have made them call Reno to be with her. She hadn’t felt a thing since he’d touched her.

  “I’m fine,” she said. “Don’t stop. Please.”

  She glanced around at it. “It’s already healing.” And it was, strangely enough. The bleeding had begun tapering off.

  He met her eyes and must have seen whatever reassurance he was looking for. Gripping her hips, he lifted her up onto her tiptoes and thrust deep again.

  “Use the table,” he said. “Hold on.”

  That was all the warning she got before he began a hard and fast pounding that had her screaming into orgasm within minutes.

  “Mine,” he rumbled again behind her, and all she could do was nod and mumble incoherent sounds of agreement.

  She was his. Every inch of her belonged to him and only him. Just as he belonged to her and only her. It was weird and a bit archaic to think of belonging to someone, but there was no other way to describe it. Every part of her was attuned to him. She swore she could almost feel his heartbeat in her own chest.

  His teeth scraped the place he’d bitten her, and she turned her head, offering him a better angle. She wanted his bite, craved it like a drug-starved junkie. She needed the feel of his teeth gripping her, his mouth sucking against her flesh as his tongue licked over and over her.

  “Take it,” she demanded. “Take me.”

  He grunted behind her. One slow lick over the spot, the nuzzle of his nose against her neck, sending chills down her spine. His teeth scraped. Once. Twice. Then struck deep on the third pass, and she cried out as another orgasm tore through her. His cock kept up an impossible pace, riding her through her release and flinging her ever higher in a cataclysm of pleasure that shattered her senses, leaving her blind, deaf and mute to anything but him. In that moment, he was her entire world.

  “Reno.” She wasn’t sure if her cry left her lips or only echoed in her mind as she felt the first hot splash of his seed fill her. His cock swelled, so thick that it felt as if he was trapped inside her. A second splash hit her, triggering another orgasm that left her gasping and twisting beneath him.

  He licked over her as he pulled his teeth from her, shuddering against her back as more cum pumped from his cock to fill her. His hands slid up her arms until he clasped her fingers with his. His mouth nuzzled her ear, lips placing soft kisses on the lobe as they both fought to suck oxygen in.

  “Mine,” he finally whispered to her. “My heart. My soul. My mate. For me, there will always only be you.”

  She turned her head and brushed her lips across his.

  “My whole life I never knew a man like you existed. You are mine, Reno. You fill my heart, soothe my soul and fill me with wonder at what can be. I never dreamed of you or wished for you. Not because I don’t want you, cherish you. But because I had no idea you existed, or that one day you would come into my life. But now that I know, now that I’ve tasted what life can be with you, there’s no going back for me. You take all the broken pieces of me and make them whole. You make me whole. For me, there will always only be you.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Amia was boneless and exhausted after Reno’s lovemaking in the lab. She wasn’t sure where everyone had disappeared to, but she was very grateful for the privacy. He’d helped her get dressed then together they had rummaged until she’d found a stack of towels and handed him one. It would be enough to get them upstairs to his room without anyone getting another peep show of just how impressive her mate was. Those parts of him were for her eyes only.

  Diane had poked her head in as they were getting ready to leave and demanded to see Amia’s shoulder. She’d looked ready to take on Reno if he’d tried to stop her, and it made Amia smile. Reno stood guard while Diane gave her a shot to numb her shoulder then made quick work of using some type of glue on it, mumbling about how fast mates healed and that it was too late for stitches. Amia thought back to how quickly Reno had healed after the Blanes had beaten him. Was she able to do that now? Was that what Diane was saying? She’d have to remember to ask her when Reno wasn’t breathing down her back and obviously in a hurry to go.

  Diane taped a bandage over it and urged them not to get it wet, before turning her back on them as if they were dismissed from her lab. Amia liked the other woman. She was really curious about the man who’d faced off with Reno to protect the doctor.

  A quick shower turned into an hour-long orgasm fest, and Reno showed her how creative he could be in getting her wet while keeping her bandage dry. The man had her so weak he had to carry her to the bed by the time they were squeaky clean. The fire in his eyes promised her there was more to come. If not for the knock at the door, they would probably be starting on round three.

  Reno wrapped a towel back around his waist, grumbling the whole time. With a heated glance at her, he crossed the room in three strides and jerked the door open.


  The rumble let her know exactly who was at the door. Tah, and the man was not pleased with Reno’s greeting.

  “Sorry,” Reno said before Tah spoke. “Everything okay?”

  “Is it?” Tah asked.

  She saw Reno’s back flex as he shifted and blew out a sigh. “Yeah. It is. Look. Down there.” He shrugged his massive shoulders. “I’m sorry. I thought she was hurt.”

  She couldn’t see Tah, but she could tell he relaxed by the tone of his voice when he spoke again.

  “I understand. And I know you probably want to stay here and reassure yourself she’s okay. But I need everyone in the front room. There’s too much going on right now. I need answers. From Amia and from Clara. Be down in ten minutes. Whole house will be there.”

  With those words, she heard his footsteps moving away. Reno shut the door and turned to face her. She threw off the comforter and jumped out of bed. His eyes scanned her naked body, and the towel waved as his cock stood up to salute her. She laughed.

  “We don’t have time for that. Ten minutes. I heard him.” She was already rummaging through the clothes they’d bought when he approached her. “So it is Clara?”

  “It is.” His voice came from directly behind her. “She’s been following you, and then us.”

  “Why?” Amia asked as she turned around with fresh clothes in her hands.

  “I guess we’ll find out
in ten minutes.”

  She glanced at the clock. “Eight.”

  “Can you get dressed in four?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said with a nod and tossed her stuff on the bed. “Why? What’s up?”

  “Me.” And he bent her forward until her hands braced on the mattress. “That gives me four minutes to pleasure you again.”

  “Reno,” she moaned as his cock nudged her, but she was already wet and ready for his possession. He slid in deep and fucked her fast and furious while she buried her head in the covers to muffle her cries.

  He hooked one arm around her waist and dipped his hand down between her thighs. He rubbed his thumb against her swollen clit as he leaned over her back and bit down. Within seconds, she was coming and only knew he joined her when he growled against her skin.

  Her legs wouldn’t have held her up if she wanted them to, and she collapsed against the mattress as he pulled out.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” he grunted. “I have you and feel drained. Then I look at you, and I feel the need rising inside me again.”

  She moaned as she rolled over and looked up at him.

  “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” The concern he always showed for her was etched in his face.

  “I’ve never felt better in my life. I swear.” She glanced at the clock. “We now have three minutes, and I don’t think I can feel my legs.”

  “That good, huh?” He grinned down at her, looking cocky and arrogant and way too full of himself.

  And she loved it, loved him. “Yeah, that good.”

  His chest puffed out as he bent over to grip her by the waist and haul her up to her feet. “Get dressed, woman, before you tempt me again.”

  She laughed and groaned as she dressed. Who would have thought she would be here, with him? So blissfully happy? Not her. Never her. She buttoned her jeans while she watched him sit and pull his boots on.

  “What?” he asked her when he looked up and caught her staring.

  She stepped into her own shoes before answering. “I was just thinking how much I love you.”

  And he was there, before her, pulling her close and kissing her breathless.

  “I’ll never tire of hearing you say that,” he whispered as he broke away. “Or of saying those exact words back to you. I love you.”

  Amazing the power words had. They could either fill you up until your heart felt so full it might explode, or tear you down, leaving you ripped and broken on the inside where no bandages could hold you together.


  He held his hand out to her, and she took it. It amazed her how one person could come into her life and change it so completely. She was no longer the woman she’d been when she’d gone into the barn to save him. She was more, so much more, now that he’d touched her life and become a vital part of it. He was hers, and she would never be alone and afraid again. Knowing that, accepting that, changed everything for her.

  They didn’t say anything as they headed down to the main floor. She expected him to direct them toward the office they’d used before, but he veered toward the front of the house and the large living area just to the side of the front door. The room was filled with people. She knew most of them. Diane sat on a couch with the Professor, but Amia could see her casting glances over her shoulder at the man who stood behind her, the one who’d stepped between her and Reno.

  Finn and Murphy stood over by the windows. Finn met her eyes briefly before he looked down and away, but it was long enough for her to see the regret there. Two women sat on another couch deep in conversation with another man. She didn’t know who that trio was. Abby sat in a chair with Tah looming larger than life behind her. Logan stood off to the side, back to the wall, arms crossed as he fixed his gaze on the woman standing all alone. Clara. The room was practically lit up with the amount of golden glow being put out.

  Amia left Reno’s side and crossed to Clara, taking the other woman’s hands in hers.

  “It is you. I thought… And then Reno said… But I couldn’t be certain. You made it to safety, and you’re here. Why are you here? Reno said you’ve been following me, that you followed us? Why?”

  “I think we’d all like to know that,” Tah interrupted, drawing Amia’s attention back to him and the rest of the group.

  “Amia.” Reno stood by the only empty chair in the room and held his hand out to her.

  She crossed to him before she thought about it. He pressed her into the chair with a kiss then took a stance beside her, and she realized how they were positioned. All of them on one side of the room, facing Clara, who stood alone.

  Amia knew what it was to stand alone. Though her heart clenched for Clara, Reno’s solid presence beside her was a reminder that she would never know such a feeling again. She was no longer alone. She was with Reno and a part of this group that surrounded them. Besides, she was just as eager for answers as anyone else. Clara had apparently been following her. Why? And for how long?

  Reno stared at the girl. He could see through the brave facade she showed the room. She was nervous and scared. He watched the frantic beat of her pulse at her throat as she swallowed.

  “You came here for a reason, Clara. What was it?” Reno asked. “I think you purposely tripped the sensor. Why?”

  “I wanted to see you,” she admitted and crossed her arms defiantly across her chest, chin angled up in challenge. “Just you. I didn’t expect the whole circus.”

  Tah’s growl rumbled through the room, and Reno literally saw her tremble and fight the urge to bow her head.

  “Watch yourself,” Tah reprimanded.

  “I…” She broke off what Reno was sure was going to be an apology and cleared her throat instead. Then her glance went to Amia, and something about looking at his mate seemed to ground Clara, and he had a feeling she was planning to use Amia in some way.

  “Amia saved my life,” she confessed.

  Tah’s head turned to Reno and Amia, and Reno nodded. “The first girl? When you were sixteen?”

  Amia nodded.

  “I’ve never forgotten that, or her,” Clara told them.

  “I’ve never forgotten you, either,” Amia admitted.

  “So you’ve been watching her since she saved you? How long ago was that?” Tah asked.

  “I was only sixteen then,” Amia said and shook her head. “There’s no way you could have been watching me that long. I would have known.” She looked at Reno. “God, I should have known.”

  “I was sixteen too,” Clara stated.

  “I thought you were close to my age,” Amia said with a nod. “But we went our separate ways. You were free and safe. Why would you risk yourself again by checking on me?”

  “You said you were leaving them. I kept wondering if you’d made it.” Clara shrugged. “So I went looking for you. You were back with the Blanes then. I’ll admit I was disappointed. I thought you’d meant it when you said you couldn’t stay with them.”

  “You left and then went back?” Diane asked, looking confused.

  “It wasn’t what it seemed,” Amia said softly.

  Clara got a sad look on her face. “I managed to escape their radar for almost two weeks waiting for you to make an appearance. I planned to kick your ass myself.”

  “What changed your mind?” Tah asked Clara.

  “The little fact that she wasn’t there by choice,” Clara said.

  Amia scooted to the edge of the seat as she faced Clara. “I tried to run,” she cried out, and Reno growled that his mate felt as if she had to defend herself. “I had nowhere to go, and no idea how to hide. I was easy for them to find.”

  “I couldn’t take you with me,” Clara said, and Reno could hear the regret in the woman’s voice, see it in her eyes. “You were a Blane. That’s all I knew.”

  “Blood will tell,” Amia said, and Reno saw Clara’s eyes widen with surprise for a moment. It was as if she’d heard that phrase before. In relation to the Blanes or to Amia?

” Tah stated. “You’ve already said she saved you. I’d say that should have earned your fucking trust.”

  “You’re right,” Clara agreed. “I was young, stupid and scared. I thought I was invincible right up to the moment the hunters grabbed me.”

  “Did you know who they were?” Abby asked.

  Clara smiled for the first time. “I’ve always known about the Blanes. They’re not the only hunters out there, but they are the largest contingent and the most well trained.”

  “How do you know all of that? Where did you learn that information?” Abby asked, sitting up straighter in her chair.

  “I grew up learning about them,” Clara answered.

  “Where was that? Who told you?” Tah asked.

  Clara looked cautious, as if she were debating something with herself, then shrugged and answered.

  “My father at first.” And sadness filled her eyes. “Then I learned from my uncle, from my adopted mom.”

  “What happened to your dad?” Amia asked.

  Clara’s eyes were hooded when she answered, and Reno knew she was hiding something. “He died when I was eight. Killed by hunters.”

  “Jesus,” Tah uttered with a weary sigh.

  “Blanes,” Amia said, and Clara nodded in confirmation.

  “So you’re a shifter then,” Diane said. “Like them? And you’ve always known?”

  Clara’s gaze flicked to Tah but didn’t stay. Instead, she met Reno’s gaze. “I’m no tiger, but yes, I’m a shifter. I’ve always known who I was, what I am, and that there were those out there who made it their mission in life to try to kill me.”

  Clara said it so matter-of-factly that Reno wondered what it would be like to grow up that way. To always know that there are those who would hunt you, kill you. He glanced at Abby and the mound of her belly where her and Tah’s child grew. Would that be the life their child knew?

  “Hmmm,” the Professor spoke as he stood up and crossed the room toward Clara. “What are you then? Wolf?” He was almost the same height as Clara and showed his usual fearlessness as he poked at her lips, his eyes going over her, checking for whatever it was he checked for.


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