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New York's Finest (1st of the Trilogy)

Page 7

by Swinson, Kiki

  So what was I going to do?

  New York’s Finest Kiki Swinson

  Chapter 10 – Changing the Rules

  Damian and I sat in the waiting area of the ER for a total of five hours before we finally received word from the surgeon that Reggie was okay and didn’t need a blood transfusion. The doctor said he was doing fine, a little weak from surgery, but he should easily rebound from the two shots he received.

  I was so happy to hear the good news. My first question for the doctor was when Damian and I could see him?

  “He’s being transported to ICU right now,” the doctor responded. “So give the nurses about thirty minutes or so and then you’d be able to go back and see him.”

  “That’s good news,” Damian spoke up.

  “Yes it is,” I agreed.

  “Since he’s on his way to the ICU, is there a certain number of visitors he can have at one time?” Vanessa asked out of the blue. I was taken aback by her question. I looked at her like she was fucking crazy. I mean, what kind of question was that? Was she trying to imply that she needed to be the only person going back there to see him? I swear I wanted to ask her exactly what she meant when she asked the doctor that question, but I decided against it. I knew now wasn’t the time to chew her silly ass out. Not in front of the doctor anyway.

  “Well, when we have patients in ICU, hospital policy only allows visits from family members,” he explained.

  Vanessa turned her attention from the doctor and looked directly at Damian. “I know you’re his wife,” the doctor stated to Vanessa. “Are you two related to him?” he asked Damian and I.

  “Yes, we’re both related. I’m his sister and this is his brother,” I said and then I looked over at Vanessa and waited for the bitch to say anything that would suggest the opposite. I knew she was a loose cannon and she was prone to say anything. But she also knew my elevator didn’t go all the way up to the top floor and that I would fuck her up when it came to Reggie. Trust me, she knew where to draw the line when it came to me.

  “Okay then. Well, I guess you all would be fine,” the doctor finally said. He gave us the impression that he sensed some tension. I could tell he was a bit uncomfortable standing there. Within seconds he excused himself, probably shaking his head at black people and their unnecessary drama.

  Vanessa stormed back to the seat she had claimed. I stood in the same spot and shook my head with disgust. “She is so lucky that we’re in a public place, because I would blast her ass right here on the spot!” I said, damn near on the verge of tearing the skin off my lips with my teeth.

  Damian grabbed me by my arm and pulled me back to where we were sitting. “Come on. She’s not even worth it,” he commented.

  I sat back down with Damian sitting next to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder to console me. I tried to relax and let her antics run off my back but I couldn’t. “Look at her sitting there with that $75,000 iced out Presidential Rolex on her fucking wrist and flicking with those five carat VS1 diamond hoops in her ears. My brother risked his life out there in those fucking streets so he could buy all that shit for her ungrateful ass.”

  “I helped Reggie pick that joint out. And I got his jeweler to add the diamond bezel to it,” Damian said in a reminiscent way.

  “He told me. So to think that she has a problem with you or me going back to see Reggie is a slap in the face. I told him from day one that bitch wasn’t shit. I swear I can’t wait until he gets rid of her ass.”

  Damian continued to massage my back. A short while later, a nurse came in from ICU and notified us that we could go back and see Reggie. I was so happy to hear the news that I literally raced completely pass the nurse and into the ICU. “He’s in room 119,” I heard her say.

  I think I counted like six rooms before I reached Reggie’s room. When I pushed opened the door and saw him laid in the hospital bed with his eyes closed, while an I-V was attached to one arm and monitor devices were stuck to his chest, I almost wanted to cry my heart out. He looked so helpless in that bed. Knowing that I couldn’t do a thing to make him feel better was devastating. My eyes started wailing up with tears, but I held them back. I knew I had to be strong for the both of us.

  “Is he asleep?” Damian asked when he entered the room behind me.

  Vanessa came into the room directly behind Damian. “Oh my baby!” she began to sob in a dramatic way and then she rushed over by his side. “Look at all this shit they got on him,” she griped as she took inventory of his body.

  I walked over and stood on the opposite side of the body with Damian standing by my side. “I wonder if he can hear us?” Damian asked out of curiosity.

  “I’m sure he can,” I chimed in.

  Vanessa sucked her teeth and said, “Well, if he could don’t you think he would’ve opened his eyes by now?”

  I looked at her with the nastiest facial expression I could muster up. “Look, Vanessa, right now isn’t the time to be getting flip at the lips. My brother is laid up in this bed and I’m sure he’s going to be in a lot of pain when his drugs wear off, so can we leave the sarcasm and the bullshit at the door out of respect for him?”

  “First of all, this is my motherfucking husband. And while he’s incapable of making decisions, the hospital calls on me. So if anybody is going to get some respect around here, it’s going to be me. Because at the end of the day, I got the last say so, not you. And if I wanted to be nasty, I could have both of y’all asses kicked out of here.”

  “Well, bitch, do it! I dare you ho!” I snapped. I couldn’t hold back my rage any longer. I tried my best to get around to the other side of the bed but Damian wouldn’t let me get by him.

  “Let her go Damian. I ain’t scared of her. Because as soon as she lay one finger on me, I am going to have her ass locked up on the spot,” Vanessa threatened.

  “Bitch, do you think I care about getting locked up? I would love to go to jail behind whipping your ass. See, I’m not afraid of you calling the police on me. I’m not my brother. I would kill your motherfucking ass and wouldn’t think nothing of it!” I roared while Damian held onto me with all the strength in his body.

  I take it some of the hospital staff heard us arguing because they came in within minutes of the drama beginning. The same female nurse who gave us Reggie’s room number came into the room with two white male security guards in tow.

  “I’m sorry but we’re gonna have to ask you all to leave this room,” she said.

  “She’s the one being volatile. Make her leave,” Vanessa blurted out.

  “Which one of you is the patient’s wife?” the nurse asked as she looked at both me and Vanessa.

  “I’m his wife so I shouldn’t have to leave his side, especially when I’m not the one threatening bodily harm.”

  “Oh, bitch, stop being phony. You and I both know that my brother can’t stand your ass for real. And if he was up right now, he’d tell them to tell your stinking ass to take a fucking hike instead of me.”

  “Stop lying to these people and get your ass out of here like they said,” Vanessa replied sarcastically. And then she laughed at me like this whole thing was a joke to her. I swear I lost it then.

  “Oh, so this shit here is a game, huh? Well, since you’re laughing bitch, know that I got a little niece or nephew on the way and it ain’t by you. You trifling ass dog. Now laugh at that bitch!” I said and then I spit on the floor in her direction. I didn’t give her a chance to come back at me with any more of her remarks because I exited the room immediately. And as I walked away I felt vindicated. It felt really good to give her a taste of her own medicine even though it was at the expense of Reggie. I just hoped he wouldn’t be too upset with me when he woke up and found out that I let the cat out of the bag. Oh well, what’s done was done. And I guess I would have to deal with it when the subject came back up.

  Outside of the hospital, Damian walked me to my truck. Before we departed ways, he told me it would be best to tell Marco where Reggie was. But
it would also be best to make Marco think that Reggie was at the wrong place at the wrong time and that the bullets were for someone else who lived in that neighborhood. This way Marco wouldn’t think that Reggie was a potential target of a rival dealer and that our organization was solid. Leaving Marco with no worries was the plan.

  I had to dig deep and come up with a clever but plausible story. I used the drive back to my apartment to come up with a good storyline. And after I put everything down and settled down, I picked up my phone and called him. He didn’t sound very happy, but after I told him where I had been and who I had been there to see, he told me not to say any more and that he would send a car to come get me at once.

  “You still want me to come over? Hell, it’s almost one in the morning,” I asked, hoping he’d hear how tired I was and tell me he’d see me later today. But my words went through one ear and out the other.

  “Yes, it’s very important that you come here to see me tonight because I plan on flying out of here later today.”

  I let out a long sigh. “Alright. Well, I guess I’ll see you in a few.”

  New York’s Finest Kiki Swinson

  Chapter 11 – Marco’s Empire

  Marco’s driver arrived at my apartment building in less than thirty minutes. And it took him less time to get me back to Marco’s penthouse suite located on the Upper West Side. As soon I entered into his quarters I found him lounging on his hand made Italian leather recliner, smoking a Cuban cigar. I was surprised to see that he wasn’t alone. He had another gentleman sitting on his hand made Italian leather sofa directly across from him. The gentleman stood to his feet and extended his hand as I approached them. “Naomi, I’d like to introduce you to my son, Miguel.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I said.

  He nodded his head and shook my hand simultaneously. Then he stood to the side so I could sit on the sofa next to Marco. “How was the ride over here?” Marco asked me immediately after he blew the cigar smoke into the air.

  “It was fine.”

  “How is Reggie doing?”

  “He’s doing much better than expected,” I said, trying to keep a straight face. I figured that whatever had come out of my mouth from this point had to be convincing.

  “Tell me what happened?” Marco pressed the issue.

  “It was simply a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. He was coming out of this apartment after this other guy and when a few guys from a car unloaded on the guy in front of Reggie, he messed around and got caught up in the crossfire.”

  “Did he have his piece on him?”

  “No he didn’t. Because if he did, I’m sure he would’ve returned fire.”

  “Where did he get shot?”

  “He got shot once in the leg and once in the shoulder.”

  “So how long did they say he’ll have to stay in the hospital?”

  “They haven’t said yet. But his wife said she’ll let us know as soon as she hears something.”

  “Naomi, this is a serious business we are in, you agree?”

  The question surprised me. I didn’t know where the question came from. “Yes,” I simply replied.

  “Then my dear Naomi, never lie to me again,” Marco said with so much confidence and surety in his voice that it brought fear to my heart.

  I didn’t say anything . . . primarily because I didn’t know what to say.

  “Naomi, I got to where I am because I keep my nose to the ground,” he stated as he blew smoke again from his cigar. “Which means I know what’s going on with everyone who’s in my organization. I know you were robbed a few nights ago, and the guy watching your back was executed in the elevator. And before my driver picked you up, I got word that this time around Reggie was shot and is at New York Presbyterian Hospital as we speak. I also know he was shot outside a woman’s place, which means this is probably more personal than business.”

  Marco’s dark eyes burnt through me. I knew he was allowing his words to fester inside of me. I was sure he wanted to see my reaction. Still, I kept my mouth shut. I had underestimated Marco. Something Reggie always warned me against doing. I now understood why so many people were afraid of him, and why he was in the position he was in. I had lost respect for the man because of his small ass dick. How could a man with so much money have such a little ass dick? And to think that when I used to fuck him, I acted like I loved it. Now that mistake may cost me my life. Believe me you, I was afraid but I refused to show it. My dad, Foxx told me on several occasions that my pride and my need to be in control of everything around me would get me killed. Maybe he was right after all. And tonight was probably the night I would see my fate.

  “And one thing you probably don’t know yet, Naomi, is two more of Reggie’s locations were hit tonight while he is laid up. So now I’m wondering what is going to happen next? Is this business or personal, or a little bit of both?”

  I was really fucked up right now. I didn’t know if this was my last few minutes or hours to live, or what? Why did I lie to Marco? What was going on? It was questions I didn’t have answers to. The best thing I could do was stay calm, which I was trying my best to do. But the nervousness of the unknown was kicking my ass . . . so much that I just wanted to snap my fingers and disappear.

  “Don’t be nervous, my little Conchita,” Marco said to me. “This is a risky and deadly business we’re in. And in this business people get shot. Or they’ll get shot and killed. I have told Reggie this on many occasions to be straight forward no matter how crooked everyone else around him becomes because when you’re dead and gone, the only thing people will remember him by is his integrity. So tell him I wish him a speedy recovery and that I will be talking to him very soon.”

  He took another pull on his cigar. After he blew out the smoke he immediately brought me up to speed about why I was there. I didn’t have time to process one thought to the next. I had forgotten about the real man, the real Marco I first met. Evidently, he was still Marco—the man, the motherfucker who had made a serious name in this game for himself. First, he was talking shit about my dishonesty and then he flipped the fucking switch just like that to another conversation, and there was nothing I could do but listen.

  “My son and I had a long talk about our operation and how we can expand it a little bit more and make a great deal of money,” he continued without missing a beat. “See, Naomi, we want to bring more of our product up north since there’s a market for it here. And perhaps join forces with you and your brother and take over New York City, Connecticut, New Jersey and possibly New Hampshire.”

  “So, how do you plan to accomplish this great feet?” I wondered aloud. I was surprised I was able to get the words out. But the curiosity of knowing what was on his mind was killing me.

  “Well, I’m glad you asked,” he started off and then he pulled on his cigar once more and blew out the smoke. “The fact that you work for an airline and are able to get you and your brother’s product processed through Customs without it being x-rayed or inspected is magnificent. So we’re proposing that if you agree to help us get Miguel’s shipments through free and clear without any inspections, then we’d like to offer you five percent of the value of every delivery.”

  “Why don’t you just pay me a set fee? Let’s say, three hundred grand per load,” I suggested.

  He smiled and the grin developed wide over his face. He looked at his son, Miguel, who’s facial expression didn’t change. One minute I thought I was near death and the next I was negotiating for more cash. Foxx was right, my control issues were my biggest downfall.

  “No. That’s too much,” Marco finally said. “We have both agreed to pay you five percent of the load’s value.”

  “How will I know how much is being delivered?” I asked.

  “You’d just have to trust what we tell you,” Marco stated.

  “Well, can you give me a ball park of how much would be coming though on every delivery?” I pressed the issued because I needed answers. Even though I ha
d several TSA agents on payroll, they were sticking their necks out for me. To do what Marco and Miguel wanted to do required larger payouts. And I just couldn’t go on their word that I would be told exactly how much each load would be valued at. That was a bullshit answer and Marco knew it. I wasn’t as crafty as he was when it came to the drug game but I knew enough to know that he was feeding me some shit and I wasn’t about to let him play me.

  “Okay, listen, Marco, I’ll tell you what. Let me sleep on this and get back with you in the morning. You need to realize I have TSA agents that I have to pay more money to make this work and the risk is higher. Besides, I’m tired right now. It has been a long day, and I really need to get some sleep and think about this a little more with a clearer head.”

  “Sure, no problem,” he said as he blew smoke from his cigar again. I wanted to stuff that cigar down his fucking throat. “But while you’re thinking about it, remember that this new business venture may affect the business relationship I already have with Reggie.”

  He winked at me and I smiled. I was tired but the wink got to me. “I will make sure I keep that in mind,” I said and after that I was ready to go.

  “Before you go,” he stated. “Tell Damian that when a crisis like the boss getting shot happens, it’s not his place to be at the hospital consoling you. He is Reggie’s lieutenant-in-arms so he should be in the war zone, protecting his investments.”


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