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Blood Money (Lone Star Mobster Book 3)

Page 20

by Cynthia Rayne

  Oh, thank God. Vick read Jasper’s message a couple more times, just because she couldn’t believe Rodriguez had agreed to their proposal.

  Vick took off her heels and relaxed, lounging back against the seat in the afternoon sun pouring in the window. Suddenly, Vick felt sleepy. She was free, in the clear, well, nearly anyway.

  Simon would back down once he realized he didn’t have a thug to do his dirty work and after she’d told him that she’d be seeing Jasper from now on.

  And it’d all happened without any bloodshed. Or had it…?

  Vick tensed.

  Jasper hadn’t explained how he’d gotten Rodriguez to agree to the plan. What if Jasper had agreed to kill Simon?

  A knock on the window startled Vick, and she dropped the phone. It landed on the carpet with a thunk.

  She turned to Simon standing there.

  Oh, God.

  “Roll your window down so we can talk.” His voice was muffled through the glass.

  Earlier, she’d locked the doors and Jasper said he was on his way. For a second, she didn’t know what to do. Call Jasper? Shimmy into the driver’s seat and take off?

  Nah, time to end this.

  Vick shook her head. “How’d you find me?”

  “You forgot one of the security cameras, Victoria. I cruised by the guard station and spotted you sittin’ all by your lonesome in the car. Thought I’d keep you company.” His eyes narrowed. “I rewound the tape and figured y’all were up to somethin’. What’s your friend doin’ inside? Tryin’ to talk to Rodriguez?”

  Vick ignored the question. “How thoughtful of you.”

  “So, Jasper’s still talkin’ to you?”

  “Yup.” Vick resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at him.

  “And he forgave you for bein’ my whore?”

  She ground her teeth together. Simon wanted to provoke her into doing something stupid, like rolling down the window.

  “Actually, Jasper and I are together now. Why are you really here, Simon?”

  He smirked. “I took out a little insurance against these kind of shenanigans.”

  Her stomach plummeted. “What kind of insurance?”

  “Tell me, have you heard from your brother lately?”

  Oh God. Jack hadn’t returned to Brighton Place, so she’d assumed he’d gone on another drug binge. But what if Simon had him?

  “What’d you do to him?”

  “You love him so much, yet you haven’t even checked on him. Isn’t Jack the only family you’ve got left?”

  “Simon, what did you do?” She clenched her fists.

  “Why, nothin’ yet.” His eyes glittered. “If you come with me, of course.”

  “Where?” She glanced around the parking lot. No sign of Jasper yet.

  “Your new place.” He must’ve seen the question in her eyes. “The apartment I leased for you on Third Street I got you a spot on the top floor, I know how much you enjoy a pretty view.”

  “What about the trial?” She stalled for time.

  “As luck would have it, my associate is handlin’ the proceedings the rest of this afternoon so I can devote all my time to you.”

  Jasper was nowhere in sight. Vick was running out of options.

  “Are you comin’ with me, or do I have to do somethin’ we’ll both regret?” He slammed a palm on the window.

  “Okay, okay, let me grab my shoes.” As she reached for her discarded heels, Vick fired off a text message to Jasper. She hoped it’d be enough of a clue for him to follow. “Third Street Simon.”

  And then Vick opened the door.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Keep your mouth shut and act natural. If you make a scene, I’ll make sure Jack regrets it.” Simon gripped her arm tightly, fingers biting into her skin.


  Simon led her through the swanky marble and glass lobby of the apartment building in a tall tower overlooking the city. They got in the elevator, and Simon pressed the button for the penthouse.

  Jasper would come for her, she was sure of it. All she had to do was pacify Simon and bide her time until he arrived.

  After they got off the elevator and walked down the hall to the apartment, he opened the front door with a flourish. The apartment was furnished, and he’d spared no expense—leather couches and chairs, a wide-screen television. She peered into the kitchen to find stainless steel appliances and marble countertops.

  “You’ve got the entire floor to yourself.” It’s like he expected Vick to applaud or something.

  This was supposed to be a present or an enticement, but it felt like a gilded cage, the stage for a one-sided affair. Simon always wanted “the best” though he meant the most expensive items. In her experience, price didn’t always equal quality. It had to be some kind of spoiled rich guy thing.

  “Well, what do you think?”

  “It’s great.” She tried to feign enthusiasm, but couldn’t quite get it up.

  “Let me show you the bedroom.” Simon led her into the adjoining room.

  The mirrored closet door hung open, and it was filled with a collection of slinky dresses, low cut blouses, and high heels. The kind of items Veronica had worn on “dates” with him. If she opened one of the drawers, she bet it’d be chockful of the racy lingerie he liked.

  “Well? What do you say when someone gives you a present?”

  Vick didn’t reply. What would be the point? She’d already told him in no uncertain terms how she felt about his attentions.

  “Victoria, answer me.”

  “It’s really…somethin’.” Vick didn’t give a damn about his fragile ego, she’d only come with him for one reason. “Where’s Jack?”

  “Somewhere safe.”

  “Which is…?”

  “If you start behavin’ and ask me real nice, I might tell you.”

  “This isn’t a game, Simon.” She bit the inside of her cheek.

  “Of course, it is, but we’re on the last round, and you’ve lost, Victoria.”

  “It’s Vick.”

  “I prefer Victoria.”

  “And I’d prefer to leave with Jack.” She’d never forgive herself if something happened to him.

  “Too bad you’re not the one in control.”

  “If I were you, I’d let me go.”

  “Oh yeah?” He stepped closer. “Well, you ain’t me.”

  “Jasper’s comin’ for me. Unlike you, he isn’t a poser, pretendin’ to be a bad ass. Jasper will kill you once he gets here.” Vick knew Jasper would take him out, regardless of what Rodriguez had agreed to. “Give me Jack back, and we can end this peacefully.”

  His nostrils flared. “Listen to that mouth. If you keep sassin’ me, I’m gonna put my cock in it.”

  Woah. Vick backed away. “Stay away from me, Simon.”

  “And I wouldn’t worry about Jasper. Mark’s gonna take care of your little friend for me.”

  According to Jasper’s text, it was an empty threat, but Simon might not realize it yet. Vick wouldn’t ruin the element of surprise by telling him.

  “Enough playactin’. We both know you want me, Victoria, and once we fuck, it’ll go back to the way it was.” He advanced on her, and she refused to shrink away.

  “You can’t seriously believe that. I’m sick of bein’ chased around. Tell me where Jack is, and Jasper will stand down. You can go on with your life, and I can get back to mine.”

  “And I’m sick of your sass.” Simon hauled off and slapped her face. “I warned you what would happen if you took this too far.”

  She tasted blood, and her jaw ached.

  Fantastic plan, Vick, piss off the psycho.

  Her gaze bounced around the room, looking for an escape route. She could see a hall, beyond the doorway, but she’d have to get past Simon. They were too high off the ground for the window to be an option.

  “Come here.”

  “Simon, stop it.”

  “I’m gonna prove that your lyin’.” He s
eized Vick by the waist and tossed her down on the bed.

  “Simon, please. Let’s talk about this.” She tried to scramble away, but he tugged her down.

  “I’m done talkin’.” Simon twisted her arm. She howled in pain, and he shoved her thighs apart, settling between them.

  “Get off me.” Vick brought her leg up, the way Jasper had taught her and pressed it against his chest, trying to buck him off.

  Simon punched her this time, and her head rocked back.

  “Don’t. Please stop this.”

  “I’m gonna fuck some sense into you, Victoria.” He reached under her skirt and ripped her underwear off.

  Vick screamed.


  “Gotcha bastard.”

  Jasper found Simon’s midlife crisis car in valet parking across from an enormous tower full of brand new apartments. This must be the place Simon had been bragging about the other night.

  Earlier, when Jasper had gotten her text message, he’d run outside, but he’d been too late, Vick was already gone. Once he’d found out Simon hadn’t returned to the courtroom for the afternoon session, he put it all together.

  On the way over, Jasper tried to figure out what the fuck had gone wrong. Had Simon pulled a gun on her? Doubtful in the crowded parking lot of a government building. He couldn’t think of another reason Vixen would’ve left with him.

  Unless, he’d gotten some other kind of leverage over her. And then it occurred to Jasper—Jack.

  Vick had mentioned she hadn’t seen him in a couple days. What if Simon had gotten to him first? Or Mark for that matter? If Jack were high, it would’ve been easy to abduct him.

  Jasper stopped by the silver sports car. If there weren’t so much foot traffic, he’d go to town on the sucker with his Louisville Slugger, Carrie Underwood style.

  And then he heard a muffled shout from the trunk.

  “Vixen? Is that you?”

  Another cry. The voice was too low.

  He tried the handle, but it was locked.

  “Jack, is that you?”

  Another muffled cry.

  Jasper jogged to his SUV and pulled out a lock picking kit. He glanced around and waited until a passerby walked on before he jimmied Simon’s trunk open.

  Jack lay slumped inside. His wrists and ankles were bound with rope, and he had a handkerchief stuffed into his mouth. He was pale and sweaty, and the stench of urine rolled off him. Jasper cut through his bonds with a pocket knife and then yanked the gag out.

  “Jasper? This guy grabbed me this mornin’. I was at this house—”

  “I know, but I’ve gotta get to your sister. I’m glad you’re okay.” He handed Jack the keys. “The car’s a couple of lanes over. There’s a bottle of water in the console, and turn on the air if you want.”

  And then Jasper took off after Vick.


  “Simon, don’t do this. Please, don’t.” If Vick could get through to him, she might stop this.

  He didn’t acknowledge her words. Instead, he manhandled Vick, clutching her breasts, grabbing her sex, running his hands all over her, like she was nothing more than a piece of property.

  She couldn’t afford to panic, to fall apart. She’d been able to compartmentalize for a while now, separate herself from the events going on around her, play the game, and do what was necessary.

  “Simon…?” She angled her head, so she could lock eyes with him, make him see her as a person. “Please talk to me.” Steeling herself, Vick brushed her lips against the back of his hand, the one pressing her shoulder into the bed.

  “About what?” His hold on her loosened.

  Yes. This is working.

  “Tell me what’s goin’ on. I know things must’ve been rough lately.”

  Simon kissed her, forcing his tongue into her mouth and she tried to relax, and accept it. When she didn’t struggle, Simon eased up, teasing her, instead of stabbing it down her throat repeatedly.

  He pulled back. “I don’t know how it got so fucked up between us.”

  “I’m here now. We can talk it out.”

  Simon shifted around, and then enclosed her in a bear hug, flattening her back against his front, cupping her breasts, hanging onto her for dear life.

  At least he wasn’t actively trying to rape her anymore.

  If she could keep him talking, Jasper could get to her.

  “When you left that first time, you just disappeared. I thought I’d lost you forever. I tried other escorts, but they just weren’t… you.” Simon clasped her tighter. “And then you called me up one day, and I thought—”

  “It’d be like old times, and I’d stay with you for years, or until you got sick of me.”

  “That would never happen, Victoria.”

  That’s what I’m afraid of.

  And then the bedroom door swung open.

  A man in black fatigues walked into the room. Only this time, he wasn’t wearing a mask. It had to be the hired gunman. Mark was a bald man who looked to be in his late thirties.

  Uh oh.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Simon gritted out.

  He’d just let them both see his face. Vick bet she wouldn’t be making it out of this room alive.

  “Cleanin’ up.” He pulled a gun from its holster. There was a silencer on the end.

  Had Rodriguez double crossed them?

  “Rodriguez and I had a deal.” Simon stood and raised his arms above his head. “Let me talk to him. I’m sure we can settle this. If this arrangement ain’t workin’ for you, we can make another one.”

  Simon was trying to lawyer his way out of this, but Vick knew it wouldn’t work. She thought about dashing for the door, but she’d never make it. Mark would kill her before she reached the door.

  “Trust me, I can make it worth your while.”

  “All the money in the world, wouldn’t be enough to betray Rodriguez.” He pulled the trigger.

  Vick shrieked.

  Something wet and hot landed on her arms, her chest—streaks of red, Simon’s blood. His lifeless body fell to the floor, glazed eyes staring sightlessly at the ceiling, a gaping wound in the middle of his forehead.

  With a cry, she scrambled off the bed, backing into the corner.

  No, no, no.

  Mark pointed the gun at her, and she didn’t flinch.

  “And I thought Jasper had a deal with Rodriguez.”

  “Yeah, but things change.” He looked her up and down. “Nice tits. I can see why ol’ Simon here had a thing for you.”

  Vick covered herself. She’d been so freaked out, she hadn’t remembered being half naked.

  “Sorry, honey, but you’re a loose end, and the cartel don’t like those. You and your brother need to be tidied up, along with that boyfriend of yours.”

  “Don’t suppose I could talk you out of this?”

  A blast of adrenaline shot through her. She thought about rushing Mark, but he’d kill her before she got near him. Eight feet separated them—a shot at this close range would be child’s play for a professional.

  He raised the gun once more. “This ain’t personal.”

  “Well, it is for me. You gotta know who I work for. Aren’t your bosses worried about pissin’ mine off?” It was a desperate, last ditch attempt, and they both knew it.

  “It’s an added bonus.” He smirked. “The outfit worked with the Tres Erre.”

  Vick shuddered. “I’m guessin’ they’re rivals?”

  “Yeah, so it’ll send a little message. Don’t worry. I’ll make it quick and painless.”

  Vick squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the bullet to come.

  “It won’t be that way for you. It’ll be slow and hurt like a bitch.”

  Jasper stepped into the room, his gun at the ready, eyes trained on the shooter. He wanted to look at Vixen, assure himself she was unharmed, but he didn’t dare.


  “I wouldn’t bet on it. She’ll be dead before you pull the trigger.” Mark kept his w
eapon pointed at Vixen.

  He’d heard Vick stalling as he’d tiptoed down the hall. Jasper had to hand it to her, she’d been cool under pressure. But then again, he expected no less from his Vixen.

  Jasper had hitched a ride on the freight elevator, after he’d charmed the old lady at the front desk into telling him which apartment belonged to Simon.

  Simon’s body lay on the floor a few feet away. Good riddance. Although, Jasper wanted to be the one who took him out.

  “You okay, Vixen?”

  “For now, but Jack’s missin’.”

  “Not anymore. I found him in Simon’s trunk.”

  “And he’s okay?” Vick asked.

  “A bit shook up, but fine.”

  Vixen sighed, sagging against the wall.

  “Not for long.” Mark kept his gun steady.

  “Come on, let’s not do this. I don’t wanna kill you.”

  “Like I told your girlfriend, this ain’t personal. Rodriguez just wants a clean sweep. He’s had enough legal trouble.”

  “Yeah, well Rodriguez is probably goin’ to prison anyway.” Jasper glanced at Vick and then nodded to the left. “And what he don’t know, won’t hurt him.”

  Following his silent directive, Vick edged away.

  “Even if he ends up in the pen, Rodriguez has got lots of friends here and in Mexico. They’d be more than willin’ to hunt my ass down and give me a message.”

  “I can help with that,” Vick offered. “I can get you a new identity and all the cash you need. You wouldn’t have to worry about money. I can hack into any bank account you want.”

  Jasper nodded. “All you gotta do is walk out of here, and you can retire a wealthy man.”

  He didn’t want Vick to get her hands dirty, but they were desperate. Transferring funds would be difficult, and the feds would figure it out sooner or later. It would give them a whole other set of problems, but they’d worry about it later.

  If Jasper killed the gunman, Rodriguez would retaliate, and then they’d be on the run for the rest of their lives if Byron didn’t offer them both up to the cartel himself.

  Mark shook his head. “Nah, I like my plan better. I’ll kill both of you, rob Simon, shoot your brother, and then be on my way.”

  Vick cleared her throat, and Jasper nodded in understanding. They didn’t have another option.


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