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Love: D'Amato Brothers V (The D'Amato Brothers Book 5)

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by Vera Roberts

  And it always led to a blow-up.

  She would ask things over dinner. When they were putting things away. When they were watching a movie. On the way to her parents' home. On the way to get ice cream.

  The worse was when the questions would come during sex. That situation always guaranteed an argument.

  Accusations of lying with still being unfaithful were lobbied against him. If he spoke the truth, he was a heartless bastard. If he didn't reveal everything, he was keeping secrets. If he wanted to tell Faith all of it, he was intentionally trying to hurt her. He was put in a position where he couldn't possibly win, no matter what strategy he used.

  Some days were good. Many days were great. The bad days were few and far in between, but when they occurred, it was like taking a toy knife to a real gunfight. In fact, when things got so bad, Eli occasionally slept in the guest room to get away from his wife for both of their sanities.

  Oh, Faith said she forgave Eli but he silently questioned if she really did.

  And would she ever? “No, I’m not,” he answered.

  “Okay,” Faith planted a smile across her lips and turned to her husband for the first time. “Are you sure?”

  “Am I sure?” He repeated. “Is that a real question?”

  “I’m just asking?” Faith defended. “You work with her a lot and I’m just wondering.”

  “Maria’s gay, Faye. You’ve met her wife.” Eli reminded.

  “Oh yeah,” Faith remembered and smiled. “Hi, baby.”

  And just like that, the argument was over. “Hi,” he grinned. “How’s little man?”

  “He’s upstairs sleeping,” she let out a small breath, “how was work?”

  “Work was great,” he nodded, “I have some news to share with you.”

  “Oh?” Faith turned to her husband. “What is it?”

  “We’re going to have our own reality show!” He smiled. “Joey was approached by a network to feature us and so we’re getting a show!”

  “What network because it makes a difference?” Faith was an avid watcher of all things reality. Even the obviously fake shows, she subscribed to. “Is it Lifetime? Is it A&E? Is it Bravo? Ooh, let me know if it’s Bravo!”

  “I think he mentioned Bravo.” Truth was, Eli didn’t remember what network Joey’d mentioned.

  “Oooh my God!” Faith jumped from the couch and did a little dance, causing Eli to raise an eyebrow. “We’re going to be on Bravo! I can compete with those other Housewives and show them how it’s done!”

  “Now wait a minute, baby girl,” Eli calmed her down, “I told them I’d do the reality show on the premise that Nate’s not exposed. He doesn’t need a camera in his face all of the time.”

  “Nate won’t be on camera, I know that!” Faith declared. “I need to get the shop re-done.”

  “Re-done?” Eli questioned. “The shop is fine.”

  “I’m going to be on camera in front of millions of people each week!” Faith put her hands on her hips. “I need to get the shop renovated.”

  “I’ll be on camera in front of millions of people each week,” Eli set his foot down, “the shop is fine.” He caught his wife’s sharp glance. “You’ll be featured but the show is primarily based on Madre’s.”

  “I might get a spin-off!” Faith began dreaming of more clientele. “If those chicks in Atlanta and L.A. can get a show on their crappy hairstyles, I surely can get one!”

  “Well, let’s see if this show is a success first before we talk spin-offs and what-not,” Eli stated. “And then we’ll talk logistics.”

  “Okay, fine.” Faith conceded. “Besides you owe this much.”

  You owe me this much. It was a line Eli had oft-heard from his wife. A constant reminder that he wasn’t quite off the hook from the affair, despite the counseling. He conceded everything she’d wanted but it felt like he was still being punished. He never argued because he wanted to build her trust back within him but he was getting a bit tired of her hanging the affair over his head like a scarlet letter. “Okay.”

  “Yeah, you do.” Faith walked over to the trashcan and tossed an empty ice cream container to her husband. “You ate up all the damn ice cream!”

  Eli grabbed the ice cream container and walked over to his wife. “I’ll get you some more ice cream, Faye.” He kissed her neck and she moaned in response. “What kind of flavor do you want?”

  “Hmm…” She relished in her husband’s embrace. “Rocky road.”

  “Okay, Rocky Road.” He nodded and slid his hands inside her yoga pants. “What else?”

  “Um…cookies ‘n cream,” she sighed.

  “Got it,” he moved a hand towards the vee of her sex and rested it there, “anything else?”

  “Yes, actually,” she turned around and faced him, “are you going to fuck me?”

  “Maybe,” he grabbed her hand and led her to their living room, “or, you can fuck me?”

  Faith pushed her husband to the sofa and straddled him. “They say sex causes labor.”

  Eli swept his lips across hers before gently pushing his tongue inside. “I guess we better get started.” He motioned her to stand up. “Take off your clothes. I have a surprise for you.”

  “Oh?” Faith began removing clothes. “What is it?”

  “I want to see you bare and unbridled,” he produced a blindfold and covered her eyes. “Like so.”

  Faith stood naked in the middle of their living room. She immediately felt the need to cover her breasts and private area but Eli wouldn’t allow that. “Keep your arms still.” He ordered.

  She recognized his voice coming from the sofa. He was sitting directly in front of her. “Now what?”

  “I just want to see how beautiful you are,” He mentioned. “And baby girl, you’re gorgeous.”

  Faith felt her cheeks turn a deep shade of crimson. “Baby…” She blushed.

  “Come here. I’m directly in front of you and there’s nothing in your path,” he ordered and Faith followed instructions. She stopped when she felt his body and his arms swept across her body. He circled her breasts with an index finger before he moved down to her belly where he kissed it. He then spread her legs and softly fingered her, inserting one finger inside while his thumb played with her clit.

  Faith leaned over to steady herself on Eli’s shoulders as he played with her. The other five senses heightened at an alarming level and Faith found herself turned on.

  The anticipation was torturous.

  It was delicious.

  It was exquisite.

  Faith heard the loud pounding of her heartbeat in her ears and she swallowed a few times in hopes to calm it down. Her husband didn’t know what he was doing to her. Or maybe he did and wanted to keep it going.

  She felt her legs buckle underneath her and she held tighter onto him as small whimpers left her mouth. “Eli…” It came out as a high-pitched moan.

  “Mmm, that’s my girl,” he licked his lips as he played her more. A few more strokes and he watched his wife ride the delicious orgasm waves.

  Eli moved further back on the sofa and pulled Faith down with him, letting her sit on his hardened shaft. She paused for a moment as her lips pursed together, zaps of pleasure exploding inside her body. He felt like heaven as she tightly wrapped around him. At that moment, it was just about the two of them. Not another child. Not his affair. Not the reality show. It was back to when they were first married and christened every room and as many times as they possibly could. She moved at a small and gentle pace before increasing her tempo to a rocking motion.

  Eli watched her face as various expressions of pleasure flashed across it. It was one of the most beautiful moments he’d ever witnessed. Everything they had gone through – from their issues to the insane therapy schedule to their new miracle baby growing inside her belly – it was all worth it.

  He would never mess up again.

  Faith increased her pace until an orgasm ripped through, collapsing on top of her husband. He thrus
t a few more times before joining his wife in orgasmic bliss.

  They laid in silence with each other before Eli spoke. “I think I’ll get some Neapolitan as well.”


  Eli should be here.

  As Simone laid in the hospital room, deliciously drugged with an epidural, she wondered about Eli. She’d gone into labor during the night and held out on 13 hours of hard labor before she’d to finally succumb to the epidural. She was at nine centimeters and the moment she hit ten, that was when the show was going to officially begin.

  Eli should be here.

  The thought was persistent in her head when her water broke and it remained consistent. She should call him. She should let him know what’s going on. Maybe he might catch the next flight to Houston. Maybe he might call and check for updates if he couldn’t be there. Maybe…he just might care.




  For now, Simone was going to concentrate on having a great birth and welcoming her daughter into the world. Then after the fact, she might consider placing a phone call to Eli.


  “You look so sexy in those scrubs, baby.”

  “Do I?”

  “Hells yeah,” Faith smiled, “so sexy.”

  A routine trip to the doctor turned into an emergency C-section prep for Eli and Faith. Joey and Zoe watched Nate while the couple went to the hospital. As standard with all D’Amato births, the entire family was on stand-by.

  “How are you feeling, Faye?” He asked.

  “I just want to get this over with,” she shook her head, “had I known I was going to have a C-section today, I wouldn’t have eaten breakfast.”

  “Well, we both didn’t know it but hey, we’re about to welcome our son into the world so that’s all that matters.” Eli grabbed her hand and rubbed it.

  “Have you decided on a name?” She asked.

  “Junior,” Eli nodded, “He’ll probably be called E.J. for short.”

  “You always wanted a junior,” Faith smiled.

  “Yeah,” he agreed, “I guess since my biological never gave a damn, I want to show my sons I’ll always be there no matter what goes on between us.”

  “Hey,” she interrupted, “I know these past nine months haven’t been easy on you, on us, but I want to say thank you for being there.”

  “You’re welcome,” Eli squeezed her hand, “so are you ready to have a baby?”

  “I’m so ready to get this over with.”

  “Let’s do it!” He kissed her. “D’Amatos for life?”

  “D’Amatos for life!”


  “I can’t get over how beautiful my grandbaby is!” Meredith beamed as she held Elena. “Gosh, I knew she was going to be gorgeous but this is the most beautiful grandbaby I’ve ever seen!”

  “Geez thanks Mom.” Alicia rolled her eyes.

  “Oh, all of your children are beautiful, too, Alicia,” Meredith replied, not looking at her daughter, “but Elena here…she’s something special.”

  “Whatever,” Alicia rolled her eyes, “so Simone, you gon’ call your baby daddy and tell him the good news?”

  “I prefer not to discuss that now,” Simone softly replied, “it’s my daughter’s birthday and I want to focus on that.”

  “I don’t care if President Obama got elected for a third term,” Alicia replied, “it doesn’t change the fact you’re a single mama with no baby daddy in sight.”

  “Alicia, change your tone or leave the room,” Meredith ordered.

  Alicia got up. “It’s musty in this room, anyway. I’m going to the cafeteria.” She left.

  Meredith shook her head and sat down. “You give your children everything they want and they still find a way to be jackasses.” She softly swayed. “Despite the rudeness of your sister, she did bring up a good point. Are you going to get in contact with your child’s father?”

  “I don’t know,” Simone honestly answered, “I haven’t thought about it yet.”

  “He has a right to know,” Meredith pressed, “even if he doesn’t want to be a part of her life, he needs to be held accountable.”

  “I’ll deal with him when it’s appropriate,” Simone replied and Meredith dropped the issue. “I want to focus on Elena now.”

  “Okay,” Meredith cooed at her newest grandchild. “Elena Harris. Her name reminds me of someone.”

  “Oh? Who?”

  “Your high school boyfriend. What was his name?”

  Simone played dumb. “Seth?”

  “Girl, you know her name doesn’t sound like Seth. That other guy – that one with the poor mother and all those brothers.”

  Leave it to her mother to remind her about her ex when she tried to push him out of her mind. “Eli,” Simone replied.

  “Yep!” Meredith nodded. “That’s who her name reminds me of. I wonder whatever became of him? Did you meet up with him when you were in New York?”

  “Um, no,” she lied. She couldn’t bear to tell her mother the truth. “I heard he was doing well, though.”

  “Well, good for them.” Meredith grinned. “Good for them.”


  His wife was a trooper.

  As Faith rested comfortably in her bed, Eli couldn’t stop staring at his son. They played Gershwin during Junior’s birth and Faith cracked jokes. Eli must’ve taken no shortage of a hundred photos.

  With dark hair and fair skin, he looked more like a computerized creation than real-life breathing newborn. He was gorgeous and Eli could tell despite the name, Junior looked more like Faith.

  The road to conception was easier this time around and they didn’t have to suffer the pain of multiple losses. Eli Jr. was truly a miracle child and a blessing from the storm in their marriage. Eli would be forever grateful and thankful to his wife for giving him something no other woman could – his children.

  It felt like it was blessing after blessing. His marriage was strong, a reality show was in the works, and now his wife gave him another son. Life was wonderful and things were perfect.

  Eli shook his head. That means some shit is about to go down.

  Everyone referred to him as the Golden Child because God seemingly blessed him in every aspect in his life. But Eli knew his luck. He was either lucky as hell or had the worst luck in the world. It was never so-so or halfway.

  For everything wonderful happening now, it meant something big was around the corner. He just wished whatever it was; the blow wouldn’t affect his family.

  He received a phone call from an unknown number and let it go to voicemail. Whoever it was, they could just wait in the morning to hear from him. Tonight, it was about Eli and his family.


  Simone hung up the phone after she heard the end of Eli’s voicemail. What was she going to say? Hey, I just had your baby; you should come visit! The thought sounded stupid and humiliating. Eli didn’t care about her or he would’ve called her sometime within the past several months. He probably didn’t notice she moved out of New York and even if he did, he certainly didn’t have her new phone number.

  Now she was stuck alone in a hospital room with a newborn that had a ghost father. At some point, she needed to come to terms what was going on, if not for her, at least for the sake of Elena. Elena deserved to know who her father was and have the opportunity to form some type of relationship with him, even if Eli despised Simone.

  Simone turned to her side and let the tears fall onto the pillow. She needed to make amends with Eli sooner than later. She just needed to figure out how.


  Eli and Joey watched in awed silence as they witnessed the camera crew set up shop in Madre’s. The lighting had to be just perfect. The microphones had to be adjusted but not too loud. Everything had to look natural under all circumstances. It seemed it was no less than 15 people in and out of Madre’s, causing some of the clients to wonder aloud what was going on.

  Eli was never a fan of reality shows and had ac
cidentally watched a couple of episodes of Love and Hip-Hop with Faith to know they weren’t shit. Still, he never thought he would be a part of the reality show circus himself. He had to admit it was inevitable. With the popularity of Madre’s and his designs, Eli was surprised they weren’t approached sooner.

  It still didn’t stop the feeling of horrible mistake creeping inside him. It was an unshakable feeling that sometimes woke him up at night, covered in sweat. He made extra sure to spend more time with his brothers in case the bad feeling somehow translated to them. “What in the hell is all of this?”

  “This is us, baby!” Joey cheered. He was grinning from ear-to-ear and licked his lips in appreciation. “Yeah!”

  “Dude, you think this is a good idea?” Eli asked. “I have a funny feeling about this, bro.”

  “Oh, come on!” Joey pulled Eli to a corner. “You’re backing out on this now? Bro, just do one season and if it’s a fail, we’ll end it. No problem.”

  “Nah, it’s that,” Eli watched the camera crew from the corner of his eye, “I don’t want anything to change the dynamic between our family, man. We grew up with just one TV in the house. Now we’re about to be in millions of homes.”

  “What is this about, bro?” Joey asked. “If it’s about your competition, don’t worry about them.”

  “When in the hell have I ever worried about my competition? Everyone can study and copy me all they want, but if they don’t have that magic, they don’t have it.” Eli stated.

  “So what is it?” Joey asked.

  “I don’t know, man,” Eli admitted, “I wish I knew what it was. I just have a bad feeling that something big is about to happen. Like big as in not good. I don’t know what it is, though.”

  “Well, it may be a feeling or it may be legit.” Joey took his brother serious. “But we can’t stop living based on just a feeling. If something happens, we’ll double-down and come back stronger. We’re D’Amatos, bro! Nothing can defeat us!” He slapped his brother’s back before he went to meet with the camera crew.

  Eli stood in the corner and watched Joey network with everyone as he tried to shake the feeling. Was the reality show a mistake? He would soon find out. For now, it was time to concentrate on more designs.


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