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Wives, Fiancées, and Side-Chicks of Hotlanta

Page 22

by Shereé Whitfield

  “But you don’t have anything to hide, do you, Terrance?” Casey shot Terrance a knowing look.

  Sasha turned to see what Terrance’s reaction would be. Terrance simply picked up his glass and began drinking. It was almost as if he was giving himself a reason not to be able to talk.

  Now all of a sudden Truth or Dare didn’t sound so bad to Sasha. She and Terrance had talked about everything under the sun, so she couldn’t imagine what he could have possibly left out that could play a part in the demise of their relationship. But if there was anything, Sasha wanted to find out. So if acting like she was some teenager back in high school was the way to do it, then so be it.

  “You’re right,” Sasha said to Eric before Terrance could talk them out of the game. “I don’t want to be the Debbie Downer, the party pooper. Y’all want to play Truth or Dare? Let’s play.” Sasha took another sip of her drink and then slammed the glass down like she was ready to go. A few drops splattered out and, surprisingly, it didn’t break . . . the glass or the table.

  “Awww, snaps,” Casey said, “Miss Serious is going to come outside with the rest of the neighborhood kids and play. That’s what I’m talking about.” Casey stood and made her way to the bar. “And everybody knows that a game of Truth or Dare calls for tequila.”

  “I’ll help you, hun,” Eric said as he eagerly stood up and joined Casey at the bar.

  “Tequila?” Sasha shot under her breath. Sure, she drank more since moving to Atlanta than she ever had. And sure she’d tried a few drinks outside of her usual wine. Norman had even talked her into a zombie. But tequila!

  Eric gathered shot glasses for the couples while Casey grabbed a bottle of tequila. The two raced back over ready to play like two kids who had been denied recess their entire lives up until now.

  “It’s time to separate the boys from the men and the girls from the women,” Eric said as he placed a shot glass in front of everyone.

  “You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into with these two, do you?” Terrance asked Sasha, shaking his head.

  “No, but I’m starting to wish I’d just kept my mouth shut,” Sasha said, looking at Casey and Eric’s eagerness. “Y’all two look like lions about to devour their prey. I’m scared.” Sasha poked out her lips. “Can I renege?”

  “No, no, my sistah,” Eric said. “Part of separating yourself from the girls is being a woman of your word. So here are the rules.” He leaned back while Casey began to fill the shot glasses. “You either do the dare or you drink. You either tell the truth or you drink. Now if we were at home in Atlanta, getting drunk and spending the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours puking and crapping in the toilet might not be so bad. But we’re in fucking Paris. Do you really want to spend your time in this beautiful city sick in your hotel room, especially when it’s not the penthouse suite?”

  Sasha looked to Terrance. The expression on her face screamed, “Save me!”

  “Oh, no, Miss I Want to Play Truth or Dare,” Terrance said. “Here goes.”

  “Don’t be skeered,” Eric said to Sasha and winked. “We’ll let you go last just so you can see how it’s done.” He looked to his wife. “Honey, you go first. Truth or Dare?”

  “Ummm . . .” Casey thought for a minute. “I don’t have enough liquor in me yet for a dare. So let’s go with truth.”

  “Terrance, you’re a guest in our temporary casa,” Eric said. “You have the pleasure.”

  Terrance thought for a minute, then looked to Casey. “Casey, truth. Is it true you joined the Hawks cheerleading team just so you could get with my boy here?” He nodded to Eric.

  Casey sucked her teeth. “Do you realize you ask me that every time we play? What? You trying to catch me in a lie or something? You’ve asked me sober and you’ve asked me drunk and my answer is always the same.”

  “And that answer is . . .” Terrance said, teasingly cupping his hand around his ear.

  “Hell no!” Casey said. “The truth is Eric joined the Hawks just so he could get at me.”

  “That’s right! You tell ’em, girl,” Sasha said, giving Casey a high-five.

  It had gone right over Sasha’s head that Casey mentioned Terrance asked her the same question every time they played the game. That meant this was far from Terrance’s first time at the rodeo. Was it possible he was more like his best friend than Sasha knew?

  The two women laughed but Sasha was beginning to feel uneasy.

  “Oh, so I see how this is going to go down,” Terrance said. “Y’all two ladies gon’ try to stick together and tag-team us men.”

  “Well, you know a brotha like myself don’t mind a little tag-team.” Eric laughed. He went to give Terrance a high-five, but Terrance didn’t return the gesture. He just shook his head while letting out a snort.

  “What? Oh, you gon’ leave me hanging?” He put his hand down. “Don’t act like we ain’t tag-teamed before, you know what I’m saying?” Eric laughed and Casey let out a nervous chuckle.

  Terrance’s eyes pleaded with Eric to chill out. His lips were a little bit too loose right now.

  Casey interceded. “Come on, babe, let’s just play the game,” Casey said, looking at Sasha with a smile that begged for Sasha to return one of her own.

  Sasha cracked a little smile, but there was something about Eric’s comment that didn’t sit well with Sasha. Still, she decided to—for now—chalk Eric’s rude sense of humor up to the fact that he’d already been doing a little drinking before she and Terrance had even arrived. But there was always that saying that when a person was drunk, they spoke the truth. But even if Terrance and Eric had participated in a tag team, more than likely a sexual tag team, she didn’t know if she was ready for that kind of truth . . . liquored up or not.

  Sasha immediately looked to a jittery Casey. Another thought entered her mind just as she’d swept the last ones under the rug. Her heart nearly stopped beating just thinking there was a chance Eric and Terrance had both . . .

  No, her mind wouldn’t allow her to think it. No way would Casey be all up in her face being her friend knowing she’d slept with her . . .

  Again, Sasha couldn’t complete her thoughts. She hadn’t even taken a shot of tequila yet and already her mind was fuzzy.

  “My turn!” Casey said. “Terrance, truth or dare?”

  “Umm, what the hell? Dare,” Terrance said.

  “Oh, yeah.” Casey rubbed her hands together like she was about to eat a meal. “Terrance, I dare you to kiss Sasha on the lips.”

  Sasha would have to thank Casey later for going easy on her.

  “My pleasure,” Terrance said as he leaned over and kissed Sasha on her mouth.

  “Wait, you didn’t let me finish,” Casey said. “I meant for you to kiss her on her other lips.” Casey raised her eyebrows up and down.

  “Are you serious?” Sasha said. Now she no longer wanted to thank Casey, she wanted to throw her drink at her.

  “I’m dead serious,” Casey said. “What? You didn’t think I was going to take it easy on you just because it’s your first time, did you?” Casey asked.

  Oh, the test was beginning indeed, but would Sasha pass, or refuse to take it altogether?

  “Well,” Sasha said, “actually, I did.”

  “Well, you thought like Nellie.” Casey laughed.

  Eric joined her in laughing but then stopped. “You know, I’ve always wondered just what it was that Nellie thought.”

  “She thought she had to shit but she only farted.” Casey burst out laughing and Eric joined in with her.

  “Well, it’s Terrance’s dare,” Sasha said, not finding a thing funny. At least not that damn funny. “Nothing happens to me if I don’t let him do the dare on me, does it?”

  Terrance snapped his neck to look at Sasha. “You’d really throw me under the bus like that? You’d let me take the fall for your non-cooperation?”

  “That doesn’t sound like a ride-or-die chick,” Eric interjected. “Sounds like a bye-bye chick.” He
waved his hand and started laughing at Terrance like he was clowning on him. “Me, I got a ride-or-die.”

  “You know it, baby,” Casey said. “And I’ll drink to that and it ain’t even my turn.” Casey threw her shot of tequila down her throat like a champ, then poured another one, ready to play; ready to win.

  Sasha refused to be one-upped by Casey. Eric was sitting over there looking all smug as if to say to Terrance, “My girl is better than yours.” Well, Sasha was not about to let that happen.

  “So do you two have to watch as proof?” Sasha said, puffing out her chest like it wasn’t nothing but a thing.

  “Babe, you don’t have to—” Terrance started before Sasha cut him off.

  “But I want to,” Sasha said with a raised eyebrow to Eric, letting him know she was about to shut his ass up. Sasha finished off the glass of wine she’d been drinking. If she had her way, that tequila was going to sit in that shot glass all night. She was bound and determined to win this game, as stupid as she thought it was.

  All eyes were on Sasha as she turned her body toward Terrance. She was wearing some soft pink skinny jeans that were made out of material that allowed her to be somewhat mobile. She kicked her shoes off and then placed one leg up on the couch.

  “Word?” Terrance asked, just to confirm that Sasha really was down.

  Sasha bit her bottom lip. “You heard the girl. Kiss it.”

  Terrance rolled his tongue on the inside of his mouth and then stared into Sasha’s eyes. The two had a silent conversation as Terrance leaned his face in between her legs slowly.

  Eric and Casey looked with great anticipation.

  Terrance rubbed his hands on the inside of Sasha’s thighs, spreading them just a tad more, before he planted his lips right between her legs and made a huge kissing sound.

  “Aww, man!” Eric said, throwing his hands up with disappointment. “You cheated.”

  This time it was Sasha and Terrance laughing as they high-fived each other.

  “He kissed it,” Sasha said. “You didn’t say it had to be bare.” She pointed to Casey. “Gotcha. Looks like I’m going to beat you at your own game, literally.”

  “Yeah, by cheating,” Casey said.

  “I didn’t cheat,” Sasha was quick to say.

  “Man, since when did you get all soft and reserved?” Eric said to Terrance.

  “What?” Terrance said feigning ignorance.

  “What?” Eric mocked. He looked to Casey. “Come on, babe. Let’s show them how it’s done.”

  Casey stared at her husband for a moment and then bit her bottom lip. “Sure, babe, anything for you.”

  Casey might not have told Sasha some of the hoops a basketball wife had to jump through or some of the games she had to play as a basketball wife, but she was about to show her. Casey pulled up the little sequined miniskirt she was wearing so that it settled at her waist.

  Eric got on the ground in front of Casey as she spread her legs wide for him. Eric looked over his shoulder at Sasha and Terrance, licked his lips, and then dove in to lick Casey’s lips, her bottom set.

  Casey immediately threw her head back as she massaged the back of Eric’s head.

  “Okay, okay, we get it,” Sasha said. “Y’all can stop now.”

  The couple paid Sasha no attention as Casey began moaning.

  “Come on, you two, it’s like eating pizza in front of someone who is hungry.” Terrance laughed.

  Sasha turned to face him. “Oh, you’re hungry?” she asked, trying to hide her attitude, but just enough of it creeped out and revealed itself to Terrance.

  “Uh, no, well, uh.” He stammered as if not wanting to make Sasha feel bad for taking the punk route out.

  It’s not like he hadn’t played the game with the couple before. But he would have to play by different rules with Sasha. Sasha was different. Sasha was one of those women who had to be shaped and molded into something they never saw themselves being. All it took was just the right man to do it. It took a man with skills both on and off the court. Sasha had to be lured out of her comfort zone. If not, perhaps Sasha and Terrance’s relationship up to this point would be in vain.

  Underneath that goal oriented, go-getter, good girl image Sasha portrayed, was there a bad girl dying to come out and play? After all, on the first night she and Terrance had met, another side of Sasha had definitely come out to play. Sasha’s actions had spoken for themselves.

  Sasha took a deep breath. She was no fool. There was no way Terrance had been friends with Eric this long and not have some of his same traits. Clearly if Eric was comfortable enough to eat his wife out in front of Terrance, the two had shared some crazy experiences. That was in the past, though, and Sasha would not hold it against Terrance. But what did matter to her was the present. If Terrance was going to engage in some old freaky shit, then it would be with her. She recalled how adamant Paris had been about another chick being quick to move in on her man and try to take her place.

  Sasha looked to the couple who, as far as they were concerned, were the only ones in the room. Clearly Casey knew how to keep her man. She then looked to Terrance, who was practically drooling over the act before him the same way Sasha had been drooling over the penthouse. If her man was that hungry, then damn it, she was going to feed him before any other woman had the chance to.

  Sasha unsnapped her jeans. Just the sound alone of her pants unsnapping got Terrance excited. She closed her eyes as her heart began to beat faster. She then looked to the table at her glass of tequila. Although she’d planned on never drinking it, it was probably the only thing that was going to allow her to go through with this. She’d thrown caution in the wind the first night she’d met Terrance and allowed him to go down on her, but this was different. Witnesses were now involved.

  “Oh, God, Eric, yes, baby, yes!”

  Casey’s cries shook Sasha from her thoughts. And it also reminded her that the last thing on the couple’s mind was what Terrance and Sasha were over there doing, so without further delay, Sasha picked up that glass of hard liquor and threw it down her throat. She squinted her eyes tightly until the burning sensation went away.

  When she opened her eyes she couldn’t help but notice that Terrance’s anticipation had put a bulge in his pants. As the alcohol quickly kicked in, in no time at all Sasha found herself in the same position Casey was in. Her head was thrown back on the couch as she called out Terrance’s name, who was between her legs, diligently going to town on her clit.

  Sasha was so into her experience with Terrance that she didn’t even notice that Eric’s full attention was on the couple while Casey used her hand to stroke him into pleasure. By the time the night was over, both couples, in the same room, had managed to please their mate in more ways than one. When all was said and done, they’d all had their share of shots of tequila by the time Terrance and Sasha made their way to the door to head back to their suite.

  “I must say this night turned out to be much more exciting than I ever imagined it could be,” Eric said as he stood at the door holding it open for Sasha and Terrance to exit.

  “All right then, my man,” Terrance said, giving Eric some dap. “We’ll see you guys in the morning for breakfast.”

  “Bye, Sash,” Casey said mischievously, waving as Sasha exited their suite.

  Sasha looked back over her shoulder, barely able to make eye contact with Casey.

  “Oh, don’t worry,” Casey said to her. “You didn’t do anything I didn’t do, so don’t look so embarrassed.”

  Casey had a point, so Sasha smiled, looked Casey dead in the eyes, and nodded. As she and Terrance headed back to their room and before Eric closed the door Casey called out one last thing that gave Sasha some comfort that all of Atlanta might not find out she was an undercover freak.

  “Besides,” Casey said, “what goes on in Europe stays in Europe.”

  The door closed, but a can of worms had already been opened.

  Chapter 18

  “I can’t believ
e they fired me. I . . . I’ve never been fired from a job in my life. Especially not no temp job.” Sasha bit into the pretzel bite she was eating as she and Casey walked the mall.

  After Sasha had informed Casey of her termination from the law firm, Casey suggested a little retail therapy. Sasha concurred.

  “Well, it was just that . . . temporary. So don’t sweat it,” Casey said.

  “Easy for you to say. You still have your job.”

  “Ehhh, true,” Casey said, grabbing the remaining pretzel bite out of Sasha’s hand and popping it into her mouth.

  Sasha rolled her eyes at her, not because she’d eaten her food, but because she still had a job to call her own. “Speaking of which.” Sasha stopped walking. “Why the hell do you work anyway?”

  Casey stopped next to Sasha and shot her a surprised look. “What’s with all the cussing, potty mouth?”

  Sasha wasn’t one to just cuss to be cussing in conversation. She frowned at the revelation. “I know. It’s just that, damn it, life in Atlanta is not turning out like I planned it.”

  “Okay, and what’s so bad about that? Think about it. You live in a big ole house with a man who spoils you rotten.” She let out a harrumph before she started walking again. “If you ask me, sounds like things are turning out better than you’d planned.”

  Sasha started walking next to Casey as she took in her friend’s words.

  “It wasn’t your dream job anyway,” Casey continued, “and it’s not like you’re strapped for cash. I mean you don’t have rent to pay. Your Honda is paid for. You’ve got clothes on your back, you’re in the mall right now buying new ones.” Casey looked down at her own three shopping bags compared to the zero shopping bags Sasha was carrying. “Well, you’re supposed to be buying new clothes anyway. But even still, hell, you know how to make your own clothes if push comes to shove. So come on. You needed that job again for what?”

  Sasha thought for a minute. The scenario she was currently living wasn’t bad at all. It just wasn’t the one she’d outlined. Even though Terrance was taking good care of Sasha, her job had given her a sense of security. It allowed her to have her own money in her pocket. It didn’t make her feel so kept. “I guess you’re right to some degree,” Sasha said.


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