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by Palmer, Linda

  "I don't think you understand your position."

  "I'm positive you don't understand yours. Wonder what Dad would say if I told him how you really feel about him."

  Melita laughed. "You'll never learn, will you? When it comes down to a choice between you and me, Sam Sterling will always pick me."

  "You can leave now."

  "You'll regret this."

  "Is that a threat?"

  "Let's just say where you're concerned, I've always been a very dangerous woman."

  The door began to open. I scuttled out of sight, so didn't hear Zeke's retort. But a peek around the corner gave me a pretty good idea how pissed he was, so it probably wasn't anything very nice. Melita swept past him and walked to the front door without saying a word to my parents, who gaped after her. Obviously fuming, Zeke stood in the hall with his fists clenched. I could actually see his pulse pounding in his neck as I drew closer. I put my palm on his chest. "Deep breaths."

  Zeke dutifully inhaled and exhaled for me. "You heard?"

  "Oh yeah. What a witch."

  "I was thinking of another word."

  Chapter Ten

  That night, I dreamed about the gray wolf again. Was it my gray werewolf? Free and loping through the woods, he was part of the night. I woke around one a.m. with my heart thumping in my chest. Without hesitation, I leapt from my bed and ran down the dark hall, only to crash into Zeke midway.


  "Damn!" He steadied me. "You okay?"

  "Yes." I put a hand to my hammering heart.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I dreamed about the wolf."

  Zeke tightened his grip on my biceps. "What was I doing?"

  "Running," I told him, pleased by his reaction. He clearly thought my dreams meant something, too.

  "From? To?"

  "I wish I knew. All I can say is that he was free. Why are you up?"

  "I'm crazy restless. Can't sleep."

  I took his hand. "Come with me."Hand-in-hand, we walked down the stairs to the kitchen. I pointed to one of the chairs. He sat. I opened the freezer door of the fridge and pulled out two containers of ice cream. "We have chocolate and strawberry."


  Since that sounded interesting, I filled two bowls as ordered and joined Zeke. "What's it like to be a werewolf? Awful?"

  "Not at all…when I was in control, anyway. In fact, it was freakin' sweet."

  "Then why'd you go to the witch?"

  "To get the Corteggio off my back."

  "Maybe it's time to tell me about them."

  "Maybe it is." He ate in thoughtful silence for a minute and then laid down his spoon. "I think I told you that the Corteggio is the governing body of the preter world."

  I nodded.

  "They oversee everything with the ultimate goal of keeping our existence secret. Personally, I think they're outdated in their thinking--real dinosaurs. But they're in charge, and so far, nothing has challenged them. Since the beginning of time, a single family has hunted and killed Weres, which are, were, are considered an extremely dangerous abomination in the preter world. These guys, who called themselves Palantines, supposedly executed thousands of Weres through the years, actions justified by their own malicious bullshit, fed to the Corteggio on a daily basis. But what they were really doing was enslaving the Weres to do their dirty work. Since that had been going on for centuries, the family was pretty much a preter Mafia, with Titus Leopold as the current godfather. Andee Rivera, the witch who cured me, and her boyfriend Jonah Killebrew somehow managed to out him. There was a Were revolt; Titus died. Andee's been curing us ever since."

  "Can any witch cure Weres, or just her?"

  "Just her. She's some kind of master healer or something, and her powers have really rocked the preter world."

  "Is she pretty?"


  "This Andee woman."

  "First off, she's young, so I don't really think of her as a 'woman' per se. She's more of a girl. And yeah, she's pretty. She's also very much in love with a very strong ex-Were, so don't even go there."

  I stared at my ice cream. "Just curious. Why are you worried about the Corteggio if you're cured?"

  "Those centuries of bullshit I mentioned? They've resulted in a lot of prejudice and suspicion. A guy I've met who didn't take the cure, Rhyan Knox, told me they have a list of everyone who was ever a Were, and they secretly check up on them to make sure they haven't returned to their old ways."

  "Why didn't he take the cure?"

  "He's part Native American, Quantauk tribe. Ever heard of it?"

  "Sure. They revere wolves and even have some highly secret ceremonies involving them…or so I've read. No Quantauk ever talks about or confirms it to outsiders, of course."

  He seemed impressed that I knew so much about such a small tribe. "Your research was really thorough, wasn't it? And naturally they'd pop up. I'd never heard of Quantauks, myself, before Rhyan. Anyway, Andee's magic altered him a little, but didn't cure him. So he had to sign some kind of Corteggio contract to get them off his back. They were that nervous about him staying a Were."

  "If it takes a whole organization to control the preternatural world, then there really must be a lot of other things out there. Tell me everything you know. Are vampires real? Zombies? Fairies? Ghosts?"

  "You have too many weird dreams as it is, and it doesn't matter anyway. I'll protect you."

  "That's not very reassuring."

  "Why? You don't think I can do it?"

  "Well, it's not like you're a Were anymore. You're just a guy with a lot of muscles and a sensitive nose."

  Quick as a flash, Zeke jumped up from his chair. He grabbed my upper arms and without so much as a grunt of effort lifted me straight up until I was pinned to the wall so high that I had to bend my neck against the ceiling. He wasn't even breathing hard.

  "I'm stronger than I look." He lowered me to my feet. Our bodies brushed in the process, something that seemed to disconcert him. Turning on his heel, he left me with a curt, "We should go to bed now."

  Yours or mine, Wolfman?

  We climbed the stairs together. I paused at my door. "Do you think today's session with Mom has anything to do with how you're feeling now? She made you remember some tough stuff. This could be aftermath, and if it is, it's a good thing."

  "Doesn't feel so good."

  "I know. Listen, Zeke. You're not wolf-crazy. You're not any kind of crazy."

  "Then what, exactly, am I?"

  "Perfect." The second that word fell off my tongue, I regretted it. But maybe the time had come… I'd loved him so long.

  Zeke actually laughed. "Skylar, I am so far from perfect--"

  I stopped him, hesitated, and then went for it. "For me. You're perfect for me. In fact, you're better than perfect. You're everything I've ever wanted."

  The deathly silence following my impulsive confession made me wish I'd kept my mouth shut, after all. Zeke had never looked more shocked. Why, after all these years of silence, had I told him now? And I'd thought my brother was an idiot. This was bad. This was so bad. Mortified, I ducked inside my room…or tried to.

  Zeke grabbed me before I got away. "You lied to me."

  I sagged. "I know."

  "You. Lied. To. Me." His fingers squeezed my arm.

  I gently freed myself so I wouldn't bruise. "I had no choice."

  "I can't believe you'd do that."

  "If I hadn't, you'd have moved into a motel in Cheyenne. That's two hours from Ridge Rock, and I'd just gotten you back."

  Our gazes clashed in the dark. "This changes things."

  I panicked. "Doesn't have to. I've loved you forever, and you never guessed. If we pretend tonight didn't happen, things can be just like before."

  "What if I can't do that?"

  Oh no. Sick at heart, I walked into my room and sat on the bed. "You can. I know you can. And I can, too. We'll be like brother and sister or fourth cousins or long-distance friends."

if I won't do that?"

  "Please don't leave me again, Zeke. I might not survive this time." Tears sprang to my eyes. I choked back a sob.

  Without warning, Zeke pulled me up and into his arms. A hand on the nape of my neck held my head still until his lips covered mine in a crushing kiss far better than my wildest dreams even if it wasn't quite on target. We readjusted our mouths slightly. I instinctively touched my tongue to his upper lip. A wetter kiss resulted, and it just got better from there. Kiss after kiss after kiss with our lips smashed together and our tongues in a tangle. I forgot where we were. Heck, I forgot how to breathe, which was why I finally had to come up for air. Gasping, I pushed on his chest. He sat on my bed and flopped onto his back.

  "You--" pant, pant "--kissed me." I could not believe it.

  "Yeah." He sounded as surprised as me.

  "Why would you do that?"

  "Why do you think?"

  "Because I just threw myself at you? I mean, you are a guy. And Dax warned me about--"

  "No!" Zeke sat up and, reaching out, pulled me onto his lap. "What just happened here has nothing to do with Dax or his wack theories. It's about me finally coming to my senses and seeing what I should've seen years ago. Remember what Dad said about me running straight to you?"

  How could I forget it? "Yes."

  "He was right."

  "But you asked for Dax that first night."

  "Yeah, but here's the thing, Skylar. The moment you opened the door Friday, I knew I'd come home. What I didn't know is why, since Dax had already made it clear he was done with the friendship. Then when Melita kicked me out Saturday, you were the first person I thought of."

  "It's not like there was anyone else to rescue you."

  "I could've called Dad. Should've even. You said it yourself. Instead, I called you."

  "And I came running."

  "Yes. You're the one person I can count on, and now I know why." Zeke rolled to his right, depositing me on the bed. He stretched out beside me.

  "So that kiss was a thank you?" I realized the house had gone suddenly quiet, as if it, too, desperately needed to hear his answer.


  "An apology?"


  "A test to find out just how far a love-sick girl will go?"

  "Hell no."

  "Then what?"

  "My heart talking to yours."

  I didn't move a muscle for fear I'd wake myself from this wonderful dream in which a guy would actually mention two hearts talking. "Are you saying you love me, Zeke?"

  "I think I am."

  "You love me." The miracle to end all miracles.

  "Yeah, and you love me. Wow."

  I rolled onto him, my knee landing between his legs. "Forget cameras--" Kiss. "Zeus's bolts--" Kiss. Kiss. "And bug zappers--" Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. "I think I just figured out where lightning really comes from."

  "And I think you're right," he said, kissing me yet again.

  Chapter Eleven

  When I woke Wednesday morning, Zeke was not in my bed or even in my room. I had no idea when he'd left since we'd talked forever before I dropped off. Hoping he hadn't caught me drooling in my sleep, I got up and began my day. A quick glance out the window revealed the sun, momentarily peeking out of dark gray clouds. I didn't mind. I loved dark rainy days. As for dark nights, I'd never think of them the same way again.

  A peek down the hall showed me Zeke's closed door. Hoping he was sleeping in, I slipped into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I also ran a brush through my hair, which I put in a ponytail. After dressing in my room, I went downstairs. I was in the mood for pancakes. I caught Mom just as she was leaving.

  "Did you eat in the food court when you and Zeke went shopping?" she asked.

  What a question. "No."

  "Good. Several people ended up in the ER. They've traced it back to the mall. I'd rather you didn't eat there anymore."

  So Zeke had been right. Impressive. "Okay."

  With a nod and a wave, she grabbed her purse and went out the door. Watching through the window, I saw that Dad's car wasn't in the garage, which meant he'd already left for Walker Academy or parts unknown. Though school only took up nine of twelve months, my dad the Ph.D. somehow stayed busy all year. I blamed that on his real obsession, mythological studies, and his willingness to be a guest lecturer.

  I went to work gathering what I'd need for breakfast: pancake mix, butter, syrup, the griddle. Halfway through mixing up the batter, I felt a presence and turned to see Zeke standing in the doorway. His gaze swept me from top to toe, taking in my spaghetti strap tanks and short shorts. I loved the way his eyes lit up and felt my cheeks getting warm. "Are you going to stand there all day? Or are you going to earn your keep?" I held up the ladle.

  He got to me in two steps. "Parents?"


  Zeke hefted me into his arms. I dropped the ladle so I could give him a monkey hug. One great kiss became four amazing ones. I wound up sitting on the edge of the kitchen table with my guy--my guy!--standing as close to me as he could. He pulled the ponytail holder from my hair, which let it tumble down my back, and then held my face so he could look at me.

  "My, what big eyes you have," I said with a breathless laugh.

  He knew what came next. "The better to see you with, gorgeous."

  Good answer. "My, what amazing lips you have."

  "The better to kiss you with."

  "Prove it."

  He did. I ran my hands over his chest, shoulders, and down his arms before lacing my fingers with his.

  "Mmm. My, what strong muscles you have."

  "The better to protect you with, though I hope it never comes to that."

  "Do you think it will?"

  "No, but Skylar…? You have to know that loving you makes me vulnerable and could potentially mean trouble. I mean, that's how The Arm got to me before--threatening someone I cared about, and if I did the smart thing now, I'd leave."

  "Never do the smart thing." I rested my face on his heart for a sec and then pushed him away so I could jump off the table and retrieve the ladle. I knew he watched me anxiously. "I'm not afraid."


  "Really." I turned around. "And this time I'm not lying to you."

  We spent the next fifteen minutes spooning batter onto the griddle, each trying to outdo the other. I made a heart-shaped pancake; he created a star. Determined to best him, I tried to drip the batter in the shape of a bunny. He rose to the challenge, carefully dribbling it on the hot surface in the shape of a wolf.

  "Damn, you're good. And speaking of…" I told him about the food poisoning.

  "See? The nose knows."

  We ate our breakfast, both of us grinning like goofs.


  When I took my phone off charge about an hour later, I realized that I had a voicemail. It was for Zeke. Someone at the dry cleaners wanted him to come in for an interview that afternoon, so I drove him there. Anytime Cleaners, located in a converted two-story house, promised customers quick turnarounds and expanded hours, which meant the doors opened early and closed late.

  After dropping Zeke off at the front entrance, I parked on one end of the circular drive. It looked rainy, but I took a chance and sat on a glider under a shade tree in the yard. I eyed the upstairs windows of the building, noting the lacy curtains hanging in them. Whether someone lived up there or they were simply for decoration, I didn't know.

  I thought about last night and how good it felt to be in Zeke's arms for a while. Having dreamed about that moment forever, I knew I'd never forget it. I tried to imagine where we'd go from there. Should we keep our love secret from my parents? I didn't want to. We'd have to be so careful around each other and it seemed dishonest even though they already knew how I felt about Zeke. So while my adoring him would be okay, any adoring of me might not. How would they feel about two teens in love sleeping just down the hall from each other? Not so thrilled, I thought. What a wonderful, exhilarating, mira
culous mess to be in, right? I swear I felt tingly all over.

  Catching sight of movement from the corner of my eye, I turned just in time to see a blur of color vanish behind the house. My tingles intensified. Was this my Skyntuition? That actually made more sense than a shivery true-love reaction. I guessed I should probably tell Zeke about the tingles. He had to be prepared just in case. I glanced back at the dry cleaners just as my boyfriend exited the door. We got to the car at the same time.


  "They'll let me know in a couple of days."

  "Awesome. Good luck, Zeke."

  He grinned. "Thanks. May I buy you some ice cream?"

  "Sure." I drove us to a corner drugstore that had an old-time soda fountain in it, waiting until we'd ordered and were seated in a bright red booth before I brought up the subject of my tingles. "Did you smell anything weird at the cleaners?"

  "Well, yeah. All those chemicals."

  "I meant outside."

  Zeke went very still. "Why?" I started to answer, but the guy with the ice cream waved just then. Zeke got our treats and brought them to the table. "Why, Skylar?"


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