Book Read Free

A Winter Moon

Page 12

by S. J. Smith

  “No kidding. We will spread the word. We were on the little floating dock here at the resort. We almost had three kids go over the side. Keep your eye out for them will you?” the voice asked. She looked back at the resort and could make out a guy on the dock. She waved.

  “Roger that. Thanks for checking in, glad you are all safe,” she said and they signed off. Eve glanced down aft and saw Katy standing by the anchor’s direct control looking as furious as Eve was.

  “You ok sister?” she nodded.

  “Yeah, you?” Katy responded.

  “Yeah, I’ll get us settled again,” Eve told her.

  “Ok, I’ll check on the passengers,” she said heading down below.

  Eve was able to tighten the anchor back to where it should be and powered down the engines. By the time she was done the water was back to normal, the usual slow comforting rise and fall with the right slack in the anchor.


  Eve finished her third beer with a sigh as the sun was setting. She was sitting between Brock and Sonny and they were dazzled by the sunset over the Gulf. She had seen Katy off on her date and explained what had happened to the two guys. They had been impressed with how fast she and Katy had reacted. Eve had to admit to herself privately that she was proud of their reaction time. It had saved her boat from getting banged up, at the very least.

  They watched the orange glow slowly fade, bit by bit as if the world was letting them experience the glory. Glorious it was too. She cracked another beer and smiled at the guys. They seemed to be enjoying themselves and so was she. She did not even mind that they both had managed to rev her up. Between the buzz from the beer and her physical desires she was humming along happily. Still not sure who she would pick, but pretty sure she would get to soon. She smiled at the soft Bob Marley song playing on the ship’s sound system.

  “It’s a good bet that I have never seen anything like that,” Sonny said about the sunset in a hushed voice, as if he did not want to interrupt the mood.

  “Yeah, I didn’t know it would be that amazing. I’m not usually taken with such things, but that was worth the trip all by itself,” Brock said in a soft tone. There was more to his tone though as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “Yes, although I think the sun has a rival in its beauty. You Eve are the most breathtaking woman I have ever seen. It has to be said,” Sonny purred with a tone in his voice that sent a pleasant tingle down her spine. He placed a hand on her thigh causing a more urgent heat deep within her. Both men!

  “Rival indeed. Perhaps, on further reflection, the sun may need to up its game. You are a strong and desirable woman Eve Sage. I hope you are not surprised that you have attracted the both of us.”

  Eve laughed nervously, not sure how to respond, but knowing she was somehow enjoying the attention, and the possibilities.

  “I am a struggling boat Captain. You guys must have your pick of any woman on the planet,” she said with a soft laugh. The tone in her voice surprised her with its desire.

  “Maybe, maybe not. Yet we both are choosing you. I hope this does not disturb you lovely Eve,” Brock said running his hand from her shoulder down her spine. The warmth of his touch was energizing as was Sonny stroking her thigh just below her cut off shorts.

  “Not disturbed, but confused,” she responded honestly.

  “I think we can help with that,” Sonny said and leaned in to kiss her neck from one side. Almost immediately afterward Brock’s lips touched her shoulder and his other hand went to her flat, bare belly. She tilted her neck back and she put one hand on each man’s thigh in return. She could not help herself. Her mind may have been confused, but her body was not. The feel of their strong muscles under her hands was like ambrosia to her and she relished in it as she stroked them and leaned into their kisses. Sonny brought one hand up and cupped her breast on his side and she gasped softly at the explosion of feeling it evoked in her.

  “Guess what guys?” she asked with a pure and quick decision.

  “What’s that sexy lady?” Brock asked in her ear before kissing her neck and running his hand between her legs.

  “I am not confused anymore!” she announced to them.

  She raised her arms and put them around both men’s neck. Hugging them closer to her needy body. She had been working and struggling for so long she had forgotten how good it was to be desired. In a few days’ time she had been graced with as much work as she desired, lessening that struggle. Now she had all the attention she could want sitting with her on her boat. Both men were willing and eagerly able, so she let herself go with it. She needed their caring touch too much to pass on either man. The only light on the deck was the floor running lights and that was just enough to see what you were doing without making them visible to anyone not right next to the boat. The silver of the moonlight added a romantic ambience that she had never experienced before.

  Brock took her hair tie out, letting the brown waves flow down her back and Sonny undid her bikini tie exposing her large breasts to his lips. He worked his way down with his hand until it slid under the waistband of her shorts. With a quick movement her shorts were unbuttoned. She arched her back, letting him work them off of her long legs. Brock, in the meantime had lowered his lips to her breasts and massaged her shoulders with a gentle, yet urgent touch that equaled her own sense of urgency. Then Brock urged her to swivel sideways so her back was up against his chest. He cupped both of her breasts from behind and kissed her neck as Sonny leaned over and began kissing her belly, going lower and closer to her place of deep desire. Fortunately, she thought amidst her dizzy passion, the couch was wide.

  Soon she was naked and lying on her back while both men were bending over her like she was their greatest desire. Brock was taking care of her upper body while Sonny’s hands and lips were exploring her depths. His tongue tauntingly tickled the entrance to her moist depths causing her to moan out in pleasure that exploded into her first orgasm in years as his fingers entered her opening of lust. She had two pair of lips and four hands exploring every inch of her and she moaned with a deeper enjoyment than she had ever thought possible. She dropped one arm over the edge of the couch between Brock’s legs and she discovered he was naked. She easily found his steadily growing member that expanded in her grip as she kissed his lips with a raging passion. Then she felt Sonny spread her legs as he knelt between them.

  Sonny lifted her hips and she helpfully arched her back, unconsciously letting go of Brock’s stiff member. Lifting her needy opening within reach of his throbbing shaft, she felt the tip of his passionate sword tempt her deep yearning a moment before he plunged in, touching her in a place that had rarely been touched, and never like this. She moved her hips with his hands under her rear holding her up to his desire, while her lips were pressed to Brock’s and her breasts were caressed with a loving touch.

  “Oh, Eve, ah…ah Eve yes! Yes! Oh yesss!” Sonny cried out as his release filled her with an almost complete feeling of full contentment. She was not done though. She wanted more and huskily invited Brock.

  “Oh Brock, your turn baby. I need you too!” she moaned, as her desire rose again at the very thought. She had been lacking in intimate human contact for so long she couldn’t get enough. Soon, Sonny was at her head and Brock had moved between her legs. She felt his hands tease and warm her up again while Sony kept kissing her breasts as ardently as Brock had kissed her lips. When Brock entered her she cried out as the friction lit up every surface of her body. His sword was bigger than Sonny’s, and the feeling as it reached her center was like rockets going off on the Fourth of July, except they were all going off in her body. She was on her fourth orgasm of the night when she felt Brock’s stiff member blast his desire, completing the feeling of togetherness and contentment. Gasping he lay across her and Sonny lay his head on her shoulder while sitting next to the couch. It was a physical and psychological togetherness she would never had dreamed possible.


  Eve and Katy were wa
lking back to the dock and Little Moments of Pleasure licking ice cream cones. They were going to meet the guys there before heading back to Eve’s Pleasure. Katy had finally stopped teasing her about her night with both gentlemen. She hadn’t had the heart to get too bent about her teasing. She had enjoyed her time with Brock and Sonny. The hours after they had made love had been as good. Laying in each other’s arms and watching the stars. Talking of sweet nothings. Eve’s only regret was that they had made it all about her. Next chance she got she would make it all about them.

  She was also happy with how they had treated her that morning. They, like her, believed in separating business from pleasure so they treated her with the same respect they had previously. The only difference was the looks they occasionally shot each other. She did not mind that at all. It felt a little strange, dating two guys, but not enough to deter her. She felt amazingly free and was enjoying it.

  “So you say you and your man went to the cove?” Eve asked her friend. Katy grinned.

  “Yep, no one else was there either. I did not get as much sleep as usual, but I will survive,” she answered, hinting at the pleasure she had enjoyed.

  “We both needed a good time. I am glad we got it. I have a feeling there is more on the way. Look, I think that is the floating dock that got hit by the Black Minnow’s wake,” she said, noticing the dock next to where they had tied up Little Moments. They walked over and a man was working on a little zodiac raft.

  “Hello,” Eve said. “I am Captain Sage with Eve’s Pleasure. Were you the man I talked to last night?” she asked. He straightened and wiped his hands on a rag, extending his hand. She shook with him.

  “Yep, that was me, name’s Ramon. Last night scared us for a minute, but all is well. I just saw what looked like that same boat out that way about a half hour ago. It seemed like it was coming in to settle near yours. Then it took off. This time with less gusto so Eve’s Pleasure should be fine. We do get strange ones down here. Too much ganja, maybe. Tourists go overboard with everything, ya know,” he said with a chuckle.

  Eve and Katy joined him, but his news made her eager to get back to her boat. There was something about Black Minnow she did not like, beyond the rudeness of the pilot. They made small talk and finished their ice creams before Brock and Sonny came back. She got everyone in the skiff and saying good bye to Ramon, headed home.

  They did not tell the guests about what Ramon had said, but Eve and Katy casually looked over Eve’s Pleasure. Everything seemed ok so they got ready for the night’s festivities. They were heading over to the other side of Key West to catch some fireworks from the water. Eve went to work raising anchor and getting them on their way, as they wanted to get to a good spot. The festival coordinators had set up a log boom to tie up to for spectators on the water and they wanted a good place.

  Eve watched from the bridge as Sonny and Brock tied up Eve’s Pleasure under the watchful eye of Katy. Brock got the knots right the first time, which was impressive. Sonny had to have his re-done. Katy showed him again and he nodded understanding.

  “I will get it eventually Katy. Don’t worry. So, is it cheeseburger time?” he asked excited. Eve sighed with some amusement. At least Katy got to deal with the Jimmy Buffett infatuation he had admitted to earlier.

  “You really want to do this Sonny?” Katy asked.

  “‘Cheeseburger in Paradise’ baby,” he said with a grin. Eve laughed as Katy put her hands on her hips.

  “Ok then, but you have to help haul the barbecue up,” she told him before heading below deck. Sonny was delighted.

  “Yes! I like mine with lettuce and tomatoes!” he sang as he followed Katy. Brock approached the steps to the bridge laughing.

  “May I join you Captain?”

  She gestured him up with a smile.

  Eve was looking around them at the other boats coming in to settle for the event later. The log boom was set up like the old style drive in movies. The logs looked like painted lines on a shopping mall parking lot too. The boats would register and pull on in. Fortunately, Eve’s Pleasure had got a prime spot. Not only were they up front, there would be no one parking behind them. She did not like her boat being part of a flotilla where people moved from one to another. The space they had was at the end of the lane, so when they were ready they could just pull out without having to wait for anyone else to leave first. Brock stepped up next to her, standing closer than he normally did.

  “So are your off duty Captain?” he asked.

  “I am, mostly anyway,” she told him smiling in return. His eyes sparkled in the sunlight and his pleasure in being with her was obvious. He took her hand.

  “How can you be “mostly” off duty?” he asked amused. She squeezed his hand.

  “I am just keeping an eye on the traffic. Not everyone is an expert at maneuvering their vessels, so it is good to see if anyone is getting too close. Once everyone is secure then we only have to worry about the drunks. People like to drink their margaritas at these things,” she said with a chuckle. As if on cue Katy and Sonny came out hauling the barbecue and putting it on the forward deck. Sonny looked up at them.

  “So Captain, how can they have a Jimmy Buffett festival without the man himself?’ he asked.

  “Beats me, but they do it every year. Sometimes he is here, sometimes not. I think most people just like to celebrate the music…and cheeseburgers,” she finished getting a laugh from him and Brock. Katy gave her a look.

  “Don’t encourage him,” she said as Sonny began singing again.

  “Come on cheeseburger boy, we have more stuff to get,” she ordered Sonny who obediently followed her back below deck. Chuckling Eve picked up her binoculars and looked around.

  “I never would have suspected Sonny being so silly,” she told Brock.

  “Yes, he surprises people. He usually doesn’t get this way unless he is very comfortable with his surroundings. It is good for me though. I have a tendency to ride a desk for too long. He is the one who kicks me to get me out from behind the desk and into life. We are a good team. I am the more serious and he reminds me when it is time to not be so serious. You and Katy seem to have a good working relationship,” he said. Eve noticed in the back of the rows of boats, one that was a lot like the Black Minnow. She vowed to keep an eye on it.

  “We do. She was a wharf rat, always looking for work on a boat. We got along and when I realized I needed help she was the perfect fit. It is good to be able to work with someone you like and respect. It makes a difference,” she told him finishing her scan of the area. She handed him the binoculars. He raised them scanning the crowd of boats like she had.

  “So how are you feeling about last night?” he asked casually. Eve glanced at him, admiring his profile as he used the binoculars.

  “Good actually. A few years ago I don’t think it would have happened, but now I am kind of Zen with it. I am not sure why,” she admitted. He chuckled.

  “That looks like the Black Minnow, Eve,” he told her.

  “I saw it. We will keep an eye on her,” she responded. He nodded and swung the binoculars to the south.

  “I would guess,” Brock began, still surveying the area, “that it is a thing of freedom. In our case we can do whatever we want in life. With the money we have, as long as we follow certain laws, we can do anything we desire. For you, your only restriction is how much fuel you have in the tank. After a while of freedom like that I think people, myself included, become more open and willing to indulge in their passions,” he lowered the binoculars as he finished. Looking at her he smiled. She thought he had a point and nodded agreement.

  “It is a little weird being attracted to two men and spending time with both. Not in a bad way though. How about you two?” she asked curiously.

  “Well, it is the first time we have ever done something like that together, but we are pretty secure and are good with it. You were wonderful and we had a great time, so why worry beyond not wanting to offend you. We are both very fond of you dear,”
he told her. She took his hand again and caressed it with her thumb.

  “Good, because I am very fond of the both of you and hope to find out where this thing goes. It is uncharted waters for me.”

  He smiled in agreement and kissed her briefly before looking through the glass again. They stood in companionable silence on the bridge until both Sonny and Katy came back up. Both of them were singing ‘Margaritaville’. Eve and Brock started laughing.


  The fireworks were spectacular. Everyone cheered as they went off to a soundtrack of Jimmy Buffett. Eve was pretty sure Sonny was in heaven. The docking spaces were full and the crowd was loud and raucous. There was a lot of singing and laughing from everyone involved. Brock had got into the spirit and made margaritas so he and Sonny drank a few of those. Katy had one, but cut herself off and Eve stuck to tea until they got to their spot for the night. She was having a good time and was still able to keep an eyes on things. Brock gave her a quick kiss and headed down below to the head while the fireworks were getting bigger. Eve gasped when after a few minutes the finale came and the explosions and synchronized lights were really spectacular. She cheered with Katy and Sonny, clapping with the crowd until she realized Brock had missed the finale. She looked around and didn’t see him so she headed down below deck.

  “Brock, you here. You missed the big stuff. Are those cheeseburgers coming back up?” she asked humorously as she approached the head. The door was cracked open and she saw he wasn’t there. She checked the rest of the cabins and he wasn’t there either. She began to get nervous and went back up checking for him again before climbing up to the bridge.

  “What’s up boss,” she heard Katy call.

  “I can’t find Brock, he’s not down below,” she told her and began scanning the area around them as Katy began checking overboard with a suddenly serious Sonny. Eve could see several boats had already began making their way out of the area and she focused on the closest one. The lights from all the boats did a good job of keeping visibility high and she realized it was the Black Minnow. She grabbed her binoculars and focused in. She could see people in the water next to the boat and immediately started up the Eve’s Pleasure. She pointed where she was looking before Katy could ask. She had a pair of binoculars around her neck and raised them. With a better look Eve saw one of the men in the water was Brock. She felt a rising rage within her that she had not felt before, and with a snarl started moving her boat towards her friend. Katy and Sonny were shouting as she raised Coast Guard. She realized what was going on and it made her even more furious.


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