Book Read Free

Raw Silk

Page 6

by Delilah Devlin

  By Wednesday, Lacey knew something had happened when she’d caught Camille staring dreamily out the window one too many times. “Spill, already. This isn’t fair. I always tell you everything.”

  They’d headed out for a long lunch, and over salad and breadsticks Camille told her how the two firemen rescued her from Malcolm’s clutches. It should have ended there. But Lacey’s curiosity wouldn’t let the subject drop.

  Lacey’s eyes had glittered with excitement. “Tell me again how tall they were?”

  “Six feet and six feet three-ish, I guess.”

  “Eye color?”

  “Jake’s eyes are a vivid cobalt. Danny’s a deep, warm brown.”

  “Brick-house or lean?”

  Camille sighed. “Oh, definitely brick-house.”


  “Oh no.”

  When another question didn’t follow in rapid-fire succession, Camille looked up.

  Lacey’s mouth had dropped open and snapped shut. Then she squealed.

  “Shhhh!” Camille said, glancing around the crowded dining room.

  “You did, didn’t you?”

  “Did what?”


  Camille had stuffed a forkful of pasta in her mouth and chewed slowly, steeling herself to lie. “Did not,” she muttered. “Just the idea!”

  Lacey cocked her head and must have noted the heat rushing up her neck to her face, because she squealed again, and then went to her knees beside the table and lifted her arms to bow down. “You are my idol.”

  As embarrassing as that had been, Friday had been so uncomfortable with Lacey’s endless questions and her own weakening evasions, that when Lacey asked her when she was going to see the guys again, she hadn’t bothered trying to avoid the answer. “I’m not,” she said, not looking up as she shoved an invoice for leather corsets into her out basket.


  “It was just a one-night thing. Completely crazy. Never to happen again.”

  Lacey looked so crestfallen one would have thought she’d just been told Santa didn’t exist. “But why? Didn’t they ask you out again?”

  Camille had glanced away and shrugged.

  “They did, didn’t they? What did you tell them?”

  “Nothing.” Camille’s shoulders slumped. “I was too busy trying not to cry.”

  Lacey’s expression softened. “Oh, poor baby.” But as Camille chewed her lower lip, her friend’s gaze narrowed. “So, you didn’t exactly say no…”

  Camille frowned. “No, but maybe they were just being nice, so I wouldn’t feel like a complete slut. Besides, they’re way too young.”

  “Just how young are they?”

  She told her and knew instantly that Lacey wasn’t buying her excuse.

  Lacey’s jaw got that stubborn cant. “What exactly did they say?”

  Camille waved her hand, trying to act casual about it when inside a cold, hard knot sat in the center of her belly. “Jake said he wanted me to go to a soccer game. That’s not really a date.”

  Her friend’s eyes narrowed, catlike, and her lips curved. “They want you to watch them being manly—for you to admire their muscles. And they want to show you off to the other guys.”

  Camille’s gaze shot up. “God, do you think they told everyone?”

  “Did they seem the type to brag?”

  “No, but maybe I’m a terrible judge of character.”

  “You hated Malcolm on sight.”

  “That didn’t stop me from inviting him for drinks. If he’d been a little less gross, I might have ended up in bed with him…instead of sandwiched between those two gorgeous guys.” She dropped her head to her desk and bumped it once.

  Lacey eased her butt onto the edge of Camille’s desk. “What time do you have to be at the soccer field?”

  “Ten tomorrow. Jake left the time and directions on my notepad before he left.”

  “So, he really did want you to come.”

  “I guess,” she said slowly.

  “So, what are you still doing here? It’s nearly time to close!”

  “Lacey, it’s not until tomorrow.”

  Lacey threw up her hands. “But you need underwear!”

  Okay, so she’d taken the coward’s way out and invited her best friend to come with her to the soccer game. She’d needed Lacey’s support to work up the courage to come. Even up to the last minute she hadn’t been entirely sure she could do this—face them both after their wild night. Jake and Danny knew every one of her dirty little secrets, every single hot button.

  But Jake sure looked happy to see her sitting in the bleachers.

  “He can’t take his eyes off you,” Lacey drawled.

  “I know,” she said dreamily.

  Lacey shook her arm. “Him! The handsome one.”

  Her gaze shot to Danny, who was giving her the look, the one that said she was in deep trouble. Her pussy clenched.

  “If I didn’t love you so much, I’d hate your guts,” Lacey said, drawing hard on the straw of her cold soda.


  “Two gorgeous men to play with, and I have to head home alone.”

  “Why? Aren’t you and Brad going out tonight?”

  Lacey rolled her eyes. “I told you on Tuesday that we broke up.”

  Camille frowned, wondering how she’d missed that. “Really?”

  “Yeah, didn’t think you’d heard. You’ve been too busy mooning over your firemen.”

  Camille slipped her arm around Lacey. “I didn’t like him anyway. He wasn’t good enough for you.”

  “He has nearly half a million in his portfolio,” Lacey said wistfully.

  “The fact you know that explains why it wouldn’t work. I bet he bragged about it the first night you went out.”

  Lacey’s lips pulled into a grimace. “You’re right. These guys,” she said, waving her cup toward the firemen on the field, “don’t make a dime on what Brad pulls in, but you know? I’m still envious.”

  Camille waggled her eyebrows. “Because they’re buff?”

  “No, because they’re rock solid. Heroes. A woman could feel safe.”

  “That’s not what I feel when they’re around. They make me shiver.”

  “But you know they’d take care of you, right?”

  Camille shrugged. “They’d do that for anyone. It’s who they are.”

  “I think it’s a lot more personal than that, sweetheart, or they wouldn’t both look so happy to see you.”

  “Lacey, I’m here, but that doesn’t mean I’m looking at anything long-term. The idea’s ridiculous.”

  “Because they don’t make as much money as you do?”

  “Of course not, but they are young.”

  “You’re not robbing the cradle. And if they’re willing…why not go for it?”

  Camille met Lacey’s steady gaze. “You really think so?”

  Lacey’s eyes bugged. “You never know unless you give it a try. Do you want to be alone, or worse, in a relationship with someone as self-centered as Malcolm?”

  Camille shuddered. “I guess you’re right.”

  A whistle blew, and both women looked up to see the teams lining up and slapping hands as they ran to the sidelines.

  Camille watched Jake and Danny jog up to the water bucket and scoop cupfuls of water to douse their heads.

  Lacey dug her elbow into her ribs. “God, did you ever see anything so sexy as hot sweaty men?”

  Camille laughed softly and gathered up her purse. Lacey and Camille climbed off the bleachers, and the guys grabbed their gym bags and strode toward them.

  Jake and Danny eyed Lacey with curiosity.

  “Baby, did you think you needed backup?” Danny grinned and held out his hand to Lacey. “I’m Danny.”

  Lacey gave him her hand and blushed. “Lacey.”

  Camille introduced Jake to Lacey then stood woodenly, her cheeks reddening as the guys’ glances flickered down her. She’d worn a tank and shorts. Nothing overt
ly sexy or alluring about them, but their glances were eating up the length of tanned leg she showed.

  “We have to shower,” Jake said in his deep, rumbling voice. “You ladies want to swing by our house, and then we can talk about what you both might like to do after?”

  Lacey shook her head. “I have plans.”

  “No, you don’t,” Camille blurted.

  Lacey rolled her eyes. “Camille…third wheel?”

  “Fourth, don’t you mean?” Danny said, grinning. Then he aimed a narrowed glance at Camille. “You told. Who’s the gossip now?”

  Camille’s cheeks burned. “She’s my best friend and relentless.”

  Jake cursed under his breath and grabbed Camille’s hips and pulled her close, his mouth slamming over hers. Camille’s breath stopped, and she clung weakly to the front of his shirt. Only when he let her go, did she hear the applause from the rest of his teammates as they passed by, slapping his shoulders in congratulations.

  Camille glared. “Thanks.”

  “Hey, you were the one staring at my butt the whole game.”

  “Was not.”

  “Yeah you were,” Lacey said.

  Danny laughed. “Come on, Lacey. I’m thinking we’re all going to get along just fine.”


  Lacey never felt a moment’s unease with Camille’s two men throughout dinner. But she did feel deeply envious. Both men were completely munchable. Danny, in particular, with that wicked gleam that never left his eyes, stirred her juices to an almost-irresistible froth.

  “Penny for your thoughts.”

  Lacey jumped as Danny walked up beside her and leaned his hip on the deck rail. Moonlight filtered through the trees in their backyard, and the night sounds made the evening feel intimate—made for lovers. Which meant it was time for her to shove off.

  “I’m thinking I better go.”

  Danny’s eyebrows rose. “Is it something we did?”

  “No, but well, it’s a Saturday night, and guys like to do what guys do on a Saturday night.”

  “And what’s that?” he said in his sexy drawl.

  Lacey gave him a reproving glare. “Have hot sex.”

  His mouth slid into sly grin. “So…why are you leaving?”

  Lacey’s stomach fell to her toes. “You’re not hitting on me, are you?”

  His eyes roamed her body. “Would you mind if I were?”

  She gasped. “Yeah, my best friend’s sitting right over there. And she’s thinking you and Jake are going to get it on with her tonight.”

  “Don’t get so hot. We will.”

  Lacey felt anger flush her cheeks. “Don’t you have any shame? Camille doesn’t have a clue what a slut you are. She thinks you’re into her.”

  Danny shook his head, confusion in his expression. “Wait a second. I thought Camille brought you…to share.”


  “Jake and I are best friends. And we’re sharing. She brought her best friend…”

  Lacey began to shake. “You think she meant for us to make this a foursome?”

  Danny blew out a deep breath. “It’s what’s been in my mind all night,” he said softly, sounding disappointed.

  She held up her hand. “That’s it. I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that and leave now.” She shoved away from the rail.

  “Wait,” Danny said, touching her arm. “Don’t go. I’m sorry I offended you.”

  “What’s going on?” Camille walked up beside them.

  Lacey looked away. Should she say something? Camille was her best friend; shouldn’t she let her know what a weasel the guy was?

  Danny cleared his throat. “She’s upset because I misread the situation and the signals.”

  “What do you mean?” Camille said, confusion clouding her eyes.

  “He thought you brought me to fill out a foursome,” Lacey whispered furiously.

  Camille looked from Lacey to Danny. Her lips tightened, and then she burst out laughing.

  Lacey stomped her foot. “I’m serious!”

  “I know. I know,” Camille said, bending and holding her sides.

  “Hey, what’d I miss?” Jake asked, strolling over with two beers clutched in his hands.

  Camille pointed helplessly toward Lacey and Danny.

  Lacey rolled her eyes. “She thinks it’s fucking hilarious that one of her boyfriends wants to add another partner.”

  Jake’s eyebrows shot up, and his gaze swiveled to Danny. “That right, buddy?”

  Danny lifted his hands. “I made a mistake. I’m sorry.”

  Jake’s lips pressed together, then he looked down at Camille, who was mopping her eyes. “Camille, what do you think?”

  Lacey’s belly tightened at the way Jake instantly left the decision to Camille. God, to have a man so focused on her pleasure…

  Camille stopped laughing and straightened quickly. Her eyes rounded, her gaze passing from Jake to Danny then landing on Lacey.

  Lacey winced inwardly, not wanting to say how much the idea was catching fire for her, because she loved Camille and would never sabotage her happiness.

  “Lacey, sweetie?” Camille said softly. “What do you want?”

  Lacey bit her lip. She let it go and lifted her chin. “I don’t want to intrude or spoil something special for you.”

  “But what do you want, really?”

  “Um…what you have?” she whispered.

  Camille smiled and stepped close enough to wrap her arms around her and give her a big hug. “And I want you to experience it, too,” she whispered. “But be sure. These guys don’t do anything the easy way.” She dropped her arms, stepped back, then glanced at Jake. “Am I reading this wrong? Do you guys want this?”

  Jake’s face darkened. “I want you happy.”

  Danny raked a hand through his short-cropped hair. “This is my fault, and I’ll be the first to admit it, but your best friend is hot, Camille.”

  Camille grinned. “She’s been my friend forever, and we’ve shared a lot of hard times as well as good.” Her gaze settled on Lacey. “If you think this is taking the friendship thing too far, that it will affect our partnership in any way…”

  Lacey swallowed hard. “I love you like a sister. Nothing will change that.”

  Camille’s lips twitched. “Even seeing me naked and begging?”

  Lacey felt her pussy clench. “God, is that how it is with them?”

  Camille waggled her eyebrows. “Oh, yeah.”

  Lacey could barely contain the squeal working its way up her throat. “Then I’m in.” She cleared her throat and looked around. The two guys were eating her up with their gazes. “Okay, this is a little awkward.”

  Danny reached over, slipped an arm around her waist, and dragged her close to his side. “This isn’t a race. We aren’t going to jump you right this second. And we won’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with.”

  She ducked her head, embarrassed to be the object of everyone’s stares. “Bet you say that to all the girls.”

  “He said it to me,” Camille said cheerfully.

  “No, he didn’t. That was me,” Jake said, dragging Camille closer.

  Lacey’s lips twitched. “So, they share women and lines?”

  Danny’s hand bit into her waist, and he gave her a little shake. “It’s not a line. It’s a promise.”

  Lacey groaned, too overwhelmed with excitement to hide it.

  Danny bent and kissed the corner of her mouth. His eyes glittered in the darkness. She liked the slightly predatory gleam. Liked the clean smell of him—soap and male musk—no spicy, overwhelming aftershave like most of the men she’d dated.

  She angled her face and brushed his lips with hers, tentatively.

  Danny smiled.

  Lacey’s mouth stretched.

  “Can’t kiss you properly if you’re gonna laugh.”

  “Can’t help it. This is completely crazy.”

  “Tell me about it. And such a huge turn-on. Two smart, pretty women�

  “Two buff firemen…” She sighed. Just snuggling against his hard chest made her knees weak.

  “Again, not a race,” he whispered, “but I’m dyin’ here.”

  Lacey’s breath caught. This was really going to happen. “I need to visit the little girls’ room.”

  “We don’t have one of those, but the toilet’s through that door.”

  She wrinkled her nose at him and grabbed Camille’s hand, pulling her friend from Jake’s embrace. “We’ll only be a minute.”

  Camille laughed softly, trailing behind her. When Lacey shut the door, she rounded on Camille. “Tell me the truth. Are you okay with this?”

  Camille smiled. “Completely.”

  Lacey bit her lip. “Think they have condoms?”

  “They probably emptied the aisles of every drugstore in the area. Do you need to pee?”

  “Actually, yes.” Lacey slipped her shorts down and sat. “This is just like high school. Us hiding in the bathroom, gossiping about our dates.”

  “Asking each other if we’re really gonna do it. I remember you were braver.”

  “Look who’s turned into the piranha!” She stood and flushed then stepped aside as Camille slid onto the seat. “Anything I should know?”

  “Trust them. And don’t be afraid to let them know what you like—not that they will give it to you right away.”

  “They like to torture you?”

  “They like to be in charge,” Camille said, her voice deepening to a purr.

  “Really. How much? Tie me up, kind?”

  “Not sure about that,” Camille said then flushed. “It was more subtle the last time. They made me want to obey.”


  She quickly washed her hands then glanced into the mirror. “I prayed to Jesus. A lot.”

  They shared smiles. Lacey bared her teeth. “No pepper stuck between my teeth,” she said, turning to Camille.

  Camille laughed. “Never change, Lacey. You’re smile is beautiful. We better go or the guys will get suspicious.”

  “They know we’re talking about them. Think they’re talking about us?”

  “Probably making plans, staking claims.”

  “Can I say that Jake kinda scares me?”

  “He does me too. He’s a little rougher around the edges than Danny.”

  “Danny’s completely hot.”

  “It’s okay if something happens for you two. I think Jake and I are getting really close.” Camille glanced into the mirror and patted her hair. She met Lacey’s gaze. “Want to surprise them?”


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