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Page 60

by Moonlight Protector, Hero, Guardian, Champion (mobi)

  “It’s okay. I just feel so useless. I don’t have a job so I can’t afford even the most basic of things.”

  “Honey, you’re not useless.” He gave her a quick kiss. “Let me shower and change, then we can go out.”

  She nodded and stepped back out of the way, letting him into the house. While he showered, she went to change her clothes, putting on a long-sleeve lavender dress with matching flats. Her body might have healed, but she’d never been graceful enough to wear high heeled shoes, not without tripping.

  When she put on her lipstick, her ring caught in the light and cast rainbows across the room. She looked at the rather large rock on her finger. When she’d agreed to wear his ring, she hadn’t realized he would buy one that cost quite so much. She’d expected something more sedate like the ring Hugh had bought for her, more of a chip than an actual stone, but the two carat diamond on her finger was definitely not a chip.

  Fluffing her hair, she walked out of the bedroom and collided with Connor.

  “Easy, sweetheart.”

  She smiled up at him. “Sorry, I guess I should have been paying more attention.”

  Connor’s eyes devoured her. “You look wonderful.”

  “Thank you.” Her gaze dropped to his chest.

  He tipped her chin up and smiled down at her. Slowly, he lowered his head and gently brushed his lips across hers. When she didn’t pull away, he coaxed her lips apart and delved into her mouth with his tongue. As his tongue glided along hers, he felt Aislinn lean into him. Pulling her closer, he slanted his mouth over hers, deepening the kiss.

  When his heart began pounding, he pulled back, worried he would lose control. She was so sweet that he wanted to consume her, wanted to feel her sweet body pressed against his, wanted to feel her moist heat wrapped around him.

  “We better go.”

  His voice had gone husky from desire and washed over her. Aislinn opened her eyes and stared at him in wonder. In all the time she’d been married, she’d never experienced passion like she did in Connor’s arms. For the first time in her life, she wondered what it would be like to make love with someone.

  Hugh had been rough and it had always ended quickly. He was the only man she’d ever been intimate with, and now she wondered if she had been missing something. Not having been allowed any friends, she hadn’t had anyone to discuss it with. Surely not all men made love to their wives like a rutting bull.

  When Connor took her hand, she nearly forgot to breathe. Her new-found feelings were puzzling. She wondered if it was yet another part of being Connor’s mate, or if it was something else. Perhaps it was just good old fashioned attraction. Either way, she was both excited and terrified of the way Connor made her feel. She wanted to explore the new sensations with him, but was afraid that her happiness would only be jerked away from her. The sorcerer had told her that she would be tested. What happened if she failed the test?

  Dinner had been quiet and relaxing. Connor had stopped by the ATM to make sure she had money for grocery shopping the next day and then they’d returned home. The ride in his truck had been easy going, with only light conversation, but now that they were home, Aislinn felt self-conscious.

  “Connor, may I ask you something?”

  He pulled her over to the sofa and sat down, tugging her down beside him.

  “You can ask me anything.”

  Aislinn fidgeted. “Can you explain this whole mate thing to me again?”

  Her question wasn’t one he had anticipated so he took a moment to answer. While the question seemed simple enough, it was a rather difficult one.

  “A werewolf mates for life. There is one woman in the world destined for each of us. In my case, that woman would be you.”

  “But how does it work?”

  “I guess it works like any relationship. The difference is that you don’t have to worry about me cheating on you, or wanting another woman period. You’re the only woman I’ll ever want to be with for however long I live.”

  “What happens if… if I were to disappear as quickly as I appeared?”

  Connor studied her a moment. He could tell she was hiding something, but he wasn’t sure what it was. “Why would you disappear?”

  “What if I can’t pass the test? The sorcerer said I would be tested, but what if I fail?”

  He pulled her into his arms. “Honey, you won’t fail. You’re meant to be with me.”

  She burrowed into him, needing his comfort. “I wish I could be as certain as you. I’m terrified that I’ll…” She stopped, not ready to admit she was already starting to feel something for the man holding her. It was too soon!

  “You’ll what?”

  She shook her head.

  “Aislinn, we can’t keep secrets from one another.”

  “I’m scared that I’ll start to care too much about you only to have you taken away from me. I’ve survived living with Hugh’s abuse, but I don’t think I could survive that.”

  He hugged her tight. “You’re an amazing woman and you can survive anything, but you won’t have to worry about losing me. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you. Now put it out of your mind.”

  She nodded and leaned into him, drawing from his strength. She still wasn’t certain that she would remain with Connor, but he was right to put it out of her mind. If she kept worrying about it, she would only ruin whatever time she had, and she meant to enjoy every moment of her time with Connor.


  “What it is, honey?”

  “Would you… would you mind holding me?”

  He grinned. “I thought I was already doing that.”

  “I mean, would you hold me tonight? While… while I sleep?”

  Connor nearly stopped breathing. She wanted him to share a bed with her? Part of him was elated that she trusted him that much, but the other half knew he would be tortured. Holding Aislinn without being intimate with her might very well kill him. He’d held his beast at bay thus far, but he wanted to claim his mate in every way possible.

  “I’d be happy to,” he finally answered.

  Connor lay in the bed wide-awake. Aislinn was wrapped in his arms, snuggled against him, her nose buried in his chest. When he’d climbed into the bed in his boxers and nothing else, he’d thought for sure she would balk. While a pretty blush had stained her cheeks, she had climbed into the bed and gone willingly into his arms.

  A glance at the clock showed he would have to get ready for work in five hours. He knew sleep would elude him. Aislinn’s hesitation over being mated to him still ate at him. He knew it wasn’t that she was repulsed by the idea; she would have never agreed to wear the engagement ring otherwise. Then again, he got the feeling that she wasn’t taking it seriously. He would give her all the time she needed, but he wondered if it would be enough.

  Aislinn was already the most important thing in Connor’s life. He wished she could feel the same about him. It broke his heart that he’d finally found his mate, only to discover she didn’t really want to be with him.

  Yes, she was lying in his arms, but only because she needed comfort and no one else was around. If she would’ve had a choice, she probably wouldn’t have chosen him. He wished he knew what she wanted. She’d talked about being independent and getting a job, and while he had no problem with that, he wanted to take care of her. She’d had such a rough life that he wanted to make everything better. He wanted to hold her, make love to her, and show her that no one would ever harm her again – and he would, if she would just let him.

  She shifted in his arms and he tightened his embrace. Looking down at her, he smiled. She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. And she was his! No matter what it took, he would make sure she remained exactly where she was – in his bed and in his arms. It was where she belonged.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next morning, Aislinn woke to find herself wrapped in someone’s arms. She stiffened until she realized it was Connor. With a smile, she snuggled closer. While she st
ill thought being his mate was too good to be true, she was happier than she had been in a long time. Life with Connor was comfortable. She’d never had that with Hugh; it had been one stressful day after another.

  Connor’s alarm went off and he blindly felt for the clock. Smacking his hand down on top of it, he pulled her closer and kept dozing. She took a moment to study him, admiring his handsome face. If fairy tales could come true, she would find her happily ever after with him. But she wasn’t sure she believed in fairy tales anymore.

  “Connor, aren’t you going to be late for work?” she asked softly.

  He mumbled something she didn’t quite catch.



  “Aren’t you going to be late if you don’t get up?”

  He slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the clock. With a sigh, he let her go and stretched.

  “Yeah, I have to get up, but I’d rather stay right here with you.”

  She smiled and felt butterflies flutter in her stomach. “It won’t be long before the weekend is here again. Then you can lie in bed as long as you want.”

  He pulled her back into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “I’ll be looking forward to it. Lying here with you is definitely a nice way to spend my time.”

  Aislinn hugged him. “As much as I like you being here with me, I don’t want you to be late for work.”

  He grumbled. “You’re already sounding like a wife.”

  She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, so she let it go. Being Connor’s wife would certainly be better than being Hugh’s wife, of that she had no doubt. She watched as he rolled out of bed and went to take a shower, admiring the way his muscles moved when he walked. His kisses told her that making love with him would be more than pleasurable. Now if she could just figure out how to convince him she was ready. She wasn’t sure when she’d come to that conclusion, but she knew in her heart that it was right. She’d never wanted anything as much as she wanted to be loved by Connor, even if it was only physical. She’d take anything she could get.

  At work, Connor was going over the budget for the current project when the door to his work trailer banged open. Looking up, he saw to his chagrin that it was Cameron.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked with a frown. “I mailed your final check to you.”

  “I came to talk.”

  He shook his head and looked down at the budget report again. “There’s nothing to talk about. You didn’t show for work or call for several days. As far as I’m concerned, you resigned.”

  “You know I wouldn’t quit on you like that. Not when you need me,” she pouted.

  Connor glared at her. “No, actually I don’t need you. I’ve already hired a replacement.”

  She looked offended, but moved closer to his desk. “You know you can’t replace me.”

  “Cameron, I just told you that your job isn’t available anymore.”

  “Maybe not, but you could always use some help around the office.” She smiled. “You know your paperwork is always disorganized.”

  Connor looked at his desk and realized she was right. But it wasn’t Cameron he was going to hire. “It won’t be this way much longer. I hired a secretary yesterday,” he lied easily.

  She narrowed her eyes and her lips thinned. “Then where is she?”

  “She doesn’t start until next week. Now, go away.”

  Cameron mumbled something under her breath and stormed out of the trailer, slamming the door closed behind her.

  Connor smiled and picked up the phone. He didn’t know why he hadn’t thought of hiring Aislinn sooner, but it answered both of their problems. He only hoped she would agree to take the job.

  When she didn’t answer, he hung up and frowned at the phone. It wasn’t like her to leave the house without letting him know where she would be. He waited a few minutes and tried again, but there was still no answer.

  Apprehension filled him and he grabbed his keys. Locking up the office, he told his foreman he was going home and would be back soon. He jumped in his truck and sped out of the construction lot.

  Connor hadn’t been gone long when Eric appeared.

  Pulling the covers up to her chin, she looked at him uncertainly.

  “Are you here to take me away?”

  He smiled. “No. Well, not exactly.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? You’re either taking me away or you aren’t.”

  “I’m taking you somewhere, but you’re coming back.”

  She looked at him, confused. “I don’t understand.”

  “You will.”

  With a wave of his hand, Aislinn was dressed in a beautiful green dress with flared sleeves. She stood and looked down at herself in amazement. She knew he had powers, but the things he did still amazed her.

  “What about Connor?” she asked.

  Eric smiled and held out his hand. “Worrying a little will be good for him.”

  Hesitantly, she placed her hand in his and they vanished as quickly as he had arrived. When she next opened her eyes, she stared at her surroundings in confusion. She had never lived in the slums, but she recognized them just the same. Some small children played on a street corner, drug dealers worked the corner across from them.

  She looked at Eric with a million questions on her mind, but she only asked one.

  “What are we doing here?”

  “You’re here to learn something. Watch,” he said with a tip of his head towards the children.

  It was like watching a horror show in slow motion. A man walked down the street toward the children, a knife in his hand and a cold look in his eyes. Aislinn took a step forward, wanting to call out a warning to the kids. Surely Eric wasn’t going to make her watch an abduction take place! She could only imagines the horrors the child would suffer.

  When the man reached for the smallest little girl, hoisting her up by her hair and pressing the knife against her throat, Aislinn screamed and flung out her hands as if to stop him. She knew the little girl wouldn’t survive if someone didn’t intervene.


  The man’s eyes went wide and he dropped the child as he staggered backward, thrown off balance. Looking around, he tried to find the source of the blast that had lost him his prey. He watched the kids scamper away and quickly walked in the opposite direction, fury blazing in his eyes. When he was out of sight, Aislinn look at Eric with a comical expression on her face.

  “What just happened?”

  He smiled. “You just saved a little girl.”

  “But… I don’t understand.”

  “When I saved your life, I had to give you part of my life essence. Some of my magic transferred to you as well. It didn’t exactly take any power from me, but you have a few shared abilities with me now. Abilities that will help you in the months to come.”


  “Yes, Aislinn. I’m afraid the price of me saving your life is that you’re now a sorceress. A rather powerful one at that.” Once you learn to use your powers, he silently added.

  She just stared at him with a blank look, unable to truly grasp what he was saying, yet unable to deny that something had happened when she had wanted to save the small child. But how could she have been the one to stop the man? How could she have power like that? It didn’t seem possible that the woman who had been unable to defend herself for the past year was now able to save the lives of others.

  “Come on,” he said, taking her hand. “It’s time to get you back home. I imagine your mate is rather worried about now.”

  Her eyes lost some of their haze at the mention of Connor. “What about Connor?”

  Eric gave her a wicked grin. “Your mate has discovered you aren’t answering the phone and is on his way home as we speak.”

  “How do you know that? How did you know about the little girl, about my … abilities?”

  “I just know things, Aislinn. But knowledge comes with a price. You’ll have to learn t
hat you can’t save everyone, no matter how much you might want to. The more power you use, the more tired you will become.”

  “But you don’t seem to get tired.”

  “Ah, but that’s because I am power. You simply inherited a bit from me.”

  She nodded and leaned against him, ready to go back home. Before she could blink, she was standing in the bedroom at Connor’s again. Eric was nowhere to be seen, but she heard the front door open seconds before her mate was calling her name. She could tell he was frantic and she hated that he had been worried.

  She narrowed her eyes and looked around the room. The damn sorcerer was going to get her into trouble one of these days.

  “I’m in here Connor.”

  Hearing her voice in the bedroom, Connor rushed through the house. Part of him was relieved she was okay and the other part wanted to strangle her for worrying him. He pushed open the door and froze, sniffing the air.

  He growled and scanned the area, but the sorcerer was either hiding or had left. “Is he the reason you didn’t answer the phone?”

  She took a step toward him and stopped. “Yes.”

  His muscles tensed. “What did he want this time?”

  She shrugged, not sure if she should mention her abilities or not. What if it had just been a fluke? She didn’t want to claim power she didn’t really have.

  “He said he wanted to show me something and then he transported us somewhere.”

  Connor stalked closer, his eyes raking over her body. “To what? Go shopping?”

  She blushed. “Actually, I think he made this with magick.”

  His hands tightened into fists as he thought of the sorcerer giving her such a gift. Was the man a threat? Would Aislinn prefer the sorcerer to him?

  Connor struggled to get his jealousy under control. “I was calling because I have a job for you, a paying one.”

  She smiled and stepped even closer, their bodies nearly touching as she looked up at him, her eyes completely open and honest. “Really?”


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