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The Handoff (Big Play #3)

Page 16

by Jordan Ford

  “What am I supposed to do?”

  “Expose him. Show those photos before he can.”

  Layla bulges her eyes at me then whips around to look at Tori. Pixie Girl gives her a kind smile and gently pats her hand. “It’s okay. Colt told me about the photos. I don’t know what went down at that party, but Derek should not be doing this to you. I think you should listen to Finn.”

  “Thank you,” I murmur, smiling over Layla’s head.

  My girlfriend whips back to glare at me, her face bunching into a tortured expression. “Would you guys stop! You haven’t seen them!”

  She flicks her hand in the air. It smacks down onto her jean-clad knee before she wrestles herself off the couch and heads for the door. Colt subtly shifts to block her retreat, his solid body impassable. She growls at him and spins back to face me. “They’re awful, okay? His hands are all over me. I’m practically naked in half of them. Is that what you want people to see?”

  “No.” It’s hard to keep my voice even when she’s telling me this stuff. Details hurt, but I’m not backing down. “I’m not asking you to expose them to everyone. Just tell your mom.”

  “I’ve told you, she won’t believe me! They’ll take one look, and all their assumptions about me will be proven true. It doesn’t matter which guys are in that photo. All they’ll see is me letting two guys have their way with me!”

  “Maybe not.” Tori’s voice, although soft, cuts between us.

  Layla’s sharp frown makes Pix shrink back a little, but she keeps going, her voice growing in confidence as she builds momentum.

  “If you expose the photos first, you might be able to prove the fact that you didn’t want to be doing what you were doing.”

  Layla’s eyes shut tight and she swallows as though she’s fighting the urge to puke. “The photos make it look as though I do, okay?”

  Tori winces. Thankfully, Layla’s not looking at her. I nudge Pixie’s arm and silently tell her to keep going. It’s nice to not be the only person saying this stuff.

  She wrings her hands and looks from me to my girlfriend. “But if you can admit your mistake to everyone then Derek’s got nothing. It’ll be like pulling out the rug from under him.”

  “He’s probably already posted the pictures online! My best move is to just go into hiding. That was the original plan anyway. I should have just stuck with it.” Her gaze flashes past mine, then dips to the floor.

  I try to brush off the sting of her comments and force my voice to come out calm and even. “How are you going to do that? Skip school for the rest of the year?”

  “If I have to.” She looks up at me, her chin rising in defiance.

  I roll my eyes and stand. “Layla, stop this. Please. Stop letting him own you.”

  “You can’t tell me what to do!” she snaps, then whips around to leave.

  Colt blocks her way, shifting to the side before she can duck around him.

  “Would you move?” She stomps her foot.

  “No, Layla. We’re not letting you leave.” Colt’s firm voice makes her shoulders sag. “You need to claim this. It’ll make him look guilty. He’s the one who’s been hiding the truth. People will want to know why he didn’t push you away instead of mauling you.”

  Layla scoffs. “He told me getting it on with his hot stepsister will make him a king.”

  My nostrils flare, hot magma firing through me as I make a fist. Colt’s eyes connect with mine and I see a flash of anger.

  His jaw clenches, but he somehow manages to keep speaking in a calm, quiet tone. “I’m sure his dad wouldn’t feel that way.”

  “You want me to show my stepfather too?”

  “I think he’s your best bet. Play this thing right and Derek could end up in some pretty hot water.”

  “He said I came onto him.”

  “What if he’s lying?” Colt’s quietly countering every one of Layla’s arguments, calmly wearing her down. “All we need to do is get those photos and present them in the right way.”

  “All we need to do?” Layla scoffs. “How are you even going to get them?”

  Colt clears his throat and looks to the floor, scratching the back of his neck while I step up. “We figured we’d get them off Derek’s phone…or computer.”

  “His…” She spins to face me, her expression bunched into a tight frown. “You’re going to hack into his computer?”

  I shrug. “Something like that,” I say, deciding not to go into the details Colt and I have been discussing all week.

  “We just need copies of those photos in your hands so you can spill the truth in your way. Take back the power.” Colt’s voice spins Layla back around.

  “This is insane!” Her voice pitches high. “Finn and I have been through this, okay? They’re never going to believe me. When it comes to my word against Derek’s, he’ll always win. And if Mom finds out, Mack definitely will. He’ll be so disgusted. He will hate me for the rest of my life!”

  “Well, I’m gonna love you no matter what anyone says.” That was not at all how I planned to spout my big confession. My emotions are running so high that the words just kind of burst out of me.

  Everything goes painfully quiet while Tori and Colt share this amused little look and I wait in agony for Layla to slowly turn and face me.

  It takes an eternity, I swear, but finally she’s looking into my eyes and I can show her that I’m not bullshitting. She doesn’t know what to say to me. Her lips part like she can’t quite believe what I’m telling her.

  The silence starts to grow thick and even more awkward. I scramble to fill it, but mushy-brain-syndrome is kicking in big time.

  Tori clears her throat and steps forward with a grin. “You know what? I’m going to love you too.”

  Layla’s face bunches with confusion as she looks at Pix. “Why?”

  Tori just smiles and shakes her head, stepping forward with a hug. Not expecting the move, Layla kind of tips to the side. I reach forward before they topple over, but Colt’s there, steadying her with his hand.

  He gives me this bemused smile over Layla’s head and all I can do is grin as Tori steps back and holds her shoulders.

  “I know what it’s like to put on a show. And I can tell you from experience that it doesn’t get you what you want. Honesty hurts, but at least it’s real…and if you’re lucky, it scores you the things you want.”

  I can tell by the mushy look on Colt’s face that Tori’s looking at him.

  Layla turns to me, her brown eyes still swirling with dread and fear. Closing the space between us, I pull her away from Tori and wrap my arms around her waist.

  “You’re not the person everyone thinks you are.” I tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. “Stop living up to their expectations and show them the real Layla Mahoney. Tell the truth. Expose him before he can use you again. Please. I’m not going to be able to stand by and let him hurt you anymore.”

  “But I’m scared.”

  “I know.” I step back and take her hand, resting it over my heart. Flattening my hand on top of hers, I play a total cheese card and whisper, “Trust this. No matter what anyone says, I’m not changing my mind about you.”

  It takes a second, but ever so slowly, her whole faces rises with a smile that could keep me running for the rest of the year.

  Gliding my fingers along her jawline, I step back into her space and claim her mouth. I don’t care that Tori and Colt are standing there watching; I’m sealing my promise with a kiss. Layla’s fingers fist the back of my shirt, her mouth parting as she just maybe starts to believe me.


  Mack’s Back


  “We’ll be alright, okay?” Finn squeezes my hand. I squeeze back, not really believing him.

  Casting my eyes over the waiting crowd loitering around the baggage claim, I fight a deep sense of dread as I watch loved ones come together again—hugs, kisses, smiles, brotherly slaps on the back.

  Not sure if Finn or I will get any of thos
e. I mean, we probably will, but they won’t mean the same thing because Finn and I are going to spend the whole time putting on a show so Mack doesn’t lose it in a public setting.

  We decided to wait until we get in our front door before telling him we’re together. I still think it’s dumb that he even has a right to get pissed off about me hooking up with one of his friends. Finn’s the best guy in the world, but Mack’s stupidly protective when it comes to me.

  Finn keeps shifting his weight from one foot to the other while we wait.

  I look up at him, trying to give him a reassuring smile, but he only manages a fleeting grin. He’s exhausted after the night before. Derek hurting me affected Finn more than I expected. I’ve never seen him so incensed. I have to admit, it’s kind of sexy…and comforting. Is that weird?

  I usually shy away from anger, but Finn was enraged on my behalf. And then he told me he loved me. It feels too sudden to begin admitting that kind of stuff, but our last two weeks have been intense. We basically lived together over spring break, and the shit storm Derek is making me endure has pulled us together, creating this airtight bond that I’m not interested in breaking.

  My heart turns to gooey marshmallow as I think about the way Finn looked at me, his eyes flooding with pain as he tenderly held the icepack to my cheek.

  I brush my bruised skin. Thankfully, when I woke up this morning the red mark was a pale pink blotch that I could easily hide with makeup.

  “Still hurt?” Finn’s voice is soft, but his expression is hardening at the edges.

  “I’m fine, Finn. It’s really not that bad.”

  “Hmm,” he grunts, and I smile. He sounds like his mother when he does that.

  I wonder what she’d think of all this. Finn promised not to tell her. As far as Mrs. Jones knows, things at home have cleared up and I’ve resolved whatever issue I had going on with my mother. She invited me over for dinner tonight, but I’ll be busy hanging out with Mack while Finn, Colt and Tyler go play Mission: Impossible.

  I didn’t want to involve the Porthos element of Mack’s little crew, but having spent most of my life watching Mack and him hang out together, I know Tyler’s a solid guy. He’s got a big mouth and likes to come across like some horny sex god, but when things get serious, he’s the first to step up and be whatever you need him to be.

  He was fuming when he heard what Derek did to me. I could hear him yelling through the phone at Finn, calling Derek every curse word under the sun and rattling off threats against the guy, each worse than the one before.

  Finn rolled his eyes and put him on speaker so we could all hear his rant. It ended up giving Tori the nervous giggles, which then set me off and we were soon all laughing at Finn’s phone in this high-pitched, maniacal kind of way. Tyler hung up on us after that…then showed up at Colt’s place twenty minutes later to talk logistics.

  I’m so nervous about their plans for tonight that I haven’t been able to eat.

  I squeeze Finn’s hand, worrying my lip as we wait for Mack to appear. His flight landed ten minutes ago. It shouldn’t be long.

  As if hearing my thoughts, Mack’s head bobs into view. He’s walking with purpose, his computer bag slung over his shoulder as he scans the crowd. As soon as he spots us, Finn drops my hand and puts on a casual smile.

  I rub my fingers together and trail behind Finn, letting the guys do their bro-hug before ducking under Finn’s arm and wrapping my arms around Mack. He swings back, lifting me off my feet for a second.

  “‘Sup, lil’ sis.” He lightly pinches my chin, trying for playful, but I can easily see behind his veneer. His dark eyes are telling me he’d rather be back on kiwi soil.

  Ironic that I’m kind of wishing for the same thing.

  Before he left, I wasn’t sure I’d cope with Mack being away for two whole weeks. Now I wish he’d stayed in New Zealand so I didn’t have to tell him what went down while he was gone.

  “So…” Finn slaps him on the shoulder and takes the computer bag out of Mack’s hands. “How were the flights?”

  “Sucked,” he grumbled. “I left Kaija crying at the airport. Worst feeling in the world.”

  Finn gives him a sympathetic smile, like he totally gets what Mack is going through. “Have you spoken to her since you left?”

  “Yeah, I called her when I got to LA. She’s okay. I just miss her already.” He scratches the back of his head, looking kind of sheepish.

  I nudge his arm with my shoulder. “That’s sweet. I’m glad it worked out for you guys.”

  His arm comes around me and he hugs me to his side as we walk over to the baggage claim. “Thanks, Lay-lay.”

  Mack’s bag appears pretty quickly, and as soon as he’s snatched it up we walk out of the terminal. We make it through the sliding doors before his eyes narrow at the corners and he gazes down at me, trying to look for something I don’t want him to see.

  I turn away, keeping my head forward like I haven’t acted like a hooker with his greatest enemy and I haven’t gone and fallen for one of his best friends.

  The car ride home isn’t as bad as I thought it might be. Finn keeps him talking with questions about New Zealand. He’s obviously in love with the place, and I have to bite my lip when he admits that he’s going to apply to Auckland University.

  “I’ll try to get accepted for the second semester, but it’ll depend on my visa application. It’s kind of complicated, but I’m going to make it happen. I did a bunch of research while I was waiting for my flights.”

  He glances over his shoulder, trying to glimpse my reaction. I put on a brave smile and nod. “Sounds amazing.”

  Turning in his seat, he faces the back with this torn expression. “I know it’s a long way from here.”

  “I’ll be fine, Mack.” I swallow. “I’m a big girl; I can take care of myself.”

  The lie smells so potent it’s hard not to start crying. I’m useless at taking care of myself. All I do is cause trouble. If it weren’t for Finn watching my back, I’d be…

  I blink and look out the window. Finn’s eyes are on me. He’s gazing into the rearview mirror, trying to make a connection, but I can’t right now. Crossing my arms, I squeeze them against my stomach to try and dull the guilt raging inside me.

  He deserves better.

  But I don’t want him to have better. I want him to have me!

  Which means I have to start acting like I’m worth his time.

  Finn stops the car at the lights and I stare directly at the rearview mirror until he’s looking my way. I’m not sure what my expression is doing when I mouth the words, “I’ll do it,” but Finn’s gaze warms with this look that’s so encompassing I want time to freeze. I soak in his pride and affection until a slow smile forms on my lips.

  “Light’s green, man.” Mack kills the moment.

  “Oh.” Finn’s eyes jerk back to the front and he accelerates forward while Mack’s brow wrinkles. He shoots me a curious frown, then fires one at Finn. It’s like he’s watching a game of tennis the way he keeps going back and forth between us.

  Neither of us can make eye contact. Each time he looks in the back, I turn away as if I can’t feel his scrutiny.

  Finally, as we pull into our street, he breeches the awkward silence with a demanding question that can’t be ignored. “What’s going on between you two?”

  “What do you mean?” My voice is innocent, but my expression must be guilty as sin because all Mack can do is give me a dry glare that tells me I’m busted.

  Finn pulls up to our house and parks the car. Turning with a serious sigh, he glances at me before looking at my brother. “Layla and I really connected over break. We’re kind of together now.”

  “Kind of together?” Mack snaps. “What does that even mean? Did you sleep with my sister?”

  “It’s not like that, man.” Finn’s voice is in soft contrast to Mack’s.

  He gives us both a skeptical frown before muttering a few swear words and jumping out of the car. He yanks h
is bag out from the back before banging down the trunk so hard the whole car bounces.

  “Hey!” Finn jumps out, slamming the door closed and stalking down the driveway after Mack. “It’s not like that! I really care about her.”

  I slip out of the car but stand back, worrying my lip as I watch.

  “I’ve been gone two weeks!” Mack spins. “I told you to look after her, not hook up with her! I thought you were waiting for the one.”

  “I was.” Finn points back to me. “I just didn’t realize she was in front of me the whole time!”

  Mack’s face bunches with confusion while mine folds into this dreamy kind of smile. Pushing off the car, I walk down the driveway and slip my hand into his. Gazing down at our interlocking fingers, I can’t help falling in love with the contrast in color and size. I can’t imagine that holding any other guy’s hand will ever look this beautiful.

  “You really meant what you said last night, about loving me?”

  Finn turns so we’re facing each other. Tipping my chin, he rubs his thumb along my bottom lip and smiles. “I don’t know when it shifted. And yeah, it feels quick and unexpected, but I want to go with it.”

  Mack groans. “I can’t watch this shit.” Gripping his bag, he stalks down the path to our front door.

  “Hey, Mack, come on man.” Finn throws his arm wide. “I’m not playing. This is real for me.”

  “And me,” I murmur.

  Finn flashes me his tender, sweet smile. I want to melt right into it, but then he looks back up at the house, his expression crumpling with disappointment.

  “He’ll come around.” I run my hand over Finn’s stomach and lean against him. “He’s just taken off guard…and probably pissed he had to leave his girlfriend. We get to be together while he has to leave Kaija behind.”

  Finn nods, rubbing his hand down my back. “Plus he’s mad at me for crossing the line.”

  I roll my eyes and step back. Why do guys have to have this unwritten code? Finn should be able to date the girl he wants to, and it’s not fair for Mack to get annoyed. This isn’t even about him!


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