Book Read Free

Ann Petry

Page 35

by Ann Petry

  “I can’t stay,” she said sharply. “I only came to get the money.”

  “Oh, yes—the money,” he said. He sounded as though he had just remembered it. “You can get the money easy, baby. I figured it out.” He half-closed his eyes. “Junto’s the answer. He’ll give it to you. Just like that”—he snapped his fingers.

  He paused for a moment as though he were waiting for her to say something, and when she made no comment he continued: “All you got to do is be nice to him. Just be nice to him as long as he wants and the two hundred bucks is yours. And bein’ nice to Junto pays off better than anything else I know.”

  She heard what he said, knew exactly what he meant, and her mind skipped over his words and substituted other words. She was back in the big shabby ballroom at the Casino, straining to hear a thin thread of music that kept getting lost in the babble of voices, in the clink of glasses, in the bursts of laughter, so that she wasn’t certain the music was real. Sometimes it was there and then again it was drowned out by the other sounds.

  The faint, drifting melody went around and under the sound of Boots’ voice and the words that he had spoken then blotted out what he had just said.

  “Baby, this is just experience. Be months before you can earn money at it.”

  “Nothing happened, baby. What makes you think something happened?”

  “I don’t have all the say-so. The guy who owns the Casino—guy named Junto—says you ain’t ready yet.”

  “Christ! he owns the joint.”

  The guy named Junto owned the Bar and Grill, too. Evidently his decision that she wasn’t to be paid for singing had been based on his desire to sleep with her; and he had concluded that, if she had to continue living in that house where his friend Mrs. Hedges lived or in one just like it, she would be a pushover.

  And now the same guy, named Junto, was sitting outside on a sofa, just a few feet away from this door, and she thought, I would like to kill him. Not just because he happens to be named Junto, but because I can’t even think straight about him or anybody else any more. It is as though he were a piece of that dirty street itself, tangible, close at hand, within reach.

  She could still hear that floating, drifting tune. It was inside her head and she couldn’t get it out. Boots was staring at her, waiting for her to say something, waiting for her answer. He and Junto thought they knew what she would say. If she hummed that fragment of melody aloud, she would get rid of it. It was the only way to make it disappear; otherwise it would keep going around and around in her head. And she thought, I must be losing my mind, wanting to hum a tune and at the same time thinking about killing that man who is sitting, waiting, outside.

  Boots said, “Junto’s a good guy. You’ll be surprised how much you’ll take to him.”

  The sound of her own voice startled her. It was hoarse, loud, furious. It contained the accumulated hate and the accumulated anger from all the years of seeing the things she wanted slip past her without her ever having touched them.

  She shouted, “Get him out of here! Get him out of here! Get him out of here quick!”

  And all the time she was thinking, Junto has a brick in his hand. Just one brick. The final one needed to complete the wall that had been building up around her for years, and when that one last brick was shoved in place, she would be completely walled in.

  “All right. All right. Don’t get excited.” Boots got up from the bed, pushed her away from the door and went out, slamming it behind him.

  “Sorry, Junto,” Boots said. “She’s mad as hell. No use your waiting.”

  “I heard her,” Junto said sourly. “And if this is something you planned, you’d better unplan it.”

  “You heard her, didnya?”

  “Yes. But you still could have planned it,” Junto said. He walked toward the foyer. At the door he turned to Boots. “Well?” he said.

  “Don’t worry, Mack,” Boots said coldly. “She’ll come around. Come back about ten o’clock.”

  He closed the door quietly behind Junto. He hadn’t intended to in the beginning, but he was going to trick him and Junto would never know the difference. Sure, Lutie would sleep with Junto, but he was going to have her first. He thought of the thin curtains blowing in the wind. Yeah, he can have the leavings. After all, he’s white and this time a white man can have a black man’s leavings.

  Junto had pushed him hard, threatened him, nagged him about Lutie Johnson. This would be his revenge. He locked the door leading to the foyer and put the key in his pocket. Then he headed toward the kitchenette in the back of the apartment. He’d fix a drink for Lutie and one for himself.

  The murmur of their voices came to Lutie in the bedroom. She couldn’t hear what they said and she waited standing in front of the door, listening for some indication that Junto had gone.

  As soon as Junto left, she would go home. But she had to make certain he had gone, because if she walked outside there and saw him she would try to kill him. The thought frightened her. This was no time to get excited or to get angry. She had to be calm and concentrate on how to keep Bub from going to reform school.

  She’d been so angry just now she had forgotten that she still had to get two hundred dollars to take to the lawyer. Pop might have some ideas. Yes, he’d have ideas. He always had them. But she was only kidding herself if she thought any of them would yield two hundred dollars.

  There was the sound of a door closing, and then silence. She looked out into the living room. It was empty. She could hear the clinking sound of glasses from somewhere in the back of the apartment.

  And then Boots entered the room carrying a tray. Ice tinkled in tall glasses. A bottle of soda and a bottle of whiskey teetered precariously on the tray as he walked toward her.

  “Here, baby,” he said. “Have a drink and get yourself together.”

  She stood in front of the fireplace, holding the glass in her hand, not drinking it, just holding it. She could feel its coldness through her glove. She would go and talk to Pop. He’d lived three steps in front of the law for so long, he just might have a friend who was a lawyer and if Pop had ever done the friend any favors he might take Bub’s case on the promise of weekly payments from her.

  And she ought to go now. Why was she standing here holding this glass of liquor that she didn’t want and had no intention of drinking? Because you’re still angry, she thought, and you haven’t anyone to vent your anger on and you’re halfway hoping Boots will say something or do something that will give you an excuse to blow up in a thousand pieces.

  “Whyn’t you sit down?” Boots said.

  “I’ve got to go.” And yet she didn’t move. She stayed in front of the fireplace watching him as he sat on the sofa, sipping his drink.

  Occasionally he glanced up at her and she saw the scar on his cheek as a long thin line that looked darker than she had remembered it. And she thought he’s like these streets that trap all of us—vicious, dangerous.

  Finally he said, “Lissen, you want to get the little bastard out of jail, don’t yah? What you being so fussy about?”

  She put the glass down on a table. Some of the liquor slopped over, oozing down the sides of the glass, and as she looked at it, it seemed as though something had slopped over inside her head in the same fashion, was oozing through her so that she couldn’t think.

  “Skip it,” she said.

  Her voice was loud in the room. That’s right, she thought, skip it. Let’s all skip together, children. All skip together. Up the golden stairs. Skipping hand in hand up the golden stairs.

  “Just skip it,” she repeated.

  She had to get out of here, now, and quickly. She mustn’t stand here any longer looking down at him like this, because she kept thinking that he represented everything she had fought against. Yet she couldn’t take her eyes away from the ever-darkening scar that marred the side of his face; and as she st
ared at him, she felt she was gazing straight at the street with its rows of old houses, its piles of garbage, its swarms of children.

  “Junto’s rich as hell,” Boots said. “What you got to be so particular about? There ain’t a dame in town who wouldn’t give everything they got for a chance at him.” And he thought, Naw, she ain’t acting right. And she was all that stood between him and going back to portering or some other lousy, stinking job where he would carry his hat in his hand all day and walk on his head, saying “Yessir, yessir, yessir.”

  She moved away from the fireplace. There wasn’t any point in answering him. Right now she couldn’t even think straight, couldn’t even see straight. She kept thinking about the street, kept seeing it.

  All those years, going to grammar school, going to high school, getting married, having a baby, going to work for the Chandlers, leaving Jim because he got himself another woman—all those years she’d been heading straight as an arrow for that street or some other street just like it. Step by step she’d come, growing up, working, saving, and finally getting an apartment on a street that nobody could have beaten. Even if she hadn’t talked to Bub about money all the time, he would have got into trouble sooner or later, because the street looked after him when she wasn’t around.

  “Aw, what the hell!” Boots muttered. He put his glass down on the table in front of the sofa, got up and by moving swiftly blocked her progress to the door.

  “Let’s talk it over,” he said. “Maybe we can work out something.”

  She hesitated. There wasn’t anything to work out or talk over unless he meant he would lend her the money with no strings attached. And if he was willing to do that, she would be a fool not to accept it. Pop was a pretty feeble last resort.

  “Come on, baby,” he said. “Ten minutes’ talk will straighten it out.” And she went back to stand in front of the fireplace.

  “Ain’t no point in your getting mad, baby. We can still be friends,” he said softly, and put his arm around her waist.

  He was standing close to her. She smelt faintly sweet and he pulled her closer. She tried to back away from him and he forced her still closer, held her hands behind her back, pulling her ever closer and closer.

  As he kissed her, he felt a hot excitement well up in him that made him forget all the logical, reasoned things he had meant to say; for her skin was soft under his mouth and warm. He fumbled with the fastenings of her coat, his hand groping toward her breasts.

  “Aw, Christ, baby,” he whispered. “Junto can get his afterward.” And the rhythm of the words sank into him, seemed to correspond with the rhythm of his desire for her so that he had to say them again. “Let him get his afterward. I’ll have mine first.”

  She twisted out of his arms with a sudden, violent motion that nearly sent him off balance. The anger surging through her wasn’t directed solely at him. He was there at hand; he had tricked her into staying an extra few minutes in this room with him, because she thought he was going to lend her the money she so urgently needed; and she was angry with him for that and for being a procurer for Junto and for assuming that she would snatch at an opportunity to sleep with either or both of them. This quick surface anger helped to swell and became a part of the deepening stream of rage that had fed on the hate, the frustration, the resentment she had toward the pattern her life had followed.

  So she couldn’t stop shouting, and shouting wasn’t enough. She wanted to hit out at him, to reduce him to a speechless mass of flesh, to destroy him completely, because he was there in front of her and she could get at him and in getting at him she would find violent outlet for the full sweep of her wrath.

  Words tumbled from her throat. “You no good bastard!” she shouted. “You can tell Junto I said if he wants a whore to get one from Mrs. Hedges. And the same thing goes for you. Because I’d just as soon get in bed with a rattlesnake—I’d just as soon——”

  And he reached out and slapped her across the face. And as she stood there in front of him, trembling with anger, her face smarting, he slapped her again.

  “I don’t take that kind of talk from dames,” he said. “Not even good-looking ones like you. Maybe after I beat the hell out of you a coupla times, you’ll begin to like the idea of sleeping with me and with Junto.”

  The blood pounding in her head blurred her vision so that she saw not one Boots Smith but three of him; and behind these three figures the room was swaying, shifting, and changing with a wavering motion. She tried to separate the three blurred figures and it was like trying to follow the course of heat waves as they rose from a sidewalk on a hot day in August.

  Despite this unstable triple vision of him, she was scarcely aware of him as an individual. His name might have been Brown or Smith or Wilson. She might never have seen him before, might have known nothing about him. He happened to be within easy range at the moment he set off the dangerous accumulation of rage that had been building in her for months.

  When she remembered there was a heavy iron candlestick on the mantelpiece just behind her, her vision cleared; the room stopped revolving and Boots Smith became one person, not three. He was the person who had struck her, her face still hurt from the blow; he had threatened her with violence and with a forced relationship with Junto and with himself. These things set off her anger, but as she gripped the iron candlestick and brought it forward in a swift motion aimed at his head, she was striking, not at Boots Smith, but at a handy, anonymous figure—a figure which her angry resentment transformed into everything she had hated, everything she had fought against, everything that had served to frustrate her.

  He was so close to her that she struck him on the side of the head before he saw the blow coming. The first blow stunned him. And she struck him again and again, using the candlestick as though it were a club. He tried to back away from her and stumbled over the sofa and sprawled there.

  A lifetime of pent-up resentment went into the blows. Even after he lay motionless, she kept striking him, not thinking about him, not even seeing him. First she was venting her rage against the dirty, crowded street. She saw the rows of dilapidated old houses; the small dark rooms; the long steep flights of stairs; the narrow dingy hallways; the little lost girls in Mrs. Hedges’ apartment; the smashed homes where the women did drudgery because their men had deserted them. She saw all of these things and struck at them.

  Then the limp figure on the sofa became, in turn, Jim and the slender girl she’d found him with; became the insult in the moist-eyed glances of white men on the subway; became the unconcealed hostility in the eyes of white women; became the greasy, lecherous man at the Crosse School for Singers; became the gaunt Super pulling her down, down into the basement.

  Finally, and the blows were heavier, faster, now, she was striking at the white world which thrust black people into a walled enclosure from which there was no escape; and at the turn-of-events which had forced her to leave Bub alone while she was working so that he now faced reform school, now had a police record.

  She saw the face and head of the man on the sofa through waves of anger in which he represented all these things and she was destroying them.

  She grew angrier as she struck him, because he seemed to be eluding her behind a red haze that obscured his face. Then the haze of red blocked his face out completely. She lowered her arm, peering at him, trying to locate his face through the redness that concealed it.

  The room was perfectly still. There was no sound in it except her own hoarse breathing. She let the candlestick fall out of her hand. It landed on the thick rug with a soft clump and she started to shiver.

  He was dead. There was no question about it. No one could live with a head battered in like that. And it wasn’t a red haze that had veiled his face. It was blood.

  She backed away from the sight of him, thinking that if she took one slow step at a time, just one slow step at a time, she could get out of here, walking backward,
step by step. She was afraid to turn her back on that still figure on the sofa. It had become a thing. It was no longer Boots Smith, but a thing on a sofa.

  She stumbled against a chair and sat down in it, shivering. She would never get out of this room. She would never, never get out of here. For the rest of her life she would be here with this awful faceless thing on the sofa. Then she forced herself to get up, to start walking backward again.

  The foyer door was closed because she backed right into it. Just a few more steps and she would be out. She fumbled for the knob. The door was locked. She didn’t believe it and rattled it. She felt for a key. There was none. It would, she was certain, be in Boots Smith’s pocket and she felt a faint stirring of anger against him. He had deliberately locked the door because he hadn’t intended to let her out of here.

  The anger went as quickly as it came. She had to go back to that motionless, bloody figure on the sofa. The stillness in the room made her feel as though she was wading through water, wading waist-deep toward the couch, and the water swallowed up all sound. It tugged against her, tried to pull her back.

  The key was in his pocket. In her haste she pulled all the things out of his pocket—a handkerchief, a wallet, book matches, and the key. She held on to the key, but the other things went out of her hand because as she drew away from him she thought he moved. And all the stories she had ever heard about the dead coming back to life, about the dead talking, about the dead walking, went through her mind; making her hands shake so that she couldn’t control them.

  As she moved hurriedly away from the couch, she almost stepped on the wallet. She picked it up and looked inside. It bulged with money. He could have given her two hundred dollars and never missed it.

  The two hundred dollars she needed was right there in her hand. She could take it to the lawyer tonight. Or could she?

  For the first time the full implication of what she had done swept over her. She was a murderer. And the smartest lawyer in the world couldn’t do anything for Bub, not now, not when his mother had killed a man. A kid whose mother was a murderer didn’t stand any chance at all. Everyone he came in contact with would believe that sooner or later he, too, would turn criminal. The Court wouldn’t parole him in her care either, because she was no longer a fit person to bring him up.


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