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Page 2

by Samantha Twinn

  “No, thank you. Everything is fine now. He’s just…a fan.”

  When the guard drops Dennis’s arm he bolts, skitters down the sidewalk and around the corner like a rabbit pursued by dogs. The guards open the theater door for me, escorting me inside. I glance down the sidewalk one more time before walking inside.

  As I take my seat, my heart still beating frantically in my chest, I realize I’ve just encountered my first rabid fan, possibly even a stalker. No actress ever expects it to happen and especially not before her movie has even debuted. My hands shake on my lap and I want my stepbrothers even more. I think about Antony’s offer of protection. Now I know for sure that I can’t do this on my own.



  “Don’t go anywhere. Stay inside. We’re on our way.”

  I’m moving across the office, shoving my phone into my pocket and grabbing car keys at the same time.

  “Let’s go.” I say to Kieren, who is sprawled across a leather club chair in front of my desk. He’s flipping a pen back and forth through his fingers.

  He swings a denim clad leg off the chair and pulls his tall frame up. “Where we going?”

  “Victoria.” I say tersely.

  That gets him to move. He’s ahead of me as we make our way out of our security company office and to the black SUV in the parking lot. It’s a dark, heavy beast with windows and doors that are fortified against both bullets and ramming attacks from other vehicles. Kieren holds out his hand for the keys. “I’ll drive.”

  “The hell you will.” I punch at the fob and the door locks click open. “I want to get there in one piece.” I slide into the driver’s seat and Kieren, shrugging, settles into the passenger seat.

  “Why do you always drive?” Kieren asks.

  I don’t tell him it’s because he harps too much on being the older brother. Older. By thirty-six seconds.

  “You know, I drove Formula One cars,” he says to me.

  “You wrecked Formula One cars,” I reply.


  “Once was enough to almost kill you.”

  I pull the SUV out of the lot and aim it towards downtown. The sky is never dark in L.A. and headlights are barely needed as we cruise down the streets crowded with every expensive and exotic car you can think of.

  “So…Victoria…” Kieren prompts me.

  “There was a problem. Some guy grabbed her, tried to haul her off with him.”

  “She know him?”

  “I don’t think so. She thought he was a reporter.”

  “We should have gone with her, as her bodyguards,” Kieren says. “She needed protection as Michael Carter’s daughter. And now that she’s going to be in the spotlight even more…”

  “I know. We’ll talk to her about it.”

  We sit in silence for a few minutes as I maneuver through the evening traffic. I take the corners as fast as I dare and tamp down my impatience at every red light that catches us. Kieren fiddles with the radio and raps his knuckles on the window to the beat of the song. When my phone rings, he fishes it out of the center console and looks at the caller ID.

  “It’s Monty,” he says.

  “I know.” I grind my teeth a little and try to concentrate on traffic.

  “So you know why he’s calling?”

  “Yes, send it to voicemail.”

  Kieren taps at the phone. “Okay. Why?”

  “I’d rather concentrate on getting to Victoria right now. And…”

  “And?” Kieren asks.

  “He’s calling to talk about pulling out of his Defender, Inc contract.”

  “Shit.” Kieren aims a fist at the dashboard. “What the fuck, he can’t pull out. We’re not some chick he’s going at bareback. He can’t pull out.”

  I can see the theater up ahead. Photographers still line the sidewalk, waiting for the celebrities to make another appearance.

  I sigh quietly. “Unfortunately, he can. There’s a clause. He’ll owe us but he can pull out. But I don’t want to think about that right now. Victoria.”

  “Yeah, okay. One thing at a time.” Kieren scans the area as I ease the SUV into a spot just down the block from the theater. “We need to go in and get her?”

  “No, invitation only event. We’re going to wait for her to come out. Text her, let her know we’re here and waiting.”

  Nodding, Kieren pops open his door and jumps down to the sidewalk. I get out and walk around to join him, leaning against the side of the car, crossing my arms, and studying the area around me. Kieren is pacing up and down in front of me. Stride and pivot, stride and pivot. The man can’t stay still. I don’t let that fool me though, I know he’s taking in every person and everything happening within three hundred yards of where we’re standing. I keep one eye on him as he stomps back and forth, and one on the door of the theater.

  I stand in one spot so long that my legs start to stiffen up, but when the door opens and Victoria walks out I shake off my discomfort and head right for her. Kieren is on my heels.

  Jesus, she’s gorgeous. She’s poured into this shimmery gold dress with long sleeves and a high neck but it can’t disguise her well-rounded curves. Her curly chocolate hair is pulled up into some intricate knot with pieces that frame her face, brushing over the sweet line of her cheek. And those shoes…fuck me. Yeah, fuck me shoes. Tall and black and strappier than an S & M dungeon.

  “Antony!” she calls out and runs for me as fast as her shoes allow, throwing herself at me in a body shaking hug. When I wrap my arms around her, my hands encounter nothing but smooth, warm skin. I turn her around.

  “Where’s the rest of your dress, Vickie?” I’m not sure I like the dress anymore. There’s no back, just an expanse of supple, bronzed skin on display, all the more tantalizing for the covered, conservative front. I pull off my jacket and drape it over her shoulders.

  “I’m not cold.” Her lips twist.

  “Never mind that right now. Are you okay?” I ask.

  Kieren has spun her away from me and pulled her into a hug. “You look fantastic. Not such an annoying little brat anymore. You okay?”

  “I’m okay, I’m okay.” She’s glancing around.

  “You see him?” Kieren follows her gaze, searches the crowd for anyone who looks suspicious.

  “No. He’s gone. He got really spooked by security.”

  “Let’s get you out of here then.” I rest my hand on the small of her back, feeling the warmth of her skin move through my fingers, and lead her to the truck. Just as I open the door a black limo glides to a stop beside the SUV. Kieren sprints around the truck and yanks open the driver door, pulling out a short, grey-haired man.

  “It’s just Alber,” Victoria calls to him.

  “Oh.” Kieren drops his hands and brushes off the man’s jacket lapels. “Sorry, my man.” Alber is cowering a little but I have to give him points when he asks Victoria if everything is okay.

  “I’m fine, Alber,” she says. “They’re just my brothers.”

  “We’ve got her from here,” I say and open the rear door to the SUV and help Victoria inside. Kieren tries to slip around me and into the driver’s but I block with my arm and a warning shake of my head. “Not happening.”

  “Can’t fault a man for trying.” He grins and moves around to the passenger side.

  The ride to office is quiet with Victoria seemingly wrapped in her own thoughts in the backseat. Kieren tries to engage her in some small talk but gives up and watches the lights of L.A. roll by when she gives him only monosyllabic replies.

  Finally, we move inside and Victoria kicks off her shoes with a grateful sigh, sinking onto the small sofa opposite the desk. Kieren wanders off and comes back with water and a cup of fresh coffee. Victoria takes it with a smile, sipping it and studying the room around her. I take a look around and suddenly see what she must; square room, beige everything, dusty smelling, plain furniture, nothing much to look at. We’ve all grown up surrounded by professionally decorated luxury
and our small Defender, Inc. office is lacking in both decorations and luxury. Maybe one day.

  I lean back against the desk and cross one foot over the over, arms folded across my chest, and study Victoria for a minute. She smiles up at me, her eyes the clear blue of a California desert sky.

  “So, here’s what we’re going to do…you can’t be alone anymore. Everyone knows who you are and now that the movie is out you’re going to be hounded by pap’s, press, and fans non-stop. Kieren and I will alternate shifts with you. Did you get a good look at the guy?”

  “Antony, I…” Victoria starts

  “We need to figure out who he is, get a restraining order taken out on him. There should be cameras around the theater entrance, Kieren. Find out what we need to do to get the tape…”

  “Antony, could you…”

  “We need to do a security sweep of your house, maybe install a new system, install a gate, maybe another guard…”

  “Antony, stop!” Victoria jumps up and rounds on me, red splotches high on her cheeks.

  Kieren stops his pacing and watches Victoria carefully.

  “Okay, sorry. I know this is all happening in a rush but Kieren and me are here to help. We’ll do whatever we need to keep you…”

  “…I need you to recommend another security company,” she says in a rush.

  Kieren and I are both staring at her. Did I just hear that correctly? She doesn’t want us? She’d rather have strangers taking her safety into their hands than her own stepbrothers?

  I glance at Kieren and see his face is turning purple. “What the hell, Vickie,” he splutters. “You think we’re just rank amateurs or something? You don’t think we can take care of you? You don’t trust us? Or is this just some Hollywood brat act?”

  I soon as the words are out I can see that he’s wrong. We’re both wrong. Tears are tangling in Victoria’s lashes, threatening to spill across her velvet cheeks. She blinks them away rapidly and takes a couple of deep breaths.

  “That’s not what I think at all,” she says quietly. Kieren’s jaw twitches slightly. I know he’s already regretting what he said. He turns and starts to pace the room again, only looking at Victoria from the corner of his eye.

  “We know,” I say, “sit down, baby girl.” I lead her back to the sofa, offer her my bottle of water. Her smile is small. She takes a sip and hands the bottle back to me.

  “Listen,” she takes a shaky breath, “I can’t…if I’m going to have bodyguards I need someone who…”

  Kieren has stopped pacing again and is watching her, his face ready to not believe whatever excuse she’s about to give us.

  “I need to know that if I have a bodyguard, and he’s hurt, or takes a bullet for me even, that it’s something I can live with.” All this comes out in choked rush and she’s brushing at her eyes again, her professional applied make-up streaking across the back of her hand.

  Kieren leaves. Just slips out the door and paces off down the hallway. I ease onto the sofa beside her.

  “You’re all I’ve got, Antony. You and Kieren. And if something happens to either one of you, after Dad…and especially if it’s because of me…”

  “That’s not how it would be, Victoria.”

  “It’s a risk I can’t take. Please,” she begs softly, “I need your help with this. Help me find a good company to use.”

  I sigh and drop my head. It’s no use arguing with her right now. With her scare, earlier and memories of her father ghosting around the edges, her night has been long and harsh and she needs gentle handling right now.

  “Okay,” I say, “we’ll help you out.”

  “Thank you.” She rubs quickly at her face. “Um, so, someone recommended, one of the security guards from earlier gave me this card.” She fishes around inside her black bag and holds up a card for me to see. “What do you think of this company?”

  I take the card and turn it over. The company name is spelled out in bold, black typeface across a silvery background: Alpha Bravo Security.

  “Nope.” I flip the card toward the waste basket near the desk. Kieren wanders back in with a beer in his hand. He apparently took a walk to the pub down the street.

  “She wants to use Alpha Bravo.” I turn to face him.

  Kieren stops his bottle halfway to his mouth. “Ah, no. That’s not going to happen.”

  “Fine,” Victoria huffs, “but instead of just telling me no you could, oh I don’t know, be fucking helpful or something.”

  Kieren is bent over the desk now, scribbling something onto a scrap of paper. I give him a questioning eyebrow as he thrusts the paper at her.

  “Sentry Security,” she reads. “Thank you, Kieren.”

  He salutes her with his beer bottle.

  “Sentry is good,” I mutter, “they’re tight and organized. You’ll be in good hands.”

  I turn to her. “I wish you’d rethink using us. We know you.”

  She reaches out and gently places her hand on my cheek, her fingers are soft and warm and sweet against my face. She tilts her head ever so slightly and gives me a small, wistful smile. “I can’t put either of you in harm’s way. I’d never be able to forgive myself if something happened. Now, this discussion is over.” Her voice is tender but firm. She’s decided and there’s nothing we can do about for now. I nod.

  She immediately brightens. “I’m starving,” she announces. “’I’ve been on nothing but vegetables and water for a week to make sure I can fit into this dress.” She flicks her fingers dismissively at the gold material hugging her body.

  “Worth it,” Kieren crows.

  “Whatever. Feed me tacos,” Victoria orders.

  “Ma’am, yes, ma’am!” Kieren assumes a soldierly stance and marches toward the door, opening it and ushering Victoria through. When he notices that she hasn’t put her sky-high shoes back on, he grabs her and flings her over his shoulder, striding across the parking lot toward the SUV with her curvy bottom high in the air and her giggles echoing back across the pavement at me.

  As I follow them I realize that I absolutely do not want any other men with her, guarding her body in any way, shape, or form. Just the thought sends a spark up my back and tightens my jaw.

  But as I start the truck and head off in search of Mexican food, I keep my mouth shut. I let Kieren and Victoria’s easy banter flow around me and try to figure out a way to respect her decision without losing my mind.



  The Chateau Marmont is classic Hollywood. Black-beamed ceilings and oxblood carpets lend the lobby of the faux castle a gothic splendor while California palms sway in the sea breeze outside the mullioned windows. The effect is almost surreal, like much of Hollywood.

  I park myself on one of the artfully worn sofas and tap open my phone, checking for messages. I’m here for a meeting but the person I’m meeting isn’t here yet. No messages. Huh. How very professional. I shrug and shoot off a text to Victoria while I wait.

  How’s it going, Vickie?

  Don’t call me Vickie.

  I love annoying this girl.

  Fine, Lady Victoria. Met with your new bodyguards yet?

  I did. They’ll be with me at tomorrow’s appearance.

  They good?

  Smoking hot.

  That’s not what I was asking, brat.

  Sorry. Hurt your feelings?

  What feelings?

  They’re not as smoking hot as your sexy self. Oh, baby baby!

  I know she’s just joking but…

  You’re sooooooo sexy, Kie!

  Stop it, goof

  You’re making me hot. Oops, there went my shirt.

  I send her a bright red devil emoji.

  You’re making me so horny.

  LOL. OMG, Kie. That was corny as hell.

  I’m glad she’s joking around with me like this. Hopefully it means she’s getting over the incident at her premiere and is feeling more confident about her acting career. I know she’s kidding with me but a part of m
e wishes she wasn’t. She’s adorably cute. Has been since we were young, and I can’t lie and say I’ve never thought about my stepsister in a way that wasn’t exactly brotherly. I’ve thought about it plenty.

  Court jester just for you, Lady Victoria. Now, don’t you have something to wax or pluck or buff?

  Absolutely. I’m late for my butt facial. Talk to you later. Smooches.

  A butt facial? I smile to myself, shaking my head slightly. Only in Hollywood. However, now I’m thinking about her ass. There’s no way that perfect, jaunty roundness needs any kind of beauty treatment. It’s a thing of glory. When I think about the way that gold dress dipped dangerously low, just skimming across the satin skin of her lower back…Jesus. One wrong move would have put every inch of her marvelous ass on display. I shift, suddenly uncomfortable as my cock twitches in my jeans. I tap at my phone again, searching for a distraction.

  I skim a few emails from Antony regarding Defender, Inc. business and tap off a few replies but my mind wanders back to Victoria. Sometimes I wonder what Antony would say if Victoria and I…well, if we were together. We’ve talked about her before. About how hot she is, how smart she is, how we’d like to find a girl just like her. I’m not sure either one of has ever seriously considered dating Victoria though. I don’t think Antony would be jealous, we’re just not like that, and it’s not like we’ve never got down on the same chick before. It happens when you’re fairly good-looking twins. Some girls just have that fantasy, you know. I even dated one or two of them after and he never minded. He’d probably just get that disapproving Antony look. The one where his eyes squint just slightly around the edges and his lips get all thin. He’s way too serious sometimes.

  I sigh and check my watch. Where the hell is my client? I can’t stand to wait around. Makes me twitch. Just as I’m about to text Antony a “fuck this” and split, someone I know walks in. Son of a bitch. It’s Dean Falwell, Alpha Bravo Security’s business manager. What the hell is he doing here?

  Dean marches over and gives me a smirking grin before he drops onto the chair opposite me. “How’s it going, Chase?”


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