Book Read Free


Page 10

by Samantha Twinn

  “What’s this about completely naked?” Antony is standing at the patio door, a smirk on his face.

  “Vacation,” Victoria is slightly out of breath when she answers him.

  “Naked vacation. Sounds like a plan.” Antony eases up behind Victoria and slips his hands down the back of her shorts. Her eyes drift shut as she sags between us.

  “Hey, buster,” her voice is slow and already drugged with pleasure, “if I’m going to be naked all the time then so are you two.”

  “Your wish is our command, Lady Victoria.” I pull my t-shirt over my head and drop it to the floor, pushing my sweatpants down my legs and kicking them to the side. Behind her, Antony is working quickly at the buttons of his shirt and toeing off his shoes. “Now for you.”

  Antony wastes no time in stripping her shorts over her ass and dropping them on the growing pile of clothes. Her thin tank top follows and then she’s between us again, her flesh pressed between us, her skin silk against mine. Her nipples are diamond hard against my chest and her breath is already puffing out in short, excited pants.

  I pluck at her nipples before trailing my hand down and slipping it between her hot folds. She’s already wet. Her head rests back against Antony’s chest, her eyes barely open as she revels in our attentions. She’s so close to coming it’s not going to take much to push her over the edge. My cock is bobbing between us and I feel her searching hand grasp it, giving a few experimental strokes, pulling the head. My shaft pulses against the warmth of her fingers and I know I won’t be far behind her.

  Antony has his hands on her tits now, kneading and pinching her nipples. He steps back, pulling Victoria with him and she leads me along with her hand on my cock.

  We move to the table and Antony uses his foot to pull out a chair. He settles back into it and pulls Victoria down. She’s facing me, her back still to Antony, and I see the bliss that spreads over her face as he presses her hips down and settles her onto his cock. Her mouth is open, moans spilling over from her lips as Antony shifts her up and down, sliding her wet cunt along his upright cock.

  I grab at her head and pull her forward, guiding her mouth to my throbbing cock. Groaning, I push and feel her raspy tongue twirl around the head, probing at the slit, gathering the salty bead building there with her mouth. Her mouth is velvet fire and when Antony plunges into her, she pushes further forward, drawing my cock deeper into her mouth with each thrust. The thick head touches the back of her throat and she moans around the flesh, the sounds vibrating around my cock. She grabs my hips to steady herself, her nails pinching into my ass, sending chills over my spine.

  I feel her when she comes, trapped between our cocks, riding the waves that wash over her. I look down and her sky-blue eyes are focused on mine. Her sucking mouth is latched around my cock as her body convulses and bucks on Antony’s pumping shaft. It’s too much for me.

  I roar and my cock jerks against the roof her mouth, her teeth scrap over the tender flesh and then I’m spilling down her throat. I hold her head and let myself pour into her, feeling her cheeks hollow as she swallows down everything that I give her. Behind her, Antony is straining as he pumps and fills her. God, she’s beautiful. Beautiful, perfect and all ours for as long as we can hold it all together.



  When Antony stands up, he takes me with him, swinging me into his arms and carrying me to the bedroom. He eases me onto the bed and folds himself in beside me, twining his legs through mine and pulling my head to his chest. I feel Kieren move to the other side me, his arm resting across my waist, his face buried in my hair.

  My boys. Easy and resting beside me. Now that we’re quiet in the half- light of the bedroom, my easiness is slipping away. I’m no longer relaxed and pliant. Reality is starting to intrude and carry my thoughts away to places I don’t want to go. I pull my head from Antony’s chest and push away from him.

  “Where are you going,” he murmurs sleepily.

  “I just need to…look over some things…”

  Antony is immediately on alert his eyes focusing on me with their usual shrewd gaze. He pulls me back to him, nestles me back into him. Kieran moves closer and drapes his leg over me, pinning me to the bed.

  “What’s in your head, Victoria,” Antony asks.

  I don’t answer. Kieren starts to pull his fingers through my hair, combing the strands back and away from my face. I relax into the tug of his fingers.

  “Tell us what’s wrong, Vickie,” he says against my hair.

  “Don’t call me Vickie,” I reply half-heartedly.

  Antony makes a noise low in his throat while Kieren gives my hair a little pull. They’re ganging up on me, trying to make me tell them why I’m suddenly distant.

  I tug at the blankets, pulling them up over us, stalling for time. Finally, I sigh and flop over onto my back.

  “Can this really work?” I ask the ceiling.

  “You mean the three of us?” Antony lays a soft hand across my stomach.

  “Of course we can,” Kieren interjects.

  “That’s not what I mean,” I sigh. I’m annoyed with myself for not knowing how to say what I want to say. I lay there, collecting my thoughts.

  “I know that the three of us are okay. I know WE can make this work. But what about outside of this? Outside the house?”

  I can feel them looking at each other over my head. I know then that this is something they’ve talked about before.

  “I don’t think…we don’t think this should be public knowledge,” Antony says.

  “Hm, you decided this without me?”

  “Not on purpose. We just think…” Antony is stumbling over the words.

  I sit up, push my way to the end of the bed, pulling the blankets around my shoulders. The boys slide forward, sitting on either side me.

  “I don’t disagree with you, as much as I want too. We probably should keep this private, just between us. If this got us, about us, it would ruin my career. Yours too.” I’m watching them from the corner of my eye. “But, sometimes I don’t care. So what if I don’t have a career anymore. Sometimes I think I should just quit anyhow. All this Hollywood stuff? It’s not really me. I mean...I love acting, but not the other stuff that comes with it. If I backed out of it now we could all go somewhere and just…be.”

  “Would you really want that?” Kieren asks me quietly.

  “Yes. With you and Antony is the only place I feel truly like me. You let me be, you don’t judge. You keep me safe and centered.” I shrug. “It’s a nice feeling, not to have people dissecting your every move and outfit on the cover a magazine. This feels real. It's just the rest of my life that feels like a big bag of fake.”

  I push away from the bed and start to pace the floor, the blanket dragging behind me like a wedding train.

  “But…” Antony prompts me.

  “But my dad,” I say.

  “He’d be proud of you, baby, no matter what you choose,” Kieren says.

  “I’m scared if anyone found out about it would tarnish his reputation. You know, ‘what kind of kids did he raise that they all wound up in bed together? What must have been happening in that mansion?’ That kind of thing. And you know it would happen. You know how the public loves a scandal.”

  “So stop acting.”

  “Acting is the only thing I have left of my dad. I feel close…connected to him when I’m in front of the camera or an audience.” I pause before spinning and continuing my circuit across the room.

  “Then keep acting,” Kieren says.

  “You make it sound so simple.”

  “It is that simple,” he exclaims, “if you want to act, then act. We’ll still be here.” He gestures to himself and Antony. “We’ll do whatever we need to do to protect you and your career.”

  I stop my pacing and study Kieren for a minute. “Does that mean you’d leave me? So my career would be safe?” Tears prick at my eyes.

  Kieren is across the room before I can blink, his ha
nds cradling my cheeks as he presses his lips into mine. “No, no,” he murmurs against my lips. He pulls back, his gaze traveling over my face. “I’m not going to let you go. I’m not leaving. Neither is Antony. I’ve never felt like this about any woman and I’m not about to let that go. No matter what I have to do to keep it. If that means keeping us a secret, then that’s what I’m willing to do.”

  My head drops to his shoulder and he pulls me into his arms, snuggling me against his chest.

  “Why does it have to be such a big deal? Why do people care so much about who other people want to be with?”

  “I don’t know, baby,” Kieren says against my hair.

  Antony moves to join us. “Listen, I trust your judgement. You know you better than anyone. If this is what you want, then this is what you’re going to get.”

  “Do you mean it?”

  “Yes. And if we’re happy, does it matter that we have to keep it private? Does it really need to be public?”

  I shrug my shoulders. I guess it doesn’t matter. But this means not being able to act like I’m in a relationship. The magazines are always speculating about my love life and I'm just going to have to play dumb.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Antony continues, “If we have to keep it private and we’re happy, then that’s all that matters. Us. We know how important it is for you to keep acting and we know what we mean to you, too. You’re just as important to us.”


  “Yeah.” He smiles. “We’re not going anywhere. We’ll be the thing that makes you look forward to coming home.”

  They have no idea how true that is.

  A smile is tugging at my lips. Kieren sees it and tugs my blanket away, baring me to them. He tickles at my ribs, trying to make me laugh. I give him a withering look. “Nice try, buddy.”

  “Don’t you know anything?” Antony asks him. “Vickie’s not ticklish there.” With that, he grabs me and tosses me face down on the bed and grabs my ankles. Then, he grabs my foot firmly in his hand and drags his nails over my instep. It makes me squirm. “Don’t call me Vickie.” I giggle and try to twist away from his fingers. Kieren catches me on the other side and suddenly it’s a double attack with both of them running tickly fingers over my feet and legs.

  And when I think I can’t stand it anymore, the tickling fingers become lapping tongues and nipping teeth. I’m laid back and gentle hands are smoothed over my body. Giggles become groans and my worries are carried away on waves of bliss. And it’s here, caught between the twins, my body and heart full, that I feel complete.



  Early morning sun is slanting low through the window. It moves across the floor and touches Victoria’s hair, lighting it up in fiery coppers and silky chocolates. She moans when the beams brush over her eyes and rolls over, burying her face into Kieren’s chest. I ease off the bed and stand to watch them sleep. There are only two people in the world who are important to me and they’re wrapped in sleep, together, in the bed that we all shared for the night.

  Watching them sleep stirs something deep and sorrowful inside me. I slip off to the shower and let the pounding water scour across my back, hoping it will wash away the melancholy that’s settled over me. I lean my forehead against the tiles and close my eyes.

  What we’re doing here could have far-reaching and long lasting repercussions. Part of me thinks I should put an end to it now; the rational, thinking part. But my heart is telling me that this is right, this is good. That the love between the three of us is enough to carry us through anything that might happen.

  I step out and towel off, the thoughts still swirling in my head. I hear quiet giggles from the bedroom and walk in to find Victoria and Kieren twisted around each other, stroking and caressing, bodies moving softly together. Victoria’s smile is sleep lazy and easy when she sees me. She pulls back the blankets and pats the bed, inviting me back into their warm cocoon. The curve of her hip against the crisp white sheets is pure temptation; so is the burning look in her eyes.

  When I turn to leave the room, Kieren sits up. “Where you headed, little brother?”

  “Just thought I’d go to the office. Someone needs to. We do have a business to think about.” I start pulling on my clothes from the day before.

  The hurt on his face stabs me for a second but I don’t stay quiet. “I need to look over some contracts, make some contacts, drum up some business before we go belly up.”

  “Always the workaholic,” Kieren cracks.

  “Yeah, well, I have to be, don’t I?”

  “Hey, that’s not fair…” Kieren starts but I cut him off.

  “Maybe if we’re going to have this business and work together you could, I don’t know? Work.” Victoria’s face is stunned. She’s never heard me talk this way to Kieren before and I’ve shocked her. I can’t help myself. “And with me at the office, you’re on the clock. Why don’t you get out of the bed and act like it.” I jam my feet into my shoes and walk out the door, leaving them naked and open-mouthed.

  It’s early and traffic is light on the way to the office. I grab a coffee at a drive-through and make it to the office in record time for L.A. No one’s been here in a couple of days, at least since Victoria became our only client, but there’s depressingly little mail, and what is in the box is mostly junk, and no messages on the voicemail.

  I try to shrug it off and get down to work. I start my computer, listening to it whir as it boots up, and shuffle through a stack of former clients. Nothing is clicking for me. There’s

  nothing in the old contracts that’s catching my eye. I sit back and think and decide I need to make a call to the recruiter we’ve used before. Maybe bringing on a couple of contracted bodyguards will help us secure more contracts.

  I pull up the number and drink down my coffee as I listen to the phone ring. I’m really hoping she can help me out. Finally, the phone clicks and she picks up.

  “Hi, it’s Antony Chase from…”

  “Defender, Inc. yes, hi!” The recruiter sounds bubbly and helpful. It’s giving me some hope. “I was actually going to give you a call later today.”

  “Really?” I’m surprised to hear that. Our phone hasn’t been ringing much at all lately.

  “Well, tell me what I can help you with first.”

  “I was hoping you’d have a couple of contractor recommendations for me. We’re looking to add a couple of bodyguards to the roster and you’ve always recommended such quality people in the past.”

  The recruiter is chuckling. “This is serendipity, Mr. Chase. I’ve got two guys and both have specifically requested that I put them in touch with you. They’d love to interview with Defender, Inc.”

  “That’s great!” Is it? I’m getting a niggling feeling at the back of my mind but I brush it aside.

  “Word is getting around about you and Victoria Chase.” The recruiter’s words stop me for a minute. “People in the industry are talking about how you and your brother saved her from that armed stalker. That was excellent work.”

  “Thank you.” Relief washes over me when I realize she’s talking about Victoria as our client.

  “Indeed. She’s hot right now. Having her as your client could give your company a tremendous boost if you play it right. Anyhow, I’ll send over your interviewees' information and they’ll be around this afternoon if it’s okay.”

  “Sure, send them by around three.” Having Victoria as a client could give Defender, Inc a boost?

  “Thanks for calling, Mr. Chase.” The phone goes silent as she hangs up.

  I wait for the email containing my interviewees' information and wonder about the recruiter’s remark about Victoria. I feel a little guilt in thinking that our association with her will benefit Defender, Inc. The last thing I want to do is ride on anyone’s coattails. Especially Victoria’s. On the other hand, if we can boost our business and improve our bottom line, I’ll have more time to be with Victoria and Kieren. That can’t be a bad thing, can it? I
feel a pang about what I said this morning but there's nothing I can do about it now.

  I look over the resumes of the guys coming in this afternoon. They’re very experienced, both ex-military, highly trained with firearms and one has attained the rank of sixth dan in judo, a blackbelt. I’m impressed with their credentials and can’t wait to meet with them.

  I start files for them and move on to some financial business. I’m going over our accounts when the alarm for the front door buzzes. I reach over and tap at the tablet that’s connected to our office security system, it brings up the video of the front door. I cannot believe this.

  Dean Falwell is standing at the office door, grinning up at the camera. “Shit,” I mutter and hit the speaker button. “What is it?”

  “Morning, Chase. How about we have a little talk?” His face is still filling the tablet screen. I don’t really want to deal with him right now but I know Dean, he won’t leave until he says what he’s come for. I hit the button that buzzes open the front door and he pushes it open and walks through. His cowboy boots clomp down the hallway and then he sticks his bushy head through my office door, snarky grin still plastered across his face. He’s got two cups of coffee in his hands.

  Dean drops into the chair in front of my desk and offers me one of the coffees.

  “Thanks, no. I don’t drink coffee,” I say. I don’t want anything from this asshole.

  He glances at the empty cup on my desk and smirks.

  “What are you doing here, Dean?”

  “I just thought we needed to have a little chat, security company owner to security company owner.”

  I sigh and scrub my hand over my cropped hair. “Okay, let’s chat. And let’s make it quick so I can get you out of my office.”

  He laughs. “I get it, I know you don’t like me.”

  “I don’t like your business practices, Dean. I fucking hate you.”

  He’s still chortling at me. “I like your forthrightness, Chase. So, let’s get to it. I just wanted to let you that there are some rumors flying around about Defender, Inc. About you and your brother.”


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