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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Mated, Bearfoot and Pregnant (Bear Shifter BBW Pregnancy Romance) (Werebear Hero Fantasy Romance)

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by Leah Kent

  “Please, Svako, I need you now,” she said.

  He released the grip he had on her as he said, “Come to the bed.”

  She wanted him, but he wasn’t done teasing her yet. She felt his feet between her as she bent over the bed. His hands pulled her jeans down, along with her panties. She felt his fingers slide into her core, and she tightened her body around them. He gasped in surprise. Finally, he pushed open her legs, spreading her wide. Melissa felt his hands on her rump and knew what was coming. Her insides melted in anticipation as her juice dripped down her leg, aching for his sword. She felt his hand come down and smack her backside, and she cried out. Svako continued to slap her playfully, and it made her cry out again in anticipation.

  Melissa heard his shirt fall to the floor and braced herself for what she knew was coming. She felt his member at her entrance and closed her eyes. As Svako slid his organ inside her, she couldn’t help but shiver in ecstasy. He picked up the pace, and each time he thrust into her, his body smacked her tender rump, combining mind-blowing pleasure with the pain. Melissa felt him growing even stiffer and knew his climax was coming. As he thrust into her one last time, she felt herself exploding onto his shaft in a blinding orgasm.

  She fell onto the bed, her need met and reality slowly starting to set back in. She looked at him as he rose.

  “Do you want me to go or stay?” he asked her.

  She was surprised by the question, “I want you to stay. Unless you want to go?”

  He smiled at her as he let his shirt fall to the floor, “I want to stay more than anything. I just didn’t know if you were only after my body.”

  She laughed, “You know, I could wonder the same thing.”

  Svako looked over her naked body as he walked to the bed, “I am after your body, but I’m also after so much more. Something about you, I can’t explain it, I just feel drawn to you.”

  She slid her hands down her bare body, and his eyes followed. Melissa saw his member growing hard once again.

  Before he could join her, he saw something outside of the window and froze. A reflection in the glass. He jerked his head to look at the entrance to the bedroom. Standing in the doorway was Melissa’s stalker. She screamed as the stalker raised the gun to Svako’s chest.

  Chapter Five

  “I loved you, Melissa,” said the stalker as he looked at her. “I loved you for who you were.”

  “Please, I don’t know you. Please just go,” she said to him.

  “How can you say that? How can you say you don’t know me when I know everything about you?” he said.

  “Sir, please put the gun down,” said Svako.

  “You don’t talk to me!” the man screamed at him.

  Melissa saw the man’s hand shaking. She had to draw the attention away from him somehow so that Svako could tackle him. She shifted on the bed, conscious of the fact that she was still completely naked. The man’s eyes naturally locked onto her breasts as they bounced. It was the moment that Svako needed. The stalker jumped to the side and shot Svako in the arm. As he started to rise and go after Melissa, she watched Svako stand up.

  What she saw next made her scream out in fear. Svako began to change in front of her eyes. She was no longer afraid of just the intruder. She watched as the man she had just made love to turned into an enormous black bear. The growl that erupted from the beast’s jaws made the stalker drop the gun in complete terror. He tried to run from the room, but the bear smacked him with a massive paw and sent the man flying into the bedroom wall. He hit the wall and landed on the ground, unconscious.

  “Oh my god,” said Melissa as she rose from the bed.

  She walked along the wall, watching the bear as she went. He shifted once more, and Melissa relaxed some when she saw him return to his human form.

  “What are you?” she asked him hoarsely.

  “Some people call me a shifter, some a changeling. It depends on where they are from. No one outside of my family, though, knows about me. At least, no one did until now,” he stepped towards her, and she moved away from him.

  His eyes narrowed, she could see the pain she was causing him. She just couldn’t comprehend everything that had happened over the past few hours. Suddenly all she wanted to do was go back to the city and pretend this night had never happened. She watched as Svako grabbed his clothing and quickly found his phone. Pulling it out, he called the local police then hung up the phone.

  “They will be here soon, you may want to get dressed,” he said to her.

  She nodded her head and started to leave the room, thankful her bags were still packed on the living room floor.

  “Melissa,” said Svako, “I am trusting you not to say anything to people about who I am. Not all of us can run away from here back to the city.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Sure,” she said to him in a cold voice.

  She felt the tears in her eyes as she headed to the bathroom to get dressed. He had just insulted her. Of course, she had insulted him first by backing away from him. How else was she supposed to react to seeing a giant black bear standing in her living room where a man she had just met used to be standing? She quickly got dressed and emerged just as the police pulled into the driveway.

  Melissa listened in amazement as Svako told them a story about how he had been doing a patrol when he saw the intruder and seized him. When the man was drug from the bedroom, he was sprouting stories about a bear, which Svako attributed to insanity.

  As the man walked past Melissa, she realized something. “Oh my god!” she said. “He was my pilot!”

  “It’s no wonder he knew where you were going all the time,” said one of the officers. “You’re lucky the park ranger was passing by. You could have been really hurt.”

  She didn’t raise her eyes as she agreed with the officer. She knew that the injuries she had received weren’t on the outside, but she still felt like she was wounded on the inside. As the officers left, she closed the door behind them.

  “Thank you for not saying anything,” said Svako. “Melissa, I wasn’t kidding when I said I felt a pull to you. You don’t feel it at all?”

  Melissa started to repack her suitcase. “No,” she lied to him, “I don’t feel anything at all.”

  “Where are you going?” he asked her.

  “Into town, to catch the first flight out of this place,” said Melissa.

  She never wanted to return either. She knew that she felt something for Svako, but she couldn’t risk his other side becoming public. It would kill him. And as the stalker had just proved, she was never alone.

  Chapter Six

  It had been almost three months since she had last seen Svako. The time had gone by quickly, as most things in her life did. As her flight started to land, she thought about that night and seeing him shift for the first time. She had rushed back to her home in the city with no plans on ever looking back. The problem with plans, though, is that they always changed. She placed a hand protectively on her stomach. She was just barely showing through her voluptuous core.

  “Melissa, you can debark now if you’d like,” said the pilot.

  She looked out the window and took a deep breath. “Thank you, Jeremy,” she told him. Since the night with the stalker, Melissa had become much more rigid about who she let into her inner circle. She interviewed everyone personally and did background checks. If she was even a little unsure, they were out. Jeremy had come to her highly qualified after spending four years in the air force. He didn’t even know who she was until he got the interview.

  “Do you want me to come down with you?” he asked her protectively.

  She smiled at him, “No, don’t worry. I can manage.”

  He had become like an older brother to her. He cared more about her safety than anyone else she had brought into her life had. He had also become her part-time driver and bodyguard. It was Jeremy who drove her to the doctor two weeks ago when everything had changed.

  “When did you say you last had intercourse?”
the elderly woman had asked her.

  “Three months ago,” she replied for the third time.

  The woman looked at her in disbelief, “I’m sorry honey, but that’s impossible. Your little man here is at least five months along.”

  “That’s not possible. I haven’t had sex with anyone,” Melissa said in dismay.

  “Well, it’s either that or you are carrying some sort of large hybrid baby, so I’m going to say you just forgot about someone a little further down the road,” she replied in disapproval.

  “Oh my god,” said Melissa in shock.

  “Did you think of him?” asked the doctor.

  Melissa nodded her head, but it was a lie. She hadn’t had sex with anyone for a year before Svako, and no one after him. What the doctor had said about a hybrid though, that got her thinking. She had panicked at first and thought about fleeing the country altogether. However, a child was her dream, even if he was going to be special. Her breasts had become swollen, and in just two weeks since the doctor’s visit, she had started to show. Her little boy was growing rapidly.

  Her car started right up at the airport, and she made the now familiar drive to her cabin. It looked just like it had the night she left. She drove past it and the ranger station on her way into town to get supplies. Her appetite had grown, and she knew she couldn’t get by on the odds and ends she had at the cabin. As she made her way through the store, people nodded to her but generally treated her the same way they would anyone else. It was an incredible feeling not to stick out in a community.

  One little girl, though, stopped and stared at her, eyes wide in amazement. Melissa couldn’t help herself as she lowered her body down to the girl’s level.

  “Hi there. How are you today?” she asked the little girl.

  “Oh my gosh. You’re Melissa Todd,” said the girl softly.

  Melissa smiled at her, “Yes I am. What’s your name?”

  “Candace. I think you know my uncle!” she said excitedly.

  Melissa was accustomed to little girls always thinking she knew an adult in their lives. Parents told their kids little white lies. She smiled as she stood up, preparing to meet the family. Melissa made a mental note not to drop down into that position anymore. The baby did little flips because of the strain.

  “Melissa?” said a familiar voice.

  She looked up in shock, “Svako? You’re the uncle?”

  He smiled at Candace, “That’s what they tell me. I didn’t know you were back.”

  His voice was cold, which she expected. She had disappeared as quickly as she had arrived all those months ago.

  She smiled at him, “My flight just landed actually. I wanted to talk to you, but I needed food first.”

  “I think I’m busy this weekend, maybe next time,” he said as he turned away from her.

  “Svako, it’s important,” she told him.

  He didn’t turn back around, but Candace did.

  “Can I ask you a question, Melissa?” she asked.

  Melissa smiled at her and indulged, “Sure, honey.”

  “Well, Mom says I have this gift for telling about people,” she said.

  “Oh really?” said Melissa. “And what do you know?”

  She blushed, “When they are pregnant.”

  Melissa felt the color drain from her face. She could feel Svako turn, eyes burning into her, but she didn’t look up.

  “What does your gift say about me?” she asked her.

  “That I’m going to have a cousin,” she said cheerfully. Then she turned and walked back over to their cart as she looked for more snacks.

  Melissa rose up again and looked at Svako. His face had gone pale.

  “Svako?” she said.

  “I-I need to go,” he stuttered.

  She watched him walk away and went to the cashier. As she drove back to her cabin, she wondered if she was ever going to see him again. She didn’t need him to help her with the child. She just needed to know what kind of child she was having. Either way, she already loved the baby more than words could say.

  Her cabin came into view, and she saw the ranger’s truck parked in the driveway. For the first time in a long time, she felt her heart flutter at the sight of a man. She was lying to herself when she said she didn’t have feelings for him.

  Chapter Seven

  She grabbed her grocery bags from the car and made her way up the front porch. Svako was sitting on the swing by the door. He jumped up when he saw her coming up the stairs and took the bags from her arms.

  “It’s fine,” she said to him with a smile. “I’m not crippled or dying.”

  A thought crossed her mind. “Wait, I’m not dying, am I?” she asked in a panic. “This boy isn’t going to kill me, is he?” she asked him, a look of terror in her eyes.

  He smiled, “No.”

  She let out a sigh of relief as she unlocked the door and went inside. Svako followed her in and set everything down on the counter.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked her right away.

  She glared at him, “I had no reason to. I am capable of raising a child on my own.”

  “What?” he yelled. “And you didn’t think that maybe I would want to be a part of my son’s life?”

  She looked at him in shock. No one ever spoke to her like that. It was terrifying and arousing at the same time. She had to admit, since her body had changed, she had a desire to make love like none other. Melissa had so far been able to put off that desire, but now, seeing Svako, she couldn’t fight it much longer. Her breasts had become larger as they prepared for the baby, and her core had swollen.

  “I didn’t think about it. I’m sorry,” she said to him honestly. She hadn’t thought about him being part of the child’s life until now. “What do you want from me? I know I didn’t go about this the right way, but I was scared, then elated when I found out, okay?”

  “You were?” he said with a quizzical look.

  She nodded her head. “I was on birth control, so this little guy made it through some big odds. Still, I have always wanted a baby. I have always wanted to feel my stomach swell and my breasts grow tender as they are now.”

  He looked away from her eyes and followed her own gaze down her body. With each passing day, she grew larger. Tomorrow she would show even more with his rapid growth. The thought brought her back to why she was there in the first place.

  “Svako, I came back because I am only three months pregnant, but he is growing at an insane rate. I don’t know what to expect, and I can’t really ask my doctor,” she said to him.

  He looked at her cautiously, “Are you sure it’s mine?”

  She glared at him. “No, I go around sleeping with shape shifters all the time,” she shot at him sarcastically. “Of course I know he is yours, and don’t call my son an it, okay?” she said to him.

  Her words made him draw back. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think. How do you know it’s a he?”

  She smiled and pulled a 3-D ultrasound picture from her purse. “That thing right there.”

  Svako smiled as he took the picture. “You’ll keep growing now at twice the normal rate. Bear shifters are only pregnant for five months. You need to stay here.”

  “Excuse me?” she said to him.

  She couldn’t believe that she was going to have her son in just two short months. It made sense, though. Even since that morning, she could feel her stomach protruding further. Melissa touched her stomach instinctively. Svako watched her and smiled.

  “I guess you don’t have to, but I would like you to. I would like to see our son born. Then, I guess we can share custody if that’s all you want,” he said with a sad look.

  “What do you want?” she whispered hoarsely.

  He looked into her eyes and took a step closer to her, “I want you, Melissa. I want to watch you grow and feel him inside of you. I want you to stay here with me forever. I know you won’t though, I know you’re scared of what I am. Get used to being afraid, though. You’re abou
t to be a mother to a shifter.”

  She looked at him. “I know.”

  Melissa took a step closer to him, her breasts not quite touching his chest, and felt him breathing harder.

  “I’m not scared of you anymore,” she said to him.

  As he bent down to kiss her lips, there was a glint of playfulness in his eyes as he said, “You should be.”

  Melissa sucked in her breath sharply and smiled. Finally, she was where she wanted to be.

  Chapter Eight

  The month that followed was another crazy whirlwind for Melissa. She had made the decision to end her career without telling anyone. The same day that she had arrived in Alaska, she had flown home with a promise to Svako.

  “I will be back,” she cooed to him as he held her in the bedroom.

  “Promise me?” he said to her.

  “I promise you. Give me four weeks to finish my commitments and retire, okay?” she said to him lovingly.

  He had kissed her, and they had made love once again before he drove her back to the plane. Jeremy had been surprised to see her but smiled as she kissed Svako goodbye.

  “He looks like a keeper, Melissa,” Jeremy said with a smile before going up to the cockpit.

  “I plan on it Jeremy,” she said earnestly.

  Barb had been heartbroken at Melissa’s news. She had tried to convince her in every way possible that she should stay on for at least another year while the media loved her. Melissa had told her no, many times. Still, Barb used her final month to cram in every possible event she could, and Melissa was grateful for it. With the extra push, she could retire with a healthy income and never have to work again. She could stay home with her son.


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