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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Mated, Bearfoot and Pregnant (Bear Shifter BBW Pregnancy Romance) (Werebear Hero Fantasy Romance)

Page 26

by Leah Kent

Today proved to be far more engaging and energetic than her week so far. Trin would begin working on letters or filing when either Lacy or Cody would call her away to explain something new. By the end of the day, Trin’s mind was full of lingo and applications of international shipping law – or ways around it – that she had never thought about before.

  Trin was exhausted as they ended they packed up their desks. She was surprised to see how quickly and easily Lacy’s clutter packed away into the desk and cabinets.

  “How do you like your first day working with us?” Lacy asked as she locked her desk drawers.

  “It’s busy,” Trin said. “I like it, though. I really appreciate you and Cody taking time out to show me things as well.”

  “You’re here to learn as much as work,” Cody walked through his door, which had remained open most of the day, slipping on his coat and turning the light off in his office. ““I worked as an intern once, and I know how aggravating it is not to be shown anything about the business you’re trying to get into.”

  They walked to the elevators together, talking about Cody’s experiences interning. Trin enjoyed the comradery, and how quickly Cody and Lacy both accepted her into their little team.

  Chapter Three

  Thursday was a busy day, but already things were showing signs of evening out. Lacy and Cody had to do less explaining to her when they brought her in while preparing shipping proposals and reviewing shipping manifests. Fewer explanations meant they were free to continue the work, with only a few questions from Trin to interrupt the flow.

  As the day began to wrap up, Trin received a message from Mary. She needed her to come by at the end of the day. Trin responded back that she would come down after she dropped off the afternoon mail. She helped Lacy to wrap up the rest of their workday and prepare for Friday. Lacy promised that tomorrow would not be too bad of a day – they would have some rush to prepare shipping logs for the weekend. The worst would happen Monday, when shipping requests built up from the weekend, especially Sunday, which Asia’s Monday started ahead of them, would be piled up and waiting. Trin felt confident that she would be able to help Lacy put a quick dent into them, however.

  When everything was finished, Trin dropped the afternoon mail at the mailroom and walked down to Mary’s office. Mary waved her in immediately, and Trin sat down at her desk.

  “Thank you very much for coming down,” Mary said. She finished typing something on her computer and turned so that she was looking directly at Trin. “Mr. Bryton expressed to me how pleased he is with how you’ve been working with Cody and Lacy.”

  “Thank you. They’ve both been wonderful,” Trin said. A thought occurred to Trin, and a touch of worry. “I’m not going to be moved again, am I?”

  Mary laughed. “No. Lacy’s already threatened me if I try. I needed to talk to you about something else.” Mary paused and waved. Trin turned to see the last of the secretaries leaving. She turned back to face Mary, whose face was an almost unreadable mask. “This is something on the more personal side, so feel free at any time to tell me to shut up.”

  Trin gave a small laugh and stopped when she saw that Mary was serious. A nervous shudder passed through her. “Okay.

  “Mr. Bryton would like for you to fly up to his estate this weekend. He would like to meet you for something more personal than the office can afford,” Mary said.

  Trin shifted in her seat, her nervousness growing. “What do you mean ‘more personal?”

  “Mr. Bryton is a man with interesting proclivities.” Mary paused and watched Trin. Trin wondered at these proclivities and why if he was interested in seeing her for some personal – she suspected sexual – activity, he was not just asking her directly. “Do you have any experience with bondage and discipline?”

  Trin laughed again. Mary’s expression did not change, and Trin calmed herself. Her laughter was more for her nerves than anything. “You’re serious about this?””

  “Very. I don’t want you to feel that you’re in a position where you have to say yes. Mr. Bryton takes his pastimes very seriously, and part of what makes it enjoyable is your completely willingness to submit to his desires. Your internship will not be affected by this in anyway, and your refusal will not reflect on your evaluation.”

  That relaxed Trin some. It was nice to know that she would not have to file a sexual harassment complaint against her employer her first week working as an intern. She let out a breath and waited for Mary to continue.

  “Mr. Bryton would have you flown by helicopter up to his estate. He has very strict rules once you arrive. You will be welcomed into the house and taken to a room that you will stay in while you are visiting. Once you are there, you will remove all clothing. There will be no need to pack, as clothes will not be allowed the entire weekend. One of the servants will escort you downstairs to the room you will spend most of your weekend in. You will be shown the different tools and implements that will be used on you so that you can give any last minute limits. Then you will be blindfolded for Mr. Bryton to enter and begin. He will inspect your body first, and then guide you slowly through the activities he wants to enjoy with you.”

  Mary opened up a drawer of her desk and produced a long, narrow pamphlet. Trin wanted to laugh again to see it, but held back. It said simply Billionaire Rules and featured a woman bound, gagged, and blindfolded on the cover. As Trin took hold of it, she realized with a slight blush that the woman featured on the cover was Mary herself.

  “Read over that. It will give you some basic knowledge of what BDSM is and what to expect. The back page of the brochure has lines for you to list any hard limits, that is anything talked about or that you already know about that you simply will not do.”

  Trin flipped quickly through the pamphlet and saw the blank page at the end.

  “You’ve done this with him before.” Trin needed some kind of reassurance if she was going to even entertain this idea. She had never met Mr. Bryton before. She read several magazine articles about him, and the reporters always provided their own descriptions of him – dark, imposing, powerful – but they never featured pictures.

  “On multiple occasions,” Mary said. “I am still his submissive. He does not take on new submissives often, which means that something about you impressed him.””

  “Will I be allowed to see him at all?”

  Mary shook her head. “Not this weekend. The pamphlet explains better than I can why. I know that the idea of submitting like this to someone whom you have never met and will never see is strange and scary. I’ll answer any questions you have about it, however.””

  “Can I trust him?” Trin could not think of a better question to ask.

  “Yes. I would trust him with my life, but I’ve done this for a few years now. You don’t have to put your trust that far. Know that anything you say you do not want, he won’’t do. Anything that you’re unsure about, he will go slowly. He enjoys inflicting pain, but you have to be receptive to it and enjoy receiving it for that to mean anything to him.”

  Trin frowned. She usually had names for men like what Mary described. She studied Mary’s expression carefully. She was still unreadable. “Am I allowed to tell anyone I’m going?””

  Mary nodded. “By all means. You can set up whatever safety call you wish. He will allow you to make phone calls out between sessions as often as you set up. Mr. Bryton’s estate is a well-known location. That is where the helicopter will fly you to, and the back of the pamphlet has an address you can provide to whichever friend or family member you want knowing you are there.”

  “So, he’s not a serial killer planning to turn me into a dress.” When Mary did not laugh and her expression did not change, Trin gave a small cough to clear the nervousness from her throat. “This is something that I have to think about. Going off to stay with someone I’ve never met for what sound like some pretty intense things – that’’s a lot to ask.”

  “Think on it and let me know tomorrow,” Mary said. “Again, there is n
o pressure to do this.”

  “Thank you.”

  Trin stood when Mary had nothing else to say and left the office. Everything was quiet now, and she had only her thoughts to see her down the elevator and out to her car. As she unlocked her car door, she looked up to the top floor of the building that towered over her. She saw only one set of lights on, the one that was Mary’s office, and the one that she knew was Mr. Bryton’’s. A figure moved up to the window of the office, and she had the sense that he was looking down at her. She wondered what he was thinking as he watched her, and what he made of her hesitation and need to think this through.

  Chapter Four

  Trin put down the pamphlet and tried her best to digest the information. It was dense, and even though it explained a lot, she still found herself pausing to look up terms on the internet. Everything she found from the pamphlet and her searches were both frightening and enticing. She had never considered the idea of receiving pain, of letting someone strike her or clip delicate parts of her body.

  She picked up her pen and began writing down limits. She stopped herself when she realized what she was doing. By writing these down, she was actually entertaining doing this crazy thing.

  No, she was deciding to do it. She entertained it when she stayed in the office to listen to Mary’s proposal.

  The whole idea was insane. She would be spending her weekend in submission to someone she would not be allowed to see. She would be giving over her body to him to do with as he pleased, within whatever parameters she laid out on the back page of the pamphlet anyway.

  As promised, the pamphlet did explain why he insisted on her being blindfolded. Mr. Bryton had no desire to be seen by others unless he simply had to be seen. The pamphlet did not explain why. It could be some scar, a deformity, or simply that he was shy. She supposed the latter was most likely. Mr. Bryton’s rise to power had come as a surprise to him, and Trin supposed that he simply did not like attention. This was a way for him to control the attention he received. It was probably one of the few ways he had to control it.

  It was also a fantasy for her. The ravishment fantasy, the pamphlet explained, was a common fantasy among women. Trin knew that to be true. Submission is a form of the ravishment fantasy, in that the submissive hands over control to another. That nothing happens outside of a submissive’s limits, that a submissive has the power to stop activity with a single word, twists the fantasy around. It gives agency back to the submissive in the fantasy. The blindfold and the inability of the submissive to see him, adds back a component of the fantasy to submission – the mysterious stranger.

  The idea was tantalizing. Trin began writing down her list of limits on the page, both from what was described in the brochure and what she had found on the internet. She also made a phone call to her friend Debra, to let her know about her weekend plans, and to set up regular times to call and check in. Debra had one very important job. If Trin did not call, she was to send the police up to Mr. Bryton’s estate, without hesitation.

  The next morning, Trin stopped by Mary’s office to let her know that she would be taking the trip up to Mr. Bryton’s estate for the weekend. Mary’s expression startled Trin, but gave her some reassurance as well. Her normally stoic face was awash in simple happiness. Mary advised Trin to meet her at the elevators shortly after five o’clock, and she would escort her up to the helicopter herself.

  Trin did her best to keep her mind focused on her work for the day. That proved somewhat difficult, as her mind turned to imagining what would happen once she arrived. She thought about being made to stay naked all weekend, in a house where she would probably spend most of her time blindfolded. Arousal built between her legs, and Trin pushed her thoughts aside, refocusing her attention on her work.

  The morning itself passed quickly as she helped Lacy organize weekend shipments. It was not until after lunch, when the shipments were ready and her assignments moved to busy work that it became truly difficult to concentrate. Trin finally excused herself to the ladies room shortly after lunch. Happy to find no one else in the restroom, she walked to the furthest stall and stepped inside, sliding the lock behind her.

  Trin lifted her skirt and reached between her legs, moving her fingers under her panties and to her sex, blushing to find that she was already wet and eager. She slid her fingers into the soft skin and up to the delicate nub of her clit, where she wriggled her fingers quickly until her arousal swelled to a quick crescendo. As she imagined herself blindfolded and repeatedly struck by a leather flogger, an orgasm moved through her body.

  She sighed. When she heard the door open, she flushed the toilet and gave herself a few more moments to allow the flush of what she had done to pass. Then she stepped out to the mirror to wash her hands as another young woman walked past her to a stall.

  Her arousal taken care of, Trin found herself better able to focus on her work. She moved through her assignments quickly and helped to get everything wrapped up for the weekend. When five o’clock came, she was ready to go. She said goodnight to Lacy and Cody and headed out to the lobby to wait for Mary.

  Mary showed up shortly after five and took her up to the helicopter. There, she gave her final instructions. She would arrive in about an hour to Mr. Bryton’s estate. She would be allowed to make her call, and then she was to inform the butler William, of what intervals she needed to check in. Mr. Bryton would plan the weekend around those intervals. Then it would be as Mary had explained before. She would be taken to the room she would sleep in while she stayed. She would strip and be taken down to become acquainted with everything. The helicopter would bring her back here in time for work on Monday morning.

  Trin thanked Mary and climbed into the helicopter. As it lifted off from the roof, she wondered at just what waited for her.

  Chapter Five

  Mr. Bryton’s mansion was large and sprawling, surrounded by acres of forest that touched the river. The red brick façade was accented by white latticework through which roses threaded and bloomed. The helicopter touched down on a small landing pad in the front of the mansion, and Trin stepped out, offering her thanks to the pilot. She walked up to the house as the front door opened.

  A tall gentleman with grey hair and a finely tailored suit opened the door as she made her way up the steps. He gave a bow and gestured for her to enter.

  The foyer was large, lit by a crystal chandelier overhead. On either side stood two round tables, each topped with vases that held a dozen red roses each. The room would have been inviting, except for the picture that hung large over the doorway in front of her. It depicted a woman, nude, chained by her arms and dangling from a tree. Below her men and women reached up, touching various parts of her body as she looked up with an expression that was either ecstasy or shame.

  “Welcome Ms. Goodall,” The butler drew her attention back to him. “I am to show you to your room. Cecile will come down to bring you to the dungeon.””

  Trin swallowed. “The dungeon?”

  The butler gave her an understanding smile. “That is the term for the room where you will be spending most of your time here. It is on this level of the house, but,” he paused, “you will understand when you see it why we have given it that moniker.”

  The butler led Trin through the doorway under the painting, down a hall, and up a flight of stairs. He showed her to a richly appointed room and with another bow, left her. The room was warm and inviting, with a large oversized king bed covered by a thick maroon comforter. A long dresser stood along one wall with a mirror framed in antiqued gold. Two oversized chairs invited her to sit down, but Trin resisted. She had a weekend to get to, and by coming here, she had agreed to Mr. Bryton’’s rules.

  She took off her clothes and piled them neatly into an open clothes hamper. She then decided that a shower would be in order, especially if a man was going to be inspecting her naked body. She walked through another door and into a large bathroom that featured an oversized garden tub and a shower stall. She opted for the
shower now, taking a few minutes to clean herself and allow the water to soothe her nerves.

  When she stepped out, she heard a young woman’s voice calling from the bedroom door.

  “I just need to dry off,” Trin said. She dabbed herself with the towel as a blonde haired woman stepped into the room, wearing a maid’s dress. The blouse was open to reveal her breasts and the skirt was cut out in the front to reveal her shaved sex. Trin blushed to see this and remembered that everyone in this house would see her naked the entire weekend.

  More than that would transpire if she decided she was comfortable.

  “Please allow me to assist you,” the maid said. She took the towel from Trin and dabbed her body to dry her. Trin stood, watching the maid in the mirror as she worked. When her body was dry, the maid guided her to a stool and Trin sat down. The maid picked up a brush and began to work it through Trin’s hair, easing out any knots from being washed and dried. She then pulled it back into a tight ponytail behind Trin’s head.

  “I think Master will be very pleased with you,” the maid said. “I am Cecile. I will be seeing to your personal needs this weekend.””

  “Thank you.” Trin looked out to the clock. She still had another fifteen minutes before she was due to call Debra, but decided to go ahead and make the call. “I need to call my friend.”

  “Of course,” Cecile said. “How often will you need to call?”

  “Every four hours. I thought that would be a good interval.”

  Cecile nodded. “I will inform Master of that.”

  Trin smiled. She stood and walked back out to the bedroom. She pulled the brochure, her phone, and charger from her purse. She handed the pamphlet to Cecile and then finding an outlet by the bed; she plugged in the charger and hooked up the phone before making her call. Debra answered on the first ring, and was happy to hear Trin had arrived. Trin promised to call again in four hours – four hours and fifteen minutes, since they had agreed to calls at the top of the hour – and hung up the phone.


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