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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Mated, Bearfoot and Pregnant (Bear Shifter BBW Pregnancy Romance) (Werebear Hero Fantasy Romance)

Page 30

by Leah Kent

  “I know. I didn’t ask you to come to Chicago in order to woo you into submitting to me.”

  Rose blinked her eyes and studied him carefully. Nothing in how he stood or the expression on his face betrayed his inner thoughts. She felt as though she should know something, but it was eluding her. In her mind, she pictured a deer, continually ducking behind trees each time arrows took flight.

  “What do you want then? I’m confused,” Rose finally admitted.

  Marcus gave her a smile that was warm and desirous. “I want to train you. Through the haze of pain in your basement, I saw something. I saw someone very comfortable being in control of a situation and taking a perverse pleasure in causing an already wounded man pain.”

  Rose took a step back and breathed out a small laugh. “I wasn’t taking pleasure in hurting you. I had to do it. If I didn’t set your elbow, the swelling could have done real damage to the joint.”

  “The paramedics said the same thing,” Marcus said. “I was impressed with your ability to stay cool and collected, even while I was writhing in pain and even with the storm over us. That shows a unique level of self-control that is hard to teach a Dominant to have.”

  “You stay calm in a crisis,” Rose said. “That’s just how it is or people get hurt or die.”

  Marcus’ smile broadened. Rose was not sure if he was not getting the point or she was not getting his. She was trying to aim her bow at a deer that just would not stay still.

  “You didn’t enjoy causing me pain at all?” Marcus asked.

  “No. It was just what had to be done.”

  “I can accept that. I was not exactly consenting to the pain.” Marcus gestured down to Nichole, who still knelt dutifully and patiently on the floor. “What if you could inflict pain on someone who did not just consent, but enjoyed receiving it?”

  Rose took in a slow, deep breath and let it out. The deer was standing still now. Did she want to let loose her arrow? “Will you look up at me Nichole?”

  “Yes ma’am.” Nichole raised her head slowly and met Rose’s eyes. Rose could see there a curiosity and a desire. She was an active participant in Marcus’ little game, and she was looking forward to the prospect of being hurt.

  Rose looked to Marcus. “So, what do we do?”

  Marcus commanded Nichole to stand and led the two of them up the stairs and into a room. A window dominated the far wall, looking out onto the lake. On the wall to Rose’s right stood a large cabinet. Hanging on the wall on either side of it were floggers of various sizes and textures, riding crops, and a bullwhip. She also saw various types of paddles of different materials, sizes, and shapes.

  On the opposite wall stood an X-shaped cross. A table with cuffs along it stood on one side. On the other stood a padded sawhorse. Marcus led Nichole here and had her kneel over it. He spread her legs, and Rose could see her sex, pink and moist. She swallowed hard and turned her attention to Marcus.

  “Hold your hands together, Nichole. If you move them, I will use the handcuffs, and I know you don’t like them,” he said gently.

  “Yes Sir,” Nichole answered.

  Marcus walked to the wall and took down a flogger with short, thin leather tails. He carried it in his left hand as he walked back to Nichole. “A flogger is an easy item to wield, but perfection requires finesse. I’m afraid I am less apt with my left arm, but please observe.””

  He struck Nichole hard along her ass, the tails snapping her skin and leaving a light red mark behind at the point of impact. Nichole hissed at the pain, and Marcus frowned.

  “My strike is not as strong with my left hand. It never has been. My doctor says no striking with my right until it has had a chance to fully heal,” he said. He held the flogger out to Rose. “Would you like to try?”

  Rose took the flogger in hand, feeling the supple leather in her palm. She had used a riding crop on a horse before. She never thought about using it on a human. In reading about domination stories, it never occurred to her that she could be anything except the person on the receiving end.

  “When you strike,” Marcus said, “use your wrist and elbow. You want to strike at a meaty part of her body, her ass, or her thighs. If you’’re unsure about the tails, gather then with your free hand and let them hang until you strike.”

  Rose nodded. She studied her target as Marcus backed away. She brought the flogger up, careful to keep the pivot point at her elbow, and brought it down, snapping the tails against Nichole’s ass. The submissive let out a light cry and Rose felt something inside her stir. She knew this feeling, but she had never associated it with pain. She felt it when she was having sex with a man and he was close to orgasm. He would become sensitive, so that any way she moved her hips or anything she did to touch him was electric. Sometimes the man would wince, other times he would moan deeply, closer to his orgasm.

  She struck again, putting more force into the strike. Nichole cried out this time, and Rose felt that deep stirring inside her again. She enjoyed it very much. The cry from Nichole brought her out of her dark revelry, and she looked back to Marcus to ensure she had not overstepped herself.

  “You’re fine,” Marcus said, and gave her a reassuring smile. “Nichole will call ‘red’ if she can’t handle something. She has a high pain tolerance, though, so you can strike harder if you’d like.”

  Rose took in a deep breath and looked at the bare ass before her. She wanted to strike hard. The skin was a gentle pink where she had struck already, though it was quickly fading now. She wanted to see it turn darker, to trace the lines of each tail on Nichole’s skin. Rose clenched her fist at the power of that desire and took another slow breath.

  Take it slowly girl. You remember the first time you rode a horse, and decided to start galloping. You almost broke your back.

  Only it was not her back at stake here. Rose brought the flogger up and struck again, a little harder this time. Nichole’s cry in response was musical, and Rose understood that what she was hearing was not just pain, but pleasure as well. She struck again with the flogger, harder, her eyes widening at the beauty of the red marks against Nichole’’s white skin.

  She moved to the other cheek, bringing down the flogger just as hard, listening to the slap of leather on flesh. The surprise, pain, and pleasure in Nichole’s cry drew into Rose and pulled out something darker. She struck again, harder now, and listened as the sound of pain became more pronounced. She wanted to strike again, harder still, but thought it might be a sign that she would be pushing it. She kept the same level of strike instead, bringing the flogger down against Nichole’s tender skin and then moving back to the other cheek, where she had struck the first time.

  Rose’s breath was short, and she felt the desire stirring through her whole body now. Between her legs was a warm urgency that she wanted to answer, but was not sure how.

  She stopped and looked back to Marcus. In his eyes, she saw approval and desire. She wondered if he was enjoying the pain of his submissive or the pleasure she was taking in it.

  Perhaps it was both.

  “There are other ways that Nichole enjoys pain.” He stepped forward and took the flogger from her. He walked back to the wall, replacing the flogger and opening his cabinet. Inside was a plethora of items that Rose had no way to name. She saw glass tubes, metal rods, and so many other things. Her curiosity stirred her desire, and she wondered what else she might get to enjoy.

  He walked back with a pair of roach clips, each containing a piece of black rubber of over the clamps. He handed them to Rose, who examined the knob that opened and closed the clamps. Marcus guided Nichole to stand and turned her so that she leaned against the padded sawhorse. He gestured for Rose to walk forward and she did.

  “Clip her breasts,” Marcus said. “Tighten them as much as you want. Nichole will signal if it is too much.”

  Rose bit her lower lip and released it. She brought a clip up to one breast and pinched the nipple. Nichole gasped at the pinch and, feeling that stir, Rose pinched hard
er. She inched the pincer over the nipple and released her fingers. She found Nichole’s eyes and slowly turned the screw that closed the clamps. Nichole’s breath grew quicker, her mouth dropped open to release a moan, and her eyes rolled back. Rose continued as she watched Nichole roll her head around her shoulders, her moan growing deeper until it became a whimper. She continued a little more until the whimper grew louder and the stirring inside her felt strong and hot.

  “You can clip the other breast, or I can show you another place to clip,” Marcus said.

  Nichole’s head snapped forward and her eyes grew wide. The fear that Rose saw there drew her to look at Marcus. “Where?”

  Marcus reached down to Nichole’s sex and pinched the outer skin as Nichole moaned. With his other hand, he guided Rose’s hand to bring the second clip down and place it. She tightened it slowly as he removed his fingers and listened to Nichole’’s moan, more intense than before, grow quickly into a low whimper. As the sound of her pain grew louder, Rose grew more excited. She wanted to be very careful here though, and stopped sooner than she had with the breast.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Marcus asked. He turned Rose to look at him. “The ways that Nichole expresses her pain and pleasure as like music to me. I enjoy inflicting the pain on her, just as I know she enjoys taking it. I never thought I would enjoy guiding someone to inflict it on her, however.”

  Marcus brought his hand behind Rose’s head and kissed her lips. She felt his passion in that kiss, and parted her lips for his searching tongue. He smelled of musk and power, and for the first time, she found that power attractive. Perhaps, she thought, it was because he was wanting to share it, not keep it or take her own.

  He broke the kiss and looked at her, his eyes intense and dark. “Would you like to command her?”

  “Yes,” Rose said.

  “Would you like to command her to pleasure you?”

  Rose’s throat tightened. She had never been with a woman before. She had fantasized about it, but had never thought of actually taking advantage of a situation to do it. She looked at Nichole, who was so very beautiful with her face, still a twist of pain and delight.

  “Nichole, get down on your knees,” Rose said.

  Nichole did as Rose bid, and she felt that stirring again, as strong as when she brought her pain. Nichole was submitting to her. Yes, she was doing so because Marcus had willed it. In the end that did not matter. Rose was the one who had the control, the ability to command her. She was the one Nichole was submitting to.

  Rose brought up the skirt of her dress so that it was around her waist and dropped her panties down her legs. She stepped out of them and brushed them aside with her feet. “Now, pleasure me with your mouth only.”

  Nichole brought her mouth up to Rose’s sex, her lips first kissing lightly, and then her tongue exploring into the folds of skin. She found Rose’s clitoris and rolled her tongue over it. Rose brought her head back as Marcus brought his hands to her sides.

  “Does it feel nice to wield the power Nichole hands over?” he asked.

  “Yes it does.” Rose moaned softly as Nichole’s tongue moved along her sex, to the opening, and back up to her clitoris. She enjoyed receiving oral, but this was so much better. She gave the command, and Nichole had to obey. That power stirred her pleasure deeply, pushing it through her body in a deep orgasm that blended with the other dark stirring and made her mind buzz in her pleasure.

  “I want you so very badly,” Marcus said.

  “Then come inside me,” Rose said. She wanted to feel him while Nichole continued to pleasure her. She noticed that the submissive did not stop with her orgasm – she was lucky if a man would wait for her orgasm to happen before stopping – and realized that Nichole would not stop until she commanded her to.

  Marcus brought himself to Rose’s sex and pushed inside, sliding along her wetness and filling her. He felt incredible there, and coming from behind her, his cock pushed into the sweet spot inside her, building up her pleasure and arousal to new heights. Nichole brought her tongue up to Rose’s clitoris and rolled it there before bringing her lips over it and sucking gently.

  Rose let out a deep moan that drove Marcus to thrust harder into her. She reveled in the sensations of the submissive below her and the lover behind her. The feelings, both physical and mental were incredible. Rose’s pleasure swelled through her body in waves pushed through by each stroke of Marcus’ cock. When he pulsed along the final wave of her orgasm, she tensed her body around him, drawing out a deep and guttural sound from his lips.

  When Marcus was spent, he pulled out of her slowly. Rose looked down at Nichole. Her torso tightened with excitement as she decided to give her one more command.

  “Clean him out of me,” Rose said.

  Nichole’s tongue moved down and she brought her lips to the opening of Rose’s sex, pressing her tongue in as she sucked gently. Rose threw her head back again and felt Marcus’ arms around her. His embrace was warm as her pleasure and power swirled through her body.

  She liked this. Rose had no idea how she had lived a life not experiencing this before, and she wondered as another orgasm shook her body, how she would go back to a normal life after this.

  Chapter Five

  Rose waved to Nancy as the limousine pulled away slowly. She turned to look at Mandy, and offered her a smile. She knew that Marcus had called to speak to her, and explain the arrangement. She still wanted to discuss things fully with her, however. Marcus told her that communication with a submissive was important. It was how a Dominant came to understand limits and how the submissive learned to deepen trust.

  Mandy would be staying for a while to help Rose learn Dominance. It was more, she understood after watching Marcus with Nichole at length, than just issuing commands, giving pain, and accepting pleasure. He and Nichole had a deeper bond, and as she began to see that, she began to appreciate the submissive more and more.

  While at the farm, Rose would only be giving Mandy commands and setting rules and protocols for her to follow. She would not be engaging in her sadism. Marcus wanted to be with her for that part of her training. He had admitted to her that it was one part safety, one part his own satisfaction. He took great pleasure in watching Rose inflict pain on his submissive. In two weeks, Rose would be returning to Chicago to visit Marcus and show him what she had learned with Mandy.

  She was looking forward to it.

  Cultivating Rose

  Isabella Dane

  Island Cove Publishing © 2016

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  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or used fictitiously. Any similarities to any people living or dead, is purely coincidental and is not intended by this author.

  The use of stock photos in the making of this book no way implies that the models condone, endorse or participate in the fictitious conduct that is within this book, by implication or expressly. The person(s) depicted are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  The book is for sale to only mature audiences. It may contain sexually explicit content with vulgar language which may be considered offensive to some readers. Please be responsible with where you store this book.

  Chapter One

  The rain played a steady staccato beat on the roof of the house. Rose sighed as she looked outside through her kitchen window. This was the third day of rain in a row, and it was becoming aggravating. She had hoped
to be able to get outside with her sheep, but with the constant storms, she had gotten little done. She thought about the last time a big storm hit this part of Kansas. That was when she met Marcus Wright.

  She never imagined, as she tended to his wounded arm while they waited out the storm in her basement, that she would gain a lover out of the experience. She had actually gained much more. She had a new understanding of herself and the world.

  Rose also had a submissive.

  “Is it going to get bad?” Mandy paced back, rubbing her arms with her hands. Her platinum ponytail, kept high on her head, bounced as she walked. Mandy’s black ankle boots clacked on the linoleum floor as she moved back and forth.

  Rose rolled her eyes. “No. It’s just a rainstorm. We’re past the worst of the storm season. This is just annoying, but people who still have crops will love it.””

  She turned to watch Mandy continue to pace. Rose’s first few days of being Mandy’s Dominant were proving more aggravating. Mandy had an eagerness to please, but Rose learned quickly that did not always equate to obedience. She considered telling her to stop pacing, but knew that Mandy would only listen for a few minutes. Her nervousness would kick in after that and the pacing would resume.

  This was the worst of it, but Rose had noticed it with smaller things too. In Chicago, Marcus had made Domination seem so easy. She had only to issue her command to Nichole, Marcus’ primary submissive, and Nichole did as she was told. She did not hesitate, and she did not stop a task until it ended, or she was told to.

  Rose had called Marcus this morning to ask for advice. “Every submissive is different,” he had told her. “So is every Dominant. You will have to learn what works for you. Mandy does require strict protocols to be around her, though. They remind her of her place and helps her focus her will.”


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