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Prisoners of the Keep

Page 26

by Susan Bianculli

  Looking down at the ruined valley from its lip, he reluctantly confirmed that the Death Curse had worked. This was not surprising, since he was the one who had imbued Morsca with it. But to know that it had been successful meant knowing that his love was dead. He scanned the area. The devastation around the keep area spiraled out into the surrounding area, but not too far. Some of the buildings closest to the keep had been partially destroyed as well, though he could see the settlement would be easier to repair. He cursed angrily and with passion in a low voice, beating the pommel of his saddle with his chunky fist. He would find out what had happened. He would.

  And then if any of those who were responsible were still alive, let them beware.


  Susan Bianculli, a happily married mother of two living in Georgia, has loved to read all her life. Fairy tales from collections like The Yellow Fairy took her to magical places when she was young; and Fantasy and Sci-fi stories took her to places such as Middle Earth and Dune in her teens. She still loves to read as an adult, and it is not unusual for her to carve out reading time during her busy days and encourage her family to do the same.

  A graduate of Emerson College with a Minor in Writing, she is finally making a foray to the other side of the book cover. She hopes through her stories to share and inspire in young readers the same love of reading that she had at their age, and still has now.

  For more information about Susan, visit her website at:!


  To my loving husband Shane, and my wonderful children Deanna and Christopher—for being supportive of me, and being critical of me where needed, in my writing endeavors these past few years. Thank you so much. I love you each dearly.

  Also, there are so many people who made this series a reality by reading previous incarnations of MG 1 and giving me their opinions on it—John, Theresa, another John, Anna, and others. I thank you all, but I would especially like to thank and acknowledge: Hope and Charles—for reading the original incarnation of MG 1 and telling me that it could really go somewhere someday; Amanda—a past critique partner, Geoff and the rest of Worcester Writing Meet-up—for their critiques of my work; and Madeline —who took a chance on me by publishing this series.

  Thank you all again.


  The Grey Riders’ Search

  A Mist Gate Crossings Novella

  By Susan Bianculli

  Published by CBAY Books

  ISBN: 978-1-933767-48-2

  Dusk and Auraus and their band, the Grey Riders, have been tryingto determine what is happening to travelers disappearing in the Garrend Mountains. Unfortunately, after being captured in a raid, it looks like Dusk and Auraus might be the ones disappearing.


  Bascom’s Revenge

  The Mist Gate Crossings Book 2

  By Susan Bianculli

  Published by CBAY Books

  ISBN: 978-1-933767-45-1

  After stumbling through an odd patch of mist and into a whole other, more magical dimension, Lise had begun to adjust to her new life. With new friends and a new commitment to the Goddess Caelestis, Lise thinks she’s ready for the next adventure. At least, she thinks that until the only other human is injured and then kidnapped just as another mist gate opens. Forced to choose between Jason and her life back in New York, Lise’s new faith is put to the test.

  To stay up to date on the Mist Gate Crossings, join us on our Facebook Page.

  Excerpt from Bascom's Revenge

  Coming May 2015


  Bascom Bloodknife stood in a little room off the audience chamber of the broken keep—the second room to be restored to order through a combination of Mageling magic and brute strength. The large, grey-green skinned Miscere Ogre mage pored over the large map of the valley and the surrounding mountains. An Ataque, slowly blinking his lizard-like eyes, waited patiently nearby to be handed the pile of parchment growing steadily on the map table at the mage’s left. Since sunrise this morning Bascom had been writing out instructions to be given to the many quads of guards waiting to be sent out to search for the run-away keep prisoners and their abettors. But most especially, to search for the one who had murdered Morsca.

  Morsca. Morsca! He would never have her in his arms again. Never again have her luscious green hair drift across his chest as she caressed him. Never again hear her cool laughter ringing in his ears. Never again see her elvish eyes light up as he performed magic just for her. He clenched his chunky hands as anger rose in him, and he accidentally snapped the quill he was holding in his right hand in half. He glared at it then threw in disgust the weighted feather pen across the room. The Ataque recoiled as ink droplets spattered across everything from the force of Bascom’s throw.

  Bascom, knowing that a display of fury would not serve him now, inhaled deeply and sharply, and then he released his breath slowly while forcing his fists to open up one finger at a time. The red rage behind his eyes had subsided by the time he reached his thumbs. When the fingers in his hands were no longer tense, he waved one of them while intoning a couple of words. A light flashed from a decoration on his sleeve, and the ink drops and the pen vanished. Bascom picked up the pile of parchment orders and shoved it wordlessly at the servitor, who bowed low before him and scurried out as quickly as possible.

  Bascom stalked over to the tall lattice window and stared sightlessly out it. If only he could use his magic to find the culprits! But they had been too good at covering their tracks—there was no one left alive that he could interrogate for information. He had nothing on which to fasten his scry. Not that he was in the frame of mind to be able to scry right now anyway. He slammed his fist on the window frame as anger rose again, making it shudder. He would find his love’s killer. He would. Even if it took all the resources of the valley to do it….

  To stay up to date on the Mist Gate Crossings, join us on our Facebook Page.




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