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Convincing The Alpha’s Omega

Page 5

by Emma Knox

  “Oh,” Ethan muttered.

  “Don’t you know what this is? This is the Mating Stone of Faroe. It predicts those who are destined to be together. The magic and unity it symbolizes will bring together shifters from both packs. This single gathering could produce dozens of pups.”

  Ethan looked like he had seen a ghost, stepping away from the counter and back out the door. I didn’t want to take my eyes off him as I carefully set the stone back in the box and thanked Mr. Danvers. He seemed very comfortable in letting the stone leave with me. Though I was sure Drake had to pull several strings to get it. The outcome could be unprecedented. If our shifters could find their soulmates, we would have a better chance of rebuilding our species.

  As thrilling as it was to think of the implications, I knew that Ethan was still in shock. When I went outside, he was already waiting for me in the truck. I climbed in, but didn’t start it right away. The day had been one blow after another to him. He needed something to lighten the mood.

  “Hey,” I said, as cheerfully as possible. “Have you ever been to Epic Gardens?”

  He looked at me suspiciously, but shook his head.

  “I think we have enough time, why don’t we take a little detour. It’s a blast.” Without waiting for an answer, I started the truck and pulled back onto the road.

  “Isn’t that place…” His voice trailed off.

  “A lot of fun?” I offered. “It was the last time I was there. Granted that was almost a decade ago, but I think you will have a good time.”

  “I think we should get back,” he whispered.

  “Please, Ethan,” I whispered, sounding more desperate than I liked. “Just give me a chance okay? You heard what he said.”

  “I heard the rantings of a superstitious old man. Not everything is magic, especially not a rock.”

  “You saw what it did, it’s more than just a rock and you know it. Can we at least talk about it? Am I such a miserable person that you couldn’t even think about being my mate?”

  “Listen,” he said. “I don’t know how things normally go for you, but I’m not one of those Omegas that you need to make silly promises too. I don’t want anything from this, can we just get back to the city?”

  I ground my teeth together, trying to keep my temper under control. Ethan was so stubborn. How could I make him understand that there was more to this than just a fling for me? Somehow, I would have him as my own.

  “Ethan, I’m being serious. There is something between us and I want you to talk to me about it.”

  I slid my hand across the seat and took his. He smiled over at me. As soon as our skin touched, the fireworks from the night before were ignited once again. We rode in silence, the idea of going anywhere but back to the city now long gone. It meant that I only had a few hours to get him to see that I really cared.

  “See?” I said as I squeezed his hand. “Isn’t this nice?”

  “Yes,” he agreed. “But once we get back to Gryther, I don’t think that we should keep seeing each other like that.”

  “Why not? Can’t you see how much I care about you?”

  “Listen, I just don’t want to be with anyone right now. It’s not you okay?”

  I snorted, my pride hurt almost as much as my heart as I pulled my hand away. He was so stubborn, I wanted to drag him back to Reluson and make him see just how much I cared about him. I would shower him in gifts, there would be people to take care of his every need. But without something real, Ethan would never believe that I wanted only him for the rest of my life. It was a shock even to myself that I cared so much for him.

  After years of searching for the perfect mate, I had given up. Now the only relationships that I had were full of sex. Even then, it had never been as good as the night before with Ethan. Why did he have to be so damn stubborn?

  “Ethan, there is something that I wanted to ask you,” I started carefully.

  He rolled his eyes. “Would you make up your mind? One second you want to talk and the next you are pissed off at me.”

  “Well you are the most enticing and infuriating Omega that I’ve ever met, so I guess that makes sense!” I shot back.

  He glared at me, crossing his arms across his chest when I tried to reach for his hand. I groaned. It was not going as planned. Why could I not find the words to tell him what I wanted?

  “I’m sorry, Ethan,” I whispered.

  “Don’t be,” he hissed. “I just want to go home.”

  “There is something that I wanted to talk to you about, though. I think that you’ll be much happier afterwards.”

  I could see that his curiosity was piqued as his eyes darted in my direction. “What?”

  “Well, I know that you don’t think that I really care, but I want to show you I do. What would you think about becoming my mate? Officially.”

  At once, I regretted the decision to ask him. His body stiffened, he looked like a caged animal as his hand twitched. There was no doubt in my mind that if we were going slower, he would have jumped from the truck in an effort to get away from me. I was baffled by his obvious disproval. Men would line up for miles if they knew that I was seeking a mate. Yet the only one I wanted didn’t seem to want anything to do with me.

  He shook his head. “I’m sorry but I can’t. I like being alone, I really do.”

  “Oh,” I said softly, my focus going back to the road. “Okay.”

  I’d never been rejected before except by him. It wasn’t a feeling that I liked as my heart ached. There was nothing else to be said. We rode in silence for several miles. As the landscape passed us by, I knew that I wouldn’t be seeing Ethan again unless I was willing to fight for him. I stuck out my chest, a new determination settling down inside of me as I turned off the highway and down a less known road.

  He looked at me, a little fear obviously showing through. “What are you doing? This isn’t the way back home.”

  I grinned. “No, but there is an amazing little restaurant about a mile down the road. They have a patio and some of the best food you will ever eat. I’m betting you are still hungry.”

  In response, his hand flew to his stomach as it growled. For the first time since the morning, he smiled at me. Instantly my heart was elated. He was so beautiful when he was happy.

  “I guess I could eat something, but no funny business okay?” Ethan said softly.

  I nodded. “I promise, but you should know something.” Our eyes met as I spoke, I didn’t look away from him. “I am not giving up on us. I think you know that we are soulmates too. I know you’ve been hurt in the past, but I’m not going anywhere.”

  Chapter 7


  His words rattled me to the core, or maybe it was just the hunger. Either way, I needed to get out of there. When a large cabin came into view, my heart started to race. It looked like a regular, but large private home, the only indication that it was more was a small wooden sign that read, ‘The Hummingbird Inn.’

  “This isn’t a restaurant,” I stammered. “I thought we were going to get back today. I don’t want to stay the night again, okay?”

  Trevor chuckled. “We aren’t here for the rooms, unless you change your mind later, of course. They have a kitchen too. Best meal on the island.”

  “Oh,” I muttered, my cheeks blushing again.

  I couldn’t believe that I’d implied anything. My mind was working against the basic desires of my body. Even through the chaos of the day, I couldn’t get the sensation of his shaft buried deep in my body, filling me with his hot seed. Being close to him was so intoxicating that I no longer trusted myself to consider his offer. At that point, if I hadn’t been starving I would have taken him to the woods and let him fill my empty body once more.

  “Ethan?” he asked, holding open my door. “Are you okay?”

  I shook myself free from the idea and nodded my head. “Yeah, just hungry I guess.”

  I didn’t take his hand when he offered it to me. The touch was too intimate for my alread
y heightened desire. The small dining room felt like home almost instantly. Warm and enticing smells wafted from the kitchen, almost carrying me away with them as we were seated by an elderly woman on the balcony. The view was more stunning than I ever could have imagined.

  “This is beautiful,” I whispered.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” he whispered.

  I flushed, his eyes weren’t taking in the scenery, but I could feel them locked onto me. I dragged my eyes away from the landscape to his. Instantly I regretted it. I was captivated by him in more ways than one. Everything from the depth of his eyes to the way he licked his lips turned me on so much. I wanted to think that it was just a normal attraction, but deep inside of me I knew it was more. A man as aged as the woman came to our table and smiled, setting down menus.

  “How are you two tonight?” he asked, a friendly smile in place.

  “Great Frank, how’s the family?” Trevor said affectionately.

  I smiled at him. Every moment we spent together I learned more about him. He had a kindness inside that wasn’t common among Alphas. Everyone who knew him seemed to love him. It wasn’t at all what I’d been expecting from one of the most feared Alphas in our region. I hated to admit that I was softening toward him. The rush of emotions caught me off guard as a second, younger man set a steaming bread basket down on the table and disappeared again. My stomach growled.

  “Well, I’ll give you two a minute to look over everything,” the man said to me.

  I glanced up, embarrassed that I’d once again zoned out of a conversation. My mind couldn’t seem to stay put these days.

  “Actually,” I said quickly. “I’m ready to order now.”

  Both men looked surprised, but Frank quickly recovered, pulling out a notepad and nodding. “Certainly sir, what can I get for you?”

  I bit my lip, secretly wanting to order everything on the menu. A select few things though caught my mind and the attention of my stomach. “I’ll have the fried chicken with a side of scrambled eggs, cheese curds, and a little of the goat liver.”

  The table fell silent as I looked up from the menu.

  “And the chocolate dipping sauce.” I took in their stunned gazes. “Please?”

  Frank laughed. “Well now! I like a man with a healthy appetite.” He turned to Trevor. “The usual, sir?”

  Trevor nodded, his gaze still locked on me. “Yes, thank you, Frank.”

  “That will be right out, I’ll send back Michael with a bottle of the house wine.”

  “Perfect,” Trevor replied absentmindedly.

  I blushed as Frank left. “What? I haven’t eaten since yesterday.”

  “Sure,” he muttered with a grin. “Sure, you aren’t pregnant?”

  “Ha!” I blurted out, a little louder than necessary. “I can’t get pregnant. That’s just the way it is.”

  “You seem pretty sure,” he said softly.

  “Well, that’s what I know, sorry to burst your bubble,” I snapped at him.

  I wasn’t going to let myself think about something like that. I was barely keeping things together as it was. I slipped my hands underneath the tablecloth to hide the shaking from Trevor. I wasn’t worried about being pregnant, I was just hungry. We sat in silence for a few minutes, he was obviously not thrilled with my little outburst, but I didn’t feel sorry. I was starving and angry.

  “I never even wanted to come on this trip,” I pouted like a child.

  “Well I’m sorry you are having such a miserable time,” he shot back.

  I winced at his tone, the hurt in it pliable. Lost in my own fears, I hadn’t thought about how I was making him feel. He had been kind to me the entire time, letting me have my little outbursts without question. More than once he’d saved my life, weather he knew it or not.

  “Trevor,” I said softly. “I’m sorry.”

  He shook his head, his eyes moving to the approaching staff. As three men set down the assortment of trays, my mind left the situation at hand. I dove into the food without another word, dipping the salty chicken into the sweet chocolate and all but licking the plates of meat and cheese. Food had never tasted so good before.

  It wasn’t until my stomach felt like it was going to explode that I finally sat back. Trevor had been silently watching me. I had been so consumed by the delicious feast in front of me that I hadn’t noticed. Now, my cheeks blushed as I realized how bad I must have looked. My stomach stuck out gracelessly in front of me, my lips felt greasy from the fried foods and fats. Carefully picking up my napkin, I wiped my face and did my best to sit up straight.

  “Well,” he said with a grin. “I’m glad to see you finally getting something to eat.”

  “I guess I was hungrier than I thought,” I said, softly returning his smile. “We should probably get back on the road if we want to get to the city before nightfall.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to spend another night? It would just take one phone call,” he offered.

  I grinned. “I don’t think so. But I might let you buy me dinner again sometime. Right now, I just want to get back to my own apartment and see how things are going with the festival.”

  “Ah,” he said, leaning back elegantly in his chair. “Yes. Do you want to talk about the Mating Stone?”

  “No,” I said quickly. “Listen, I’m thrilled that Drake and Steven think that a rock can predict the future, but I’m not so willing to believe it. If they think it will boost the pack moral, then I support it one-hundred percent. That doesn’t mean I have to drink the Kool-Aid though.”

  Trevor burst into laughter, his eyes sparkling and sending a warm sensation through my body. I’d forgotten for a moment just how attractive he was. The only thing overpowering my desire to mount the Alpha right there on the table was the sudden need to sleep. My body had been in overdrive for at least twenty-four hours. Without food though, it was running on adrenaline. Now that I was no longer active, the fatigue too over like a runaway train.

  I tried to stifle a yawn, not wanting to stay another night. “We should go.”

  “I agree,” Trevor said to my surprise. “You can get a few hours of sleep in the truck. We’ve got at least four hours before we hit town. Ready?”

  In the few seconds we were talking, he took out several hundred-dollar bills and placed them on the table. Before I could even recover from my yawn, he was standing with his hand outstretched to me. This time, I took it willingly. It was strange to be so tired all of the sudden. I wasn’t even sure if I could stand on my own or make it to the truck. When Trevor nodded to the elderly couple, but didn’t stop to chat, I was very grateful.

  Trevor helped me into the truck, lowering the seat for me and pulling out a blanket from somewhere in the back. For once, I wasn’t concerned with letting someone help me. It felt too wonderful to have his hands brushing against me. As I slipped to sleep, my thoughts matched the smile on my face. I’d had the fearsome Alpha as my mate, and he still wanted more of me.

  The warmth in my stomach had faded, slowly being replaced by something new. The darkness around me gave way just as the truck hit a small pothole and jostled me the rest of the way awake. More so, it jostled my already delicately intact stomach. The churning grew more intense and I knew what was coming.

  Swallowing hard. I rolled onto my back and kept my eyes closed as I raised the seat. “Can you please pull over?”

  “Yeah,” Trevor said quickly.

  Instantly, I felt the truck hit the gravel on the side of the blacktop and slow down until we were stopped.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  I shook my head, not waiting around to respond as I leapt from the truck. I opened my eyes and reach the bushes ten feet away just in time for my insides to twist once more. I felt like death, everything that had been so wonderful hours ago now coming back to haunt me. In the distance I heard Trevor’s door open.

  “Do not come over here!” I yelled at him between puking and dry heaving.

  He skidded to a sto
p. “What can I do?”

  I shook my head, the worst of it past me now. “Water?”

  “Yeah,” he said, quickly grabbing me a bottle as I made my way back to the truck.

  Trevor opened it and handed it to me. “What was that about?”

  I rolled my eyes. “If I had to guess, I’d say your little inn gave me food poisoning.”

  “Well,” he snapped. “You did eat everything on the menu, but I’m sure that has nothing to do with it, right?”

  My heart lurched, the slight sting of his tone sending me into a tailspin. I felt the tears start to prick at my eyes. I glared at him and grabbed the door. As I slammed it shut, he stuck his hand on the opened window.

  “Ethan,” he said, his tone apologetic.

  “I just want to go home, okay?” I snapped.

  I didn’t know what was wrong with me and I didn’t want to guess. Trevor didn’t try to ease the tension again. I kept silent as we pulled onto the road. It was strange. As a young wolf I’d tried to cook dinner for my friends once. Trying to impress them, I caught the fish myself, grilling them to what I thought was perfection.

  It wasn’t until hours later that I realized the error of my ways. The food poisoning had crippled all of us. There was nothing but puking, pooping, and feeling like your body was on fire. We’d all been miserable for a solid twenty-four hours. After that, I treated my friends to takeout or a personal chef instead of cooking on my own.

  I missed them, all of my pack members and friends. It was hard to be away from them, but now I was facing so many uncertainties, I really needed Steven and the others. As much as I wished that the lurching in my stomach was just another bout of bad food, I knew better. This was something different and the possibilities were pretty slim.

  “Shit,” I whispered, my heart fluttering as I tried to talk myself out of the truth.

  “Is everything okay?” Trevor asked.

  I jumped, I’d been so lost that I forgot about him. I quickly cleared my throat. “What? Oh yeah, sure.”

  “Do you feel like you are going to be sick again?” Trevor pressed.


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