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Release (Iris Series)

Page 22

by Lynn, Rebecca

  But somehow she knew she would like her choice of paint color. Everything else in the room was light in color. She had two big windows that let in natural light, the floors were a light wood, her sofa and chairs were in the khaki family, and her throw rug was a fuzzy off white. She was planning on making new curtains out of a new Kaffe Fassett fabric she bought online, that had a light gold/khaki background with whimsical and quirky circles and polka dots in reds, purples, oranges, golds, greens, and browns that would help brighten up the room as well.

  The previous owner had recently redone the kitchen in white cabinets, and a khaki and red tile backsplash, so she thought it would all go perfectly. When she had the time, she would paint the small amount of wall space in the kitchen a light khaki color to tie it all together.

  The next three hours were spent painting the first coat on the living room walls, and she absolutely loved it. She hugged herself, thrilled with the transformation of the room. She was hoping to do the second coat first thing in the morning, and whip up the curtains before Jeremy arrived.

  She looked at her watch. 10:30pm. Should she text him, or wait for him to contact her? Maybe he was with a client again. The evil green monster reared its ugly head and whispered, or maybe he’s with a woman. She shook her head. No, she wasn’t going there. She spent the next 20 minutes cleaning up, and then got into bed.

  She looked at her phone. Still no message. She stared at the ceiling, her mind racing. After 10 more minutes of agonizing over his whereabouts, she turned over and went to sleep.

  Chapter 19

  Ryann awoke Saturday morning at seven, hoping to get a jump on the day. When she turned in bed, she noticed her message light was blinking on her phone.

  Two texts from Jeremy. She tried to slow her heartbeat as she read the first message. It came in at 11:30 the night before. She must’ve been dead to the world, because she hadn’t heard either of them come in.

  JM: Hey, gorgeous. R u still awake?

  JM: Sorry I couldn’t text earlier. Was out with clients. Can’t wait to see u tom. I’ve missed u. I’ll be at ur place by 4. XO

  She smiled and hugged the phone to her chest. When he said or wrote things like that, she wondered why she ever felt insecure. She hopped out of bed and got to work.

  Several hours later, the painting was done, and she was hanging the newly sewn curtains on the rods in the living room. It was approaching 2pm, and she knew she wanted to get in the shower soon to be ready for Jeremy. She was tired, but in a good way. As she stepped back and looked at the room, she beamed with pride. It looked beautiful. Now, she and Jeremy could enjoy the evening. She placed the red iris that he gave her on the dining table, and ran to get ready.

  She decided to leave her hair down, and put on a pair of her favorite jeans, with a fitted brown t-shirt. At 3:45, she sat and waited for Jeremy, enjoying the peace of the moment before he arrived.

  Five minutes later, she heard a knock on the door. Her heart began to race, as she jumped up to look out the peephole. She smiled and calmed herself, then opened the door.

  She was swept up into the arms of Jeremy, who didn’t even say hello, but began kissing her madly, murmuring how much he missed her. She whimpered and tried to keep up with him, but he eventually kicked the door closed, and lifted her against it, her legs wrapped around him. In the back of her mind, she realized he had dropped a package that he had brought with him.

  God, she couldn’t get enough of him, devouring him, while he groaned in her mouth, one arm wrapped around a leg, and the other in her hair. She had never been taken against a wall, or a door... but she wanted to be...badly.

  He finally stopped kissing her, and ground his forehead into hers, trying to catch his breath.

  “Hi,” he smiled sexily.

  She chuckled, “Hi.”

  “I had intended to come in and make you beg, but apparently my dick had other ideas,” he murmured grinding into her. “I missed you.”

  She blushed at his crude comment, and moaned at the zing she felt go through her. “Well apparently your dick did,” she quipped. She couldn’t believe she had made the comment, but she wasn’t sure how to respond to his sweet comment about missing her.

  “I missed you. Your smile,” he kissed her mouth, “your eyes,” he kissed her eye lid, “your neck,” he nuzzled her there.

  “I missed you, too.” She leaned forward and caught his bottom lip between her teeth.

  His eyes flared, then he groaned, taking her mouth again. He continued to grind into her, while sounds of arousal escaped from the back of her throat.

  “Jeremy…” she said, her breath hitching.

  “You’re about to get fucked against this door, my little sex kitten. Have you ever been fucked against a door?” he asked while sucking at her neck.

  She whimpered. “No,” trying to lean her head back, giving him better access to her neck.

  “That’s what I wanted to hear,” he growled with satisfaction. Then he slowly lowered her feet to the ground and unsnapped her jeans, pulling them along with her panties down to the floor. Just as she was stepping out of them, he leaned forward and kissed her between the legs.

  He inhaled. “I missed your smell,” he said, swiping his tongue against her mound.

  She gasped and leaned against the door, while she hungrily watched him unfasten his own jeans, pulling them and his boxer briefs down to his thighs, his hard and long cock springing from its confinement. He pulled off his own t-shirt.

  His eyes bore a hole through her. “Take off your shirt and bra, Ryann.”

  With shaking hands, she did as he asked. He stood there watching, a predator sizing up his prey.

  When she stood naked before him, he breathed, “Oh, yeah,” then lifted her up, her legs wrapped around him again. He pushed her back against the door, cushioning it with one of his arms.

  Now that they were almost eye level, Jeremy looked at her, and said, “I’m going to be deeper this way, baby.” He leaned forward and captured one of her nipples between his lips, then ran his teeth over the hardened tip.

  She let go of a garbled moan.

  A smile of satisfaction turned the lips of his mouth into a lazy grin, as he sucked on her nipple. He moved both of his hands to her ass and lifted her, guiding his shaft to her opening. Then, inch by glorious inch, he sank into her.

  He released her nipple and gritted his teeth, as he let out a low moan. Her breath caught in the back of her throat and she clung to his shoulders. The gravity of her body was making her sink lower onto him, until she felt as if the tip of him was kissing her womb.

  With his forehead resting on hers, he lifted her slightly while he pulled out a bit, then slammed up into her. She let out a high pitched gasp, and clawed at his shoulders and back.

  “Hang on, baby. I’m about to pound into you long and hard, and you’re going to take every inch,” he promised. He began moving, long slow slides in and out. She had never felt anything like it. He was so deep, that she was almost mindless from the intensity.

  He increased his speed and over and over, nailed her to the door, all while she gasped at every push and pull.

  She began to move with him, clasping her ankles behind his back, using them as leverage to grind her clit against the hairs on his pubic bone.

  “That’s it, baby,” he said, his breathing heavy as if he was running a race. “Ryann…”

  After a minute or so, he began to get faster, pummeling into her, and she could feel the scream building in her before she could stop herself. The feeling was so overwhelming, she couldn’t seem to hold it back.

  “Ahh! Jeremy!!” She let out a yell, not caring who heard her, and came with an intensity that rivaled any other orgasm she had ever had.

  With three more forceful strokes, Jeremy was right there with her, and let out a loud exhalation of air, groaning her name. She could feel the flood of his climax burst into her body, while their bodies pulsed around each other.

  She was gasping, feeling a
little lightheaded, and her legs began to feel heavy. He caught them before her legs slid down his butt, and hauled her back up with one arm while hiking up his jeans with the other. He walked them through the living room, and ended in the bathroom.

  “You painted the living room,” he murmured. He lowered her to the tile floor, and steadied both of them before reaching for a washcloth to clean them both.

  He ran the towel underneath the warm water, squeezed out the excess, then slowly cleaned her seeping sex. He watched her while he did it, his face a picture of masculine satisfaction. “I have to go away next week, too. But I’ll tell you something. Knowing I’m going to come home to pounding your sweet pussy into the door when I get back, will make the trip much more bearable.”

  She blushed furiously. She really shouldn’t love it when he talked like that, should she?

  “Where are you going next week?” She wished she didn’t sound so dejected when she asked the question.

  “Chicago. I’m taking the red eye out Monday night, and I’ll be back by Friday afternoon in time for the gala at the Institute that evening.”


  He dropped the towel in the sink, then put his hands in her hair, cradling her head. He rubbed his lips against hers, and said, “Unfortunately, these last few weeks have been my busy time. But after the Chicago trip, I’ll be home for awhile.” He kissed her softly on the lips. “Then I’ll be taking you on a daily basis,” he whispered. “So enjoy next week while you can. Use it as a reprieve from my constant need to be inside you,” he smiled.

  She smiled back, “I don’t want a reprieve. I kinda like it when you’re inside me.” She wrapped her arms around him and could feel the hair on his chest tickle her nipples. It felt wonderful.

  Apparently he thought so too, because he rubbed up against her.

  Her eyes lost focus.

  “Kinda like? Ooh, baby. If you only like, then I’m not doing a very good job. I’ll take that as a challenge,” he murmured, nuzzling her neck, hugging her.

  She chuckled and sighed. Here she was completely naked, in the arms of a half-naked gorgeous man in faded jeans standing in her bathroom. Oh, how times had changed.

  She pulled back. “I need to get my clothes on.”

  “No, you don’t.” He reached down and grabbed her ass.

  She smiled and slapped at him, then pulled away. She turned to leave the bathroom, and said over her shoulder, “If we’re going to have any semblance of conversation this evening, then I’m going to need clothes.”

  He said after her, “Just so you know, I’m fine with having as many conversations as you want sans clothing. I haven’t seen your naked body in nearly four days. I’m going through withdrawal.”

  She giggled as she reached the front door, and put on her bra. He reached her and stopped her from putting on her shirt, then pulled her in his arms. “Ryann,” he whispered. “I told you, you were mine this weekend. I want complete access at any given time.” He slowly kissed her neck, cupping her face with his hand. “I can be persuasive,” he said playfully.

  “I know you can,” she murmured, while his other hand reached down and stroked her ass cheek lightly.

  “I’ll compromise. Why don’t you put on a robe, or a long t-shirt. That way it’ll be easy for me to take it off you.” He had such a sexy and cute glint in his eye, she couldn’t refuse him.

  She rolled her eyes and smiled. “Are you serious?”

  He raised an eyebrow, and licked his lips.

  “Fine,” she chuckled. “I’ll get my robe.”

  He smiled back, knowing that he’d won the round. “I’ll meet you back on the sofa. And take that bra off,” he said with a lecherous grin.

  She smiled and shook her head. “You’re such a guy.”

  She grabbed her clothes by the front door, and sauntered back to her bedroom, putting a little extra wiggle in her hips. She heard the hiss in his breath, so she knew he had seen it.

  She came back out wearing her short cotton robe in a deep plum color. He was standing at the curtains, and looking around the room.

  He bit his lip, and looked at her legs appreciatively. “Much better,” he murmured.

  She gave him a smirk.

  “The room looks incredible. I love the color,” he said as he continued looking around. “When did you have the time to do all this?”

  “I did it last night and this morning.”

  “You finished this today?” he asked surprised. “Baby, I told you I would’ve helped.”

  “I know,” she shrugged. “But there was a part of me that wanted to get it done before you came over.”

  “It looks great.” He turned to the curtains. “Where did you get these? Funky fabric…”

  She told him of her favorite fabric designer, and how she made the curtains that day. She mentioned she wanted to make some new throw pillows for the sofa, as well.

  He raised an eyebrow. “You’re a woman of many talents, aren’t you? Maybe you can spruce up my bedroom sometime,” he said wagging his eyebrows. Then he walked over and scooped her up into his arms, and plopped them down onto the sofa, putting her on his lap.

  “I brought you something.”

  “You did?”

  “Yup. It’s in the bag. Take a look.”

  He handed it to her, and placed his hand on her outer thigh, while she pulled out a wrapped package. She recognized the name on the box immediately. It was a box of chocolate truffles from the best Chocolatier in the City. She remembered seeing them on a popular morning show, and knew they were insanely expensive.

  “Jeremy!” she gasped. “These cost a fortune!”

  He winked, and squeezed her thigh. “That’s alright. I’m good for it. Open it up.”

  She did, and noted the beauty of the designs on the chocolates. “I almost feel like I should hoard them they’re so beautiful.” She turned to him with a wistful look on her face. “Thank you,” she said and touched his face, leaning in to kiss him.

  “You’re very welcome. And no hoarding allowed. These are made to be enjoyed.”

  Knowing his love of chocolate, she said giggling, “Why do I feel like this gift is as much for you as it is for me?”

  “I have no idea,” he said with an innocent look on his face. “These are yours to share with whomever you would like to share them.”

  He waited a beat, and asked with boyish charm, “Anyone come to mind?”

  She paused, looking up as if she was thinking. “Definitely Ayanna. She would love these.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Anyone else you can think of?”

  He was so adorable. She leaned in and whispered in his ear, “I suppose I could share a couple with you.”

  “What a great idea...Thank you,” he said with a smile, and grabbed one out of the box and rubbed it along her lips. “Bite.”

  The familiar dampness that flowed from her every time he was near was back again. He aroused her so effortlessly. Maybe it was good she hadn’t put her clothes back on.

  She bit into the decadent truffle, and licked her lips, enjoying the creamy texture of the rich chocolate. “Mmm, this is really good,” she moaned around the chocolate in her mouth.

  He popped the rest of it into his mouth, then kissed her, eating at her, swirling his tongue around in her mouth, mixing their two flavors together. He licked her lips clean, then made a smacking sound.

  “There’s something else in the bag, but that will be for after dinner,” he said with promise.

  She looked at him warily, then her curiosity won out and she reached for the bag.

  He snatched it out of her hand. “Hey! Trust me, baby. You’ll know before the evening’s done.”

  He snuggled her back into his lap, and leaned her back onto his chest. “Tell me about your first week.”

  She sighed happily. “It was great. I loved it,” she said looking up at him. She hesitated. “I’m not sure if I should be talking to you about my experiences at the Institute considering your positio
n there.”

  “Baby, you need to stop worrying about that. You can tell me anything.”

  “I know, but I don’t want to say things that may make you want to go off and... fix them, or something.”

  “Did something happen?” His eyes narrowed.

  “No,” she said too quickly. “I’m just saying.” Pause. “Just out of curiosity, how will the process work at the end of the summer? Who takes your place when it comes time to evaluate my candidacy?”

  He took a deep breath, and settled in, his arms wrapped around her. “Well, interestingly enough, the alternate on the board is my best friend. We went to school together. He’s in the fashion industry, and will step in when it’s time to discuss you.” Then he added dryly, “It’s one of the reasons why I haven’t introduced him to you yet. I know once he meets you, you’ll charm the socks off of him, and I need a little more time to mark my territory.” He gave her a pointed look. “I want to make sure he knows you’re off the market. Otherwise he’d be all over you. And considering he’ll need to keep an open mind when discussing your evaluation, I thought it best to hold off introducing you two.”

  She blushed at his remarks. He really did give her ‘beauty’ way too much credence. Then she asked the question she had been waiting to ask. “Am I off the market?”

  He blinked in surprise at the question. Then, gently but firmly, gripped her hair in his hand, and pulled her head back so she could meet his gaze. It glittered with heat, and a bit of some other emotion she couldn’t quite put her finger on. “Yes, Ryann. You most definitely are…why do you ask?” his voice deadly calm.

  Her breathing picked up. She was forced to look up at him. “We just haven’t talked about it…you know…whether we’re dating exclusively or not.”

  “Is there something you want to tell me, Ryann?” His voice was dangerously soft.


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