Book Read Free

06 Blood Ties

Page 6

by Mari Mancusi

  “Which is why we need to get it back! We should go to Japan!”

  “Yes. I should go to Japan,” Magnus corrects. “You… and Jayden… can wait for me here if you like.”

  “Here?” I look around the trash flat.

  “I mean at Vampire Manor. You remember the safe house we stayed at the last time you were in England, don’t you?”

  “Sure, but—”

  “I’ll have Tanner stay with you as well. He can help you administer doses of your blood to keep Jayden stable while I search for the Grail. And the manor can supply him with doses of their house blood to satisfy his remaining hunger.”

  I look at him sharply. “What, they just happen to have blood on tap there?”

  “It’s an all-inclusive,” Magnus replies drolly. “Vacationing vampires often desire something a little richer or sweeter than their normally contracted blood donors. Not to mention, have you ever tried to stash a human in your carry-on? Rather impractical to say the least. Not to mention strictly against FAA regulations.”

  Once again, these vampires have it all down to a science. I guess when you have immortal life, you’ve got plenty of time to work out all the kinks.

  “I don’t suppose there’s any way for me to convince you to let me come to Japan?” I ask, though I already know his answer before even opening my mouth. “I could look for the Grail myself while you’re concentrating on all the other stuff you’ve got on your plate.”

  “I’m sorry, Sunny. But the Consortium won’t allow it. Besides, to be completely honest, I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on my mission if I was always worrying about your safety.”

  “You wouldn’t have to worry. I can take care of myself!”

  He gives me a tender smile. “I know you can. I do. But I would worry anyway,” he murmurs, reaching over to brush a stray lock of hair from my eyes, then leaning down to kiss me gently on the forehead. His lips are soft, sweet.

  Which would be nice if they weren’t saying, yet again, “Sayonara, Sunny.”


  It’s nearly dawn when we reach Vampire Manor and the morning mists are beginning to roll in, making the drive through the wrought-iron gates and down the long, narrow driveway tunneled by overgrown pine trees even more creepy. I try to remind myself that this isn’t some kind of haunted house, but rather your local friendly vampire B and B. A resort for fine, fanged individuals to retire at while vacationing in jolly old England. Though don’t get me wrong—the place is no five-star resort. No golf course, no swimming pool, and it’s a million miles away from any kind of restaurant that might serve pizza. But, as Magnus reminds me, a gloomy English countryside is preferable to creatures of the night, seeing as they can’t exactly cruise the Caribbean with their sun allergy.

  Not that this makes me feel much better, knowing I’m going to be stuck here, pizzaless, for the foreseeable future. At least I’ll have Jayden to keep me company. He’s still a little wary from our encounter on the plane, but I can totally apologize for all that once we’re alone. At least I know now I’m in no danger of being seduced by him and his non- functioning vampire scent, which means I can just be his friend. Well, in addition to being his breakfast, that is.

  As we pull up to the foreboding Victorian mansion, I remember how freaked-out I was the last time we stayed here. Especially once I found out they’d arranged for Magnus and me to share a bed, assuming we were actual blood mates. After all, back then I barely knew the guy. And I certainly didn’t trust some bloodsucker to do the right thing.

  Who knew in less than a year he’d become my best friend and true love? The one person in the world I’d want to curl up with in a big smooshy canopy bed for two, pulling the curtains closed to block out the sun and sleeping for at least a week.

  But, of course, now the bloodsucker in question has other plans.

  “You’ll be safe here,” he tells me as the chauffer comes around and opens the door. Jayden and his guards scramble out, but Magnus grabs onto my hand, evidently not ready to exit just yet. “Safer than you would have been in Vegas, even. This place is known only to vampires and is extremely protected with the latest in high-tech security. The Alphas wouldn’t stand a chance infiltrating it—even if they did know of its location, which, I can assure you, they do not.”

  “What about Rayne?” I ask, suddenly remembering my sister is now out of rehab. Could she be in danger, remaining in Vegas? “Maybe you could arrange for her to come here and meet us? You know, if it’s all safer and stuff.” Plus, even though she can be annoying at times, at the end of the day, she’s pretty entertaining. And from what I remember about the cobwebby interior of this place, I’ll need quite a bit of entertainment to keep my sanity in the coming weeks.

  Magnus groans. “Your sister,” he says,“... well, let’s just say, true to form, she exhibited some... behavior unbecoming to a vampire... last time she was across the pond. The English Rose Coven has made it very clear she is not welcomed anywhere near their jurisdiction.”

  Of course. Leave it to Rayne to piss off the welcoming committee. “But that was before she went to rehab,” I remind him. “The girl’s reformed. A new vampire. I’m sure she’d behave herself if they let her back in.” Well, okay, technically I’m not 100 percent sure of this. After all, if you look up “loose cannon” in the urban dictionary, I’m pretty sure you’d find her picture. But I’d be here to keep her line. And if it would keep her out of danger...

  “Actually...” Magnus purses his lips, looking pained.


  “It’s been decided... against my better judgment, of course...”

  Sudden realization hits me hard. “You’re taking her to Japan,” I finish dully. Of course they are. Once again my sister gets to be in the midst of all the action while I’m left behind to be babysat by Vampire Poppins. It’s so not fair.

  “Like I said, it wasn’t my decision,” Magnus restates. “But your sister is the only known vampiric fae in existence today. We may have need of her.” He pauses, then adds, “Anyway, I thought you’d prefer to stay with Jayden.”

  “Jayden could come to Japan,” I reply automatically. “This way if we find the Grail, he can just drink the blood right away, instead of you having to FedEx it back across the world. ’Cause imagine if it got lost in the mail! That would be—”

  “Sunny, look at him,” Magnus interrupts, pointing to my friend, who’s currently leaning up against the limo. “Does he look in any shape to travel to the front lines of a supernatural war?”

  I reluctantly look over, realizing he’s right. Jayden looks frail and sick, with hollow eyes and trembling hands. He needs to stay somewhere safe and comfortable if he has any chance of surviving all of this. And I need to stay with him to keep supplying him with my blood. Which offers Magnus the perfect excuse to keep me here and out of harm’s way.

  “Don’t think I don’t see what you’re doing,” I growl. “But fine. I guess I’ve got no choice. I’ll stay with Jayden and give him his transfusions. But you’d better stay on the ball out there in Japan,” I add. “Don’t get so caught up in the war that you forget about me and the Grail.”

  Magnus sighs, suddenly looking weary. “When are you going to learn to trust me, Sunny?”

  “I do trust you. It’s just—”

  He gives me a pointed look.

  “Look, I know you love me,” I try to explain. “But I also know how loyal you are to the Blood Coven. And I’m totally cool with that, really. I want you to be able to protect your people and all. But sometimes— I wonder. If push came to shove...”

  “Yes...?” He’s going to force me to spit it out. “Would you pick me over the Consortium? If Pyrus handed you a direct order, I mean.”

  He groans. “Why do you do this to me, Sunny?” “That’s not exactly an answer.”

  His eyes narrow. “What do you want me to say? That I’d choose you? No matter what? That’s a little immature, don’t you think?”

  I can feel my hackles rise
. “Well, no offense, dude, but let’s just say you don’t exactly have the best track record. In fact, you outright dismissed me when I tried to warn you about Jane back in Vegas. Hell, you were too busy being the Consortium’s lap dog to even consider the fact that I might be on to something. So, sorry for wanting a little reassurance this time around.”

  “Yes, I was wrong. You were right. And I apologized for that. Many times, in fact. And you said you forgave me,” he reminds me bitterly. “Which, from what I understand about forgiveness, means you’re no longer able to hold the incident over my head every time you don’t get your own way.”

  “My own way?” I repeat, fury burning inside me now. “You think that’s what this is about? You think I want to be stuck here, in some creepy vampire holiday house, draining my blood daily to help a sick vampire, all the while wondering if my boyfriend is dead or alive? Please. I’d much rather be back in Vegas, playing field hockey with my new friends, enjoying a normal, everyday life. But I’ve put normalcy on hold. All because of you. Which is fine— I’m totally cool with doing that. But I want the same in return.”

  “Oh, right. Because my life is never disrupted because of you,” Magnus retorts sarcastically. “Let me tell you, I had a jolly Carnival Cruise holiday scouring the globe after I found out you’d been kidnapped by fairies. Oh and filing that report to the coven, letting them know I was keeping a sick, unlicensed, possibly dangerous vampire alive because my girlfriend had feelings for him? That was a bloody picnic, let me tell you. Not to mention getting written up by Pyrus for disobeying their orders to head directly to Japan...” He yanks at his ponytail, freeing his hair. “Yes, you’ve got it all figured out, Sunny. I’m a bloody selfish bastard and Pyrus’s flunky and you’re always getting screwed.”

  The raw anger in his voice cuts me like a knife— and his words are salt in the wound. I cringe. What was I thinking—challenging his loyalty? Sure, he’s made mistakes. But it’s not like I haven’t, too.

  “Look, Magnus, I—”

  He waves me off. “Sunny, I promise I will do everything in my power to find the Grail and save Jayden’s life. But please—try to see the bigger picture here. You want to save one vampire. I’m trying to save the entire vampire race. Don’t put me in the position where I have to choose between the two.”

  “I know, I know!” I cry, guilt wracking my insides. “I’m sorry. I know you’re dealing with a lot. And I do trust you. I swear.”

  But my boyfriend just looks at me with sad eyes. “I don’t think you do,” he says softly. “You want to, but you can’t. You say you’ve forgiven me. But you still resent me, deep inside. And that’s a problem.”

  I feel the tears welling in my eyes. “But I—”

  He shakes his head. “We’re going to talk about this when I return, okay?” he says. “Because if you really can’t trust me... If you truly believe I don’t have your best interests at heart...” He swallows hard. “Well, I don’t know if any of this is going to work.”

  I look up at him, horrified beyond belief. Did he just imply what I think he did? Oh God, I didn’t mean... My heart starts slamming in my chest. “Magnus—”

  But my words are cut off as the chauffeur rolls down the back window. “Sorry to interrupt, m’lord,” he says. “Your plane is scheduled to leave within the hour.”

  “Right.” Magnus purses his lips and then turns to me. “I need to give Tanner some instructions. I suggest you go in and find your accommodations. I’ll be in touch as soon as I can.”

  His cold voice makes me shiver. I want to say a million things—to apologize a million times—but I know it’s not the time or place and I don’t want to make things more difficult than I’ve already made them. “Okay,” I croak. “Can I just get a—”

  But he’s already out of the limo before I can finish my request for a hug good-bye. Maybe it’s for the best. I’m not sure, if I had him in my arms right now, whether I’d be strong enough to let him go.

  So instead I reluctantly step out of the limo and into the chilly, predawn air. Jayden bounds over to me, his face still pale, but his eyes alight with excitement. “Sunny, have you seen this place?” he asks, his voice full of wonder. “It’s amazing. Like something out of a fairy tale. I’ve never seen anything like it. I wonder when it was built. I mean, we don’t have anything this old in Vegas.”

  “Please. Even I’m older than Las Vegas,” scoffs an approaching female voice.

  I look up, my eyes widening as three vampire- supermodel types strut out the front door and down the steps, regarding Jayden with hungry eyes. They stop in front of him, fanning out in a semicircle. There’s a blonde, a redhead, and a brunette. All beautiful. All appearing to be about seventeen. But probably more like seventeen hundred.

  “Who are you, handsome?” queries the redhead in a Northern English accent. Her otherworldly blue eyes give Jayden a slow, sultry once-over. As if he’s a steak dinner she’d love to devour. “And what brings you to Vampire Manor?”


  Jayden takes a hesitant step back as the three vampire girls circle him like hungry hyenas.

  “Um, I’m Jayden,” he stammers. “I’m, um, new.”

  The girls exchange amused glances and giggle. “Fresh blood,” coos the brunette. “How lovely.”

  Jayden throws a worried look in my direction and I try to break in to save him, but the girls manage to complete their circle, locking their arms around my friend and effectively shutting me out.

  “I’m Elizabeth,” introduces the redhead. “And this here is Katie and Susan.” The other two girls bob in refined greeting. They look like Serena and Blair from Gossip Girl, but their mannerisms scream Victorian England. So I’m placing them at about 160 years old, give or take.

  “We’re from the Lakes District up north,” explains Katie.

  “Lakes District?” Jayden repeats, staring at her, as if mesmerized. I frown. Could vampires use their vampire scents on other vampires? ’Cause I gotta admit, he looks completely smitten by all three of them right about now. A look, I might add, he usually reserves for me.

  Not that I’m jealous or anything. I just don’t think it’s a great idea for a sick vampire like Jayden to be looking to hook up right now. He’s got bigger things to worry about—like concentrating on his recovery. Not to mention keeping me company in this godforsaken place until Magnus comes back.

  “Have you never been to the Lakes District? It’s a beautiful place, but dreadfully dull in the winter,” Susan explains. “So we come down here for an extended holiday from time to time.”

  “Our dear Maker, Professor Lucedio, is the kindest vampire you’ll ever meet in your life,” adds Elizabeth. “He lets us stay anytime, free of charge.” She turns to her friends. “And how lucky it is, girls, that we chose this weekend to come! Otherwise we might have missed our chance to meet Mr. Jayden altogether.” The other two nod in excited agreement. I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

  “Well, it’s very nice to meet you,” Jayden replies politely, reaching out to shake all of their hands. This makes them giggle all over again. Not to mention bat their eyelashes and swish their hair. And here I thought vampires could afford to be a bit more subtle.

  “What coven are you from?” Elizabeth purrs, sidling closer.

  “Oh!” Jayden looks slightly taken aback by the question. “Well, I’m not from any coven, I guess,” he stammers. “But Lord Magnus, from the Blood Coven, has been nice enough to take me under his wing until we’ve figured things out.”

  I scowl. Magnus was nice enough? Magnus wanted to put him down like a dog. I was the one who fought to get him here. Risked my relationship to try to save his life. But hey, name-drop my boyfriend all you want, I guess, if you think it’ll impress the ladies. Forget all about poor old Sunny, who saved your life.

  “Oh, Magnus!” the three girls squeal in unison. “We love Lord Magnus.”

  “He’s so handsome!” “And so debonair.”

  “A former knight in shining ar
mor—it doesn’t get more romantic than that.”

  “Not to mention he’s—”

  “—MY boyfriend,” I cut in curtly, pushing my way into the circle. The girls’ excited faces twist into scowls.

  “And who might you be?” sniffs Elizabeth.

  “Oh, sorry!” Jayden looks at me sheepishly, as if he’d forgotten I’d been standing behind him the whole time. Maybe he had. “Um, girls, this is my good friend Sunny.”

  The three she-vampires attempt to stare me down with narrow, suspicious eyes. “You look... familiar,” Susan states. “Why is that?”

  “Wait—isn’t she that vampire slayer we kicked out of the coven?” Katie asks. “You remember, that bitch who pulled out her stake after we tried to offer her some very expensive blood?”

  “Yes, that’s definitely her.” The girls surround me menacingly, baring their fangs. “How dare you show your face here?”

  I hold up my hands in protest, suddenly remembering the story my sister told me of her last trip to England. “Hold it. You can stop the lynch mob right there! That wasn’t me. That was my sister, Rayne. We’re twins. Well, on the outside anyway. I swear to you I have much better manners than her. Not to mention I’m not a slayer.”

  Susan purses her lips. “You’re not a vampire either.”

  “Sunny’s a fairy!” Jayden chimes in, oh so helpfully.

  Great. Here we go.

  The girls’ eyes widen with interest. Susan grabs my arm and starts sniffing me. Ew. I take a hasty step backward, ripping my arm from her grasp. “Do you mind?”

  “Yup. I thought I smelled something,” Susan affirms, wrinkling her annoyingly perky little nose. “Pixie sweat. Smells just like rotten nectar.”

  Ooh, that does it. “Look, I’m no freaking pixie, okay?” I say, lifting my chin haughtily. “I’m Princess Sunshine of the Sidhe Light Court. My mother is queen and I’m next in line for the throne, if you must know.”


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