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65 Short Stories

Page 54

by W. Somerset Maugham

  And yet how comfortable it was and how well looked after you were! And what a cordial greeting the Blands gave you! They seemed really to like people. They were generous and kindly. They were never happier than when they were entertaining the county, and though they had not owned the property for more than twenty years they had established themselves firmly in the favour of their neighbours. Except perhaps in their splendour and the competent way in which the estate was run there was nothing to suggest that they had not been settled there for centuries.

  Freddy had been at Eton and Oxford. He was now in the early fifties. He was quiet in manner, courtly, very clever, I imagine, but a trifle reserved. He had great elegance, but it was not an English elegance; he had grey hair and a short pointed grey beard, fine dark eyes and an aquiline nose. He was just above middle height; I don’t think you would have taken him for a Jew, but rather for a foreign diplomat of some distinction. He was a man of character, but gave you, strangely enough, notwithstanding the success he had had in life, an impression of faint melancholy. His successes had been financial and political; in the world of sport, for all his perseverance, he had never shone. For many years he had followed hounds, but he was a bad rider and I think it must have been a relief to him when he could persuade himself that middle age and pressure of business forced him to give up hunting. He had excellent shooting and gave grand parties for it, but he was a poor shot; and despite the course in his park he never succeeded in being more than an indifferent golfer. He knew only too well how much these things meant in England and his incapacity was a bitter disappointment to him. However George would make up for it.

  George was scratch at golf, and though tennis was not his game he played much better than the average; the Blands had had him taught to shoot as soon as he was old enough to hold a gun and he was a fine shot; they had put him on a pony when he was two, and Freddy, watching him mount his horse, knew that out hunting when the boy came to a fence he felt exhilaration and not that sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach, which, though he had chased the fox with such grim determination, had always made the sport a torture to him. George was so tall and slim, his curly hair, of a palish brown, was so fine, his eyes were so blue, he was the perfect type of the young Englishman. He had the engaging candour of the breed. His nose was straight, though perhaps a trifle fleshy, and his lips were perhaps a little full and sensual, but he had beautiful teeth, and his smooth skin was like ivory. George was the apple of his father’s eye. He did not like Harry, his second son, so well. He was rather stocky, broad-shouldered and strong for his age, but his black eyes, shining with cleverness, his coarse dark hair, and his big nose revealed his race. Freddy was severe with him, and often impatient, but with George he was all indulgence. Harry would go into the business, he had brains and push, but George was the heir. George would be an English gentleman.

  George had offered to motor me down in the roadster his father had given him as a birthday present. He drove very fast and we arrived before the rest of the guests. The Blands were sitting on the lawn and tea was laid out under a magnificent cedar.

  ‘By the way,’ I said presently, ‘I saw Ferdy Rabenstein the other day and he wants me to bring George to lunch with him.’

  I had not mentioned the invitation to George on the way because I thought that if there had been a family coldness I had better address his parents as well. ‘Who in God’s name is Ferdy Rabenstein?’ said George.

  How brief is human glory! A generation back such a question would have seemed grotesque.

  ‘He’s by way of being your great-uncle,’ I replied.

  A glance had passed from father to mother when I first spoke.

  ‘He’s a horrid old man,’ said Muriel.

  ‘I don’t think it’s in the least necessary for George to resume relationships that were definitely severed before he was born,’ said Freddy with decision. ‘Anyhow I’ve delivered the message,’ said I, feeling somewhat snubbed. ‘I don’t want to see the old blighter,’ said George.

  The conversation was broken off by the arrival of other guests and in a little while George went off to play golf with one of his Oxford friends.

  It was not till next day that the matter was referred to again. I had played an unsatisfactory round with Freddy Bland in the morning and several sets of what is known as country-house tennis in the afternoon and was sitting alone with Muriel on the terrace. In England we have so much bad weather that it is only fair that a beautiful day should be more beautiful than anywhere in the world and this June evening was perfect. The blue sky was cloudless and the air was balmy; before us stretched green rolling downs, and woods, and in the distance you saw the red roofs of a little village church. It was a day when to be alive was sufficient happiness. Detached lines of poetry hovered vaguely in my memory. Muriel and I had been chatting desultorily.

  ‘I hope you didn’t think it rather horrid of us to refuse to let George lunch with Ferdy,’ she said suddenly. ‘He’s such a fearful snob, isn’t he?’

  D’you think so? He’s always been very nice to me.’

  ‘We haven’t been on speaking terms for twenty years. Freddy never forgave him for his behaviour during the war. So unpatriotic, I thought, and one really must draw the line somewhere. You know, he absolutely refused to drop his horrible German name. With Freddy in Parliament and running munitions and all that sort of thing it was quite impossible. I don’t know why he should want to see George. He can’t mean anything to him.’

  ‘He’s an old man. George and Harry are his great-nephews. He must leave his money to someone.’

  ‘We’d rather not have his money,’ said Muriel coldly.

  Of course I didn’t care a row of pins whether George went to lunch with Ferdy Rabenstein, and I was quite willing to let the matter drop, but evidently the Blands had talked it over and Muriel felt that some explanation was due to me.

  ‘Of course you know that Freddy has Jewish blood in him,’ she said.

  She looked at me sharply. Muriel was rather a big blonde woman and she spent a great deal of time trying to keep down the corpulence to which she was predisposed. She had been very pretty when young, and even now was a comely person; but her round blue eyes, slightly prominent, her fleshy nose, the shape of her face and the back of her neck, her exuberant manner, betrayed her race. No Englishwoman, however fair-haired, ever looked like that. And yet her observation was designed to make me take it for granted that she was a Gentile. I answered discreetly:

  ‘So many people have nowadays.’

  ‘I know. But there’s no reason to dwell on it, is there? After all, we’re absolutely English; no one could be more English than George, in appearance and manner and everything; I mean, he’s such a fine sportsman and all that sort of thing, I can’t see any object of his knowing Jews just because they happen to be distant connexions of his.’

  ‘It’s very difficult in England now not to know Jews, isn’t it?’

  ‘Oh, I know, in London one does meet a good many, and I think some of them are very nice. They’re so artistic. I don’t go so far as to say that Freddy and I deliberately avoid them, of course I wouldn’t do that, but it just happens that we don’t really know any of them very well. And down here, there simply aren’t any to know’

  I could not but admire the convincing manner in which she spoke. It would not have surprised me to be told that she really believed every word she said. ‘You say that Ferdy might leave George his money. Well, I don’t believe it’s so very much anyway; it was quite a comfortable fortune before the war, but that’s nothing nowadays. Besides we’re hoping that George will go in for politics when he’s a little older, and I don’t think it would do him any good in the constituency to inherit money from a Mr Rabenstein.’

  ‘Is George interested in politics?’ I asked, to change the conversation.

  ‘Oh, I do hope so. After all, there’s the family constituency waiting for him. It’s a safe Conservative seat and one can’t expect Freddy to go on w
ith the grind of the House of Commons indefinitely.’

  Muriel was grand. She talked already of the constituency as though twenty generations of Blands had sat for it. Her remark, however, was my first intimation that Freddy’s ambition was not satisfied.

  ‘I suppose Freddy would go to the House of Lords when George was old enough to stand.’

  ‘We’ve done a good deal for the party,’ said Muriel.

  Muriel was a Catholic and she often told you that she had been educated in a convent-’Such sweet women, those nuns, I always said that if I had a daughter I should have sent her to a convent too’-but she liked her servants to be Church of England, and on Sunday evenings we had what was called supper because the fish was cold and there was ice-cream, so that they could go to church, and we were waited on by two footmen instead of four. It was still light when we finished and Freddy and I, smoking our cigars, walked up and down the terrace in the gloaming. I suppose Muriel had told him of her conversation with me, and it may be that his refusal to let George see his great-uncle still troubled him, but being subtler than she he attacked the question more indirectly. He told me that he had been very much worried about George. It had been a great disappointment that he had refused to go into the army.

  ‘I should have thought he’d have loved the life,’ he said.

  ‘And he would certainly have looked marvellous in his Guards uniform.’

  ‘He would, wouldn’t he?’ returned Freddy, ingenuously. ‘I wonder he could resist that.’

  He had been completely idle at Oxford; although his father had given him a very large allowance, he had got monstrously into debt; and now he had been sent down. But though he spoke so tartly I could see that he was not a little proud of his scapegrace son, he loved him with oh, such an unEnglish love, and in his heart it flattered him that George had cut such a dash.

  ‘Why should you worry?’ I said. ‘You don’t really care if George has a degree or not.’

  Freddy chuckled.

  ‘No, I don’t suppose I do really. I always think the only important thing about Oxford is that people know you were there, and I dare say that George isn’t any wilder than the other young men in his set. It’s the future I’m thinking of He’s so damned idle. He doesn’t seem to want to do anything but have a good time.’

  ‘He’s young, you know’

  ‘He’s not interested in politics, and though he’s so good at games he’s not even very keen on sport. He seems to spend most of his time strumming the piano.’

  ‘That’s a harmless amusement.’

  ‘Oh, yes, I don’t mind that, but he can’t go on loafing indefinitely. You see, all this will be his one day.’ Freddy gave a sweeping gesture that seemed to embrace the whole county, but I knew that he did not own it all yet. ‘I’m very anxious that he should be fit to assume his responsibilities. His mother is very ambitious for him, but I only want him to be an English gentleman.’

  Freddy gave me a sidelong glance as though he wanted to say something but hesitated in case I thought it ridiculous; but there is one advantage in being a writer that, since people look upon you as of no account, they will often say things to you that they would not to their equals. He thought he would risk it.

  ‘You know, I’ve got an idea that nowhere in the world now is the Greek ideal of life so perfectly cultivated as by the English country gentleman living on his estates. I think his life has the beauty of a work of art.’

  I could not but smile when I reflected that it was impossible for the English country gentleman in these days to do anything of the sort without a packet of money safely invested in American Bonds, but I smiled with sympathy. I thought it rather touching that this Jewish financier should cherish so romantic a dream.

  ‘I want him to be a good landlord. I want him to take his part in the affairs of the country. I want him to be a thorough sportsman.’

  ‘Poor mutt,’ I thought, but said: ‘Well, what are your plans for George now?’

  ‘I think he has a fancy for the diplomatic service. He’s suggested going to Germany to learn the language.’

  ‘A very good idea, I should have thought.’

  ‘For some reason he’s got it into his head that he wants to go to Munich.’

  ‘A nice place.’

  Next day I went back to London and shortly after my arrival rang up Ferdy. ‘I’m sorry, but George isn’t able to come to lunch on Wednesday.’

  ‘What about Friday?’

  ‘Friday’s no good either.’ I thought it useless to beat about the bush. ‘The fact is, his people aren’t keen on his lunching with you.’

  There was a moment’s silence. Then:

  ‘I see. Well, will you come on Wednesday anyway?’

  ‘Yes, I’d like to,’ I answered.

  So on Wednesday at half past one I strolled round to Curzon Street. Ferdy received me with the somewhat elaborate graciousness that he cultivated. He made no reference to the Blands. We sat in the drawing-room and I could not help reflecting what an eye for beautiful objects that family had. The room was more crowded than the fashion of today approves, and the gold snuff-boxes in vitrines, the French china, appealed to a taste that was not mine; but they were no doubt choice pieces; and the Louise XV suite, with its beautiful petit point, must have been worth an enormous lot of money. The pictures on the walls by Lancret, Pater, and Watteau did not greatly interest me, but I recognized their intrinsic excellence. It was a proper setting for this aged man of the world. It fitted his period. Suddenly the door opened and George was announced. Ferdy saw my surprise and gave me a little smile of triumph.

  ‘I’m very glad you were able to come after all,’ he said as he shook George’s hand.

  I saw him in a glance take in his great-nephew whom he saw today for the first time. George was very well dressed. He wore a short black coat, striped trousers, and the grey double-breasted waistcoat which at that time was the mode. You could only wear it with elegance if you were tall and thin and your belly was slightly concave. I felt sure that Ferdy knew exactly who George’s tailor was and what haberdasher he went to and approved of them. George, so smart and trim, wearing his clothes so beautifully, certainly looked very handsome. We went down to luncheon. Ferdy had the social graces at his fingers’ ends and he put the boy at his ease, but I saw that he was carefully appraising him; then, I do not know why, he began to tell some of his Jewish stories. He told them with gusto and with all his wonderful mimicry. I saw George flush, and though he laughed at them, I could see that it was with embarrassment. I wondered what on earth had induced Ferdy to be so tactless. But he was watching George and he told story after story. It looked as though he would never stop. I wondered if for some reason I could not grasp he was taking a malicious pleasure in the boy’s obvious discomfiture. At last we went upstairs and to make things easier I asked Ferdy to play the piano. He played us three or four little waltzes. He had lost none of his exquisite lightness nor his sense of their lilting rhythm. Then he turned to George.

  ‘Do you play?’ he asked him.

  ‘A little.’

  ‘Won’t you play something?’

  ‘I’m afraid I only play classical music. I don’t think it would interest you.’ Ferdy smiled slightly, but did not insist. I said it was time for me to go and George accompanied me.

  ‘What a filthy old Jew,’ he said as soon as we were in the street. ‘I hated those stories of his.’

  ‘They’re his great stunt. He always tells them.’

  ‘Would you if you were a Jew?’

  I shrugged my shoulders.

  ‘How is it you came to lunch after all?’ I asked George.

  He chuckled. He was a light-hearted creature, with a sense of humour, and he shook off the slight irritation his great-uncle had caused him. ‘He went to see Granny. You don’t know Granny, do you?’


  ‘She treats daddy like a kid in Etons. Granny said I was to go to lunch with great-uncle Ferdy and what Granny says goes.�

  ‘I see.’

  A week or two later George went to Munich to learn German. I happened then to go on a journey and it was not till the following spring that I was again in London. Soon after my arrival I found myself sitting next to Muriel Bland at dinner. I asked after George.

  ‘He’s still in Germany,’ she said.

  ‘I see in the papers that you’re going to have a great beano at Tilby for his coming of age.’

  We’re going to entertain the tenants and they’re making George a presentation.’

  She was less exuberant than usual, but I did not pay much attention to the fact. She led a strenuous life and it might be that she was tired. I knew she liked to talk of her son, so I continued.

  ‘I suppose George has been having a grand time in Germany,’ I said.

  She did not answer for a moment and I gave her a glance. I was surprised to see that her eyes were filled with tears.

  ‘I’m afraid George has gone mad,’ she said.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘We’ve been so frightfully worried. Freddy’s so angry, he won’t even discuss it. I don’t know what we’re going to do.’

  Of course it immediately occurred to me that George, who, I supposed, like most young Englishmen sent to learn the language, had been put with a German family, had fallen in love with the daughter of the house and wanted to marry her. I had a pretty strong suspicion that the Blands were intent on his making a very grand marriage.

  ‘Why, what’s happened?’ I asked.

  ‘He wants to become a pianist.’

  ‘A what?’

  ‘A professional pianist.’

  ‘What on earth put that idea in his head?’

  ‘Heaven knows. We didn’t know anything about it. We thought he was working for his exam. I went out to see him. I thought I’d like to know that he was getting on all right. Oh, my dear. He looks like nothing on earth. And he used to be so smart; I could have cried. He told me he wasn’t going in for the exam, and had never had any intention of doing so; he’d only suggested the diplomatic service so that we’d let him go to Germany and he’d be able to study music’


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