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Dux Bellorum (Future History of America Book 3)

Page 35

by Marcus Richardson

  "Are you okay?" asked Erik, his choked voice sounding like sandpaper on gravel.

  "God, your voice—Erik, your face looks pretty bad…" she said, her voice full of concern he hadn't heard since Orlando. Her hand gingerly reached up to his face, but he turned away.

  "Is it bad? 'Cause it hurts," he croaked.

  Brin peered at him and shifted her head in the overcast light. "It looks bad—there's a lot of blood. But you sound worse. We need to get you checked out. Did they try to hang you?" she asked, kicking at the rope.

  Erik sighed and put his hands on his hips. "Tried, yeah."

  Brin suddenly became serious. "Where's Teddy?"

  Erik looked at her. "What do you mean, 'where's Teddy?'" he asked, rubbing his throat. "Last I saw him, he was back there with you and Lindsay." He coughed.

  "No, I was changing the dressing on Lindsay's leg when he left the room to get me some more of that honey medicine from Lucy. I heard them go downstairs, but I never heard any doors open. When I was done with Lindsay, Teddy was gone."

  "You think he went to find Ted?" asked Erik. He sidestepped the bodies of his attackers and snatched up his pack.

  "No—Ted said he was going out to look for a car. He asked me to make sure Teddy stayed behind."

  "How long ago was this?" croaked Erik, checking his watch.

  "It took me like 15 minutes to get Lindsay sorted out—another five to get here, then these morons jumped me…"

  "Only three?" Erik chuckled. "They didn't know you very well…"

  Brin laughed and looked at him as they jogged. "Oh my God, your throat looks a worse! We need to get you back so Lucy can check you out."

  Erik shook his head as they raced toward the visitor's center. "No way—she's one of them. I'm not letting these crazy fuckers near me anymore. I haven't fully trusted them yet—and I sure as hell won't now."

  Brin wouldn't give up, however. "I don't think that's fair, Erik. She's not like them. I can tell. Lucy's different. She seems to go out of her way to spend as much time as possible with us."

  "She sure does. She spends a lot of time with you. Did she disappear with Teddy?"

  It was Brin's turn to shake her head. "What are you implying? Forget it—no—Teddy wouldn't leave Lindsay's side."

  Erik and Brin ran the rest of the way to the visitor's center in silence, encountering no one on the deserted campus grounds. They swung south of the library and steered clear of the dorms. Erik figured they only had a few minutes before word of the failed attacks reached the Professor and the next wave was launched.

  "Pick up the pace," said Brin as she pulled ahead. "I got a bad feeling about this. We need to get back."

  "We need to find Ted!" wheezed Erik as he ran behind his wife. She had the benefit of less injuries and wasn't carrying a 5 pound pipe and a 30 pound pack on her back either. It was getting harder for him to maintain his pace—he couldn't get enough air.

  As it came to pass, by the time they reached the visitor's center they had no need of finding Ted. Erik spotted him jogging along the library.

  "Ted!" he wheezed. He coughed and tried again but his throat constricted and he doubled over, trying to stay on his feet as his vision blurred.

  "You have Teddy?" Brin called out.

  Ted switched from jogging to sprinting. "No! What're you talking about?" he called as he approached. "Jesus—what happened to you two?"

  By the time Erik brought himself back to vertical, Ted shuddered to a stop in front of them. "What the hell's going on? Where's Teddy? Where's Lindsay?" he demanded, urgency rising in his voice as he spoke.

  The door to the visitor's center opened behind them. "Lindsay's inside—hurry, get in here!" Lucy called from the doorway.

  The three of them rushed into the building and Ted immediately charged Lucy, one finger stabbing out at her like a sword. "Where the hell are my children? If you hurt them, so help me God—”

  Lucy squeaked and backpedaled away as Ted approached her. "Lindsay's fine!" she said, arms in front of her chest to ward off the marine. "She's upstairs! I just finished giving her the next dose of antibiotics and some water. Her fever broke!"

  Ted froze. "It's down?"

  Lindsay nodded. "Yes—I've been giving her a double dose of the antibiotics—”

  "I thought Doc said that was dangerous?" asked Brin suspiciously.

  A mischievous smile spread across Lucy's face. "Not really—this is honey, remember? The only danger is in using up our supplies quicker than we want to." She turned to look at Ted.

  "Look, the infection hasn't spread to Lindsay's bloodstream—it's superficial, restricted to her skin. We found out a long time ago the double dose is a lot closer to modern antibiotics and works better than the long treatment plan at a lower rate of dosage."

  "Then why the hell didn't you do that from the beginning?"

  "It's…" Lucy's face fell as she fumbled at the strings on her blood-stained 'Kiss the cook' apron. She glanced at Brin and tucked a lock of hair over her ear. "It's complicated." She blushed.

  Ted got right up in her face and glared at her, the muscles of his back and shoulders coiled and thick. "Then why don't you simplify things for me," he said in a low, dangerous voice.

  Chapter 56


  "WHERE'S MY SON?" TED shouted.

  “He hasn’t been hurt,” offered Lucy in a mouse-like voice.

  Ted glared at Lucy. "Why the fuck should I trust you?"

  "Please!" Lucy stammered, backing up. She took a deep breath. "If I help you, you've got take me with you! I can't stay anymore—they're crazy!"

  Erik put a hand on Ted's shoulder. "Hang on, man," he rasped. He turned to Lucy. "What are you talking about?" It sounded more like a whisper than anything.

  "There's a few of us that don't want—what happened to your neck?" she gasped.

  "Answer his question!" barked Ted when Erik waved her off.

  "Uh…" Lucy fidgeted with the strings on her apron again. "We came here looking for help and the Professor made me…" she blushed. "He makes me do...things…I—I can't do it anymore—I want out!" she cried, clenching her fists. "I swear to God, if one more of those psychos grabs me I'm going to hurt someone!"

  Brin stepped over and pulled Lucy away. "Gimme a second," she said quietly.

  "Where's my son?" yelled Ted as Erik stepped in front of him.

  Erik stared at Ted. "What the hell is going on?" he wheezed. "I was jumped by some of the Professor's—”

  "Me too," Ted said, eyes locked on Lucy. "How many?" Ted looked at him as if seeing Erik for the first time. "Damn—someone did a number on your neck."

  "Four—three guys and Tammy."

  “What?” asked Ted. “That sneaky little bitch…”

  Erik motioned toward his neck. "Tried to hang me. They attacked you, too?" he wheezed.

  "They tried," Ted said glancing out the closest window. "I got the jump on three of them—not sure how many more there were. All I know is one of them isn't going to live to see tomorrow."

  "Jesus Ted, did you have to kill them? They're just kids…" Erik rubbed his throat as his eyes watered.

  Ted regarded Erik with cool look. "You're not much older than they are, chief," he said. "And for the record, when someone pulls a knife on me, I take that personally. What happens after that is their problem." He raised his voice. "Same thing's going to happen to each one of these sons of bitches if I find out anything happened Teddy—”

  "I think Teddy's fine," Brin said, returning to the group. "Lucy's telling the truth—I'm sure of it."

  "How?" rasped Erik.

  "They…" Brin's eyes shifted between the two men. "She's been abused. Sexually. The Professor is no more than a well-educated barbarian."

  Erik nodded. "I take it she wasn't one of the Professor's original supporters?"

  Brin shook her head. She looked over her shoulder at Lucy, huddled in the corner holding herself. "No, she said she goes to school in Pennsylvania and her family die
d after the power went out…they were visiting relatives in town and there was some accident or something. Lucy found herself on campus and was captured. At first they made it seem like the Professor was there to take care of her and the others, but she found out pretty quick the grad students were given free rein among the girls so long as they kept order for the Professor."

  "It's good to be the king," muttered Erik.

  "Where's…my…son?" Ted said, sharply enunciating each word.

  Shouts from outside stopped the conversation tracks.

  "I don't know," replied Lucy, "but I'm thinking whoever's outside has a good idea."

  "I knew it was a bad idea to give up the guns…" muttered Brin.

  "We didn't give up everything," replied Ted. He lifted his shirt and produced the tan and green Springfield XD.

  A voice outside shouted. Erik crossed the room to the window and peered around the corner. "They have Teddy!" he said, coughing.

  Ted threw open the backdoor and flew outside before Erik could say anything else. Brin rushed past him with a worried look on her face.

  Outside, Erik, Ted, and Brin faced the Professor, his grad students, and a pretty good chunk of his followers. Erik guessed there were at least 30 people arrayed behind the visitor's center. Roger was with them, his hand on Teddy's shoulder.

  "You okay, bud?" asked Ted in a normal sounding voice.

  "Mr. Jenson, you—"

  Ted raised his hand at the Professor and watched his son. "It's okay, buddy, you can talk. Are you okay—did they hurt you?"

  Teddy shook his head slightly, blonde hair tumbling over his forehead. He glanced at the Professor and Roger with tears his eyes.

  Erik, standing just behind Ted, saw him tense. He held the pistol behind his back, drawing attention to his free hand by keeping it in the air.

  "As I was saying, Mr. Jenson…” the Professor began again.

  Ted shifted his gaze and pointed at the Professor. "If one hair on his head is harmed, you die."

  The Professor recoiled as if struck. He collected himself and turned to the rest of his group, a mixture of surprise and anger on the faces of the college students.

  "You see? This is exactly what I have told you to be wary of. The base animal nature of man is not well controlled in those uneducated, unfortunate souls who lack our enlightenment. That is what we face. This," he said with a sweep of his hand toward Ted, Erik and Brin, "is what we're up against. This kind of reckless intolerance is what we must defeat."

  Erik stepped around Ted to address the crowd, massaging his neck. "How exactly are you going to do that?" he croaked. "The first time the Rebels or the Jocks decide to really get serious, you guys are toast. You all know it—I can see the looks on your faces. You guys aren't fighters, none of you are."

  The Professor nodded as a smile spread across his face. "Precisely—that is where you come in my friend."

  Erik shook his head. "No." He rubbed his bruised throat. "Not after this," he said motioning to Teddy. "You people are delusional."

  "It is you who is delusional, Mr. Larsson. You will cooperate, you will help us, and you will do it voluntarily. If not, this little boy will die."

  Ted took a half-step forward and only Erik's arm across his chest stopped him from reaching the Professor. Erik stared at the older man. He lowered his voice, barely above a whisper.

  "I suggest you choose your words a little better, sir. There are many types of men in this world. This man," he said with a nod to Ted, "is not one you want to threaten."

  "If words cannot persuade you to aid us, then perhaps this will? Jonathan, you know what to do." The group parted, and the bruised student who escaped Erik's wrath earlier stepped forward, carrying a familiar looking rifle.

  "You!" Erik hissed, pointing at the youth. "You're one of those chickenshits that jumped me!"

  "I'm no coward!" the young man shouted back, his voice cracking. He raised the rifle—Erik recognized it as one of the Colt M4s he and Ted had turned in. "You do what the Professor says, or I'll gun you all down right here."

  Ted looked at Erik and laughed. It only took a moment before Erik joined in. "What the hell is so funny?" hissed Brin.

  "That thing is a lot a gun for a boy," Ted said conversationally. "She shoots a lot better when you take off the safety." He laughed again.

  Jonathan flushed and examined the side of the rifle for a moment. His fingers fumbled at the fire selector and slid the safety off.

  "There. You laughin' now, asshole?" he said, aiming the rifle at Erik.

  "Yes!" Erik laughed, struggling not to double over.

  "I fail to see the humor in this situation," the Professor said. "Do as I say and no one gets hurt. You will be allowed to stay here, obviously, but after your work is complete, I'll be sure to send you on your way with at least a minimum of provisions. You're headed north, correct?"

  Erik grew serious for a moment. "That's right."

  The Professor nodded. "Then we shall not delay you any longer than necessary. Prepare the buildings of this campus for assault, train us to defend ourselves and you will be released. In the meantime, you will be provided food and shelter commensurate with your skills and…" the Professors beady eyes shifted to Brin, "…abilities."

  "And if we refuse?" asked Ted.

  "Then I shall order Jonathan to dispatch you this very moment—”

  "No!" shouted Lucy as she emerged from the visitor's center. "Please, you can't do this! These people are innocent! They're only trying to get home."

  The Professor's eyebrows crawled halfway up his forehead. "Miss Shelton, I am most surprised to find you here. Why are you not at your post? Dr. Aldrich assured me that the patient is sufficiently stable to not require 24-hour care."

  Lucy halted her forward progress, standing next to Erik and looking down at her feet as she kicked at the dirt. "Oh, I uh…well, I wasn't sure about the fever—”

  "You ignored Dr. Aldrich's orders on purpose or through negligence? Are you questioning her medical judgment?"

  "I…" Lucy stared at the dirt and smoothed her apron over and over again with trembling hands.

  "You see?" asked the Professor, arms spread wide. "You see how fast you can be sucked back into the evils of the old ways? These people have survived in the wilderness and still cling to their guns like they did before the collapse. I cannot blame them—they have not enjoyed the education we have. We have prospered while they fell. And in just a few short days, Lucy has fallen to the prejudices of the pre-collapse world." The Professor shook his head sadly.

  "I'm afraid if you do not agree to help us, not only will you be shot, but Lucy will as well. Jonathan make sure you include her when you pull the trigger."

  Jonathan grimaced, but nodded. "Yes, sir." The rifle wavered between Ted, Erik, Brin, and Lucy. "What's it gonna be? Help us or die?"

  Ted laughed again.

  Jonathan adjusted the rifle to aim at Ted. "If you don't do what the Professor said, I will cut you down right now!"

  "I am not the sort of man to make idle threats," replied the Professor with an icy voice. "One word from me and you and your friends will die, before your child's eyes."

  Ted looked from the rifle pointed at his face to his son and said, "It's okay buddy. I want you to do Daddy a favor, okay?" When the little boy nodded, Ted continued. "You cover your ears and get down on the ground. Okay?"

  Teddy nodded again, his eyes big and round. Roger moved his hand to grip Teddy tighter, but the little boy was quick and dropped to the ground.

  Ted pulled his hand from behind his back and aimed the pistol at Roger's face. "By God, you touch my child one more time and I'll blow your fucking brains through your skull."

  "Enough of this treachery! Jonathan—they won't help us—their kind knows only one thing, destruction and death. It's time to give it to them."

  Jonathan pulled the trigger on the M4, but the only sound anyone heard was a faint click. Without taking his eyes off of Roger, Ted said: "You might wan
t to pull the charging handle on that bad boy first, Jonathan."

  "You were really going to shoot us," Erik breathed, incredulous.

  Jonathan cursed under his breath as he yanked back on the charging handle. He took a step closer to Ted and pointed it straight at his face. The barrel trembled. He pulled the trigger and was rewarded with another click.

  "What the fuck?"

  "I pulled the firing pin out of that weapon before I turned it over. That thing is nothing more than a glorified paperweight." Ted said as he glanced at the Professor. He shifted the pistol to point at the older man. "I assure you though, this one is in perfect working order."

  Chapter 57

  On the Road Again

  ERIK LOOKED AT THE university maintenance van. It was all the Professor was willing to part with—even under threat of immediate violence. The paint on the sides of the old repair wagon had faded long ago, but it ran, had AC and the windows weren't too grimy. There were no windows behind the driver and passenger seats, so inside it was like a cave.

  He closed the squealing door as Brin loaded the last of their supplies in the back. Erik winced—they'd need some WD-40 if they wanted to remain hidden in this thing.

  "Well, she's not much to look at it, but she'll get us north," sighed Ted. He slapped the side of the white van and looked around. "You see 'em?"

  Erik shook his head. "Haven't seen anyone since noon. I think they're giving us a wide berth."

  "Not as wide as you'd think. There's two up the road, right where we have to go. Been watching us all morning," he said, rubbing his throat.

  Erik squinted in the distance. "I don't like this."

  Ted laughed. "Which part?"

  "The part where we traded our second M4."

  It was Ted's turn to wince. "Yeah, well, call it the price of freedom. I couldn't get the old bastard to budge. We get a van, but only one rifle. We want your M4 back, we walk."


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