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The Soldier's Surprise Family

Page 5

by Jolene Navarro

  She gasped. Large pieces of it were scattered across the porch. She found one of the frogs on the bottom step. She picked it up and ran her thumb along the jagged edge where the leg had been.

  Garrett rushed to her side. “What is it? Are you okay?”

  She nodded. “Sorry. It’s one of my wind chimes. I started this one when we bought the house. Each section was tied to a memory.” She made sure to smile at him. “It’s just an object, right? The memories are in my heart. Let’s make sure everyone’s all right. That’s the important thing. Not broken pieces of clay.”

  “Are you sure?” He looked back at the porch. “Was it the one with the big sunflower and bugs?”

  She had to laugh. “Yes, butterflies, ladybugs and frogs. Steve loved frogs. He always had a pet one growing up. He wanted to put a pond for frogs on the property. I didn’t want the cleanup or risk to children. I was going to decorate the nursery with frogs if we had a boy.” She closed her eyes and gathered her thoughts. “I’m sorry—this doesn’t matter.”

  “Do you want to gather it up?”

  “No, it... We need to take care of my poor babies.”

  The beams of their flashlights scanned the area. Debris, both natural and man-made, cluttered the yard. As they walked past the empty garden, she let out her breath with a sigh of relief. Her pens and outbuildings all stood strong. He followed her to each shed and helped her check the huddled groups of animals. Everyone was safe and accounted for. Her father would be proud of his work.

  Garrett’s phone went off. Glancing down, he pulled his lips tight. “I need to go. We have low water crossings that need to be barricaded.” He glanced at her little farm. “Everyone is safe for now. You stay inside until we can get someone out here to look deeper at the damage.”

  He turned to the garage and stopped. There on the roof they found the reason for the loud crash.

  The old hackberry tree had moved into his bedroom. Thinking of the possibilities, she felt her heart skip. “I’m so glad you came to my house.”

  He gave a dry laugh and shook his head. “There has to be irony in this somehow. I just inherited two homeless kids and now it looks like I’m homeless, too.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

  “No, you’re not. I think when you said no to my offer of the house, God wanted you to say yes.”

  “You’re joking, right?” He looked down at her.

  She shrugged and gave a halfhearted laugh. “Maybe. But you have to admit my plan is sounding better now.”

  “I’m still not kicking you out of your own house. Where would you live?”

  “I can move into town. You could have a fully furnished house. We don’t even have to move anything.”

  “No. I couldn’t live in your house while you live somewhere else. I’ll call Sharon and tell her I need more time before I pick up the kids.”

  “We can’t let those babies stay in emergency care. If you refuse to live in my house, I could call my family and have the roof fixed in less than twenty-four hours. You know there aren’t a great deal of rental options in Clear Water.” She tucked her hand into the bend in his arm and leaned in close. “Si Dios quiere.”

  “Did you just say he wants God?”

  “No. It’s a saying that means to trust in God’s will. My grandmother and mother say it all the time. It’s drilled into my brain. Si Dios quiere. It’s how I try to live my life. The worse things get, the more I lean on that trust.”

  “I don’t trust easily.” He was looking straight ahead. The muscle in his jaw popped. “My son probably doesn’t trust men at all. Will you go with me? I’m sure they have issues, too, and men would be on the top of the list. You, being the nanny, might help them feel safer.”

  “I would love to.”

  He nodded and patted her hand. “Okay. Don’t worry about the roof.” He waved to the apartment. “I’ll take care of it after I get off work.”

  “You don’t worry about this.” She made a bigger wave. “You worry about rescuing the good people of the county and I’ll take care of my property. You are about to discover the power of the Ortega army. Be very happy we are on your side.” She gave him her best wicked laugh. “My father and brothers will have all this cleaned up and fixed before you can drive your patrol car around the county three times.”

  He looked at her one more time. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes, I’m stronger than I look. I promise.” She’d learned the hard way how strong she could be. Now she hoped she was strong enough to make the right choices for her heart. She wasn’t sure how much more it could take.

  Si Dios quiere. I’m trusting You, God.

  Chapter Three

  Anjelica looked at her hands clasped tightly around the handle of the bag she had packed for the two little ones they were about to take home. Garrett pulled his truck into the empty parking lot of a nondescript brick building. It didn’t even have windows on the front, just one glass door.

  During the forty-five-minute trip to town, she told her heart not to get too engaged. These were his children. His family, not hers. She was just the nanny. But still, the pictures of those innocent faces embedded themselves in her head. She had a feeling that in the end, her heart would be broken again. She was never the kind of person who could keep an emotional distance. With her, it was always all in or not. How did someone teach their heart portion control?

  Garrett cut the engine. He leaned over the steering wheel and looked at the sky. “I can’t believe how fast this has happened.”

  “You made it easy for her to move the kids from an emergency shelter to a home. I’m sure she wishes all her cases were this easy.” She checked her watch again. “We’re early.”

  With a glance to the backseat, he opened the top button of his starched blue shirt. His black cowboy hat and jeans looked sharp. “Well, I guess it’s time to fill those car seats.” He cleared his throat. “Thank you for all you’ve done so far.”

  “How could I not help?” Waiting for him to move out of the truck, she sat in silence. Her attention went to her watch again.

  Thirty minutes early. If he needed to sit out in the parking lot, she could do that, but she really wanted to see the kids.

  “Okay.” With one hand on the door, he turned to her. “Are you ready?”

  She bit back a laugh and just nodded. He was a mess. She imagined a first-time dad might react the same way with the birth of his child. But for him, skipping those first few years probably made it harder.

  The heat off the black asphalt threatened to melt her makeup. Garrett held the glass door open for her as he pulled on his collar. “It’s unusually warm for March.”

  Nodding, she entered a sterile and empty lobby. Green vinyl chairs lined a paneled wall. Above them were posters depicting women and children, along with warning signs of abuse or neglect. A narrow corridor led to rows of more doors.

  Without any hesitation, Garrett started down the hallway. At the far end, Sharon and an older man stepped out from one of the rooms. “Oh, Officer Kincaid, you’re early. Good. The children are here. This is Joe Ackerman. He’s your new caseworker.”

  The men shook hands and everyone else was introduced. Half of the wall behind Garrett was glass, so they could clearly see inside what looked like a conference room.

  The man stepped back through the door and spoke with a woman who stood inside holding an infant car seat. A little boy sat in an oversize chair, his feet dangling above the floor as his small hand hung over the side of the yellow blanket covering the baby.

  Anjelica touched Garrett’s arm. Looking down, he raised his eyebrows at her. She pointed to the brother and sister. “There they are.” Not sure why she was whispering, Anjelica shifted her gaze between the man standing next to her and the little boy who looked so much like him.

  His forear
m tensed under her hand. He stopped talking and became still. Nothing moved.

  Sharon broke the silence. “Are you ready to meet them?” She turned to look at the kids.

  Garrett took in a deep breath. He licked his lips and his throat worked as if he were trying to swallow. Anjelica wanted to wrap him in her arms.

  Sharon continued talking, apparently oblivious to his struggles. “He attended the Head Start program. We know he can speak Spanish and English, but he hasn’t spoken since they’ve been in custody. They documented that his oral development is behind, but that isn’t unusual for a dual-language child. Pilar is physically behind. She’s not sitting up on her own yet. There are small developmental delays, but they look to be more environmental.” She sighed and looked back at the kids. “He’s protective of his sister and gets very upset if he can’t see her. There are several signs of general neglect.”

  “Such as?” Garrett asked without taking his eyes off the children.

  “He knows how to make her bottle and dress them both, and he can work a microwave. We have found him changing her diaper. For a five-year-old, that indicates to us that he was the caregiver.”

  Had she just heard him growl?

  Anjelica’s fingers tightened around his arm. Garrett’s other hand came up and covered hers.

  “He’s been appointed a child psychologist. He’s experienced a traumatic event and will need time to heal and feel safe. You’ll need patience in large supplies.” She looked at Garrett and smiled. “I’m so relieved you’re letting us place Pilar with you. I’m not sure Rio would survive being separated from his sister.”

  Garrett nodded. “Rio?”

  “At Head Start they called him Garrett, but we’ve discovered his grandmother called him Rio. The rest of the family called him River. What do you want to call him?” Sharon looked through the window at the kids.

  Garrett shrugged. “We could ask him what he wants to be called. If he wants Garrett, I’ll go by something else. Can we go in now?”

  Oh no. I’m not gonna cry. Anjelica let go of Garrett and squeezed her fingers together in front of her. With a count to five, she steadied her heartbeat.

  He paused with his hand on the door. “What do I say?”

  Sharon gave him a soft smile. “Keep it simple. I’ll introduce you. But still tell him who you are and what’s going to happen in small steps. Don’t lie or make promises you can’t keep.”

  With a nod, he walked through the door. Anjelica followed but hung back, staying close to the wall. She needed to proceed slowly. This was his time to bond with the kids. As much as she wanted to hold that baby girl, she was only a temporary babysitter. The hired help.

  The mini Garrett tucked his feet under himself and hovered over his sister. His curly dark hair hung in his face, hiding his eyes. The baby appeared to be asleep. She looked too small for a ten-month-old.

  Anjelica watched as Sharon and Garrett approached the little boy. The small body froze, becoming unnaturally still. He didn’t look at them directly but from the corner of his eye.

  Anjelica held her breath. She couldn’t even imagine what either were thinking. Would the boy trust Garrett? Would he be healed from this ordeal, or was he permanently wounded?

  * * *

  Garrett went on his haunches so he was eye level with his son as Sharon introduced them. After a brief smile the young women handed him the car seat with the baby inside, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Rio.

  He studied the features of the little boy. Wayward curls framed the small face. Each feature perfect and delicate. He was so tiny. His own father’s words buzzed across his brain for a moment. Telling him he looked more like a pretty little girl than a boy. His father would laugh in front of his football-watching buddies and say the dog made a better son. He narrowed his eyes. No, he wasn’t going there and his son would never be shamed like that.

  Body locked in place, Garrett didn’t make a move, not even daring to breathe as he looked at the miracle that sat before him. A boy who looked like him, a boy who was part of him. How could he not have known?

  So much time already lost. How could this wounded little guy who didn’t know him ever trust him? All his son knew was that a man now calling himself his father had abandoned him, had left him behind.

  The boy continued to ignore him.

  “Hi there. My name is Garrett River Kincaid, just like yours. I knew your mother. We went to school together.” Nothing. “I’m your father and I’m here to take you home.”

  Mini Garrett made a whimpering sound and moved closer to his sister. Garrett sat in a chair and pulled the blanket back from the sleeping baby. “It’s gonna be okay. Your sister is coming, too.” Garrett had no idea what to do. He looked at Anjelica. Back against the door, she was still standing on the other side of the room.

  He looked at the boy, who was fiercely trying to cover his sister. The easiest and fastest action would be to pick them up and put them in the truck, but he remembered being a kid and not understanding what was going on around him. It had been terrifying.

  Pulling a chair closer to his son, he looked to Anjelica. “Why don’t you join us?” As she slowly moved to them, he turned back to his son. “I want to introduce you to the woman that is going to help take care of you and your sister, but I don’t know what name you want to use.” The boy didn’t acknowledge anyone in the room but kept his gaze on his sister.

  “Your mom called you River? She always loved my middle name. Did you know there was an actor she liked with the same name?” The boy’s lips stayed taut as he focused on his sister. “What about Garrett?”

  A heated glare briefly made contact with Garrett under the dark curly hair that hung across the boy’s forehead. Garrett fought the urge to brush it back. He was pretty certain that the boy wouldn’t be comfortable being touched. “Okay, I’ll take that as a no. I’m told your grandmother called you Rio. That’s clever, using the Spanish name for river. Do you like Rio?” No response.

  Frustrated, he looked to Anjelica for help. She shrugged and leaned forward to look at the infant. No longer sleeping, the baby girl blinked at them. “¿Puedo recoger, Pilar?” Without taking her gaze off the little boy, she patted Garrett’s shoulder. “I asked if I could hold his sister.”

  Garrett grinned. “Yeah, I speak poquito Spanish.” He measured about an inch between his thumb and index finger. In simple Spanish, he reassured his son that Anjelica was a nice lady who loved babies. “She has an abuelita, too.”

  For the first time, Rio looked away from his sister and glanced between them, acknowledging their presence with a scowl.

  She smiled at Garrett. “I recognize that look.” Turning back to the little boy, she smiled. “¿Rio, Puedo recoger, Pilar. Por favor?”

  The big brother nodded and pulled the blanket off his sister. Anjelica reached down and unbuckled the strap, then gently picked the baby up. Pilar was too tiny and fragile to be healthy. As she cradled the infant in her arms, a look of total bliss covered her face. Garrett’s breathing slowed. He knew, without a doubt, she would love these kids in ways he couldn’t.

  A tiny hand reached out and took the edge of the yellow scarf Anjelica wore today. “Hey there, sweet girl. Are you ready to see your new home?”

  Home. He would be taking them home. He looked around for some water. His throat had gone unbearably dry.

  A touch on his shoulder caused him to jump. Sharon stood there. He’d been so absorbed with the kids and Anjelica that he’d forgotten Sharon was in the room. Not good. They needed him to be on top of his game. He couldn’t afford to get distracted.

  “I have a few papers for you.”

  He placed the empty carrier on the floor and rolled his neck. “Sure. I have some questions about the dates for our court hearings.” He looked down at the little boy, who had all his attention on Anjelica. “R
io, I’m going to talk with Ms. Sharon. Anjelica will stay here with you and Pilar. Then we’ll take y’all to your new home.”

  After a moment of being ignored, Garrett joined Sharon at the other end of the long table. As she explained the process and timelines again, he kept glancing over at the little family he was about to take home. They were his responsibility now.

  Anjelica sat at the table next to Rio. She was softly singing to them, gently brushing the baby’s face and playing with her small fingers. He tried to figure out what he was feeling, but he got nothing. How had he ended up here? God, I hope You have a plan because I got nothing.

  Anjelica looked up and caught him staring at her. If there was a picture of perfect motherhood, it would be there, Anjelica. He almost snorted when he realized God had already answered his question. Yes, there was a plan and He had put Anjelica smack in his path. Okay, so maybe he was going to look a little deeper into trusting God.

  “Garrett?” Sharon closed the folder. “Do you have any questions?”

  “So after a few months, I can apply to adopt Pilar?”

  “Well, yes, but you don’t have to rush into anything permanent.”

  He had to admit he was surprised by the feeling of protectiveness he already had for the girl, and he hadn’t even held her yet. “She doesn’t have anywhere else to go, and I’m pretty sure the best way to make my son hate me forever would be to separate him from his sister.”

  She chuckled. “Yes. For now, let’s take the first step. Get the three of you settled. The first court date will have to happen fast because of the emergency situation.”

  “Speaking of getting us settled, what happened to the dog that was with the kids in the backyard?”


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