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Ravished By The Wolf (Alpha-Male, Succubus Erotica)

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by Ashlee Alexander

  Ravished By The Wolf

  By Ashlee Alexander

  Copyright © 2012 Ashlee Alexander

  All Rights Reserved.

  Published by I Love Stacy

  Except as permitted under the US Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written consent of the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

  ~ Chapter One ~

  After our deer hunt, Clive and Stuart shifted into their human forms and dressed. They each kissed me on the forehead before leaving, which I found endearing. I was on the floor, on a soft sheepskin rug, wrapped in Gerard’s arms, while a fire crackled, giving off a golden light. The wolves had shared me, and I had found the encounter surprisingly pleasurable, but I had so many questions.

  I’d only met Gerard yesterday, when he had walked into the diner where I worked. He’d arrived with two other men on motorcycles, their magnetic, testosterone laden energy had left me buzzing. Being a succubus, I had already taken far too much energy from the customers and the employees. I sensed that there was something different about him right from the start. When he had touched my hand, as I was taking the dishes away, I had felt a jolt.

  Being the supernatural creature that I was, it was difficult for me to be around people, because I siphoned energy from them without their knowledge or consent. I hated this affliction; it was the family curse, my mother’s suffering had been acute, and a warning of what my future might look like, if I wasn’t careful. My first sexual encounter had ended with the death of my partner, and the trauma of that night haunted me to this day. As a result, I kept to myself, preferring to isolate and roam the woods at dusk for comfort and energy. I was able to feed off the life force of deer and other animals, giving me some of what I needed to survive.

  After my mother had left, I had been forced to seek employment, and I worked at a local diner now, unintentionally weakening those around me. I’d already resolved to find another job, perhaps something that didn’t involve the general public. My mother had been a janitor for years, cleaning office buildings in the middle of the night, thereby not injuring anyone with her succubus tendencies. She had fought the affliction for decades, sometimes giving in to the urges and draining men completely. It was so easy to do…I couldn’t blame her for these relapses. It would be like telling a lion he couldn’t eat meat anymore. Our bloodline had been cursed a long time ago; my grandmother had also been afflicted. I’d never known my grandfather or my father because these men had died at the hands of their lovers. The guilt of the ages continued…the sadness and loss lingering.

  I glanced at my wolf lover, who was sleeping, and felt a surge of tender, yet conflicting emotions, which were tempered by a fair amount of caution. He was a stranger after all. He had followed me into the house of mirrors at the carnival, and we had engaged in a lusty encounter. I hadn’t been with anyone in years, and the sex had been incredible. Then he had taken me to this cabin and we had made love again, although we had been joined by his pack, Stuart and Clive. For a girl who had been starved for companionship and craving the closeness of a man, I had just satisfied that need, and the aftereffects lingered pleasurably.

  “There’s a lot going on in that pretty head,” murmured Gerard. He glanced down at me with one eye open.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “I wasn’t asleep. I gotta keep on my toes where you’re concerned. I might wake up missing a finger or something.”

  “Ouf! That’s so not true. I’ve never eaten a human.”

  “That don’t mean you’re not capable of it.”

  “You’re joking.”

  His arm tightened around me. “What’s wrong?”

  I sighed. “Nothing.”

  “That’s not true. Something’s bugging you. I can feel it.”

  I don’t want you to leave town, and if you go, take me with you. “It’s just really nice to be with someone. Since mom left, I’ve nobody to talk to. That’s all.”

  “I understand what you’re sayin’, but getting involved with a pack of wolves is probably not a good idea.”

  I raised myself on his chest, feeling the heat of him. “It’s the best idea yet. I don’t affect you in a bad way. The same can’t be said of other people. I devastate them. They’re exhausted after being near me. I hate doing that.”

  “That’s a problem all right.”

  “I should join the circus. What jobs are there? I could sell food or something.”

  “I’m not a part of Markus’s pack, Catherine. I got the hell out a couple of years ago and I’m not going back. I’ve no intension of getting sucked into that drama again. You wouldn’t believe half the shit these wolves get into. Something’s always gotta be cleaned up.”

  So he was leaving. I rested my forehead on his chest. “How long will you be in town then?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Where do you live anyway?”

  “I got business interests here and there, but I’m mainly in Florida.”

  “What kind of business?”

  “Motorcycle shops.”


  “I gotta check my email, actually. I’ve probably got a hundred messages.”

  “Is everyone who works for you a wolf?”

  “No. Just Clive and Stuart. Smaller packs are easier to hide, especially in a big city. It’s in our nature to shift and have a run, which is no easy feat in a populated area.”

  “Yeah, I can see that. How did you become a wolf?”

  “My mother was a wolf, and so was dad. I’m pure blood, which is rare. It makes me a natural alpha.”

  “I remember now. It you’re bitten, you become a wolf.”

  “Yeah, that too, or if you eat a part of a werewolf. Those animals are half-breeds, and they tend to be outcasts. They’re weaker than the rest of the pack.”

  “Is that what Steven is?”

  “Yeah. He was an accident. He found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Casper ripped him up pretty good. He shifted a week later. The poor guy’s got nothin’ better to do now than follow the pack around. He’s their punching bag.”

  “You’re like a bunch of wild animals. Is anyone married?”

  “We don’t get married. We…er…we live strange lifestyles. Sometimes we don’t know who’s responsible for what baby. I don’t think anybody’s had a kid in a while.” He groaned. “Shit. I know why I’ve been summoned. Aw…goddammit.”


  “I just answered my own question. The pack needs new blood and they want me to provide it.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I gotta mate with the females.” He scrambled to his knees suddenly, getting to his feet. A look of disgust brought out the lines in his forehead, while he reached for a wineglass and poured a splash of fluid from a bottle of red. He downed the contents in one gulp, staring at the fire. “I shoulda fucking known. If I had any sense, I’d pack up tonight and get the hell outta here. The problem is they’ll find me.”

  The idea that he would have sex with other women was unappealing, but it seemed to be the way the wolves behaved. “Is it so bad? I mean, sleeping with the women?”

  “I’m not doing it.”

��That bad, huh?”

  “No…well, it would bond me with the pack. I’d have to stay. I got enough to do with my business. I don’t need this added shit. If I’d wanted to stay with the circus, I’d have done it. I like living my own life, Catherine. I don’t want those assholes telling me what to do.”

  “Sounds like they won’t then.”

  “Not if I can help it. At least I’ll know what I’m getting myself into at the meeting tomorrow. They won’t be able to spring any surprises on me. Thanks.”

  I smiled at him, admiring his physique. He was an extraordinary looking man, not an ounce of fat on him, and the rest was sculpted muscle that ran from his ankles all the way up to his shoulders. His face was partially covered in a shorn beard, giving him a dark, sexy look. If that wasn’t bad enough, his eyes, which were vibrant blue and hypnotizing, possessed an intensity that left me weak.

  He seemed to sense my mood, his look smoldering. “You want anything to eat?”

  My gaze lowered to his manhood, which was beginning to show signs of life. I’d been pleasured several times today; my body was sore in naughty places. I’d been deprived of companionship and sex for so long, and then, unexpectedly, I had experienced everything I’d missed in only a few hours.

  The edges of his lips lifted in a smile. “I guess you do wanna eat something, don’t you?”

  “I might as well take advantage of you while you’re here. This chance might not come again.”

  He placed the wineglass on the coffee table and knelt before me. “You’re one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.”

  I hadn’t expected this flattery, and it left me feeling slightly stunned. “Um…thanks.”

  “You got a ton of weird energy bouncing off of you, especially when you’re aroused. It feels really strong, but there’s something else too.”


  “Something dangerous.”

  “You’ve said that before.”

  “I’m a cautious kinda guy. I don’t usually get myself involved with stuff I don’t know about. I like to cover my ass, you know what I mean?”

  He’d lost me, but I nodded, hoping he would explain what he meant. He touched my foot; the warmth of his hand was mildly alarming. Werewolves ran hotter than humans, and this wolf was about to catch on fire.

  “All I do is fly, and I’ve only just discovered it. I kinda suspected I could do it. I’ve had dreams over the years, flying dreams.”

  “That’s part of it. There’s somethin’ else too. You fascinate the hell outta me, but…”


  “You scare me too. Don’t go gettin’ too attached, okay? I’m recognizing that look in your eye. That’s a real concern right now. You’ve been alone too long, but I’m not the answer to your prayers, honey. If anything, I’d only cause you more trouble.” He drove fingers through his hair. “You got that?”

  “Fine.” He could have recited the constitution for all I cared. I wasn’t interested in his attempt to push me away emotionally, although I knew we didn’t have a future. What we did have was right now, and I wanted him again. “Gerry?”


  “Kiss me.”

  “I’m gonna do more than kiss you, darlin’.”

  I shivered all the way to my toes. “I can’t wait.”

  ~ Chapter Two ~

  He approached me on his hands and knees. “Where you want me to kiss you?”

  I pointed to my mouth. “Here.”

  “And what pretty lips you have.” A lusty glimmer shone in his eye.

  “The better to kiss you with.”

  “Show me your tongue.” I stuck it out. “Pretty tongue.”

  “The better to lick you with.”

  “What other bags of tricks you got?”

  I spread my legs slightly, giving him a view of my pussy. “That’s my secret grotto.”

  “Yeah,” he laughed. “The better to fuck me with.”

  My arms snaked around his neck, feeling the warmth of his skin. “I like this game, you big, bad wolf.” He growled, the sound low and rumbling, with hints of the real animal, which was always only a moment away from emerging.

  Our eyes met, locking, as a vibrant, zestful force surrounded us. I honed in on his lips, which looked so invitingly plump I could eat them. The kiss was passionate and rousing, my fingers threading through thick strands of hair. His arms went around me, dragging me onto his lap. The sharp ends of his beard scratched me, but this was hardly a deterrent. I sucked on his lip, producing a manly growl from him.

  “My little she-devil.”

  I giggled, clamping his waist with my thighs, the strength in my limbs made him suck in a rush of air. “Jesus. You could climb trees with those.”

  “I am.”

  His lips found my neck, kissing and nibbling my skin, while I squirmed in his lap, feeling his cock beneath my butt. He pushed me from him, my back landing on the soft sheepskin pelt. Leaning over, he stared at me, his eyes flashing with a strange, incandescent light. I’d seen that look before, and it signified wild, animal arousal.

  His attention drifted to my boobs; the twin mounds took up my entire chest, with tiny pink buds on each jiggling peak. I reached for him, and he kissed me, driving his tongue into my mouth. We battled, fighting, teasing, and retreating, all the while my heated core throbbed with anticipation; the wetness of my sex was evident on my inner thighs.

  “God, you’re amazing, Catherine.”

  “No, you are.”

  He’d taken my boobs and pressed them together, laving one nipple, then the other. “I’m hungry.”

  “You can have anything you want.”

  Little shivers swirled and pinged inside of me, my tummy clenching. I was left wet and dripping; my nipples were like hard candy and utterly sensitive now. His kisses continued to drift, leaving damp spots. His destination was the juncture of my thighs, and I sighed blissfully, feeling heated breath against me.

  “Oh, yes.”

  “You smell like sex.”

  We had taken showers after our deer hunt, but he had aroused me all over again just now, and I couldn’t help how my body responded. “Sorry.”

  “Nothin’ to be sorry about.” He settled himself on the pelt, his arms sliding beneath my thighs, while his eager gaze lingered on my sodden slit. “This looks good enough to eat.”

  “So says the big, bad wolf.”

  He groaned. “Yum.”

  “Lucky me.”

  The feeling was wet and hot, intimate and intrusive, but I welcomed it, even if I was a little sore from earlier. He pressed his tongue against my clit, provoking the nub to engorge. This left it in an aggravated state, my body tensing with pleasure. Just when I thought I couldn’t take the torture for another second, he slid into me, filling me with heated wetness.

  “Oh, Gerry…” My fingers drifted to his scalp, where I grasped silky hair, encouraging him to continue. I lifted my buttocks from the floor and into his mouth, which seemed to please him, because he growled deep in his throat. “Oh, God…ooohhh…”

  Thick fingers entered me, opening my abused muscles bit by bit, but the discomfort drifted away in a haze of arousal. My need for his attention outweighed these matters, and I thrust myself into his face repeatedly. His beard chafed me. I’d feel like I’d suffered from a case of rug burn in the morning, but I didn’t care. He seemed more than happy to administer to me, alternating between sucking gently on the lips of my labia and twirling his tongue over my clitoris. In combination, this treatment nearly sent me over the edge.

  “Oh, God, maybe we should do something else.” I reached for him, wanting him inside of me. “Come here.”

  “We’re a little impatient, aren’t we?”

  “Don’t tease.” I pouted with my lower lip protruding.

  He laughed, “What exactly do you want?”

  “You know what I want.”

  His grin was crooked. “Yeah?”


  He was between
my legs in the next second, holding his cock, which he pointed at my opening. “I guess you’re wanting this.”

  “That would be a fine start.”

  He snorted with laughter. “This is grade A, full-blooded wolf meat, sweetheart.”

  “I know it is.” I tried to grasp him, but he moved slightly.

  “Just hold your horses. I gotta get myself wet first.”

  “Your face is all wet.”

  “That would be your fault.”

  I squirmed beneath him, wanting to feel his thickness stretching me wide. “Oh, please, Gerry.”

  His attention was on where we would soon be joined, and, as the fire crackled in the background, he began to run the engorged tip of his cock against my womanhood, but never letting it enter fully. I would have to endure the sensual torment even longer. Out of frustration, I lifted my butt several times, feeling him slide deeper, but he would withdraw just as abruptly. His aim was to saturate himself on my juices, but he was also enjoying seeing me suffer in this naughty, stimulating way.

  “Oh, come on…please!”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He leaned over me, while I lifted my knees; anticipation had me buzzing, eager, and hot for him. “How much of it do you want?”

  “All of it.”

  He kissed me, and I smelled myself on him. “Here I come.”

  “Oh, Gerry…”

  The entire length drove deep with one push, until he was seated to the root. I wrapped my legs around his butt, locking my ankles, and lifting myself up to match him thrust for thrust. The joining had intensified quickly, his breathing harsh and labored, while I clung to him like a cat, extracting an immeasurable amount of satisfaction from the contact. The heat of the fire, mixed with the humidity of summer, left our skin damp with perspiration. The way his hips rolled, the fluidity of the movement exacerbated my condition. He nudged my clit with each thrust.

  “Oooohhh…” I flung my head against the fur, mindless with pleasure. “You naughty wolf.”

  He growled, sliding from me and dragging me to him. “Get on your knees,” he rasped.


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